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Thema: Comics zu Doctor Who, Torchwood & Sarah Jane Smith Adventures


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  1. #1
    Foren-Halbgott Avatar von Dune
    Dabei seit
    Uncharted territories

    Standard Neuer Doctor Who Comic - The Forgotten

    Stranded in a strange Museum that’s dedicated to him; and with no TARDIS in sight, The Doctor and Martha must make sense of their surroundings, hindered by one small fact - The Doctor has lost his memories of every one of his previous incarnations! With items relevant to each Doctor in their possession, The Doctor must try to use them to regain his memories before it’s too late, starting with his earliest incarnation’s memories, involving Susan, Barbara and Ian. This all-new series written by Tony Lee (Starship Troopers) features artist Pia Guerra in her first monthly comic since Y The Last Man!
    Mehr hier.

    Ooooh, die Y-Zeichnerin macht mit, und die Grafiken machen jetzt schon Lust auf mehr.
    I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if if we let go... that's who I am.

  2. #2
    Moderator Avatar von Uliamos
    Dabei seit
    Bracknell, Berkshire (England)

    Standard AW: Doctor Who - The Forgotten

    Aha, interessant - meinst du, du könntest im Threadtitel irgendwie deutlich machen, dass es sich um einen Comic handelt? Fänd ich irgendwie praktischer, da weiß man schneller, in was für ein Topic man klickt und ob es einen überhaupt interessiert.

    fictionBOX auch auf Twitter unter

    sig by diapadme (mit Ausnahme der Drachen)
    Ava hab ich selbst gemacht

  3. #3
    Foren-Halbgott Avatar von Dune
    Dabei seit
    Uncharted territories

    Standard AW: Neuer Doctor Who Comic - The Forgotten

    I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if if we let go... that's who I am.

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