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Thema: TV Guide rocks ;)

  1. #1
    Wühlmaus Avatar von Nager
    Dabei seit
    Down Under


    Da wir vom TV Guide immer wieder aufs neue beglückt werden, mache ich mal einen eigenen Thread für TVG auf.

    Der neueste Geniestreich ist ein großer wirklich schöner Online-Bericht über PK Wars.

    Hier nachzulesen: -->

    Da er leichte Spoiler enhält, empfiehlt sich den "Spoiler Virgins", die entspoilerte Version auf Watch Farscape zu lesen.

    Einen FMD-Thread gibt's selbstverständlich auch dazu.

    Besonders gefällt mir ja der letzte Absatz.
    Although the miniseries will tie up a lot of loose ends left over from the show, don't assume it will close the door on Farscape forever. "I wanted this to be a great, epic event, not the conclusion of an 88-episode story," Henson insists. "Time will tell, but in the best of all worlds, I would hope that Farscape would become a movie franchise as well as a spin-off series." In other words, the sky's the limit.
    Und es würde mich irgendwie stark interessieren, wer genau sich hinter den geheimnisvollen "Investoren" verbirgt, die Brian Henson kontaktiert haben.
    "When the show was canceled, I tried to place it at other channels, but that didn't work out," Henson recalls. "I was starting to explore alternatives — including a theatrical feature — when a consortium [of investors] approached me in the early spring. They had heard about the show from fans and were interested in financing something with us.

  2. #2
    Tastaturquäler Avatar von Crystal
    Dabei seit


    So gut wie mir der Artikel und der Satz am Ende auch gefallen, will wirklich keiner mehr zurück zum TV-Format? Ich hatte immer noch auf eine Season 5 gehofft, aber in letzter Zeit lese ich immer häufiger von einer Filmserie. Beides zusammen wäre natürlich noch besser.

    Naja, erstmal abwarten, wie es sich entwickelt. Sobald die Quoten der Miniserie raus sind, erfahren wir bestimmt mehr.

  3. #3
    Forum-Aktivist Avatar von Prospero
    Dabei seit


    Wer sich für den TV-Guide-Artikel nicht extra registrieren will, es gibt etliche Bugmenot-Accounts. Auf die Webseite gehen, URL ins Fenster posten, Account-Info erscheint. Praktisch.
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    Ein spoilerloses Interview mit Claudia im TV-Guide.! In der Kategorie Insider. Und am Montag folgt eins mit Ben!
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    (Da frag ich mich doch immer - was ist so schwer am editieren? -Kaff)

  4. #4
    Forum-Aktivist Avatar von Prospero
    Dabei seit


    Ganz einfach, Kaff, das waren in meinen Augen zwei verschiedene Themen, die meines Erachtens nicht in ein Posting passten.
    Wie dem auch sei, das hier hat definitiv einen eigenen Eintrag verdient: Das Interview mit Ben ist online. Eigentlich sind da keine richtigen Spoiler drin, aber ich sags mal trotzdem: Spoiler-Gefahr.
    Ad Astra

  5. #5


    Könnte jemand vielleicht die Interviews mal hier posten? Das bugmenot-Ding funktioniert bei mir nicht, und bei gibt's immer nur die entspoilerte Fassung.

  6. #6
    Forum-Aktivist Avatar von Prospero
    Dabei seit


    Der von Bugmenot funktioniert nicht bei dir?
    Na dann, hier das Interview mit Claudia für die Spoiler-Süchtigen:

    Farscape Vixen Returns
    by Ethan Alter

    Like every Farscape cast member, Claudia Black spent the first three seasons of Sci Fi Channel's cult hit convinced it could be yanked off the air at any moment. "The fourth year was the first time I actually believed we'd be back," says the actress, who played steely Peacekeeper warrior Aeryn Sun. "We were shooting the last scene of the final episode, and I said to Ben Browder [aka Crichton], 'We'll be back. We always come back. It's the boomerang show!' And he said, 'No, I don't think so.'"

    Unfortunately, Browder was right... until now, anyway. Against the odds, Farscape is returning to Sci Fi this October in a four-hour miniseries called Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars. As happy as Black was to be back onboard Moya, the project came at an awkward time. "It was filmed just before Christmas," she says. "We had all scattered to the four winds and getting everybody back was really difficult. Everyone had so much going on that they had to put aside because we had to make the series in a specific window of time. If we couldn't do it then, it was clear that it would never happen. So, eventually, we all made the decision to just go for it."

    The night before filming started was "like the night before the first day of school," Black remembers. She worried about being able to hit her marks, not to mention adjusting to the relentless pace of the shoot. She reveals that the first few days of filming were a little awkward, mainly because the cast spent a lot of time filming "bits and pieces" instead of more dramatic scenes, which were saved for later. But Black soon recovered her Farscape legs, particularly when playing opposite her on-screen lover, Browder. Smiling, she recalls: "Working with Ben, it was like there hadn't been a pause."
    Click here.

    The other reason Black initially felt out of sorts was her changing relationship to her character. "Aeryn's in a really different place now. When I first read the script, I didn't know how to approach it," she admits. Fans will recall that the series ended with Aeryn revealing that she was pregnant with Crichton's child. In the miniseries, her condition is clearly showing.

    "How do you deal with a woman who was bred to be a soldier, who was never supposed to have emotions for other people, and who is now pregnant?" she says. "This time, you see a more improved, upgraded Aeryn. She's a woman now, not a girl so much. But it was bizarre at first, because I was used to Aeryn the warrior. Here, I was Aeryn the woman first, and the warrior second."

    In early 2005, viewers will have the chance to see Black as a different kind of alien — a villainous one — on the popular Sci Fi series, Stargate: SG-1. "She's a pretty manipulative character," Black says. "I've never played that type before." Although she's currently set to appear in only one episode, the actress hopes they'll bring her bad girl back in the future. "Doing both Farscape and Stargate has reminded me how much I love being on a set. I have to act! Every day, when the going was getting tough, I'd tell myself, 'Just do your job and you'll never have to waitress again.' Because, damn it, I'm terrible at that!"
    Und hier das mit Ben:

    Ben Browder's Farscape Plan
    by Ethan Alter

    In his role as John Crichton, the astronaut-turned-action hero of Sci Fi Channel's cult hit, Farscape, Ben Browder frequently struggled to keep his emotions in check. In real life, the actor doesn't always feel the need to hold back. In fact, he was downright verklempt when he arrived on the set of Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars, a four-hour miniseries that will air in October — and pick up where the prematurely canceled show left off!

    "I got tears in my eyes walking back onto the set," Browder tells TV Guide Online. "To walk back onto Moya [the living leviathin which housed Crichton and his band of interstellar fugitives] was like seeing an old friend you never thought you'd see again. There were minor differences [in the set], but for the most part, it was like a time warp. A year and a half had passed since they had dismantled it, and there it was again.

    "It actually leads you to believe that you could go back to high school if you really thought about it — and had a really good set designer."
    Click here.

    The last time we saw Crichton, he had just proposed to his on-again, off-again lover, Aeryn Sun (Claudia Black). Aeryn responded with her own surprise: She was pregnant with their child. Thirty seconds later, the happy couple was reduced to thousands of crystals by an alien laser blast!

    "When we come back to the story, they're still in 275,000 pieces," Browder laughs. "But I don't think I'm giving much away to say that Crichton and Aeryn return. However, it may not be the Crichton that people remember...."

    Browder is naturally sworn to secrecy on plot specifics, but he promises fans a wild ride. "The big question is: Where is Crichton going to end up? Is he mentally, physically and emotionally prepared to survive his journey, and how many people are going to die in the process? People change and do things in the course of hard times that they would not normally do. Had Crichton never entered that wormhole, he would have just been a regular astronaut. Now the stakes have been raised one more time."

    In between wrapping the series and starting work on the miniseries, Browder popped up in several roles, including a guest appearance on CSI: Miami and a cameo as Lee Majors in NBC's Charlie's Angels movie. (Sci-Fi Geek Alert! Tricia Helfer, the actress who played Farrah Fawcett, Majors' former wife, in that film also stars as a sexy Cylon robot on the new Battlestar Galactica series.)

    Browder also starred in an independent feature called A Killer Within, which screened at the Cannes Film Festival back in May. "I'm always looking for work," he says. "Even when I'm working, I'm looking for work! It's my job and I love what I do, but it can be a crapshoot sometimes."

    And don't think that his status as a sci-fi hero gives him a swelled head. "I'm a fan of certain actors and directors and writers, but I cannot see a single reason why anyone would feel that way about me," he offers humbly. "I've never been comfortable with that idea in regard to what I do. I'm part of a process to which thousands of people have put input and millions have watched. I love it when people enjoy the show and get something from it, but I can't ask for much more as a performer."

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  7. #7


    >However, it may not be the Crichton that people remember...."


  8. #8
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
    Dabei seit


    Die Passage hat mich auch stutzig gemacht, vielleicht gibt es ja Probleme beim Wiederzusammensetzen seiner Persönlichkeit/Erinnerungen?

    Aber solange er sich optisch nicht verändert hat, ist es ja egal

    Vielleicht bezieht er sich aber auch einfach nur auf die Leute, die sich an ihn erinnern als "Vampir, der in New York als Detektiv arbeitet"? *g*
    **** Nach dem TBFC ist vor dem TBFC ****

    Neu: jetzt mit Alkohol UND Waffen!

  9. #9
    Kleiner SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    *heul* gibt es die Interviews auch irgendwo auf good old german?

  10. #10
    Wühlmaus Avatar von Nager
    Dabei seit
    Down Under


    Die wirklich wichtigen Infos wirst du sicher nicht verpassen.

    <font class='spoiler'>
    Aber solange er sich optisch nicht verändert hat, ist es ja egal
    Bis auf ein Pflaster / eine Narbe an einer sehr charakteristischen Stelle. *hust*</font>

  11. #11
    Forum-Aktivist Avatar von Prospero
    Dabei seit


    Originally posted by tashabaer@19.08.2004, 20:12
    *heul* gibt es die Interviews auch irgendwo auf good old german?
    Nager hat Recht, die wirklich wichtigen Infos bekommt man hier schon mit. Ich schau mal ob ich die Zeit dazu finde die wichtigeren Passagen zu übersetzen. Hmm, Premium Content für Weblogs ist nie verkehrt.

    Etwas später: Na schön, na schön, das Interview mit Claudia ist hier auf deutsch zu finden.
    Und hier das von Ben. Ich denke, die Übersetzung ist so gut am Original wie es irgendgeht.
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  12. #12
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
    Dabei seit


    Sehr löblich. Ich würde Dir gerne dafür ein paar Bonbons zukommen lassen, aber hab noch nicht rausgefunden, wie das bei dem Blog geht :P

    BTW, bugmenot gibt es jetzt auch als Plugin für Firefox und Mozilla

    Erklärung auf Deutsch
    **** Nach dem TBFC ist vor dem TBFC ****

    Neu: jetzt mit Alkohol UND Waffen!

  13. #13
    Forum-Aktivist Avatar von Prospero
    Dabei seit


    Originally posted by greenslob@23.08.2004, 17:35
    Sehr löblich. Ich würde Dir gerne dafür ein paar Bonbons zukommen lassen, aber hab noch nicht rausgefunden, wie das bei dem Blog geht :P
    Ich will doch keine Bonbons - ich will Cracker&#33;
    So richtig erklärt wird das allerdings auch nicht trotz der Support-Seiten.
    Ad Astra

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