Last Gunslinger: Ich finde den Wettbewerb total überflüssig. Liegt aber wohl auch daran das mir dies ganze Bush ist soooo böse Geheule total auf den Sack geht.

Ich bin aber notorisch hormongesteuert. Deswegen gibt es dann doch etwas Bushkritisches was mir richtig gut gefällt:

Das find ich mal kreativ. Da kann ich sogar damit leben das die netten Damen keine Nippel zeigen. Aber das ist ja nicht nur in Amerika so.

Ich zitiere mal:

It's time to put the pleasure back into liberal politics!

What could be more un-American than that election-hijacking, economy-wrecking, war-mongering chimp George W. Bush? What could be more All-American than thirteen beautiful young women, exercising their first amendment right to thumb their nose at our bozo president? Clearly, these two opposing forces were bound to collide, and they do so beautifully in the lustrous, glossy color pages of this thirteen-month REGIME CHANGE COUNTDOWN CALENDAR! Each day counts off the number of days remaining until the moving vans pull up to the White House. And each month's pages are liberally lavished with facts 'n' figures about the failures of the Shrub administration.

For only $11.00 (plus $1.95 shipping), you too can experience the thrill of thirteen socially-conscious, stunningly-attractive young women escorting you through the weeks and months until inauguration day in January, 2005 - when America finally gets a real president again. Educational, entertaining, and socially responsible without being politically correct...all for less than a dollar per month!


But wait - unfortunately for Shrub, there's more!

A portion of the money we take in will be donated to worthy causes of the sort that give Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell and company fits - pro-environment, pro-civil rights, pro-peace, pro-woman, anti-AIDS, and most especially ANTI-Bush.
Eine wirklich nette Seite. Allein die IdiotBox ist schon die ein oder andere Minute Zeitverschwendung wert.