Noch mehr Lost:

Spoiler Inside!

Lost in Love? Don't look now, but some of the cast members on Lost are starting to look like the next Adam and Rachel, Kiefer and Reiko, Carol and Greg (Brady). You catch my offscreen-canoodling drift, right? At least, that's the way things appeared Golden Globes night, when I spotted Evangeline Lilly (Kate) cozying up (lip to lip) with Dominic Monaghan (Charlie), and Ian Somerhalder (Boone) and his onscreen "sis" Maggie Grace (Shannon) looking equally lovey-dovey and attached at the hip the entire night. Of course, it's possible this cast is just friendly. But it does sorta make you go "Hmmm," hmmm?

If you're wondering how Dominic, Ian and Maggie appeared on the Globes carpet when I told you ABC only had tickets for Evangeline and Jorge Garcia (Hurley), I'm told Access Hollywood gave them tickets at the last minute. Seems it's much easier to score tickets when you're on the network where the kudofest was broadcast (NBC).

Dead Castaways Walking: Maggie Grace--who nearly killed us all when she almost died in that episode--told me at the Globes, "It won't always be a close call. I don't think my encounter was the imminent death they're speaking of."

Lost producers Damon Lindelof and Bryan Burke confirmed. "I think it would be sort of against the premise of the show and the promise of the show if we were to make it through the first season and everybody survived of our main fourteen," Lindelof said. "Killing off people that we haven't really seen before is sort of cheap and easy, but I think that it would be very unlikely that all of them would survive into the second season. I can't say who or when, but they're not all gonna make it."

I had to ask. "Could you possibly keep Matthew Fox, Dominic Monaghan and Evangeline Lilly around?"

"Those are the first three to go," D.L. replied. "We're just gonna let the kid, Malcolm David Kelley, and the dog survive. It will be the new Lassie."

Something tells me he may have been kidding.
Ich wills garnicht wissen wer es ist. Ich würde mich im Vorfeld nur drüber aufregen.