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09.10.2011, 17:18
Im Forum bereits existierende Diskussionsthreads zu Episoden sind hier verlinkt. Fehlt ein Diskussionsthread zu einer Episode kann dieser gerne noch nachträglich eröffnet werden.

Vierte Staffel
4x01 - Neither Here Nor There (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/4x01-neither-here-nor-there-14205/)
4x02 - One Night in October (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/4x02-one-night-october-14206/)
4x03 - Alone In The World (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/4x03-alone-world-14207/)
4x04 - Subject 9

Dritte Staffel
3x01 - Olivia (Olivia)
3x02 - Der Kasten (The Box)
3x03 - Milo (The Plateau)
3x04 - Träumen Gestaltwandler von elektrischen Schafen? (Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep?)
3x05 - Bernstein 31422 (Amber 31422)
3x06 - 6955 kHz (6955 kHz)
3x07 - Entführt (The Abducted)
3x08 - Entrada (Entrada)
3x09 - Marionette (Marionette)
3x10 - Das Glühwürmchen (The Firefly)
3x11 - Wechselspiel (Reciprocity)
3x12 - Der Gedankenleser (Concentrate and Ask Again) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/3x12-der-gedankenleser-concentrate-ask-again-14123/)
3x13 - Unsterblich (Immortality) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/3x13-unsterblich-immortality-14129/)
3x14 - 6B (6B) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/3x14-6b-6b-14139/)
3x15 - Versuchsperson 13 (Subject 13) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/3x15-versuchsperson-13-subject-13-a-14146/)
3x16 - Os (Os) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/3x16-os-os-14147/)
3x17 - Per Anhalter (Stowaway) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/3x17-per-anhalter-stowaway-14160/)
3x18 - Blutlinie (Bloodline) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/3x18-blutlinie-bloodline-14161/)
3x19 - LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/3x19-lsd-lysergic-acid-diethylamide-14170/)
3x20 - 6:02 Uhr (6:02 AM EST) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/3x20-6-02-uhr-6-02-am-est-14171/)
3x21 - Der letzte Sam Weiss (The Last Sam Weiss) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/3x21-der-letzte-sam-weiss-last-sam-weiss-14179/)
3x22 - Der Tag, an dem wir starben (The Day We Died) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/3x22-der-tag-dem-wir-starben-day-we-died-14180/)

Zweite Staffel
2x01 - Rückkehr (A Day in the Old Town) (http://www.spacepub.net/showthread.php?t=13019)
2x02 - Objekt der Begierde (Night of Desirable Objects) (http://www.spacepub.net/showthread.php?t=13020)
2x03 - Der Colonel (Fracture) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/2x03-der-colonel-fracture-13031/)
2x04 - Masse mal Geschwindigkeit (Momentum Deferred)
2x05 - Traumfänger (Dream Logic)
2x06 - Der Kosmonaut (Earthling)
2x07 - Kontrolle (Of Human Action)
2x08 - August (August)
2x09 - Snakeheads (Snakehead)
2x10 - Die Tür (Grey Matters)
2x11 - (Besessen (Unearthed)
2x12 - Das Summen von Edina (Johari Window)
2x13 - Das Grauen aus der Tiefe (What Lies Below)
2x14 - Dr. Robert Bischoff (The Bishop Revival)
2x15 - Jacksonville (Jacksonville)
2x16 - Peter (Peter)
2x17 - Die Bürde (Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver.)
2x18 - Die weiße Tulpe (White Tulip)
2x19 - Der Mann von der anderen Seite (The Man from the Other Side)
2x20 - Brown Betty (Brown Betty)
2x21 - Noyo County (Northwest Passage)
2x22 - Die andere Seite, Teil 1 (Over There, Part 1)
2x23 - Die andere Seite, Teil 2 (Over There, Part 2)

Erste Staffel
1x01 - Flug 627 (Pilot) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x01-flug-627-pilot-9603/)
1x02 - Das Experiment (The Same Old Story) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x02-das-experiment-same-old-story-9640/)
1x03 - Roy (The Ghost Network) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x03-roy-ghost-network-9639/)
1x04 - Die Ankunft (The Arrival) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x04-die-ankunft-arrival-9638/)
1x05 - Unter Strom (Power Hungry) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x05-unter-strom-power-hungry-9637/)
1x06 - Das Heilmittel (The Cure) (http://www.spacepub.net/showthread.php?t=9636)
1x07 - Der Geheimnisvolle Mr. Jones (In Which We Meet Mr. Jones) (http://www.spacepub.net/showthread.php?t=9635)
1x08 - Die Gleichung ( The Equation) (http://www.spacepub.net/showthread.php?t=9633)
1x09 - Schmetterlinge im Kopf (The Dreamscape) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x09-schmetterlinge-im-kopf-dreamscape-9632/)
1x10 - Durch die Wand (Safe) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x10-durch-die-wand-safe-9634/)
1x11 - Das Schnupfenvirus (Bound) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x11-das-schnupfenvirus-bound-9631/)
1x12 - Hirnfresser (The No-Brainer) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x12-hirnfresser-no-brainer-9630/)
1x13 - Conrad (The Transformation) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x13-conrad-transformation-9629/)
1x14 - Das Manifest (Ability) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x14-das-manifest-ability-9628/)
1x15 - Ohne Worte (Inner Child) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x15-ohne-worte-inner-child-9840/)
1x16 - Entfesselt (Unleashed) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x16-entfesselt-unleashed-10228/)
1x17 - Albträume (Bad Dreams) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x17-albtraeume-bad-dreams-10229/)
1x18 - Nachtschatten (Midnight) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x18-nachtschatten-midnight-10238/)
1x19 - Der andere Weg (The Road Not Taken) (http://www.spacepub.net/fringe-episoden-108/1x19-der-andere-weg-road-not-taken-10249/)
1x20 - Nichts ist einzigartig (There's More Than One of Everything) (http://www.spacepub.net/showthread.php?t=10050)