Spoileralarm auch beim letzten Chat von E-Online:
From showextra1: There has been plenty of speculation that Hurley is the Lost character who dies. Is this near correct?

I can't say! But I will say that when I say big character, it is not, as some of you thought, a reference to anyone's size.

From mycatz2: I'll give you a sugar-free, low-carb cookie if you talk the "deathly long" hiatus of Lost and the "coma"-stricken Nadia. Thank you.

Nadia: not going anywhere; deathly long: indeed. We'll be Lost-less for over a month after this Wednesday's show. They return with new episodes on Apr. 13, and we'll get more backstory on Locke, Jack, Sayid and Kate (in that order), before the season ender which takes the life of one of the 10 beloved men. As for Nadia, Mía Maestro (who was, by the way, joined at the hip with Salma Hayek at last night's Elton John post-Oscar party) is a series regular, and remember, Alias' season has only just begun to live. So many to dreams to share. We've got the best, and we're on our way.

From hdrocker: You keep saying the ratings for Alias are good, but I've heard that they drop off significantly from their stellar lead-in of Lost...where are we headed with Lost's storyline this week? Is it Hurley's week?

True, but Alias' ratings are still better than ever! It's just that Lost is that huge. As for Hurley-pie, did you see him on the TV in the Korean flashback? Loved that. And I can tell you that Hurley's episode will bring back the hatch in a very freaky-deeky way, thanks to some lottery numbers of questionable orientation.