
Genre: Science Fiction Drama
Sender: Starz
Ausstrahlung: TBA

As part of STARZ overall deal with “Spartacus” creator Steven S. DeKnight, STARZ is developing “Incursion,” an epic science fiction action-thriller that follows a squad of soldiers caught in a war against a hostile alien race. Each season the battle will be fought on a new, exotic planet as humanity punches deeper into enemy territory. Grittily realistic combat, darkly complex characters and intrigue on a cosmic scale will permeate the tale of fighting men and women facing the pressures of war and an enemy unlike any ever seen. In addition to his international acclaim on “Spartacus,” Steven has worked on such well-regarded series as “Buffy The Vampire Slayer”, “Angel”, “Smallville,” and “Dollhouse.
Quelle: Starz Press Release

Informationen sind derzeit noch sehr spärlich, da sich die Serie noch in der Vorproduktionsphase zu befinden scheint. Nichtsdestotrotz bin ich auf das neue Projekt von Steven S. DeKnight gespannt und ich hoffe, dass ihm und seinen Team nach einem möglichst fulminatem Abschluss von Spartacus der nächste große Wurf gelingt.

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