Naja, man (also nur Amis) kann die Episoden bei I-Tunes kaufen. Das geht wohl auch weiterhin. zudem wird eine DVD mit Bonusmaterial erscheinen, welche du dann käuflich erwerben kannst. Als Bonusmaterial wird es wohl z.B. einen gesungenen Kommentartrack geben...

Auf der Website selbst schreibt Whedon das so:
2) What happens when it goes away? Does it go to a happy farm for always like Fluffy did when mommy was crying and the neighbor kept washing his fender?

No, Dr horrible will live on. We intend to make it available for download soon after it’s published. This would be for a nominal fee, which we’re hoping people will embrace instead of getting all piratey. We have big dreams, people, and one of them is paying our crew.

And somewhat later, we will put the complete short epic out on DVD – with the finest and bravest extras in all the land. We’ll go into greater detail about that at Comiccon, but we’re changing the face of Show Friendliness a second time with that crazy DVD.