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Thema: Aus für Angel

  1. #41
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    MediasharX berichtet, dass es Gerüchte gibt, dass WB an einem Film arbeitet, der schon im September laufen könnte. Dieser soll als Platform für 5 Fortsetzungen dienen mit jeweils einem neuen Bösewicht und einer neuen Storyline. Der erste Film soll dabei an die Ereignisse und den Cliffhanger des Finales anknüpfen.

    Auch heißt es, dass Eliza Dusku als Faith in diesen Fernsehfilmen auftreten könnte, wobei Joss Whedon wiederum nur wenig involviert sein soll, da er an einem anderen Projekt arbeitet.

    Das Update des Artikels weist allerdings auch daraufhin, dass es einen Punkt gibt, der die Quelle etwas in Frage stellt, da gesagt wurde, dass Tru Calling nicht weiterlaufen wird. Dies scheint aber doch der Fall zu sein.

    Daher betont der Autor nochmal, dass man erst genaues sagen kann, wenn WB es bekannt gibt.

    Und nun wieder Auszüge, Angel betreffend, aus dem letzten Chat mit Kristin von E-Online. Und Joss macht seinem Ruf wohl wieder alle Ehre, die Fans bis ins Mark zu schocken. Achtung: MEGA SPOILER!

    <font class='spoiler'>From PunkDiva: Is the WB really going to do an Angel movie next season?
    From what I understand, the WB has approached Joss about doing movies, but so far, nothing has been decided. He has a lot going on with the Firefly movie, and the network execs are putting together the fall schedule, so it may take some time to iron out any sort of deal. Be patient, mon petit fromage.

    Angel: Wesley dies.
    TRUE. And I think I might die a little, too--oh, how I love Weslexis...I cannot begin to say. As Wes is dying, Illyria changes once more into Fred and mourns over him. It&#39;s heartbreaking.

    From seba_88: Who&#39;s the other character that dies on Angel? Gunn?
    That&#39;s what I&#39;ve heard, yes.

    From nancyfene: Any more Angel?
    Harmony and Hamilton are knockin&#39; boots, which causes many of the missions to go badly, because she spilled the beans to Hamilton about their plans.</font>

  2. #42
    Tastaturruinierer Avatar von Lightshade
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    Jeff Bell told already, that Joss planned to bring Seth back in season 6, for the role of Oz.
    It makes sense, because due to the fact that there is this werewolf girl Nina, Oz would be perfect to be her helper, because he knows how to handle his little secret. Nina, for herself, seems to be alone, after this season..anywhere on a beach vacation with her sister.

    But hey, this is not everything, that was coming up about Season 6.
    There were rumors about Willow, returning to Angel, and &#39;whooosch&#39;...Jeff also told, that she was planned.

    I&#39;m quite sure, Willow was planned, for Illyria, cause in another interview Amy said, it was planned to split Illyria and Fred, so Amy was going to play a double role on Angel...very interesting thing.

    At least, they even planned to play in another dimension, for the first episodes, after or during the fight against the dragon of the lawyer firm Wolfram & Hart.


    I can&#39;t help myself, but knowing that these things were planned, the descision to cancel Angel, after such a strong season, seems more and more blindfolded.

    Let&#39;s cross our fingers, and hope, that anything happens to let Joss fulfill his dreams and plans for season 6 in any case&#33;
    von slayerverse

    How do you show someone real love when you don't even know what it feels like?

    Fabriken stehen Schlot an Schlot,
    Vorm Hurenhaus das Licht ist rot.
    Ein blinder Bettler starrt zur Höh,
    Ein kleines Kind hat Gonorrhoe.
    Eitrig der Mond vom Himmel trotzt.
    Ein Dichter schreibt. Ein Leser kotzt.

  3. #43
    Flinker Finger Avatar von chani
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    ich hab gerade eine sehr ausführliche Beschreibung der Folge "Not fade away" gelesen, die anscheinend auch stimmen dürfte,......

    /me freut sich schon auf die Reaktionen :unsure:

    "Bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are gonna come, you can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you are."

    Buffy - Becoming, Part One

  4. #44
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Neues von Kristin von E-Online&#33; und sie spricht wie immer wahre Worte.

    An Angelic Farewell: Don&#39;t know about you, but I&#39;m still in shock that Angel is really ending. The very last episode--why, dear God, why?--is this Wednesday. (Which makes me realize you Bachelor fans will be taping that finale in order to witness the end of the best damn universe ever created on the small screen. Right?)

    According to Amy Acker (Fred), the finale will "tear you up inside." She said, "I think you&#39;ll experience every emotion. It leaves this whole new door open, and it&#39;s not tying up all the strings, you know?"

    As you may have heard, that open door could (fingers crossed) lead to a few Angel or Buffy movies of the week next season. "We have talked about it," creator Joss Whedon said. "So far, that&#39;s still just talk...But I think there&#39;s definitely room for some of the characters, and I won&#39;t tell which ones. Because there is some attrition. This is not a clean getaway. It&#39;s an ugly fight."

    Amy, J. August Richards (Gunn) and James Marsters (Spike) have all said they&#39;d jump at the chance to do an Angel movie. "I would love the opportunity to reprise the character," Richards told me. "Even though his, um, fate is a little, um, unclear." (Eek.)

    David Boreanaz (Angel), on the other hand, might not be so willing to rejoin the Frog net: "The only thing I&#39;d be interested in is if the bar was set at a higher standard...I wouldn&#39;t be interested in doing anything for the WB or, you know, a movie of the week or something. I just don&#39;t think that would be right. It would have to be a film or that&#39;s probably it."

    Still, David (who might head to London this summer to star onstage in When Harry Met Sally) said he&#39;s beyond grateful for all the fan support. "We&#39;ve got the best fans in the world. These guys are die-hard and have always been there for us. The Save Angel campaign didn&#39;t surprise me at all, because when I found out [the show was canceled], I said, &#39;The fans are going to go nuts.&#39; "

    And nuts we did go. For the record, we aren&#39;t the only ones supremely disappointed. "I hate the decision," Whedon says of the cancellation. "You know, it shows that a relationship that really was extraordinary, mutually important, can be defeated by the simplest of numbers. And that is, in fact, the reality of show business, but one doesn&#39;t like to be reminded of that."

    And here&#39;s the part that gets me weepy: This cast is tight-knit and truly special. When asked what they&#39;ll miss most about being on Angel, every single cast member gave the exact same response: "The people." And I have to agree.

    Und hier die letzten Spoiler aus dem wöchentlichen Chat:

    From rene_artois: Bonjour, mon petit fromage. I can&#39;t believe that, come next season, we won&#39;t have any Whedon-made shows on our beloved tube. In appreciation for your excellent spoilage over the years, I have arranged for Michael Vartan, Bradley Cooper, James Marsters and Peter Krause to dance in an exotic manner for you, for one whole evening. It&#39;s the least I can do.

    Why, thank you. I&#39;ll have my &#036;1 bills standing by.

    From mrdazzo707: Hey, how about the Angel finale? Will it live up to our rabid expectations?

    I think so, yes. But it really depends on how you feel about unresolved issues. It looks good, though the ending is very much open-ended and doesn&#39;t really tie up any loose strings. It&#39;s sort of a regular episode (à la the Friends finale), though a very good regular episode at that. And it definitely leaves the door wide open to any WB movies of the week, should we be so lucky.

    From weeveee: What will happen on the Angel finale?

    It&#39;s next Wednesday--can you believe it? I&#39;m still in denial. Wes, Gunn and the rest of the gang will be seriously questioning Angel&#39;s motives. They think he&#39;s a traitor because he&#39;s hanging around the Circle of the Black Thorn and turning down philanthropic cases in favor of protecting evil-doers. They start to believe he may be a traitor, but it turns out that Angel is just doing some sniffing around to see how he can get to the Senior Partners. And he will find out there is a real traitor among them.

  5. #45
    Forum-Aktivist Avatar von Prospero
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    In der neuen Space-View widmet sich Claudia Kern in ihrer Kolumne ausführlich der Absetzung von Angel.

    "Wieso, fragte man sich, stellt ein Sender eine Serie ein, deren Quoten steigen und die auf ihrem Sendeplatz um 21:00 Uhr einen Großteil des Publikums von Smallville, die unmittelbar davor läuft, hält?
    Die Antwort auf diese Frage lieferte WB einige Tage später: Man wolle frisches Blut auf dem Sender, sagten die Verantwortlichen. Eine Serie wie Angel sei mit ihren fünf Jahren zu alt. Neue, junge Serien seien gefragt, um WB ein ebenso neues und junges Publikum zu bringen.
    Diese Begründung ergibt nicht wirklich Sinn."

    In der Tat. Wenn man bedenkt, dass der Großteil der kürzlich gestarteten Serien nicht über die erste Staffel hinauskommt und wenn sie Glück haben, nach der zweiten eingestellt werden, ist die Begründung von WB fahrbot ohne Ende.
    Nun habe ich nichts gegen ein erneutes Remake von "Dark Shadows" - Gott, lass es gut sein, nicht so frellig wie das aus den 90gern - aber wenn WB glaubt mit einer Vampirsoap, man erinnere sich zu Beginn war DS eine reine Soap bis Barnabas Collins auftauchte, neues junge Publikum zu erreichen...
    Ad Astra

  6. #46
    Tastaturruinierer Avatar von Lightshade
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    Ich hab glaub ich ma irgendwo gelesen das ne Serie die 5 Staffeln übersteht erheblich teurer wird in der Produktion. War damals der Hauptgrund von the WB Buffy abzusetzen.
    Ausserdem ist ab einer gewissen Staffelanzahl irgendwo der Punkt erreicht das sich neue Zuschauer nach der 3. Folge die sie sich ansehen fragen "häää? was is das? und was hat der mit dem zu tun wieso guggt der den so böse an was is da vorgefallen wasn scheiß *zapp*"
    Somit wirst du irgendwann nur noch dein Stammpublikum haben. Und das wollen wir ja nicht. -_-

    Es ist den Sendern ziemlich scheiß egal ob ne neue Serie mehr als eine Staffel überlebt. Wir hatten mal in einem Thread ne Abstimmung, darin konnte man sehen das ein großteil der User einer neuen Serie ne ganze oder zumindest halbe (meist wird ja von den Sendern nur ne halbe bestellt anfangs) Staffel geben bevor sie entscheiden weiterzuschauen. Und dann kann die Serie noch so scheiße sein, der Sender wird keine Zuschauerrückgänge haben denn sie setzen sie ja selbst ab.

    Ausserdem schaut sich der 0815-Amerikaner mit ein bisschen geschicktem Marketing jede neue Serie mind. einmal an...
    How do you show someone real love when you don't even know what it feels like?

    Fabriken stehen Schlot an Schlot,
    Vorm Hurenhaus das Licht ist rot.
    Ein blinder Bettler starrt zur Höh,
    Ein kleines Kind hat Gonorrhoe.
    Eitrig der Mond vom Himmel trotzt.
    Ein Dichter schreibt. Ein Leser kotzt.

  7. #47
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Im letzten Chat mit Kristin von E Online&#33; war Angel nocheinmal ein Thema. Was sie zum Finale von Angel zu sagen hat hier:

    From staff: What happened to Gramercy Park, the pilot that Samaire Armstrong shot after she left The O.C.?

    It&#39;s a no-go. Why is no one talking about Angel? Are you too disappointed to speak?

    From coriander817: What did you think of the Angel series finale?

    I was disappointed, to be honest; I thought it was a pile o&#39; steaming dung. I know Joss had his beef with Sarah Michelle Gellar wanting to be on the finale, but I sorta wish he had let her--it would have added some much-needed oomph. Did anyone like it?

    <font class='spoiler'>From Jason_15: Regarding the last Angel episode: What in the blue hell was that? No battle for the ages, no earth-shattering events, no cool cameos--tell me this is not over or I&#39;m gonna die. I need closure&#33; What do you know about the movie-of-the-week deal? Give me something&#33;

    I wish I had something to give. I can only tell you that I saw it coming when Joss told us they did the best they could under the time and budget constraints. Usually he&#39;s confident, but he didn&#39;t seem so this time around. But don&#39;t blame Joss--blame the dubba dumba you be.</font>

    From goduke1111: What did you think of the Angel finale--other than its obvious greatness?

    Yay&#33; Nice to hear somebody liked it. I suppose my expectations were simply too high. (Pssst...Joss, is that you?)

    From spikepoet: Why were you disappointed with the Angel finale? Was it the harsh ending or something else? I personally went a bit catatonic, but I still thought it rocked.

    Okay, good, I feel better. Honestly, peeps, I watched it at 6 a.m. this morning after having spent eight hours waiting around at JFK Airport and then taking the red-eye cross-country, so I might not have been in the best state of mind. I&#39;ll give it another shot.

    From beebee: Thank you for asking Jordan Levin what we&#39;ve all wanted to know: "What were you smoking when you canceled Angel?" Did he say anything else?

    Actually--and it&#39;s awfully mean of me to tell you this--he actually answered the question twice. He was clearly nervous about answering and sort of sputtered out, asking if we could start over. (Maybe he realized he&#39;d made a mistake?) I sort of started feeling sorry for him, until I remembered that he had booted Angel for Drew Carey and Jeff Foxworthy.

  8. #48
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Auch dieses Mal wurde im Chat mit Kristin von E Online&#33; über Angel gesprochen. Um was es ging hier:

    From interntionalpuck: All these questions on Lost and not one on my super-important one: Is Angel coming back?
    I don&#39;t think so, sweetie. Sorry.

    From sjw: Did you see? The WB took down their Angel site&#33; How could they?&#33;
    Yes, and I also just saw this: Variety is reporting that Jordan Levin is stepping down from the WB. Frankly, I&#39;m saddened, because with the exception of one monumental Angelic screwup, the guy did have good taste in programming, for the most part. Next season&#39;s shows (Jack and Bobby, The Mountain) are actually pretty good.

    From slayergirl3: I&#39;m going to steal your TiVo if you don&#39;t answer me&#33; Naw, but really, did you watch the Angel finale again? What did you think of it? Do you still think it stunk?
    Nooo, not my TiVo&#33; Frankly, I think it could have been better. I got the feeling Joss was so frustrated with the time and budget constraints, he sorta threw up his hands. Anyone agree?

  9. #49
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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