Mal was zum Ablachen für alle Bonnie Hammer-Fans!

Aus der Washington Post

Interessant wird's erst ganz am Schluß! :P B)

(Da man nicht mehr direkt auf die Kolummne zugreifen kann, hab ich die entsprechenden Absätze mal hier hineinkopiert - DRD Pike)

Cable suits beware: TV critics have had enough of your dodging questions here at Winter TV Press Tour 2003.

Bonnie Hammer, president of the Sci Fi channel, was thrashed by the critics today when she attempted to sidestep a question about why the network was dumping the series "Farscape."

Like AMC topper Rob Sorcher the day before, perky Hammer pulled out the old "Gee I'd love to answer that one but we're here to listen to our on-air talent blather about their fabulousness, so I'm sorry I just can't possibly." The line is on the first page of the "How to Answer Those Tough Questions at the Press Tour" handbook that is required reading for cable execs.

Hammer's version went like this: "I'd be delighted to talk with you after this, rather than taking up time with the panel but . . ."

At which point, critics, who on Day 2 of the tour were already grumpy, let her have it.

"No!" they screamed at a visibly shaken Hammer.

"The bottom line was we couldn't come up with the financial deal that made sense," Hammer told them. She said that what critics might call evasiveness was really a decision by the network to "take the high road. We didn't go out to the press and tell them what was going on; we didn't feel that was appropriate, so we just very calmly just said . . . we just financially couldn't do 22 new [episodes]. We could do 13 and that's what we . . . tried very hard to do."

They ended up with only 11 more episodes.
"I'm not the pwintheth you theek but we could thtill have a really good time."

