What to expect from Fringe season three: two universes worth of WTF

If you thought Fringe was going to keep giving us tiny bites of its alternate universe, every half-dozen episodes, then season three will be a surprise, judging from what the show's producers and cast told us at Comic Con. Spoilers...

Season two of Fringe ended with our biggest visit to the "other side," the alternate universe where the Twin Towers still stand, in the show's run. And "our" Olivia was left stranded there, while her counterpart, Alt-livia, took her place. It sounds like we'll be exploring the other universe a lot more as the show progresses.

Jasika Nicole told reporters that the format of season three will be somewhat different. As in previous seasons, "really bizarre things are happening, and the Fringe team is investigating - but now you have two different Fringe teams doing the investigation." [...]
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Das Ganze klingt recht vielversprechend, da ich nicht glaube dass "Fringe" ganze sechs Staffeln wie "Lost" bekommen wird angesichts seiner Quoten, wird es Zeit dass die Mythologie der Serie endlich mal in die Gänge kommt, und die Geschichte erzählt wird.

Auch über ein Wiedersehen mit Leonard Nimoy würde ich mich freuen.