erstens bin ich glaub ich mit A.M. und P.M. durcheinandergekommen

und zweitens das

-------> AICN

W To Pre-Empt Tonight's 24!!

I am – Hercules!!
Some presidents, apparently, simply don’t want a second term!
George W. Bush, fearful perhaps that his administration’s efforts to get Howard Stern thrown off the radio will not ensure a Kerry landslide, has made the unprecedented move of scheduling a press conference from 8:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Tuesday.
This forces Rupert Murdoch’s Fox network to delay this week’s much anticipated new “24” to 9 p.m. Sunday, opposite new episodes of “Alias” and “The Sopranos.”
The president is expected to moan about how Richard Clarke’s book painted him in a negative light. Quick thinking, Mr. President.

I am – Hercules!!