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Thema: Mittelerde-Quiz

  1. #141
    Kleiner SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    Oh! Ok, dann was anderes. Was beinhaltet der Eid von Fëanor?
    <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:#C2C2C2'><span style='font-family:trebuchet MS'>We&#39;re all born as molecules in the hearts of a billion stars, molecules that do not understand politics, policies and differences. In a billion years we foolish molecules forget who we are and where we came from. Desperate acts of ego. We give ourselves names, fight over lines on maps, and pretend our light is better than everyone else&#39;s. The flame reminds us of the piece of those stars that live inside us. A spark that tells us: You should know better. The flame also reminds us that life is precious, as each flame is unique. When it goes out, it&#39;s gone forever. And there will never be another quite like it. So many candles will go out tonight. I wonder some days if we can see anything at all.</span></span></span>

  2. #142
    Flinker Finger
    Dabei seit


    das war irgendwas mit den silmarill, ähm das sie jeden killen der einen von ihnen klaut. und das war doch dann so ziemlich ihr verhängnis
    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, es regnet schon den ganzen Tag und Niemand mag mich&quot;

    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, ich habe mein Toupet verloren und mein Hüfthalter bringt mich um, die neuen Pomps passen auch nicht zur Uniform, was für ein Leben.&quot;

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

  3. #143
    Kleiner SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    Ja, hat mit den Silmarill zu tun, aber der Eid wurde geschworen, als die schon geklaut waren. Noch jemand einen Vorschlag?
    <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:#C2C2C2'><span style='font-family:trebuchet MS'>We&#39;re all born as molecules in the hearts of a billion stars, molecules that do not understand politics, policies and differences. In a billion years we foolish molecules forget who we are and where we came from. Desperate acts of ego. We give ourselves names, fight over lines on maps, and pretend our light is better than everyone else&#39;s. The flame reminds us of the piece of those stars that live inside us. A spark that tells us: You should know better. The flame also reminds us that life is precious, as each flame is unique. When it goes out, it&#39;s gone forever. And there will never be another quite like it. So many candles will go out tonight. I wonder some days if we can see anything at all.</span></span></span>

  4. #144
    Kleiner SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    Ok, das war so: Feanor hat geschworen, nicht eher zu ruhen, als bis die Silmarils wieder bei den rechtmässigen Besitzern - also dem Haus von Feanor - sind, und seine Söhne haben sich dem gleich angeschlossen.

    Da du aber auf der richtigen Spur warst, würde ich sagen, dass du witermachen solltest, Bloodthirst.
    <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:#C2C2C2'><span style='font-family:trebuchet MS'>We&#39;re all born as molecules in the hearts of a billion stars, molecules that do not understand politics, policies and differences. In a billion years we foolish molecules forget who we are and where we came from. Desperate acts of ego. We give ourselves names, fight over lines on maps, and pretend our light is better than everyone else&#39;s. The flame reminds us of the piece of those stars that live inside us. A spark that tells us: You should know better. The flame also reminds us that life is precious, as each flame is unique. When it goes out, it&#39;s gone forever. And there will never be another quite like it. So many candles will go out tonight. I wonder some days if we can see anything at all.</span></span></span>

  5. #145
    Flinker Finger
    Dabei seit


    dann nennt mir doch bitte mal beide namen von saurons meister
    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, es regnet schon den ganzen Tag und Niemand mag mich&quot;

    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, ich habe mein Toupet verloren und mein Hüfthalter bringt mich um, die neuen Pomps passen auch nicht zur Uniform, was für ein Leben.&quot;

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

  6. #146
    Kleiner SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    Morgoth oder Melkor.
    <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:#C2C2C2'><span style='font-family:trebuchet MS'>We&#39;re all born as molecules in the hearts of a billion stars, molecules that do not understand politics, policies and differences. In a billion years we foolish molecules forget who we are and where we came from. Desperate acts of ego. We give ourselves names, fight over lines on maps, and pretend our light is better than everyone else&#39;s. The flame reminds us of the piece of those stars that live inside us. A spark that tells us: You should know better. The flame also reminds us that life is precious, as each flame is unique. When it goes out, it&#39;s gone forever. And there will never be another quite like it. So many candles will go out tonight. I wonder some days if we can see anything at all.</span></span></span>

  7. #147
    Flinker Finger
    Dabei seit


    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, es regnet schon den ganzen Tag und Niemand mag mich&quot;

    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, ich habe mein Toupet verloren und mein Hüfthalter bringt mich um, die neuen Pomps passen auch nicht zur Uniform, was für ein Leben.&quot;

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

  8. #148
    Kleiner SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    Und wie heisst seine Festung?
    <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:#C2C2C2'><span style='font-family:trebuchet MS'>We&#39;re all born as molecules in the hearts of a billion stars, molecules that do not understand politics, policies and differences. In a billion years we foolish molecules forget who we are and where we came from. Desperate acts of ego. We give ourselves names, fight over lines on maps, and pretend our light is better than everyone else&#39;s. The flame reminds us of the piece of those stars that live inside us. A spark that tells us: You should know better. The flame also reminds us that life is precious, as each flame is unique. When it goes out, it&#39;s gone forever. And there will never be another quite like it. So many candles will go out tonight. I wonder some days if we can see anything at all.</span></span></span>

  9. #149
    Flinker Finger
    Dabei seit


    die eine hiess utumno und die ander angband
    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, es regnet schon den ganzen Tag und Niemand mag mich&quot;

    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, ich habe mein Toupet verloren und mein Hüfthalter bringt mich um, die neuen Pomps passen auch nicht zur Uniform, was für ein Leben.&quot;

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

  10. #150
    Kleiner SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:#C2C2C2'><span style='font-family:trebuchet MS'>We&#39;re all born as molecules in the hearts of a billion stars, molecules that do not understand politics, policies and differences. In a billion years we foolish molecules forget who we are and where we came from. Desperate acts of ego. We give ourselves names, fight over lines on maps, and pretend our light is better than everyone else&#39;s. The flame reminds us of the piece of those stars that live inside us. A spark that tells us: You should know better. The flame also reminds us that life is precious, as each flame is unique. When it goes out, it&#39;s gone forever. And there will never be another quite like it. So many candles will go out tonight. I wonder some days if we can see anything at all.</span></span></span>

  11. #151
    Flinker Finger
    Dabei seit


    wie heisst die verborgene(oder wars versteckte) stadt???
    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, es regnet schon den ganzen Tag und Niemand mag mich&quot;

    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, ich habe mein Toupet verloren und mein Hüfthalter bringt mich um, die neuen Pomps passen auch nicht zur Uniform, was für ein Leben.&quot;

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

  12. #152
    Kleiner SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:#C2C2C2'><span style='font-family:trebuchet MS'>We&#39;re all born as molecules in the hearts of a billion stars, molecules that do not understand politics, policies and differences. In a billion years we foolish molecules forget who we are and where we came from. Desperate acts of ego. We give ourselves names, fight over lines on maps, and pretend our light is better than everyone else&#39;s. The flame reminds us of the piece of those stars that live inside us. A spark that tells us: You should know better. The flame also reminds us that life is precious, as each flame is unique. When it goes out, it&#39;s gone forever. And there will never be another quite like it. So many candles will go out tonight. I wonder some days if we can see anything at all.</span></span></span>

  13. #153
    Flinker Finger
    Dabei seit


    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, es regnet schon den ganzen Tag und Niemand mag mich&quot;

    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, ich habe mein Toupet verloren und mein Hüfthalter bringt mich um, die neuen Pomps passen auch nicht zur Uniform, was für ein Leben.&quot;

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

  14. #154
    Kleiner SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    Wie hiessen die Eltern von Frodo?
    <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:#C2C2C2'><span style='font-family:trebuchet MS'>We&#39;re all born as molecules in the hearts of a billion stars, molecules that do not understand politics, policies and differences. In a billion years we foolish molecules forget who we are and where we came from. Desperate acts of ego. We give ourselves names, fight over lines on maps, and pretend our light is better than everyone else&#39;s. The flame reminds us of the piece of those stars that live inside us. A spark that tells us: You should know better. The flame also reminds us that life is precious, as each flame is unique. When it goes out, it&#39;s gone forever. And there will never be another quite like it. So many candles will go out tonight. I wonder some days if we can see anything at all.</span></span></span>

  15. #155
    Flinker Finger
    Dabei seit


    drogo beutlin und primula brandybock
    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, es regnet schon den ganzen Tag und Niemand mag mich&quot;

    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, ich habe mein Toupet verloren und mein Hüfthalter bringt mich um, die neuen Pomps passen auch nicht zur Uniform, was für ein Leben.&quot;

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

  16. #156
    Kleiner SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:#C2C2C2'><span style='font-family:trebuchet MS'>We&#39;re all born as molecules in the hearts of a billion stars, molecules that do not understand politics, policies and differences. In a billion years we foolish molecules forget who we are and where we came from. Desperate acts of ego. We give ourselves names, fight over lines on maps, and pretend our light is better than everyone else&#39;s. The flame reminds us of the piece of those stars that live inside us. A spark that tells us: You should know better. The flame also reminds us that life is precious, as each flame is unique. When it goes out, it&#39;s gone forever. And there will never be another quite like it. So many candles will go out tonight. I wonder some days if we can see anything at all.</span></span></span>

  17. #157
    Flinker Finger
    Dabei seit


    da mir grad nix blöderes einfällt: wie nennt sam seine tochter???
    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, es regnet schon den ganzen Tag und Niemand mag mich&quot;

    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, ich habe mein Toupet verloren und mein Hüfthalter bringt mich um, die neuen Pomps passen auch nicht zur Uniform, was für ein Leben.&quot;

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

  18. #158
    Mittlerer SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    Eleanor nennt er die erste, bei den anderen müßte ich erst nachschauen...
    Vinnis Goldene Regel Nr. 11:
    Betrüge jeden, nur nicht dich selbst&#33;

    Zorthans Freistatt

  19. #159
    Flinker Finger
    Dabei seit


    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, es regnet schon den ganzen Tag und Niemand mag mich&quot;

    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, ich habe mein Toupet verloren und mein Hüfthalter bringt mich um, die neuen Pomps passen auch nicht zur Uniform, was für ein Leben.&quot;

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

  20. #160
    Mittlerer SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    Und wenn wir gerade bei Blümchen sind, nennt mir doch mal noch drei andere mittelirdische Pflanzen...
    Vinnis Goldene Regel Nr. 11:
    Betrüge jeden, nur nicht dich selbst&#33;

    Zorthans Freistatt

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