Zu allerest: Nein, es ist nicht die 3. Serie Stargate!

Vielleicht habt ihr es schon mitbekommen. Es wird in diesem Frühling eine neue Serie geben, in der Amanda Tapping die Hauptrolle spielen wird:


Dies habe ich auf Gateword dazu gefunden:

It is not the third Stargate series. It is a whole new entity completely separate of the Stargate franchise. However, several people involved with the Stargate franchise are also involved with the production of Sanctuary.

Executive Producers: Martin Wood, Amanda Tapping, N. John Smith, Damian Kindler, amongst others. Jim Menard is also involved with the new series.

Cast includes Amanda Tapping, Christopher Heyerdahl (Pallan, Revisions), Robin Dunne
and several cast members yet to be named.

David Hewlett will guest star in several episodes.

Amanda first mentioned this project back in July 2006 at the Shore Leave Convention. She couldn't say much other than she would be a member of the cast as well as an EP and that the sci-fi genre had been very good to her and she hoped we liked the new project.

Sanctuary, is the first of it's kind internet series -- meaning each of the episodes will be broadcast via the internet and will be open to all borders, so fans from countries other than Canada and the US will have full access.

Each episode is expected to be the traditional 40-min length; however, Sanctuary will not be bound by time constraints as most television shows are so each episode may vary depending on the length of the story they wish to tell.

The only information given thus far about the series' story is that it will have a similiar feel to Batman Begins and that there is a possibility that the series will have a level of interactivity.

There are currently four episodes already filmed and whether or not there will be more will depend upon the support they receive from viewers.

At present, the new series will be aired sometime in Spring 2007 and more information about the series will be added soon to the Sanctuary Website.
Tönt doch spannend. Ich weiss allerdings nicht, was ich von diesem Buffy-look halten soll. Mit dieser Serie konnte ich nämlich nie was anfangen. Aber eine neue interaktive Serie mit Amanda + 14 Folgen Atlantis tönen für micht sehr gut.

Was haltet ihr davon?