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Thema: Firefly Literatur | Printerzeugnisse zu Firefly/Serenity

  1. #1
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Standard Firefly Literatur | Printerzeugnisse zu Firefly/Serenity

    Erste Buchankündigungen zu Firefly / Serenity:

    Roman-Ankündigungen bei BBC Cult

    Novel adventures for Joss Whedon's space western.

    Three new books based upon the adventures of Mal Reynolds and his motley crew have been announced by publishers Simon and Schuster.

    The range will launch next autumn with an adaptation of Joss Whedon's screenplay for big screen adventure Serenity.

    Although the publishers considered asking Joss to write the novel himself, the job eventually fell to Keith R.A. DeCandido, who has previously written several Buffy and Angel tie-ins.

    The Serenity adaptation will be followed by two original Firefly novels in 2006.
    Interessanter klingt die Ankündigung erster Sekundärliteratur:

    Finding Serenity: Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly
    Autoren: Glenn Yeffeth (Editor), Jane Espensen(&#33 (Editor)

    In this eclectic anthology of essays, former cast member Jewel Staite, "Kaylee," philosopher Lyle Zynda, sex therapist Joy Davidson, and noted science fiction and fantasy authors Mercedes Lackey, David Gerrold, and Lawrence Watt-Evans contribute to a clever and insightful analysis of the short-lived cult hit Firefly. From What went wrong with the pilot? to What's right about Reavers? and how the correspondence between the show's creator Joss Whedon and the network executives might have actually played out, the writers interrogate the show's complexity and speculate about what might have been if the show Firefly had not been cancelled.
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  2. #2
    Moderator Avatar von Amujan
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    Schönefeld b. Berlin


    na dann bestell es doch vor bei



  3. #3


    Okay, off topic, aber: Warum zum Frell schreibt eigentlich keiner sowas über Farscape? Gibt es da nix zu analysieren? Wohl kaum - ich schreibe schon seit Jahren mit Begeisterung meine Hausarbeiten für die Uni über Farscape, wo es nur geht ('Gender in Farscape', 'Farscape in the field of cultural production&#39. Also, warum kann nicht mal jemand so ein Buch für Farscape rausbringen? *Das* will *ich* nämlich haben. Dringend. Grrr.

    Ich kann mir meine Analysen zwar auch weiterhin selbst schreiben, aber irgendwie habe ich den Verdacht, daß es wesentlich schlauere Leute gibt als mich, die dazu wesentlich Interessanteres zu sagen hätten, als ich es jemals könnte.


    Ich schätze, ich sollte auf Frell Me Dead nochmal anregen, daß wir zumindest mal eine Website machen, die solche Sachen sammelt. Leider bin ich im Moment sowas von beschäftigt.

    Okay, off topic Ende. Sorry. Wollte hiermit auch nichts gegen Firefly sagen, Firefly ist eine schöne Serie.

  4. #4
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    @hmpf: Hat mich auch schon sehr geärgert...

    Aber gerade bei FMD gefunden:

    Bates, Benjamin R
    2000 Fractured men in fractured times: A mythopoetic discussion of (post)heroic masculinity in Farscape. Manuscript presented to the Gender Studies Interest Group of the Southern States Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, LA March 29-April 3, 2000. Top Paper in Gender Studies.
    (source: )

    Lavinge, Carlen
    n.d. Space Opera: Melodrama, Feminism and the Women of Farscape. Femspec. Electronic document.

    Prowse, Andrew and David Kemper
    2003 Television Production in the Digital Age: Farscape--A Case Study. May 21. Lecture conducted by the National Museum of Australia. May 21.
    (source: )

    Scodari, Christine
    2003 'Resistance Reexamined: Gender, Fan Practices, and Science Fiction Television.' Popular Communication 1(2):111-130.
    (source: )
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  5. #5
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Der TOC von Finding Serenity steht fest:

    KRAD's Inaccurate Guide to Life - Finding Serenity

    Introduction by Jane Espenson (writer of "Shindig"; Jane also writes short intros to each essay)
    "The Reward, the Details, the Devils, the Due" by Larry Dixon (artist)
    "The Heirs of Sawney Beane" by Lawrence Watt-Evans (author)
    "Asian Objects in Space" by Leigh Adams Wright (fan)
    "The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Firefly (the Behind the Scenes Story)" by Glenn Yeffeth (editor/publisher of this book)
    "Who Killed Firefly?" by Ginjer Buchanan (editor)
    "'The Train Job' Didn't Do the Job: Poor Opening Contributed to Firefly's Doom" by Keith R.A. DeCandido (author/editor, Serenity novelizer)
    "Serenity and Bobby McGee: Freedom and the Illusion of Freedom in Joss Whedon's Firefly" by Mercedes Lackey (author)
    "Firefly vs. The Tick" by Don DeBrandt (author)
    "We're All Just Floating in Space" by Lyle Zynda (philosopher)
    "More than a Marriage of Convenience" by Michelle Sagara West (author)
    "'Thanks for the Reenactment, Sir': Zoe: Updating the Woman Warrior" by Tanya Huff (author)
    "Whores and Goddesses: The Archetypal Domain of Inara Serra" by Dr. Joy Davidson (sex therapist)
    "The Captain May Wear the Tight Pants, but It's the Gals Who Make Serenity Soar" by Robert B. Taylor (TV critic/journalist)
    "I Want Your Sex: Gender and Power in Joss Whedon's Dystopian Future World" by Nancy Holder (author)
    "Just Shove Him in the Engine, or, The Role of Chivalry in Joss Whedon's Firefly" by John C. Wright (author)
    "Mirror/Mirror: A Parody" by Roxanne Longstreet Conrad (author)
    "Star Truck" by David Gerrold (author/screenwriter)
    "Chinese Words in the Fireflyverse" by Kevin M. Sullivan (linguist)
    "Listening to Firefly" by Jennifer Goltz (musician)
    "Kaylee Speaks: Jewel Staite on Firefly" by Jewel Staite (actor)
    "Unofficial Glossary of Firefly Chinese," created by Kevin M. Sullivan
    das Cover scheint auch schon fest zu sein:
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  6. #6
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Whedon kuendigt Serenity-Comics an:

    Then he dropped another big announcement. Dark Horse will publish a three-issue "Serenity" prequel comic intended to bridge "Firefly" and the "Serenity" film. The comics will be written by Brett Matthews and will have three variant covers drawn by different great comic book artists; nine covers in all that will feature each cast member of the film. Cassaday will draw the first cover with Capt. Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds.

    "I got to see a few of the covers. I got every artist I wanted. Nobody turned me down," said a proud yet humble Whedon.

    Artikel enthält Spoiler zu anderen Themen
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  7. #7
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Standard AW: Firefly Literatur

    Hab ich Halluzinationen, oder ist Findig Serenity bei schon ausverkauft? 8-[

    Kassiert der Zoll eigentlich auch bei Buchlieferungen aus USA, oder nur bei DVDs?
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  8. #8
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    Standard AW: Firefly Literatur | Printerzeugnisse zu Firefly/Serenity

    Wenn es mehr als 22 Euro sind, dann natürlich auch, unabhängig davon, was man importiert.

  9. #9
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Standard AW: Firefly Literatur | Printerzeugnisse zu Firefly/Serenity

    Gorram Alliance!

    Aber prima, in den USA ist es eh zur Zeit guenstiger.
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  10. #10
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Standard AW: Firefly Literatur | Printerzeugnisse zu Firefly/Serenity

    Erste Besprechung des Visual Companions

    (companion? )
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  11. #11

    Reden AW: Firefly Literatur | Printerzeugnisse zu Firefly/Serenity

    Bin überrascht das es noch niemand gepostet hat.

    Das Serenity Rollenspielhandbuch ^-^

  12. #12
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Standard AW: Firefly Literatur | Printerzeugnisse zu Firefly/Serenity

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  13. #13
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Standard AW: Firefly Literatur | Printerzeugnisse zu Firefly/Serenity

    Firefly-Literatur der etwas anderen Art, aus dem zusammengeklaubt:
    **Why did the chicken cross the road?***

    Mal: Because the other side of the road was the only place it could live life on its own terms, without being meddled with.

    Zoë: Because that’s where the job was, Sir.

    Wash: It followed a really hot girl chicken that could kill it with its pinky. Do chickens have pinkies? No? We’ll I don’t know then.

    Jayne: The money was better over there. (mutters) Lousy seven percent...

    Kaylee: To meet shiny new chickens and see the sights.

    Simon: That’s where the Alliance was hiding its sister.

    River: To get to the other side.

    River: To remember it was a chicken
    I swallowed a chicken.

    Niska: Reputation.

    Inara: It just suddenly, for no apparent reason, decided to pick up and abandon the luxurious life it had on this side of the road. That’s not odd, is it?

    Book: It was a pilgrimage. Wracked with guilt over the atrocities it had committed, the chicken decided to devote the remainder of its life to God in a desperate search for redemption. Just a guess.

    Jubal: What did you say? Am I a road?

    YoSafBrige: Because you were over there, sweetie.

    The Operative: The chicken’s motivations are not my concern. Getting it across the road is.

    Badger: Why would the chicken cross the road when he can get some other blighter to do it for him?

    Niska: So by facing the emotional and physical pain of dodging traffic...we would finally meet the real chicken.

    Mingo and Fanty: that's the road, he's the chicken.

    Patience: That chicken ain't too bright. Keeps on crossing that road and I damn near own this moon

    Saffron: You're asking yourself: if the chicken had the security codes, then why did it cross the road?

    The Fruity Oaty Bar: To let it blow its mind.

    Mr. Universe: Because everything goes somewhere, and the chicken goes everywhere.

    Tracey (from "The Message"): Because it was trying to smuggle enhanced chicken gizzards.

    GABRIEL TAM: I don't care why it crossed the road, but if it does it again I am NOT going after it.

    Blue Glove (from Ariel): So... you spoke to the chicken?
    Chicken: bock bock
    *the chicken didn't make it*

    Woman at desk of Alliance hospital: If the chicken doesn't make it, take it to the morgue.

    Doctor in Alliance hospital: Look at this badge; what does it say? It says "Doctor". The chicken does what I tell it to do.

    Monty: What do you mean that's not my chicken?

    Tracey: When the chicken can't run it crawls, and when it can't crawl...when you can't do that... You find someone to carry your chicken across the road.

    Alliance: Offical Statement "The Alliance denies any reports of said chicken crossing a road. Said chicken has never existed, and said road is not pedestrian safe"

    Jayne: Don't make no sense.
    Mal: It ain't about you, Jayne; it's about what it needs.

    Dr. Mathias: It's madness.

    Inara: Because it's a believer. It's intelligent, methodical, and devout in its belief that crossing the road is the right thing to do.

    Teacher: because this side of the road could no longer sustain its numbers, they were so many.

    Dobson: I don't care. You don't think I'll shoot a chicken?

    Sherrif at Paredeso (Train Job): Don't much know why the chicken would want to cross to this side of the road.

    Crow: You keep your chicken.

    Ruby (Safe):

    Elder Gommen (Our Mrs. Reynolds): The chicken is our gift to you.

    Stitch: You lock me up in a hot box for four years and now you're handing me a chicken?

    Rance Burgess: The chicken is mine!

    LoveBot: (slowly waves as chicken crosses road)

    The trubadur of Canton:
    "Now, here is what seperates chickens
    From commonfolk like you and I!
    Chick stood up to that toad
    He crossed over the road
    To get to the other side!"

    Young River: This whole conclusion is fallacious.

    CROW: There is no chicken.

    ***Lightbulb Question***

    How many Washs does it take to change a light bulb?
    One but he dies three quarters of the way through so that you are genuinely afraid for the other characters when they change the bulb.

    How many Jaynes does it take to change a light bulb?
    Two. One to try to put it in and another to find a bigger hammer.

    How many Books does it take to change a light bulb?
    "You know, God said 'Let there be light' but I think true change has to come from within."

    How many Kaylees does it take to change a light bulb?
    Two. One to change the bulb and another to say "Shiny!"

    How many Simons does it take to change a light bulb?
    Three. One to clean the new bulb, another to change the bulb and a final one to worry about River having eaten the old bulb in the first place.

    How many Inaras does it take to change a light bulb?
    None, she's used to working in the dark.

    How many Mals does it take to change a light bulb?
    Two. One to change the bulb and another to tease Inara about it being red.

    How many Rivers does it take to change a light bulb?
    "I ate a bulb."

    How many Zoes does it take to change a light bulb?

    How many Reavers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
    They will burn it out, rape the socket, then screw the shiny friend to death and leave it hanging from the ceiling. And if it's very very lucky, in that order.

    How many crewmembers does it take to change a lightbulb?

    Two. Kaylee to identify the broken bulb and tell the other how to replace it... and Mal to sit around in the dark room till some passerby comes by with the new bulb.
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  14. #14
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Cool AW: Firefly Literatur | Printerzeugnisse zu Firefly/Serenity

    Firefly: The Official Companion: Volume One (Paperback)

    vorangekündigt bei Amazon.

    Offenbar weiss noch niemand, ob noch weitere Volumes erhofft werden dürfen...
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  15. #15
    Grad reingestolpert
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    Standard AW: Firefly Literatur | Printerzeugnisse zu Firefly/Serenity


    gibt es eigentlich auch irgendwelche deutschen Bücher / Comics oder sowas über Firfly? Ich kann zwar englisch, aber so gut das ich ein ganzes Buch so lese leider auch nicht...


  16. #16
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Standard AW: Firefly Literatur | Printerzeugnisse zu Firefly/Serenity

    Gute Frage Tracker (und willkommen im Forum).

    Leider ist mir keine deutschsprachige Veröffentlichung bekannt. Sogar das Promo-Material, das bei der Vorpremiere verteilt wurde, war teilweise noch auf Englisch.
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