@Rommie: Wahrscheinlich so in der Art wie die Birthday Bashes für die Darsteller, nehme ich mal an!?

Nun zum eigentlichen Grund meines Postings (weiß nicht, ob es einen neuen Thread rechtfertigt, daher poste ich es mal hier):

Es gibt eine erste Reaktion eines der Werbekunden von SlyLie!!

Hier die email, die mehrere Leute auf dem SciFi *hüstel*-Bboard als Antwort erhalten haben ... und zwar von KFC:

Dear (my real name),

Thank you for your recent letter to our CMO, John Gilbert, on your passionate drive to keep Farscape on the air. We also appreciate your patronage to our restaurants!

We are Customer Maniacs here at KFC. As a media professional, I am also a Media Maniac and we are excited when a program like this finds a loyal audience. I just wanted to let you know that, per your request, I have contacted the UPN President of Sales to let him know of the response we received from the loyal viewers of Farscape. I communicated that KFC would continue to support the show if it did move to UPN.

Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We hope your efforts to keep your favorite show on the air produce positive results.

Melanie Dyer
Associate Media Manager
Sollten die Aktionen tatsächlich Wirkung zeigen?

"I'm not the pwintheth you theek but we could thtill have a really good time."

