Ich habe auf einem anderen Board noch folgenden Beitrag zur Garibaldi-Geschichte gefunden:

The only connection with the other two stories is an off-hand reference to Lochley calling Garibaldi to invite him to the party. He's declined, because they've found "something" under the surface of Mars.

There is very little of the Garibaldi we know. Instead, he's saying things like "Oh my God" - he's an atheist, and doesn't have a "god" remember? He has no motivation for any of his actions here.

And we get yet another post-B5 story with an alien race that helped guide Earth a million years ago, and they're still there, still watching. How many times is JMS going to throw in a new form of Shadows/Vorlons before he understands that he already did away with them in the series and he can move on to other things in the B5 universe?

There was nothing cool about this story. There was no sense of fun, and it felt tacked on. It also would have been insanely expensive to film the last five minutes or so. I can only say I'm glad it got cut. Seriously, if it had been there, the few of us who wanted more Lost Tales would have probably given up on Lost Tales volume 2 as soon as they watched it.