Die Nominierungen sind jetzt raus. In den diesjährigen Nods dominieren Dedektiv-Serien in den Ernennungen.
Aber auch ReGenesis konnte wieder 6 Nods einheimsen. Hier die wichtigsten Ergebnisse:

Nominees für ReGenesis (Shaftesbury Films)

Best Direction in a Dramatic Series
James Allodi "Unbottled"

Best Writing in a Dramatic Series
Meredith Vuchnich "La Consecuencia"

Best Achievement in Make-Up
Rachel Affolter "The Truth"

Best Performance by an Actor in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role
Peter Outerbridge "TB or not TB"

Best Performance by an Actress in a Guest Role, Dramatic Series
Karen LeBlanc "Bloodless"

Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Supporting Role in a Dramatic Series - Wendy Crewson "Suspicious Minds / Unbottled"

Nominees für Beste Dramatische Serie:

Durham County
p. Janis Lundman, Adrienne Mitchell, Michael Prupas
(Back Alley Film Productions Ltd. /Muse Entertainment Ent. Inc.)

p. Chris Haddock, Laura Lightbown, Arvi Liimatainen (Watcher Films)

Murdoch Mysteries
p. Christina Jennings, Cal Coons, Scott Garvie, Noel Hedges, Jan Peter Meyboom (Shaftesbury Films Inc.)

The Tudors
p. Sheila Hockin, Morgan O'Sullivan
(Peace Arch Television Ltd., PA Tudors Inc., TM Productions)


Best Performance by an Actor in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role

Justin Louis
Durham County "What Lies Beneath"

Hugh Dillon
Durham County "Life In The Dollhouse"

Ian Tracey
Intelligence "A Dark Alliance"

Peter Outerbridge
ReGenesis "TB or not TB"