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Thema: Anthony Simcoe Chat-Logs

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    8.9.02 (Original von Nager)

    Nachdem wir alle lange genug im #farscape chat auf auf einen gast von der Crew gewartet hatten, bemerkte schliesslich irgendwer einen gewissen Ploppy in der masse von etwa 160 Leuten. Hier ein paar stark gekürzte auszüge:

    [04:08] <Ploppy> Hi Everyone - Anth here - just wanted to let you know how much your support means to us all - you guys are great
    [04:08] <Loki> hey Ploopy welcome to the wake/quiet riot
    [04:08] <Loki> lol
    [04:08] <Ploppy> I a bit seedy after last nights great wrap party
    [04:08] <StevepalmerisfightingforFarsca> Ploppy, we crashed Scifi&#39;s communications systems today
    [04:08] <Evan> ...6209 signatures...
    [04:09] [list=1] hang in there Anthony, seems the fans are doing more than even i thought they would..
    [04:09] <StevepalmerisfightingforFarsca> that was me this morning Ploppy
    [04:09] <Ploppy> That&#39;s awesome but as far as I know Sci Fi wants it - it
    [04:09] <Ploppy> It&#39;s EM that sunk it
    [04:10] <Ploppy> I&#39;ve been trying to follow all your wqork - It&#39;s amazing and humbling - very humbling - you folks rock
    [04:10] <scifigrrl> Anth, we are loud, we are proud and we are letting them know what we think&#33;
    [04:11] <ChiDoll> we love all you guys, Anth- we&#39;re not going to let go easily- we&#39;re not going to let them do this&#33; :}
    [04:15] <Ploppy> Just remember everyone to let your voice be a reflection on the Scaper community. Be polite.
    [04:15] <Vampgrrl> "You killed John, You Bastards&#33;" </South Park>
    [04:16] <Ploppy> lol vampgrrl
    [04:16] <birthsister> lol vampgirl...i&#39;ve been hearing that in my head all day
    [04:16] <BlackLeatherChick> hey ploppy, did scifi give a reason as to why they dropped the 5th season? Or is it a universal mystery?
    [04:16] <KempersBabe> Farscape will not die. will not will not. we are going to turn all of this around
    [04:19] <Ploppy> So many tears and funny stories last night. The wrap party was a hat and wig party so everyone looked great
    [04:20] <ceallaig> A hat and wig party???? I hope to God someone got pictures to post&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [04:22] <Ploppy> Well my last day is Monday. It will be a very sad experience.
    [04:22] <Barbarella> there is a hope guys don&#39;t give up yet we haven&#39;t even begun to fight
    [04:23] <Ploppy> Sets are starting to be taken down Manday as far as I know. Pilot is already dismantled and in a box
    [04:23] <Nager> thats sad news.. we thought, we&#39;d have some time.. at least a week
    [04:24] <Ploppy> Well my friends. I&#39;m off. Thanks again. I&#39;ll be back. YOU FOLKS ROCK&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

    Und dann die abschiedsorgie....

    [04:24] <AerynScully> lol
    [04:24] <RadiantAeryn> I SAY&#33; FARSCPAE LIVES&#33;
    [04:24] <ChiDoll> we are NOT going to let them do this. they&#39;ll just be putting Pilot back together&#33;
    [04:24] <RadiantAeryn> Bye, Ploppy&#33;
    [04:24] <Kozemp> Thanks, Anth.
    [04:24] <Barbarella> laters Ploppy
    [04:24] <talyn3> PLOPPY PLOPPY PLOPPY
    [04:24] <GypsyJr> (((Anth)))
    [04:24] <Slic> bye ploppy
    [04:24] <JA-Shipper> Bye Anth&#33;
    [04:24] <can> Take care Anth&#33;
    [04:24] <Gmmas> take care Ploppy - you are the best
    [04:24] [list=1] Bye Anth
    [04:24] <Evan> THANK YOU MR. SIMCOE&#33;
    [04:24] <AerynScully> Bye ploppy&#33;&#33; much love and luck go to you
    [04:24] <eShirl> bye
    [04:24] <SunandMoon> Bye Anth
    [04:24] <CodeBreaker> That&#39;s all I wanted to say.
    [04:24] <Venus> Ooroo Ploppy
    [04:24] <Chi> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{anth}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
    [04:24] <veedubb> LOVE YA ANTH&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;& #33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [04:24] <moonbebe> Bye Anth&#33;&#33;&#33; Take Care&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [04:24] <ChiDoll> ((((((((((((((((((((((((((Anth)))))))))))))))))))) )))))))
    [04:25] <jedikatie> Thanks Anth&#33;
    [04:25] <Magess> bye Ploppy&#33;
    [04:25] <talyn3> PEACE PLOPPY
    [04:25] <LynnR> Bye Anth&#33;
    [04:25] <BlackLeatherChick> thanks heaps poloppy
    [04:25] <Chi> LUV YA ANTH&#33;
    [04:25] <MnementhCriesA4lornTear4Zhaan> ((((((((((((((Ploppy))))))))))))))
    [04:25] <Nager> good luck for the future&#33;
    [04:25] <JA-Shipper> {{{{Anth}}}}
    [04:25] <Resolute> later Anth
    [04:25] <scifigrrl> By Anth
    [04:25] <BlackLeatherChick> -o
    [04:25] <ChianaGray> thank you Ploppy
    [04:25] <lesspsych> we lubbors you ploppy
    [04:25] <StevepalmerisfightingforFarsca> thanks Ploppy
    [04:25] <Loki> later Anth, were fighten fer ya&#33;
    [04:25] <talyn3> WE LOVE POLPPY
    [04:25] <KempersBabe> Thanks for dropping by Ploppy
    [04:25] <Slic> evan, petition count
    [04:25] <dinZY> A petition is not what we need. Please put something that tells people to write a letter in addition to the petition
    [04:25] <Chi> ANTH ROCKS&#33;
    [04:25] <KempersBabe> We love you
    [04:25] <Nager> next week we&#39;re gonna kick ass
    [04:25] <accapella> BYE PLOPPY - WE LOVE YOU&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&# 33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [04:25] <Ghostbuster> Thanks for everything Anth
    [04:25] <Chi> NEVER SAY DIE&#33;
    [04:25] <ChiDoll> we love you guys, Anth&#33; give everyone on the set our love&#33;


    Eben schaute Ploppy nochmal kurz vor dem gang zum letzten (?) farscapedrehtag bei uns vorbei:

    [22:28] <Ploppy> Hi Everyone - Anthony Simcoe here - How&#39;s things?
    [22:29] <Ploppy> Had to sign in and say a quick hello
    [22:29] <Ploppy> It&#39;s 6:30 in the morning - I&#39;m being picked up in an hour and am off to shoot my last scenes as D&#39;argo - a big moment in my life
    [22:30] <Ploppy> Thank you so much for all your support everyone
    [22:32] <Ploppy> Cast are OK - lot&#39;s of calls to friends - lot&#39;s of calls to agents - there&#39;s rent to be paid&#33; ;-)
    [22:33] <Ploppy> I&#39;m taking my video camera in today to get the last of the sets that haven&#39;t been brought down yet
    [22:34] <Ploppy> We never give up - we&#39;re a resiliant bunch - but for the moment - yes Farscape is really over
    [22:36] <Ploppy> I think the process is that detailed photgraphs are taken and then the sets are trashed

    [22:35] <Sermon> Ploppy: Did DK do some last minute changes to the last episodes or is it going toe the cliffhanger ending he originally intended it to be??

    [22:37] <Ploppy> trying to do something about 22 but it&#39;s hard becasue wee&#39;re actually shooting 17 at the moment - the season end was already shot - DK&#39;s trying to do something but it won&#39;t be satisfactory as we really can&#39;t shoot beyond tommorrow
    [22:37] <Ploppy> Thanks for all the good vibes folks - you rock&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [22:39] <Ploppy> Well I&#39;m off to don the rubber&#33; (As a side note - how f*#@&#036;%ing awesome is the new Queens of the Stone Age song - wow&#33
    [22:40] <Ploppy> Get in touch with your convention organisers and get them to book Farscape cast - get the show out there&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;
    [22:41] <Ploppy> Will send a special message in my head to you all as I call out "D&#39;Argo Up &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;" this morning on set (Our war cry to get me ready for a take) I&#39;ll take you all with me on the ride through this scene
    [22:43] <Ploppy> So we&#39;d better get to work (if I&#39;m to do our joint scene proud) love to you all - I mean it _ will log back tonight my time - Anth
    [22:44] <Ploppy> BTW - Conan O Brian seems to be a fan - drumming up support through his show?

    9.9.02 (Original von Rommie)

    So, dank Pikey haben wir jetzt auch das Chat Log von heute morgen, denn Anth ist wieder aufgetaucht&#33; Hier sind alle seine Lines:

    <Ploppy> Hi everyone - Anthony here - I&#39;ve just come from my last scene as D&#39;Argo - I wanted to start and end my day with the fans so I thought I&#39;d drop in and say hi

    <Ploppy> I&#39;m very emotional. It was a strange feeling to be in the make-up today - quite a profound mood

    <Ploppy> Well it&#39;s 5:22 pm here in Sydney town

    <Ploppy> Jsut be senstive to the anniversary the world is sharing this week before you start sending heaps of boxes anyplace

    <Ploppy> I got some great shots today. Very sad but great shots. The disasembling has commenced in earnest now

    <Ploppy> We will never forget the community that has built up around this show - I hope to meet you all at conventions so we can have a laugh

    <Ploppy> What you are all doing is fabulous - you were all the main point of discussion at lunch today between myself Andrew Prowse and various producers - we think you&#39;re all great

    <Ploppy> I can assure you this is no PR prank - I have 3 auditions tommorrow (don&#39;t ask ;-) )

    <Ploppy> No soap for me folks

    <Ploppy> Don&#39;t have the clout in the industry to ask for out clauses (they&#39;d laugh at me) so I

    <Ploppy> Mat Roush (Is that his name?) at TV guide always gave us great reviews. Has his inbox been bommbarded?

    <Ploppy> Don&#39;t start bagging other shows on their bb&#39;s. We want to enlist support - not antagonise people - kill them with kindness people

    <Ploppy> I would love to keep the Qualta rifle and sword - they are very very cool props. Often sci-fi props look a bit ho-hum in real life but let me assure you the qualta rifle is awsome - even in person

    <Ploppy> Nothing is for naught&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; We love Farscape. We&#39;re fighting - you&#39;re fighting. The reality is though we aren&#39;t super rich people (why do you think they cast and shoot in Oz) I&#39;m not giving up. I&#39;m looking for other work simply because I have to pay my mortgage on my house

    <Ploppy> I had enormous changes in mind for D&#39;Argo season 5. In fact if all wnet well I had a meeting tomorrow to discuss it - It would answer - Why Lo La? What&#39;s happening with the Luxan race? and What role does D&#39;Argo have in the unwritten history of his planet

    <Ploppy> Dave Elsey and I discussed an Episode in 5 with HEAPS of Luxans - his ideas for the elders and rulers of my home land are fantastic

    <Ploppy> No the cast does not make money out of the DVD sales - but buy them anyway

    <Ploppy> Perhaps fate marked him as a general for a reason and a greater purpose

    <Ploppy> No residual payements for us - they&#39;re bought up front in perpetuity - now you&#39;re starting to understand why they shoot in Australia a little better ;-)

    <Ploppy> No Australian decision at any level, government or production, had an influence on this decision - It was all made aboce us
    <Ploppy> above us

    <Ploppy> Well folks I&#39;m off to enjoy the sunset on my balcony and have a few quiet moments to myslef

    <Ploppy> You folks rock&#33;&#33; Thank you, You&#39;re efforts are NEVER in vain because your efforts liveon in the hearts of us making the show - and that means something

    11.9.02 (Original von Nager)

    Ploppy&#39;s vierter auftritt im chat seit freitag. Allerdings der erste wirklich moderierte

    [22:36] <Ploppy> Hey folks - Anth here - A bit difficult to guage what&#39;s happening from this side of the world - Are your voices being heard?
    [22:37] <Ploppy> Great article by Mat Roushe in TV guide online - I wonder if that will make the print version?
    [22:37] <Barbarella> ok Anth you have the floor man
    [22:37] <Barbarella>
    [22:37] <Barbarella> dazzel em
    [22:37] <Barbarella> hehehe
    [22:37] <Ploppy> No I didn&#39;t get to keep the blade - or anything else. That&#39;s understandable though and normal practice.
    [22:38] <Barbarella> know if it had been me I would have hidden it and run
    [22:38] <Barbarella>
    [22:38] <Barbarella> taken off with it
    [22:38] <Ploppy> I started ADR again yesterday on my big ep for season 4. It was sad.
    [22:39] <Ploppy> ADR has moved back to Fox studios so images of season 1 came flooding back
    [22:39] <Ploppy> Boy has my life changed in 4 years. I couldn&#39;t believe it&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [22:40] <Barbarella> Oh one thing you might be interested Anth we got something in TV Guide
    [22:40] <Barbarella>
    [22:40] <Barbarella> check that out when you get the chance
    [22:40] <Ploppy> I must say once again thank you so much for all your efforts. We are watching your efforts and are overwhelmed by your love and kindeness
    [22:41] <Ploppy> I think that if you keep it up something MAY happen. All I know is that people OS are suprised by the vehemance of the fan response - so your work is having an impact&#33;&#33;
    [22:42] <Ploppy> Who knows what that will lead to but here&#39;s hoping&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [22:43] <Barbarella> well we&#39;re gonna rock their foundations
    [22:43] <Ploppy> I cleaned out my D&#39;Argo room yesterday and found dome cool stuff - the original stencil for my tattoos, polaroids of the first make-up test etc
    [22:44] <Ploppy> I also found a wonderful Rygel bust made by Johhny (the first Rygel puppeteer), whcih made me sad
    [22:45] <Ploppy> So I&#39;m auditioning for things each day, as are everyone else here, it looks like we&#39;ve each got little jobs coming up which is great
    [22:46] <Ploppy> I&#39;m doing a sci fi short at the AFTRS and a very tiny role in four tele films. Yep as a cop. Welcome back to the Australian reality cops and doctors&#33;&#33; I&#39;m then doingf a play and I&#39;m then doing some lecturing
    [22:46] <Barbarella> wow the call has been sent
    [22:47] <Ploppy> What call is that Barb?
    [22:47] <Barbarella> do they let you carry a night stick..not as effective as the Luxan Lick but well...nightsticks are good too...good cop or bad cop
    [22:47] <Barbarella> the people all the people joining
    [22:47] <Barbarella> its only 4PM here and its close to 400 people
    [22:47] <Ploppy> I&#39;m talking TINY TINY role
    [22:48] <Ploppy> Maybe we could open up some questions. As you can see I&#39;m a slow typer and I can&#39;t look at the screen when I type so I&#39;m sorry if I miss something
    [22:49] <Barbarella> hey wanna field a question or 2?
    [22:50] <Barbarella> people don&#39;t flood me nice...I don&#39;t wanna die
    [22:50] <Barbarella> heheheh

    * [22:50] <Barbarella> <ostentatious> Anth mentions some memorabilia he&#39;s found cleaning out his dressing room. Has he (or anyone else) considered donating that sort of thing to be auctioned for any of our Save Farscape funds?
    [22:50] <Ploppy> The key to keeping the cast happening is conventions. I was talking to other cast members and the only way we are going to be able to reject long term job offers (which we want to do in case we can ressurect Farscape) is to pay our rent through conventions. So a part of saving the show is about lobbying convention organisers to book Farscape people&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [22:52] <Barbarella> believe me the scapers will keep cons alive and request you guys
    [22:52] <Barbarella> we&#39;ll do all we can to take up your time
    [22:52] <Barbarella> hehehe
    [22:52] <Ploppy> We don&#39;t own anything that is Farscape. Once found it has to be returned to production. So I have no power to donate anything. So sorry. I can give you 100% of what is mine though - my effforts thanks and appreciation

    *[22:53] <Barbarella> wastelandgraphics> question- where do you get your motivation for your more serious scenes?
    [22:54] <Ploppy> I love taking D&#39;Argo through the emnotional spectrum. Make-up characters are harder to get there when things are intimate because the make-up can distance
    [22:55] <Barbarella> I can&#39;t imagine wearing looks so...heavy
    [22:55] <Barbarella> well I think his nickname says it all
    [22:55] <Ploppy> people. I always search for all my moments as a character in the person oposite me. Their eyes will hold all that you need. This also stops you being indulgent

    *[22:56] <Barbarella> <UnchartedTerritoriesDRD> WHEN we save FarScape will you drop everything & come back?
    [22:56] <Barbarella> I couldn&#39;t resist
    [22:58] <Ploppy> I can only do what I can legally do. You musn&#39;t interprate this as anything. Realise that we are normal people with normal commitments. If I don&#39;t work my mortgage doesn&#39;t get paid - and that&#39;s the same for everyone. We&#39;re not movie stars - we&#39;re jobbing actors. THis is why I mention conventions - get on to it&#33;&#33;
    [22:58] <Barbarella> we&#39;re there man we&#39;re everywhere...and growing everyday
    [22:58] <Ploppy> Of course we will all do EVERYTHING we can to be bak in this world. It&#39;s not just a job it
    [22:59] <Ploppy> &#39;s been like family.

    *[22:59] <Barbarella> <LeNnA> Anth, we (spanish scapers) would like to see you here, in Spain, there&#39;s some posibility¿?
    [22:59] <Ploppy> Only if someone is having a con and invites me - WOW I would LOVE to go to Spain&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

    *[23:00] <Barbarella> <RedEyeMambo> will we get a chance to see you on any American TV/Film in the near future?
    [23:01] <Ploppy> I doubt it. I wish but I doubt it. I am probably the only cast member without an American agent. (This is my choice)

    *[23:01] <Barbarella> <Gi-Smeghead> do people reconigize him as Dargo when he is not in make up
    [23:01] <Ploppy> Never&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; My life is very anonimous.

    *[23:02] <Barbarella> <LoneFerret> What will be your greastest memory from working on the show?
    [23:02] <Ploppy> boy my tyoing and spelling are crap&#33;&#33;
    [23:02] <Ploppy> Ben&#39;s last speech on the final day was heart breaking.

    *[23:03] <Barbarella> JadesHand> Ploppy - have you ever considered coming to Hollywood and trying your luck there?
    [23:03] <Ploppy> (Please indulge me by allowing my patriotism here) It was amazing to hear how much the Australian character had infultrated Ben&#39;s life and it was a wonderful way fopr me to rediscover my love for this beautiful and exciting city
    [23:04] <Ploppy> His absolute dismay at leaving Sydney was incredible
    [23:05] <Ploppy> "I vow I will NEVER be taken prisoner again" NEVER SAY DIE&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&# 33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&# 33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&# 33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Scapers never give up &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [23:05] <Barbarella> OH ya our call to arms

    *[23:05] <Barbarella> <Revolos55> Hi Mr. Simcoe&#33; What did you think of Ben&#39;s script &#39;John Quixote&#39;?
    [23:06] <Ploppy> As those of you who met me at con&#39;s know from meeting me I&#39;m probably not very hollywood - Too much of the Aussie bush in me
    [23:07] <Ploppy> "John Quixote" was cool. It was great to shoot because so many old friends were able to come back and play

    *[23:07] <Barbarella> <PKAerynSun1> A question I&#39;ve always wanted to ask: what was it like preparing for a role of an alien character? if that&#39;s not too goofy to ask? :-D
    [23:08] <Ploppy> Not at all&#33;&#33;&#33; It was difficult. I feel D&#39;&#39;Argo arrived season 2. This was because we ironed out lot&#39;s of the suit problems by then so I could concentrate on my job more than my physical discomfort

    *[23:08] <Barbarella> <Xhorder> Question to Anth: What were your expectations for Farscape when you got the role? Did you think it would become as popular as it is right now?
    [23:09] <Ploppy> It&#39;s hard for us to guage its poularity even now becasue we were axed in Oz. ga

    *[23:09] <Barbarella> <SunSpecOps> You&#39;ve said that we&#39;ve made an impact over there.. can you tell us how the buzz has changed between friday and now and what you personally feel our chances are if we continue the same amount of pressure over the next little while?
    [23:10] <Ploppy> The fact that people watch it is almost surreal because peole here have either never heard of it or know it as a show that failed
    [23:11] <Ploppy> No cast member is in the suits loop so it really is impossible for me to answer. My own guess is that polite fan pressure can work - keep it up - never say die.

    *[23:11] <Barbarella> alot of people are asking what your favorite prop or gadget is from the show?
    [23:12] <Ploppy> Definitly "Mr Sparky" this was the big in camera firing gun - it rocked&#33;&#33;

    *[23:12] <Barbarella> <KalanaKatana> Hi, Mr. Simcoe. A little shameless heroworshipping here. I love D&#39;Argo. Is he hard to play or is he very much like you?
    [23:13] <Ploppy> You wouldn&#39;t think it from meeting me I guess but in many ways he is me - that&#39;s how close I feel. I especially relate to his feelings of not being where he should be and tha if

    *[23:13] <Barbarella> <HaMm3rEd> Anthony, do you have an estimate as to how long we have before the cast gets committed to other projects, in case it takes time to get the show renewed.
    [23:14] <Ploppy> Everyones looking for work right now&#33;&#33; Don&#39;t allow that to worry you. That&#39;s life. Any Farscape pick-up, no matter what time frame, will have to deal with that

    *[23:14] <Barbarella> <Ravenwing> For Ploppy, how do you feel that D&#39;Argo has grown as a character from his introduction through the fourth season?
    [23:16] <Ploppy> Fourth season finally allows the Macton stuff to resolve - if you love D&#39;Argo this ep will now be his swan song ( I think it&#39;s 15).

    *[23:16] <Barbarella> <Tudorf> If you have spoken with any of the other cast members lately, has there been any meantion of the efforts that are going on here on the Internet to save the show, and what kind of reactions have they had in knowing how many fans out there truely care?
    [23:17] <Ploppy> YES&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; We are all talking about it and we are AMAZED and SO greatful and humbled. As I said yesterday, even if your efforts don&#39;t win us the show they win you our hearts and gratitiude forever
    [23:18] <Ploppy> woops spelling hell - sorry about that
    [23:18] <Barbarella> no worries we all read typo
    [23:18] <Barbarella> <Tudorf> If you have spoken with any of the other cast members lately, has there been any meantion of the efforts that are going on here on the Internet to save the show, and what kind of reactions have they had in knowing how many fans out there truely care?
    [23:18] <Barbarella> oops
    [23:18] <Barbarella> sorry repeat
    [23:18] <Barbarella> ignore that I&#39;m being swamped with PM&#39;s
    [23:19] <Ploppy> You&#39;re doing an AMAZING job Barb - what a legend&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

    *[23:19] <Barbarella> there is one thing alot of people are asking...about the sets?...what&#39;s up with them...are they dismantled yet or is there any new developements?
    [23:20] <Ploppy> As fara as I know theuy&#39;re coming down as we speak
    [23:20] <Ploppy> Sets can always be rebuilt - Moya would have had to be rebuilt anyway - it&#39;s life span was almost up.

    *[23:20] <Barbarella> <Jenni> When we save farscape, :::: any thought at writing an ep yourself?
    [23:21] <Ploppy> No I&#39;m not a writer
    [23:21] <Ploppy> Can&#39;t you tell from my typing&#33;&#33;&#33;

    *[23:21] <Barbarella> <SalmonCanyon> Anthony, i&#39;d really like to know what your highlight has been over the four seasons, whats your favourite farscape moment?
    [23:22] <Ploppy> Another great moment was seeing Namtar for the first time. It still remains my favourite thing the creature shop did. It also came out at the same time as Episode 1 and I thoiught to myslef "wow. This stuff is so much better&#33;&#33; How special"

    *[23:23] <Barbarella> Ok here&#39;s another one I&#39;m getting alot of what are your feelings about another network picking up Farscape? Although with all the scapers out there we KNOW scifi will be airing season 5
    [23:24] <Ploppy> As I understand it (don&#39;t take this as gospel I&#39;m really not the person to ask that sort of stuff) it&#39;s difficult for another network to pick-up because sci fi will hold the back catalogue

    *[23:24] <Barbarella> <Harmon> Anthony, in "Out of Their Minds" and "Unrealised Reality" you all had the chance to &#39;jump&#39; to each others skins. How was it for you?
    [23:25] <Ploppy> You guys will know more about that than me in fact
    [23:26] <Ploppy> Incredible becaseu during "Out of ...) I was rushed from set to hospital an nearly died. No exageration. So when I think of those eps I only think of that scare

    *[23:26] <Barbarella> <Cush> HI Anth, whats been the reaction from Guest Stars and Recurring Characters, for example Tamm Macintosh? (regarding the cancelation)
    [23:27] <Ploppy> Reaction from whom? We love Tam. In fact Tam and I are old mates - we used to flat together years ago
    [23:28] <Ploppy> Aah cancelation&#33;&#33; Tam called me tha day it happened and left the most gorgeous message on my answering machine - It made me cry I have to admit. She said it was the most special show she&#39;d ever been on

    *[23:28] <Barbarella> <QuietI> If we were going on a pub crawl, what would you be drinking? When can we go?
    [23:28] <Barbarella> hehehe
    [23:28] <Barbarella> you know I can&#39;t resist a good round of beer
    [23:29] <Ploppy> I&#39;d be drinking carlton crown

    *[23:29] <Barbarella> Alot of people are asking how&#39;s your band and are you doing gig&#39;s right now?
    [23:31] <Ploppy> Our band rocks. Can&#39;t wait to play for the scapers in LA. We only do originals so I&#39;m afraid you won&#39;t know the songs but I hope you will like them any way. We are a rock band so expect some noise. (We aren&#39;t heavy metal. Think...uuhm. Matchbox 20? I don&#39;t know hard to say)
    [23:31] <Ploppy> We&#39;re hoping to start doing our first gigs around Sydney this month. Im so excited and nervousat the same t

    *[23:31] <Barbarella> <sierraleone> Hello Anthony. From Canada here and haven&#39;t seen seasons three and four yet Very much looking forward to them though Which relationship of D&#39;argo&#39;s do you enjoy/like the most?
    [23:33] <Ploppy> "D&#39;Argo&#39;s girlfriend" from season 1 ep 6 rocked&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; ;-) but of course Chianna presented D&#39;Argo with the most interesting stuff
    [23:33] <Ploppy> Oh my god - I have to go soon I&#39;m sorry

    *[23:33] <Barbarella> <squishy> to ploppy, were you ever tempted to go back to the set after filming, and pretend to fly one of the ships? southern california loves you&#33;
    [23:33] <Barbarella> I had to ask that one cause frankly I think I would do it myself
    [23:33] <Barbarella> hehehe
    [23:34] <Ploppy> I&#39;m always mucking around like that. When I was a kid my favourite toy was my Hoth battle set. My life has been like having my very own life size battle set - it
    [23:34] <Ploppy> &#39;s been awesome&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#3 3;&#33;&#33;
    [23:34] <Ploppy> Last q ga

    *[23:36] <Barbarella> <indyraven> Hello Anthony from Indiana&#33; My son Christophor would like to know; how tall is Dargo?
    [23:36] <Ploppy> I&#39;m about 6&#39;5 and D&#39;Argo is about 7&#39;2

    [23:37] <Barbarella> First I wanna say how awesome you guys are for showing your support to us and helping us to keep the flames buring here at Save Farsape Command...YOU GUYS ROCK&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [23:37] <Barbarella> thanks so much
    [23:37] <Barbarella> and now the moment you&#39;ve been waiting for...we&#39;ll open the flood gates and let the wellwishes and love flow

    Bunt ist das Dasein und granatenstark.

  2. #2
    Tastaturquäler Avatar von DRD Pike
    Dabei seit


    12.9.02 (Original von DRD_Pike)

    Während ein Ansturm auf die Late Shows von Letterman und Conan O&#39;Brien geplant wurde, tauchte plötzlich ganz unerwartet ein gewisser Ploppy im Chat auf, um den neuesten Stand der Dinge zu erfahren. Und er war sogar bereit, noch ein paar Fragen zu beantworten.
    btw, es waren wieder mehr als 500 Leute im Chan, und dieser Chat war nicht angekündigt.

    Hier das Log:

    [21:48] * Joins: Ploppy (
    21:48] * Barbarella sets mode: +o Ploppy
    [21:48] <Barbarella> Hiya Anth
    [21:48] <Barbarella>
    [21:48] <Barbarella> welcome to the media blitz we&#39;re tryin to do since we have some scapers willing to travel
    [21:49] <Ploppy> Hi everyone? 10 to 6 here in the morning so my brain hasn&#39;t awoken. How&#39;s things?
    [21:49] <Barbarella> well the rally didn&#39;t quite go as planned but we think we can salvage things
    [21:49] <Barbarella> by tryin to get the word out to letterman and conan obrien
    [21:49] <Barbarella> and some of the other media while we have people there
    [21:49] <Barbarella> remember folks start those emails
    [21:50] <Ploppy> Once again thanks for everything - I can report that your voices are being heard. YAY&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&# 33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Does this mean we&#39;ve saved the show? - NO. But it&#39;s the first step
    [21:50] <Barbarella> We won&#39;t stop till we get what we want
    [21:51] <Ploppy> The Letterman/O&#39;Brian idea is great
    [21:51] <Ploppy> Was there a rally someplace?
    [21:51] <Barbarella> ya we were outside SCIFI studios all day today
    [21:51] <Barbarella> they&#39;ve been incredibly nice
    [21:51] <Barbarella> and we handed out over 400 flyers
    [21:51] <Barbarella> and found out many are seeing our words on the web thru sites and this chatroom
    [21:51] <Barbarella> they LOVE seeing you guys from the cast and your chats here on websites
    [21:52] <Barbarella> that&#39;s been one of the overall comments
    [21:52] <Barbarella> people are stopping on the street to give thumbs up
    [21:52] <Barbarella> and talking to many that showed at the rally even though the turnout this time was small because we didn&#39;t have much time to put it all together
    [21:52] <Ploppy> This is an important time in the campaign. People are tired, the situation starts to feel more desperate - I want to say that it&#39;s important to stay together as a unified, happy, co-operative group
    [21:52] <Barbarella> but we&#39;ll have more
    [21:53] <Ploppy> We need to show to the world and to each other the greatest thing about being a Scaper - the community and its values
    [21:54] <Barbarella> well said
    [21:55] <Barbarella> here&#39;s the email for conan folks for human interest stories
    [21:55] <Barbarella> does human interest for letterman
    [21:55] <Barbarella> bombard them with your pleas to get farscape back in production
    [21:55] <Barbarella> right now
    [21:55] <Barbarella> we need to get on top of this and see if we can&#39;t get some of the scapers that are there to take our cause to the airwaves
    [21:56] <Ploppy> Challenge yourself - with each passing day find new ways and creative ways to interact that respects and empowers everyone you are dealing with. If this happens we will all have won no matter what the outcome with Farscape
    [21:57] <Barbarella> ok folks Message Pygar with your questions Anthony has been generous enough to say that he&#39;d field a few for us
    [21:57] <Barbarella> for some fun
    [21:57] <Barbarella> just message pygar
    [21:57] <Barbarella> and I&#39;ll grab the questions from him
    [21:58] <Ploppy> Perfect&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [21:58] <Ploppy> Yay - yes I have to be quick unfotunately

    [21:58] <Barbarella> *Chi* NEVER SAY DIE&#33; How is the rest of the cast doing?
    [21:59] <Ploppy> All the Australian&#39;s are madly auditioning for jobs. Trying to build a life. It&#39;s importnant to get back in the saddle. Ben&#39;s jsut chilling out - we&#39;re all still doing ADR
    [22:00] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:00] <Barbarella> *DragonFyre* Anthony, it&#39;s too early for any real questions (6am?) So what&#39;s for breakfast?
    [22:00] <Ploppy> Avacado, tomato and cheese on toast and a cup of english breakfast tea - yummy&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; 1
    [22:01] <Ploppy> ga
    [22:01] <Barbarella> yum can I have some?

    [22:01] <Barbarella> *Da-Met* Hey anthony, you rock&#33; Tell me something... is kissing Gigi as good as it sounds??
    [22:01] <Ploppy> Sounds or looks? ;-) ga
    [22:02] <Barbarella> LOL

    [22:02] <Barbarella> *GarnetGirl* someone said the Wrap Party was a WIG & HAT Party. What is that?
    [22:02] <Ploppy> It means that you have to come to the party wearing either a hat or a wig
    [22:02] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:03] <Barbarella> *SaveFarscape-PunkOMama* Anthony...What would you do for a klondike bar? hehe
    [22:04] <Ploppy> Ice cream rocks&#33;&#33; When
    [22:04] <Ploppy> i was a kid my grandmother used to let me eat ice cream and treacle pudding for brekkie - it rocked
    [22:04] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:05] <Barbarella> *Aeryndotcom* Anth what about the conventions in November? Is the cast still planning on attending?
    [22:06] <Ploppy> We&#39;re all fired up for the creation conventions and others - I&#39;m trying to get onto some other events in November but haven&#39;t heard back yet
    [22:06] <Ploppy> We love the cons - they&#39;re so much fun
    [22:06] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:06] <Barbarella> *Ripley9* Q for Anth: Sooooo.... did *you* wear a hat -or- a wig at the party? And what kind....?
    [22:06] <Barbarella> they&#39;re real interested in your hair man
    [22:06] <Barbarella> hehe
    [22:06] <Ploppy> I was a hat boy that night
    [22:06] <Ploppy> ga
    [22:07] <Barbarella> *MoyasManiac* So Anthony do you like having your own ship? you seemed excited on the DVD interveiw LOL :o)
    [22:07] <Ploppy> My hairs it&#39;s normal colour at the mo for a role - I always like it whiteish - Ahh my Billy Idol teenage influences live on
    [22:08] <Ploppy> I love having LoLa. Sometimes when they&#39;re shooting on a different stage I just go and sit next to it and stare - absorbing the moment
    [22:08] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:09] <Barbarella> well I have alot of people asking what they have to do to get you guys to come to cons in their areas...and I want to know who would I have to kidnap to get you to do a local Texas Con..Since of course I live there as do ALOT of others scapers have a few asking how we could get you here
    [22:09] <Barbarella> I say GET A ROPE FOLKS AND TRAVEL TO OZ
    [22:09] <Barbarella> hehehe
    [22:09] <Barbarella> I know aussies are crazy in that cool way but I wouldn&#39;t subject anyone to texas
    [22:09] <Ploppy> People are asking about cons. Would you all like to meet my con contact tommorrow morning? I can arrange to have him at the chat if you like
    [22:10] <Barbarella> yes that would be great
    [22:10] <Barbarella> ALOT of people are very interested in getting you guys to cons
    [22:10] <Barbarella> and bringing lots of scapers there to get our story out and get our season 5
    [22:10] <Ploppy> lol I would love to see Texas - I&#39;m a bit scared of people walking around with guns but hey, that&#39;s a cultural thing
    [22:10] <Barbarella> hehehe
    [22:11] <Barbarella> its the spurs you REALLY have to worry about

    [22:11] <Barbarella> this is a fun one
    [22:11] <Barbarella> *CriStina* While you were rolling some scenes with Noranti, was not giving you the laugh? This woman makes laugh great
    [22:11] <Ploppy> Ok I&#39;ll invite my friend - Ben - into this room tommorrow morning - I don&#39;t know what time it is where you are bu he&#39;ll be here in 24 hrs and 45 mins (in other words 7am Sydney time)
    [22:12] <Ploppy> Melissa Jaffa is a god send. She is amazing in every way - I look up to her in every way
    [22:12] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:12] <Barbarella> adn EVERYONE is asking did you get to keep props and what did you manage to keep for yourself?
    [22:14] <Ploppy> No one got to keep any props. I wanted to keep a qualta rifle but it was no go. So I have memories and lots of great photos and behind the scenes video
    [22:14] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:14] <Barbarella> *ToddPM* Do you guys have as much fun as it appears when you "switch" personae? It always looks like everyone gets a huge kick out of it (especially with Chiana&#39;s head-twitch).
    [22:15] <Barbarella> PM Pygar with your questions folks
    [22:15] <Ploppy> It&#39;s fun - not as difficult as you might imagine, but definitly fun. The most fun part was hearing from the other actors "Well I make these choices for this reason. She&#39;d do this..." etc A real insight into how the others worked
    [22:16] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:16] <Barbarella> *Siniminister* btw barb, if you happen to know the name of the band and won&#39;t be relaying my question (that&#39;s cool), pls just pm me the name. thanks&#33;
    [22:16] <Barbarella> alot of people want to know alot of info on your band
    [22:16] <Barbarella> you&#39;re a rock star man
    [22:17] <Ploppy> My band ROCKS&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; We haven&#39;t settled on a name yet. I write the songs and sing and play guitar. Wayne Pigram is on drums.Steve Edwards (lighting on Farscape) is our AWESOME guitarist and Jerry is our bass player
    [22:18] <Barbarella> oh I GOTTA hear y&#39;all sometime you should do a jam and we&#39;ll put it on mp3
    [22:18] <Barbarella> on the web
    [22:18] <Ploppy> We&#39;re hoping to have a simple demo to sell at the con so at least people will know 4 of our songs when we play. We don&#39;t do covers
    [22:18] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:18] <Barbarella> *tobiasdk* are there any bloopers? and will they be released to the public(ie. on dvd)
    [22:19] <Ploppy> There are SO many bloopers. It&#39;s a very funny cast and crew - however we (me mainly I must admit) work very blue so most if it can&#39;t be released to the public
    [22:19] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:19] <Barbarella> *winonawannabe* Did you ever had the giggles on set so bad that you had to take a break ?
    [22:20] <Barbarella> sorry lots of questions flooding in now
    [22:21] <Ploppy> Every day I break down with laughter - ask anyone on the show - there are just so many funny people on set - the funniest are in the crew&#33;&#33;
    [22:21] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:21] <Barbarella> *Scorpwanna* Question for Anthony: hey Anth, I just got finished playing some of the farscape game as Dargo (Dargo being the scapers), and I whooped some PeaceKeeper arse&#33; (PeaceKeepers being Scifi) Have you played the game yet?
    [22:23] <Ploppy> I&#39;ve had a quick look but the real ansewr is no I haven&#39;t had a chance to play it yet. We got it last week and then all of this happoened so it hasn&#39;t taken a priority. My gaming takes place on a Nintendo Gamecube - fav&#39;s at the mo - Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil
    [22:23] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:23] <Barbarella> *Sermon* Question for Anthony: Could you live with a 2-hour-final of Farscape, or - let&#39;s say for example 3 Farscape TV-movies instead of Season 5?
    [22:24] <Ploppy> Aah you&#39;ve heard. All these possibilities are better than nothing.
    [22:24] <Ploppy> ga
    [22:24] <Ploppy> But I think we should still be gunning for a season
    [22:24] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:24] <Barbarella> pipashell* Could you tell us some funny anecdotes on the set?
    [22:25] <Ploppy> Too hard in a chat environmet to get across - so sorry - and it&#39;s usually WAY too crass to tell in public ;-)
    [22:25] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:25] <Barbarella> *eve11* Anth is the cast and crew aware of the ad taken out by fans in the Friday Sydney Telegraph?
    [22:26] <Ploppy> No&#33;&#33; Wow I&#39;ll check it out after brekkie
    [22:26] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:26] <Barbarella> *locomoco* Anth, I read somewhere that you like to mess with Photoshop in your free time... are you an artist as well?
    [22:27] <Ploppy> Not really - I&#39; love photoshop but my main reason for learning it isa becaseu I am a director and I like to be up on what I can do with After Effects. Photoshops skills are a must have for After Effects
    [22:27] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:28] <Barbarella> They wanna know about what your favorite memories of doing the cons are
    [22:28] <Barbarella> lots of people are asking that one
    [22:29] <Ploppy> Making people laugh. And the wonderful acceptance of the fans. I think of it as a show. I try to perform. Make it entertaining. I don&#39;t like just sitting there
    [22:29] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:29] <Barbarella> and another one they&#39;re asking is if we could email enough would you guys do some of the late night shows here like Letterman and Conan Obrien
    [22:30] <Barbarella> would ya do em?
    [22:30] <Ploppy> Would we&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; We&#39;ve been trying to get on these for years&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; My dream is to be on Letterman or O&#39;Brian.
    [22:30] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:30] <Barbarella> *Optikal* You mentioned that Wayne Pygram beats the skins (I wonder how he&#39;d fare at double bass...). Is there any chance of drawing him into the IRC chat?
    [22:30] <Ploppy> Wayne doesn&#39;t have a computer
    [22:30] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:31] <Barbarella> *Sermon* Anthony, was your D&#39;Argo voice sometimes enhanced with additional soundeffects or was it just your wonderful natural trailer voice?
    [22:31] <Ploppy> My voice was NEVER enhanced D&#39;ARgos voice is 100% Simcoe
    [22:31] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:31] <Barbarella> *Jota* Has Rygel started auditioning for any new gigs yet?
    [22:32] <Ploppy> Rygels dismantled in a box. :-( Jonathans doing a play in Melbourne
    [22:32] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:32] <Barbarella> *Kieriahn* Is there anyplace in the US you&#39;d like to see? Ex., the Grand Canyon, Everglades, etc.?
    [22:33] <Ploppy> I&#39;ve never seen snow so the rocky&#39;s is high on my list. Disney world ( i love roller coasters) Grand Canyon. My favourite place I&#39;ve seen so far (an dI haven&#39;t seen much at all) is Big Sur
    [22:33] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:33] <Barbarella> *JohnD* Anthony: you mentioned having a member of lighting in your band, is there a very close comradery between cast and crew?
    [22:34] <Ploppy> An enormous comradery. Star behaviour doesn&#39;t wash in Australia. We&#39;re all workmates doing a job
    [22:34] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:34] <Barbarella> *LisaW* Anthony, my husband and I saw you at the San Diego Comic Con last year and thought you were hilarious. Do you do stand-up? Have you thought about it?
    [22:35] <Barbarella> ya I gotta agree on that one there Lisa I saw him in the first LA con and he ROCKED the house...I was in stitches
    [22:35] <Ploppy> I would LOVE to do stand up but I&#39;m not a writer so I don&#39;t know. It&#39;s the scariest thought - maybe I should look into it. I definilty wnat to do a sit com - that&#39;s my goal
    [22:35] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:36] <Barbarella> OK I have to ask this one...they&#39;re askin if you have any hidden tatoos...citing D&#39;argo&#39;s tats
    [22:36] <Barbarella> too many asked it to be denied
    [22:36] <Ploppy> But to know that you&#39;d have to know what was under my

    [22:37] <Barbarella> *Dolphintmr* What was your biggest challange with working on Farscape?
    [22:38] <Ploppy> The physical challenge. The heat almost killed me (for real, I was rushed to hospital twice on this show - once with a burnt corneia and once after an attack on set where I almost died)
    [22:38] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:38] <Barbarella> ummm ok since we asked the klondike bar questions people wanna know what treacle pudding is
    [22:39] <Ploppy> Oh how do I describe that. It&#39;s like a cake desert with lots of sweet brown syrup - very very sweet. Look it up o the net, I&#39;m sure you&#39;ll find a better description and/or the american name for it
    [22:39] <Ploppy> ga
    [22:39] <Barbarella> remember PM pygar with your questions

    [22:40] <Barbarella> I know its been asked before but many are asking about the ploppy nickname
    [22:40] <Ploppy> ga
    [22:40] <Barbarella> we have alot of new chatters with this movement
    [22:41] <Ploppy> My favourite comedy show is Black Adder - my nick refers to a chracter in Black Adder Season 2
    [22:41] <Ploppy> ga

    [22:41] <Barbarella> *Jaredan* What part of being involved in such an innovative show gives you the most pride Anthony?
    [22:43] <Ploppy> My pride comes from the fact that we can get away with high emotionally charged drama and outrageous comedy in the same show. There&#39;s not many that can claim that. (I know other sci fi&#39;s can be kooky but to be honest they&#39;ve never made me laugh. Weirdness does&#39;t translate to funny)

    [22:44] <Ploppy> Well folks I&#39;m off into my day. have a wonderful day/night. Fight the good fight. Remember to look after each other. Stay united and remember to be an exemplar of the Scaper community
    [22:44] <Barbarella> am I supposed to ga?
    [22:44] <Barbarella> heheh
    [22:45] <Ploppy> Ciao&#33;
    [22:45] <Barbarella> Thanks ANthony I&#39;m gonna open up the floor if you&#39;re done
    [22:45] * Barbarella sets mode: -m


    [22:47] <Ploppy> I will be here in 24 hrs and 15 mins with Ben , my convention organiser. Be here&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [22:47] <Ploppy> I will be here in 24 hrs and 15 mins with Ben , my convention organiser. Be here&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [22:47] <Ploppy> I will be here in 24 hrs and 15 mins with Ben , my convention organiser. Be here&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

    14.9.02 (Original von Nager)

    Wie versprochen (wenn auch etwas später aufgrund von technischen problemen) schaute Ploppy eben wieder bei uns vorbei, diesmal zusammen mit seinem "convention organizer".

    [23:32] <Barbarella> hey there anth
    [23:32] <Barbarella> ok guys give me a sec to get setup
    [23:34] <PloppyTwo> Cool to be a flunkey
    [23:35] <Barbarella> would you like to introduce your self PloppyDeux?
    [23:35] <PloppyTwo> Actually, I&#39;m a little shy - I was hoping Anth would do it
    [23:36] <Barbarella> OK Guys this is the Co-ordinator that Anth told us about Ben Johnson
    [23:36] <Barbarella>
    [23:36] <Barbarella> I&#39;m not much for introductions
    [23:36] <Barbarella> hehehe
    [23:36] <PloppyTwo> Thanks Barb&#33;
    [23:37] <PloppyTwo> Ummmm - OK, while Anth&#39;s trying to log in I&#39;ll give you the heads up
    [23:40] <PloppyTwo> Sorry about this gang
    [23:40] <PloppyTwo> Anth is currently seeing a lovely grey screen...
    [23:41] <PloppyTwo> Using the URL you sent me
    [23:43] <Barbarella> please bear with us folks there&#39;s alot of lag
    [23:46] * Barbarella sings and dances around the room humming the Jepardy theme
    [23:46] <PloppyTwo>
    [23:46] <PloppyTwo> Sorry guys - were getting there - I hope
    [23:46] <Barbarella> tryin to entertain while we work thru technical difficulties
    [23:46] <Barbarella> well Ben you can begin by telling us what exactly is it you do for Anth
    [23:46] <Ploppy> What a drama&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Hi everyone&#33; I&#39;ve been trying to log on for over an hour
    [23:47] <PloppyTwo> Woo-hoo&#33;
    [23:49] <Ploppy> Hi everyone&#33;&#33;&#33; persistance has paid off
    [23:49] <PloppyTwo> Typical&#33; Flunky has been waiting here for ages&#33;&#33;
    [23:50] <Ploppy> I must say thanks to everyone once again for all the suipport - tha add in the Telegraph here yesterday reallylifted our spirits
    [23:50] <Ploppy> Oh no I have an angry flunky ;-)
    [23:50] <PloppyTwo> :S
    [23:51] <Ploppy> Folks I am so proud to introduce you to my oldest and greates friend - Ben
    [23:51] <Ploppy> Ben = Ploppy2
    [23:51] <PloppyTwo> [Blush]
    [23:51] <Barbarella> such a pretty shade
    [23:51] <Ploppy> We went to high school together, shared a flat through uni years etc
    [23:52] <PloppyTwo> Man, is he untidy or WHAT&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [23:52] <Barbarella> hehe
    [23:52] <Ploppy> And as of this week he becomes part of the Scaper community becaseu he will now be handling all my convention appearances
    [23:52] <Barbarella> OH that should be fun for you did you know what you were getting yourself into?
    [23:52] <Ploppy> Of course I&#39;m untidy&#33;&#33;&#33; Creative minds always are
    [23:53] <PloppyTwo> Nope - but I&#39;m enjoying it so far&#33;
    [23:53] <PloppyTwo> Nice save...
    [23:53] <Barbarella> hehe
    [23:53] <Ploppy> I know he&#39;s going to be getting intouch with some awesome people by joining our little Farscape family
    [23:53] <Barbarella> wow Ben is getting questions this time
    [23:53] <Barbarella> hehe
    [23:54] <Ploppy> I&#39;ve nearly finished ADR for 15 - my big D&#39;Argo ep for season 4
    [23:54] <PloppyTwo> Cool - I can actually type more than 3 words a minute too
    [23:54] <PloppyTwo> [SLAP&#33;]
    [23:54] <PloppyTwo> Sorry, Flunky apologises
    [23:54] <Barbarella> I wasn&#39;t gonna comment
    [23:54] <Ploppy> Yes I know I&#39;m a crap typer
    [23:55] <Ploppy> But at least I&#39;m here
    [23:55] <PloppyTwo> Absolutely
    [23:55] <Ploppy> Yes I think some Q&#39;s wold be great. Remember to ask Ploppy2 some things. Maybe you have some advice? We&#39;d appreciate it
    [23:56] <Barbarella> ok
    [23:56] <Barbarella> I&#39;m gonna start with this one cause I can&#39;t resist

    * [23:56] <Barbarella> <JohnKoz> Q for Ben - so tell us what a big dork Anthony was in high school...
    [23:56] * Barbarella snickers
    [23:56] <PloppyTwo> LoL
    [23:56] <PloppyTwo> ROFLMAO
    [23:56] <Ploppy> Careful Ben...
    [23:56] <PloppyTwo> Ummmmm
    [23:57] <Ploppy> Surely you want to say I was charming and funny...;-)
    [23:57] <PloppyTwo> Actually, as I&#39;m sure you can imagine - Anth was always one of the most popular guys in school. I think it has something to do with having a cool sense of humour
    [23:57] <Ploppy> Adored by woman
    [23:57] <Ploppy> Pursued by women
    [23:57] <PloppyTwo> Oh yes - sorry, stick to the script&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [23:57] <PloppyTwo> LOL
    [23:57] <Barbarella> hehe
    [23:57] <Ploppy> Worshiped by women
    [23:58] <PloppyTwo> Ummmm
    [23:58] <Ploppy> Pursued by women
    [23:58] <Ploppy> OK..I&#39;ll admit it...maybe I was exaggerating about the women stuff

    * [23:58] <Barbarella> *Mike* Ploppy2 (Ben) you need to get Anth to DragonCon&#33; You have a large following there (but then what Farscape char does not?.
    [23:59] <PloppyTwo> OK - details for DragonCon??
    [23:59] <PloppyTwo> Give me a website so I can scope it out
    [23:59] <PloppyTwo> This is exactly the stuff I need
    [23:59] <Barbarella> we&#39;ll get that for ya and email it to you
    [23:59] <Barbarella>
    [23:59] <Ploppy> Ok here&#39;s the deal&#33;&#33; Ben has an email address for ideas and stuff re: conventions
    [23:59] <PloppyTwo> I&#39;m talking to United Fan Con and SFX in MASS at the moment
    [23:59] <Ploppy> Give it to them Ben
    [00:00] <Barbarella> I think most people want to know what they would need to do to get Anth to a convention in their area
    [00:00] <PloppyTwo> Were doing our best to get Anth there for November
    [00:00] <Ploppy> PLEASE don&#39;t use this email to contact me or ask for anything to be passed on to cast - it won&#39;t happen
    [00:00] <PloppyTwo> All they need to do is send me the details so I can check it out
    [00:01] <Ploppy> That&#39;s not being rude - It&#39;s having respect for Ben and his email account
    [00:01] <Barbarella> okey doke we&#39;ll make sure to get it out to the scapers and make sure its con appearances only
    [00:01] <Ploppy> It is a "convention bookings only" email - otherwise you will always see me from time to time on bb&#39;s and you can leave messages on the bb at
    [00:02] <Ploppy> Just heard that Gigi is doing a little role on the telefilm I&#39;m doing (my role ius tiny as well)
    [00:02] <PloppyTwo> We&#39;re here today to try and get Anth out to meet as many of you as possible - as well as helping him pay his mortgage (not to mention his flunkey&#33
    [00:02] <PloppyTwo> If there&#39;s a con in your area, let me know about it
    [00:03] <Ploppy> Can&#39;t tell you more about it beyond - Melissa Jaffa is in it as well as Gigi and I - our roles are very small (no more than a few lines)
    [00:03] <Barbarella> hey we&#39;re a good network for that kind of stuff just ask scifi and the media
    [00:03] <Barbarella> we can get word out
    [00:03] <PloppyTwo> Coolness

    * [00:04] <Barbarella> *Jothee* for Anthony: whatever happened to Jothee? (I don&#39;t know the actors name... bad scaper) For Ben:how many places do you have Anthony booked at currently/how many are possible per year. I&#39;m sure there&#39;s lots of cons hat would love to have him there
    [00:04] <Barbarella> a 2 parter
    [00:04] <Ploppy> Jothee is played by Mat Newton. He is a wonderful actor and FYI the son of a VERY FAMOUS Australian tv personality Bert Newton
    [00:05] <PloppyTwo> We&#39;ve only just started booking Anth for cons. That&#39;s part of the reason we&#39;re here this morning
    [00:05] <Ploppy> I taught him briefly at NIDA. His carreer is incredible. He&#39;s really broken through and mainly does films these days - what a talent&#33;&#33;
    [00:05] <PloppyTwo> Talking to United Fan Con in Springfield, MA and SFX in Boston at the moment - things look positive
    [00:05] <PloppyTwo> Two November Cons
    [00:06] <PloppyTwo> Obviously Anth will be at the Creation Cons in CA and NY in November as well
    [00:06] <Ploppy> I love working with Mat - he also does lots of high level theatre
    [00:06] <PloppyTwo> Also talking to a guy in the UK about an appearance in March next year
    [00:06] <PloppyTwo> Looks like a big one&#33;
    [00:06] <Ploppy> I want to see snow&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Any cons near snow?
    [00:07] <Barbarella> lots
    [00:07] <Ploppy> Any cons near Disney world? I&#39;ve got to spend a week in that place
    [00:07] <PloppyTwo> Take me&#33; TAke me&#33;
    [00:07] <Ploppy> Be a good flunky and I will :-)
    [00:08] <PloppyTwo> [sits and behaves]
    [00:08] <Ploppy> But remember - girlfriend first, flunky second

    * [00:08] <Barbarella> <Artist> question for Anth: We&#39;re starting to believe our campaign can get a 5th season - is the cast and crew starting to believe this?
    [00:08] <PloppyTwo> Hmmmm - a plot hatches to do away with.... Wait a minute - did I say that out loud...??
    [00:08] <PloppyTwo> Drat&#33;
    [00:09] <Ploppy> To be honest no-one really knows how close or far our efforts aretaking us until the powers that be have a meeting Monday USA time
    [00:09] <Ploppy> ga
    [00:09] <PloppyTwo> What&#39;s ga?
    [00:09] <PloppyTwo> Are your fingers choking?
    [00:10] <Barbarella> *Sermon* Ploppy: What are your goals for the futu

    * [00:10] <Barbarella> *Sermon* Ploppy: What are your goals for the future? Where do you see yourself as an actor?
    [00:10] <Ploppy> Hey Ploppy2. You&#39;ve lasted 20 years and about twice as many girlfriends - I think you&#39;re fine
    [00:10] <PloppyTwo> [Blush]
    [00:10] <Ploppy> I see myslef moving more into comedy. Sadly csting directors see me moving on to the Dole cue
    [00:11] <PloppyTwo> Once again - flunky arrives WAY before Ploppy
    [00:11] <PloppyTwo> &#33;&#33;&#33;
    [00:11] <Ploppy> In fact I came up with the idea for a comedy show last night

    * [00:11] <Barbarella> *Bjeldor* For Ploppy: Is all of D&#39;Argo&#39;s dialoge run through ADR? For PloppyTwo where does John get his fly threads? Gap and Bannana republic don&#39;t seem to carry the style...
    [00:12] <PloppyTwo> Man - I don&#39;t understand my question&#33; LOL
    [00:12] <Ploppy> No not at all&#33;&#33; We do a lot of ADR but over 50% is sync (ie what we recorded on the day)
    [00:12] <PloppyTwo> Who is John?
    [00:12] <Barbarella> hehee
    [00:13] <Barbarella> I think they think you handle everyone&#39;s stuff...
    [00:13] <Barbarella> ok I have a better one for you P2

    * [00:13] <Barbarella> *longlivefarscape* Ben, Can you tell us what we need to do to get anth on Conan Or Letteman??
    [00:13] <PloppyTwo> At the moment, doing Anth&#39;s stuff is keeping me VERY busy&#33;
    [00:14] <Ploppy> To get on to a talk show takes a LOT of fan demands - the network has to see an attraction for their larger audience
    [00:15] <PloppyTwo> Contact the producers of Letterman and Conan and flood them with (polite) requests
    [00:15] <PloppyTwo> they can&#39;t have missed what&#39;s going on in the news at the moment
    [00:15] <PloppyTwo> they&#39;d know FS is a hot topic
    [00:15] <Ploppy> HAs the second Rally been organised - execs will be wlaking into a meeting about Farscape Monday - How many people will be there as they walk inot work?
    [00:16] <Barbarella> we have tons of rallies planned
    [00:16] <Barbarella> just for your info

    * [00:16] <Barbarella> *JML* Hey guys&#33; What do you think about all the media coverage the fight to save Farscape has gotten so far, and do you think it&#39;s having any effect?
    [00:16] <Ploppy> yes my typing sucks
    [00:16] <PloppyTwo> It&#39;s amazing.
    [00:17] <PloppyTwo> I&#39;m not directly involved with the show - except as my relationship to Anth - but I&#39;ve almost been in tears at some of the stuff I&#39;ve read and seen
    [00:17] <Ploppy> We were amazed. Ben called people with the CNN article and played it to people over the phone - we were so jazzed
    [00:17] <PloppyTwo> Very emotional issue&#33;

    * [00:17] <Barbarella> OK I&#39;m getting this one alot from many people...the scapers as a group have raised over 80,000 dollars and the number keeps climbing what are your thoughts on that?..and can you guys find a use for the money to help with funding?
    [00:17] <Ploppy> Very&#33;
    [00:17] <PloppyTwo> You guys are so dedicated - no one could help but be moved by that
    [00:17] <Barbarella> they expect it to be up over 100,000 by the end of weekend
    [00:18] <Ploppy> Wow&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Incredible&#33;&#33;&#33; That would be somehting to ask a suit at Henson&#39;s
    [00:18] <Ploppy> Incredible&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [00:18] <Ploppy> Get that info out to the suits&#33; That is so impressive&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [00:19] <PloppyTwo> Funding the campaign to save the show too&#33; Could make it very high profile
    [00:19] <Ploppy> An idea is to make 1 enmormous donation on behalf of Farscpe fans to a charity at a very well managed press event
    [00:19] <PloppyTwo> Number crunchers will always be swayed by the people with the most clout
    [00:19] <PloppyTwo> That&#39;s an awesome idea Anth&#33;
    [00:19] <Ploppy> Everyone wins - the charity - Farscape - you folks are awesome

    * [00:20] <Barbarella> *Gastroff* question for anthony...before it seemed the show was cancelled, were there any plans to revive the d&#39;argo/chiana relationship? or is that something you can&#39;t talk about cuz it might involve the second half of year four?
    [00:20] <Barbarella> remember guys please PM pygar with your questions PM&#39;s to me won&#39;t be looked at
    [00:21] <Ploppy> All I can say is that D & C have a future - what that is and in what form will be part of the fun of the end of this season
    [00:21] <PloppyTwo> [Aside] Are we getting any info from fans in Europe and UK about convention appearances for Anth??
    [00:21] <Ploppy> Remember the D&#39;Argo Jool kiss?
    [00:21] <Barbarella> yes actually we&#39;re getting tons of quetsions about that ben so make sure to get me that contact info and we&#39;ll make sure to get it out on all the sites
    [00:21] <Ploppy> D&#39;ARgo is in serach not only of love but HOW to love
    [00:22] <PloppyTwo> Cool

    * [00:22] <Barbarella> *aughra*;s your neck, hon...still going to physio? Gotta watch those hyperrages&#33; ;-)
    [00:22] <PloppyTwo> Sniff&#33;
    [00:22] <Ploppy> It&#39;s Ok - not great - yes still going - just ADR&#39;d the scene where it went yesterday
    [00:23] <Ploppy> For those who don&#39;t know I damaged my nexck this season doing a FULL ON hyper rage scene
    [00:23] <Ploppy> Another injury for this job

    * [00:23] <Barbarella> *LJinx1* Hi Anth and Ben. I heard rumours that say you are coming to a Starfury event in the UK next year, is this true? We&#39;d love to see you&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [00:23] <Barbarella> remind me never to make you mad then Anth
    [00:24] <Ploppy> We&#39;re trying as hard as we can to make it happen - a 6 month ban on other events is hampering us at the moment but the people at Star fury are wonderful so I&#39;m sure we&#39;ll work something out
    [00:24] <Ploppy> ga
    [00:25] <Ploppy> "I vow I will never be taken prisoner again&#33;"

    * [00:25] <Barbarella> *newmedia303* For Ploppy, I remember an interview where you said that you find what you need for a scene in the other actor&#39;s eyes. What do you when working with the puppets? Like when you had to apologize to Rygel??
    [00:25] <PloppyTwo> Great question&#33;
    [00:26] <Ploppy> THe puppeteers make his eyes come alive - it&#39;s the same principle and a key to acting - take the focus and drive to something outside yourslef - affect the world around you
    [00:26] <Ploppy> effect
    [00:27] <Ploppy> This stops your performance becoming indulgent
    [00:27] <Ploppy> "I pay my &#036;60 to come out of the theatre an emotional mess. Not to watch you in one" I wish more actorws learnt this lesson - we&#39;d see better perform
    [00:28] <Ploppy> Crying does not a good actor make - I know plenty of crap actors who can cry on cue
    [00:28] <PloppyTwo> by the way gang, if you want to see Anth at conventions near you - contact the organisers and make your voices heard
    [00:29] <PloppyTwo> You&#39;re all good at that&#33;

    * [00:28] <Barbarella> <PsiTrey> How Raelee and Melissa Jaffer have reacted to the news of the cancellation?
    [00:28] <Barbarella> how has sorry
    [00:29] <Ploppy> They&#39;re resigned to it - Very sad and shocked but as R said to me a year on a show is a lot diferent to 4

    * [00:30] <Barbarella> *commy* anth- Where would u like to see the character go? how would u write the character in the final ep (when weve won&#33;&#33;&#33 ie how would u like the character to be ended?
    [00:31] <Ploppy> I would like to see D&#39;ARgo utilise all his new found wisdom and experience to aid in the plight of hsi people

    * [00:31] <Barbarella> *zoowho* Is the farscape set still intact? I heard in a previous chat that it was to be destroyed soon after the cancelation was announced.
    [00:31] <Ploppy> It was scheduled to be taken apart but the enormous fan response has made the suits delay until Manoday USA time
    [00:32] <Ploppy> My understanding is that there will be a phone hook up by the suits to discuss
    [00:32] <Ploppy> So come Monday afternoon the campaign will know the fruits of its efforts

    * [00:33] <Barbarella> *Magess* P2: are you also going to book gigs for Anth&#39;s band?
    [00:34] <Ploppy> Would LOVE to do that. It&#39;s a more expensive prospect for the organisers but hey - they get the big D and Scorpy plus a great rock band
    [00:34] <PloppyTwo> If a convention is interested in Anth&#39;s band , then definitely&#33; Otherwise, the band is not within my sphere of influence
    [00:34] <Ploppy> When Scapers let organisers know they wnat Farscape cast at conventions you should also request the band

    * [00:34] <Barbarella> *CraisLover* Anthony, If you could take any characteristics of Dargo&#39;s and have them be a part of you, what would they be and why?
    [00:35] <Ploppy> Craislover&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33; Hello darling&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [00:35] <Ploppy> Craisloveer has taken the most fantstic shots of me at cons people - great photographer - great lady
    [00:35] <Ploppy> I would take hsi spaceship of course&#33; :-)

    * [00:36] <Barbarella> *Jota* If the campaign here in North America is successful, is that likely to have affect Australian/New Zealand networks at all?
    [00:36] <Barbarella> IF?...WHEN
    [00:36] <PloppyTwo> God I hope so&#33; It&#39;s really annoying how they program FS here&#33;
    [00:36] <Ploppy> I don&#39;t think so - The sad truth is that no network belives the show works for an Aussie audience - Our ratings here were more than appalling
    [00:37] <PloppyTwo> Thanks to crappy programming - that&#39;s my 2 cents

    * [00:37] <Barbarella> *TankGrl* Who are you going to be for Halloween?
    [00:37] <Barbarella> I thihnk that&#39;s to both of you
    [00:37] <Ploppy> Not an Australian tradition I&#39;m afraid. But happy halloween anyway (If that&#39;s the right thing to say)
    [00:37] <PloppyTwo> Morticia Addams
    [00:38] <Barbarella> tish
    [00:38] <Ploppy> But Ploppy2&#39;s always dressed like that
    [00:38] <PloppyTwo> My secret&#39;s out&#33;
    [00:38] <Barbarella> does that mean if I speak french you&#39;ll swoon?
    [00:38] <PloppyTwo> LOL
    [00:39] <Ploppy> I&#39;ve seen photos and of course in movies kida going around collecting lollies but I can&#39;t say I&#39;ve ever had someone come to my dorr "Trickl or treating" HAve you Ben?
    [00:39] <PloppyTwo> No, that was Gomez
    [00:39] <PloppyTwo> Never
    [00:39] <Barbarella> you must have nasty candy then
    [00:39] <PloppyTwo> Been to a couple of Halloween partied though - they&#39;re always fun
    [00:39] <Barbarella> I know I always left those houses alone
    [00:39] <PloppyTwo> Aussies always looking for an excuse to party
    [00:40] <PloppyTwo> And I&#39;m always looking for an excuse to dress up&#33;&#33;

    * [00:38] <Barbarella> *RomCen* For Anth: Which Farscape episode is closest to your heart and why? You&#39;ll always be close to our hearts, btw&#33;
    [00:40] <Ploppy> My favourite ep is the one I&#39;m in ADR for at the moment 4/15 - big D&#39;Argo ep that ties up some interesting stuff about his back story
    [00:40] <PloppyTwo> Please send headless roses to:
    [00:40] <PloppyTwo>

    * [00:40] <Barbarella> ok this is coming from alot of people...more band questions they all want to know how they can hear you guys play?
    [00:41] <Ploppy> We will be selling a demo at the cons (trying to self fund an album)
    [00:41] <Ploppy> We are booked to play at the LA creation con
    [00:42] <Ploppy> Any other bookings whil wer&#39;er in the states will be happilly accepted - just contact Ben (Ploppy2

    * [00:42] <Barbarella> *JessicaSeven* to both of yas: what&#39;s the lowdown on Aussie beer? XXXX or which do you prefer?
    [00:42] <PloppyTwo> Aaaahahhhhhhgggggg&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [00:42] <PloppyTwo> Mmmmmmm....beeeerrr
    [00:42] <Barbarella> yes the magic word beer
    [00:43] <PloppyTwo> I like Fosters Lite Ice - Mmmm, cool and refreshing, and light
    [00:43] <Ploppy> (Queensland is an Australian state) An Australian joke is "Why do Queenslanders call their beer XXXX - because they can&#39;t spell beer"
    [00:43] <PloppyTwo> Hahn premium light is also a goody
    [00:43] <PloppyTwo> Hey&#33;
    [00:43] <Ploppy> I&#39;m partial to Cascade myself or Crown
    [00:43] <PloppyTwo> bleugh&#33;
    [00:44] <Ploppy> Ploppy2 is a Queenslander (So was I)
    [00:44] <PloppyTwo> I used to drink VB when I lived in Melbourne

    * [00:44] <Barbarella> *Galvin* what are the food cubes made of, what do they taste like?
    [00:45] <Ploppy> I think they&#39;re coloured Tofu from memory - long time since I&#39;ve had a scene with the good old food cubes

    * [00:45] <Barbarella> *oskum* In a British Ad at the moment Dame Edna Everage says he/she can&#39;t wait till the world leaders think like a melbourne housewife...Would it work????? ;-)
    [00:45] <Barbarella> I had to ask it
    [00:46] <PloppyTwo> Depends which Melbourne housewife
    [00:46] <PloppyTwo> there are a lot of them
    [00:46] <Ploppy> That add is here as well. The laughter that Dame Edna brings the world has to be a good thing
    [00:47] <Ploppy> I prefer his chracter Sir Les to Dame Edna but they&#39;re both great

    * [00:47] <Barbarella> *aBracaDabra* For Anth - What&#39;s your favorite part of doing cons? Our family in Rhode Island just loves you&#33;
    [00:48] <Ploppy> Thank you. The best part of doing a con is looking into peoples eyes, if only for a second, and saying g&#39;day. I hope that everyone who gets to meet me at a con comes awy feeling that I am a genuine normal guy and that we are all on the Farscape journey TOGETHER
    [00:50] <Ploppy> I love laughter and energy - that is my job at a con - to give out good, high energy vibes to everyone - I&#39;m a race car at a con not a gondala ride

    * [00:50] <Barbarella> *Macabre* Hi there&#33; ;D Here&#39;s my question for Anth: Does anyone ever get nauseous regarding all the disgusting things that happen? Re: D&#39;Argo&#39;s DNA all over his ship&#39;s controls, lots of vomiting, eating stuff that other people have... produced.
    [00:51] <Ploppy> We find it funny. It&#39;s never as disgusting when you are conronted with the technical aspects of your job
    [00:51] <Barbarella> I dunno I&#39;ve seen some of the things you guys are asked to eat Anth
    [00:52] <Ploppy> I&#39;m terrible on set - usually all the "space food" is normal food recoloured of course so I will spend the day nibbling away
    [00:53] <Ploppy> Then I&#39;ll feel ill and stand by props are angry because I keep eatin the props&#33;
    [00:54] <Ploppy> They started to tell me all the props were sprayed with insect spray to stop me eating them :-)
    [00:54] <Ploppy> It was very funny - I ate them anyway - who;s going to argue with an angry Luxan

    [00:51] <PloppyTwo> OK gang - I&#39;m going to give you my contact info....
    [00:51] <Barbarella> yes please
    [00:51] <PloppyTwo> A couple of rules first....
    [00:51] <Ploppy> Ooh Ploppy2 sounds tough
    [00:52] <PloppyTwo> Please, please, please only send information about Conventions
    [00:52] <PloppyTwo> I&#39;m sorry, but I CANNOT forward messages on to Anth - or to anyone else
    [00:54] <PloppyTwo> My job is to organise Anth&#39;s appearances at cons and events so I&#39;ll have to ignore anything that comes in outside of that scope
    [00:55] <PloppyTwo> You&#39;ll do much better by getting me the con info anyway. That way, if it&#39;s in your area - you&#39;ll get to meet him in person&#33; Way better than talking to a flunky (Sniff... )
    [00:55] <Ploppy> OOOh Ploppy2 - You&#39;re so much more than that&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [00:56] <PloppyTwo> [Blush]
    [00:56] <PloppyTwo> Ohhhh - thanks man [coy]
    [00:56] <Ploppy> So what&#39;s the Addy Ploppy2?
    [00:56] <PloppyTwo>
    [00:57] <Ploppy> OK everyone cut and paste your hearts out&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&# 33;&#33;

    [00:58] <Barbarella> ok This is to both of you...I think I&#39;ve had almost every scaper here say Try to get Anthony and Ben to say NEVER SAY DIE for us (for Ben that&#39;s our Call to arms for the show)
    [00:58] <Barbarella> they gotta have it man
    [00:58] <Barbarella> I&#39;m bowing to pressure
    [00:58] <Barbarella> hehehe
    [00:58] <PloppyTwo> I know - I&#39;ve been lurking.... heheh
    [00:58] <Ploppy> Anth takes a deep breathe
    [00:58] <Ploppy> He stands
    [00:58] <Ploppy> Wind blows his hair
    [00:59] <Ploppy> Somehting is building
    [00:59] <Ploppy> Energy starts to grow
    [00:59] <Ploppy> His mouth opens
    [00:59] <Ploppy> the ground rumbles........
    [00:59] <Ploppy> and......
    [00:59] <Ploppy> NEVER SAY DIE&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&# 33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&# 33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&# 33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&# 33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&# 33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&# 33;&#33;&#33;11
    [01:00] <PloppyTwo> NEVER SAY DIE&#33;&#33;
    [01:00] <Barbarella> hehehe
    [01:00] <Ploppy> Windows shatter
    [01:00] <Barbarella> OH that feels gooooood
    [01:00] <Ploppy> light bulbs explode
    [01:00] <PloppyTwo> Man, I&#39;m quivering
    [01:00] <Ploppy> tvs change stations
    [01:00] <Ploppy> the city shuts down
    [01:00] <PloppyTwo> That was powerful - I mean it&#33;
    [01:00] <Ploppy> the only thing the whole world can hear is the cry of millions of angry scapers
    [01:01] <Ploppy> NEVER SAY DIE&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&# 33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [01:01] <Ploppy> That&#39;s it for me people - off to the weekend
    [01:01] <PloppyTwo> I guess I&#39;m heading off too...
    [01:01] <Barbarella> thank you so much Anthony and Ben we really appreciate you showing up and doing this with us
    [01:01] <Barbarella> and now I&#39;m gonna open up the floor
    [01:01] <Barbarella>
    [01:01] <PloppyTwo> I&#39;ll be back now and again to remind you to harrass you&#39;re con organisers
    [01:01] <Ploppy> Thank you so much once again - it IS having an impact - I promise you and I repeat -It IS having an impact
    [01:01] <PloppyTwo> &#33;&#33;&#33;
    [01:01] <Barbarella> get ready for the scroll of your life...and you thought rollercoasters were fast


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