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Thema: Desperate Housewives | Season 1+2 | US-Ausstrahlung

  1. #21
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Neuigkeiten zu DH von Kristin bei E

    Desperate for Press? It seems Pamela Anderson and Marc Cherry have slightly different ideas about what went down during casting for Desperate Housewives. She reportedly spread a little scuttlebutt to a British paper that she'd turned down Teri Hatcher's role. Cherry says he never considered her. So, wherein lies the truth? A source inside the show's production camp told me at the party that Cherry was a bit baffled when the buzz broke, because he actually had Hatcher in mind when he wrote the role of Susan.

    (Note to Pam: Next time say you were up for Edie. It's a bit more believable, though Nicollette Sheridan would eat you alive.)

    And eating someone alive is just what Felicity Huffman's character, Lynette, might do when she discovers her hubby Tom's big secret. Don't worry, I won't spoil it for you, but I will give you a hint: The original plan, assuming they go through with it, is something so jaw-droppingly major, you will soil yourself. It plays into the fact that he's never home, and it's far more troublesome and life-altering than a simple affair, which is why Doug Savant's real-life wife Laura Leighton (star of the upcoming Eyes) told me to "expand my mind."

    That said, we should tell you that Tom is not gay. "That always comes back to haunt me," Savant says with a laugh, referring to his pioneering gay role on Melrose Place. "But the answer is no. My God! Do you think I'd have all these four kids just to prove that I'm heterosexual? No, Tom is straight, and Marc Cherry has talked with us about the secrets that each character has in his past. And I will say this, you will be shocked to find out that someone reveals that they have homosexual tendencies."
    Ich wusste ja noch garnich, dass Doug mit seiner Melrose Place Kollegin verheiratet ist. Man lernt nie aus.^^

  2. #22
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    In der aktuellen Ausgabe der Zeit ist ein Artikel zu Desperate Housewifes:

    Abgründe der Vorstadt (
    **** Nach dem TBFC ist vor dem TBFC ****

    Neu: jetzt mit Alkohol UND Waffen!

  3. #23
    Mittlerer SpacePub-Besucher
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    Ich kann mich ganz und gar nicht dem letzten Abschnitt anschließen.

  4. #24
    Administrator Avatar von Dr.BrainFister
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    wars das jetzt eigentlich mit der ersten staffel? und wenn ja, gibts schon infos zur zweiten?
    "Wissen sie woraus der Leberkäs gemacht wird? Aus den Resten der Knackwurst. Und die Knackwurst? Aus den Resten vom Leberkäs. So geht das ewig weiter: Leberkäs, Knackwurst, Leberkäs, Knackwurst..." - Simon Brenner (Josef Hader) in "Silentium"

  5. #25
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Originally posted by Dr.BrainFister@01.02.2005, 13:32
    wars das jetzt eigentlich mit der ersten staffel? und wenn ja, gibts schon infos zur zweiten?
    Season 1 ist doch noch in vollem Gange. 1x14 läuft am 13. Februar. Ne zweite wirds es auf jeden Fall geben.

    Neuigkeiten aus dem wöchentlichen Chat mit Kristin von

    Achtung Spoiler!

    From jayjacobs04: I think I figured out Tom's secret on Desperate Housewives--he has a second [----]!

    Jay, you're one smart cookie. I took out the rest of your Q because you're dead-on. For the rest of you, here's a hint: This man is double trouble.

    From shutuprob: How true are all the gay rumors surrounding Desperate Housewives?

    A Desperate Housewives character is gay.

    From taranoelle: Any hints on the gay character? Come on...

    It's someone we already know who gets caught in a very shocking position with someone we meet...and they are both males. And it all happens in the place where all great things happen on Desperate the pool.

    From dannylee: Got anything good on Desperate Housewives?

    Nothing good for Mike and Susan. It won't be smooth sailing. In the next couple weeks, single Susan discovers one of Mike's secrets, not long before he becomes a suspect in Mrs. Huber's homicide.

  6. #26
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Das Geständnis der US Schauspielerin Marcia Cross, die die Rolle von Bree Van De Kamp in der ABC Hitserie "Desperate Housewives" spielt, scheint die Produzenten der Serie nicht sonderlich zu interessieren.

    Der Sender SKY brachte es heute in seinen Celebrity News, das die 43-jährige US Schauspielerin Marcia Cross demnächst verkünden wird, dass sie lesbisch ist. Aber so richtig zu interessieren scheint das Niemanden, denn laut einem Insider der SUN, wird das keine Auswirkungen auf die Serie haben. Zunächst waren wohl nur die anderen Darstellerinnen etwas erregt darüber, dass es vielleicht mit den Quoten bergab gehen könnte, aber geschadet hat es ja bei "Sex and the City" auch nicht.

    Marcia Cross wird auf dem nächsten Cover des schwul/lesbischen Magazins "The Advocate" zu sehen sein und damit ihr Cumming Out haben.
    Ist ja nix neues, dass ein Darsteller sich "outet", den Qouten wird es sicherlich nicht schaden.

    Btw., wird Cumming Out nich Coming Out geschrieben oder hab ich da was verpasst? Cumming hat doch wohl ne ganz andere Bedeutung.

  7. #27
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Und schon wieder Neuigkeiten von den Hausfrauen:

    Der US Schauspieler Nick Chinlund hat eine Rolle beim ABC Quotenknaller "Desperate Housewives" erhalten, meldet The Hollywood Reporter.

    Demnach wird der 43-jährige Schauspieler die Rolle von Detective Sullivan spielen, der den Tod von Martha Huber (Christine Estabrook) untersucht.

    Nick Chinlund verfügt über umfangreiche Film- und Serienerfahrungen. Er spielte in zahlreichen Serien als Gastdarsteller mit. Zu nennen wären hier bei den Serien "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" und "Third Watch". Bei den Hollywood Produktionen ist zur Zeit ebenfalls viel zu tun für Nick Chinlund. Stand er doch gerade erst für "'Legend of Zorro'" und "'Ultraviolet'" vor der Kamera. Aber auch in "'Riddick'", "'Training Day'" sowie "'Con Air'" und "'Lethal Weapon 3'" spielte er in kleineren Rollen mit.

    Die erste Folge mit Nick Chinlund als Detective Sullivan wird die Folge "Impossible" (1x15) sein, die am 20. Februar 2005 bei ABC ausgestrahlt wird.

  8. #28
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Tjaja, soviel zum Outing von Marcia Cross, das keines war.

  9. #29
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Money! Money! Money!

    So wie es bei den Ladies der Wisteria Lane zur Zeit läuft, war ein Gehaltsbonus nur eine Frage der Zeit.

    Die Damen der Wisteria Lane in der ABC Serie "Desperate Housewives" beschwerten sich vor einiger Zeit öffentlich über ihr Gehalt. Einige mehr, andere Weniger. Sei es doch, im Vergleich zu anderen Serien, die einen ähnlichen Erfolg wie die Serie um die Verzweifelten Hausfrauen hatten, üblich gewesen, sechstellige Beträge sowie diverse andere großzügige Geschenke zu verteilen. Bei ABC hingegen gab es Blumen. Wir berichteten (Newslink), (Newslink) bereits darüber.

    Jetzt haben einige der Damen, wie USA TODAY meldet, einen Bonus von Touchstone Studio bzw. ABC bekommen. Nach Angaben der Onlineausgabe der Tageszeitung sind Teri Hatcher, Marcia Cross, Eva Longoria und Felicity Huffman mit einem Bopnusscheck in Höhe von je 250.000 Dollar bedacht worden. Auch sind generelle Gehalterhöhungen vollzogen worden, ohne das über bestimmte Zahlen gesprochen wurde. Ebenfalls dürfen sich Nicollette Sheridan and James Denton über eine Gehaltserhöhung im "kleineren Umfang" freuen.

    "Desperate Housewives" wird ab Mitte April 2005 bei Pro Sieben in Deutsch ausgestrahlt. Wer lieber die aktuellen Folgen der Serie sehen möchte, sollte über ein Abo bei PREMIERE nachdenken, denn hier wird jede Woche eine Folge im englischen Originalton ausgestrahlt.

  10. #30
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Frische SPOILER zu den Desperate Housewives aus dem wöchentlichen Chat bei

    From brandigirl: So, Mike and Susan are breaking up?

    Yes. They break up because he gets pegged for Mrs. Huber's murder, he decides to come clean and write her a letter telling her everything about why he's on Wisteria Lane. He knocks on her door, but she doesn't answer, so he slides it under the door. Meanwhile, Susan and Edie are fighting over a new man in town, and they get into an accident which is Susan's fault. Edie comes over to give Susan a bill for the accident, and you'll never guess what she finds! Trust me, you'll be pulling out your hair on this one.

    From brandygirl: Regarding Doug Savant's big secret, is it something she would divorce him for?

    Most definitely. And don't forget, Doug Savant is a guest star, not series regular, mis amigos.

    From naughtynick: Could you give us another hint about Tom Scavo's secret?

    Anyone hear what Lynette said to him in last night's promo? "You're home less than half the time as it is." Very telling!

    From mycatz2: Is Jesse Metcalfe ever returning to Desperate Housewives? Kinda seems pointless, huh?

    He's back this week, I believe.

    From din_78: Desperate Housewives news?

    Bree's son won't be around much longer. He's sent off to a camp for juvenile delinquents after he's caught smoking pot.

    From pgmoney: Please! One last bit about Desperate Housewives!

    Zach's relationship with Julie isn't all it's cracked up to be. Look for a falling-out between those two. Also, his daddy smooches someone very soon.

  11. #31
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Achtung Sendeplatzwechsel auf Premiere!

    Ab 03.03. läuft die Erstausstrahlung jeden Donnerstag um 22:00 Uhr auf Premiere 4.

    Die Wiederholungen gibt es dann am folgenden Tag, am folgenden Sonntag und am folgenden Dienstag. Für die genauen Uhrzeiten bitte jeweils selbstständig nachschauen.

    Los gehts am 03.03. um 22 Uhr mit 1x15 Impossible. Danach ist leider schonwieder ein Monat Pause bis April.

  12. #32
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Desperate Housewives war natürlich auch beim letzten E-Online Chat wieder ein Thema:
    From tivoteacher: Just a funny thing to share--Marcia Cross is indeed on the cover of the Advocate--coming out as straight. Speaking of coming out, what's coming up with her son? Caught with his pants down!

    Went to a Desperate Housewives event at the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and Marc Cherry said, "Let's just say there was a scene in my life with my mother and a Christian counselor telling me he could cure me. I'll be able to write this just fine. Bree will not be opening her arms to Andrew and saying it's okay. I have a lot of issues to work out with my own mother, so that's why I'm writing this!" He'll also be writing more Mary Alice flashback scenes as they work toward unraveling the mystery by the season ender!

    From frankhenry: Did anyone at the event talk about Marcia on the cover?

    Eva Longoria: "I think that's awesome. I don't understand the extremely conservative America we live in. I don't think it's any concern of anybody what sexuality you are. We're all human beings, and our show's just hot right now, and we're gonna sneeze--people wanna cover it. Unfortunately, that's the backlash of our anonymity and our privacy, and it really affects us as human beings. Unfortunately, tabloids and entertainment shows, they don't really take that into consideration when they're reporting. I mean, if somebody says you're a chimpanzee, all of a sudden you're a chimpanzee. No fact-checking. Nothing."

    Ab jetzt Spoiler!

    From francine: Any spoilers on Desperate Housewives?

    The big boss, Marc Cherry, graciously gave me a little clue into what lies ahead: "Felicia's (Harriet Sansom Harris) relationship with Zach starts to become very, very interesting, and we start to find out how much Felicia has to do with the mystery, and she figures into it far more prominently than anyone could possibly imagine." Hmmm...

    From seba_88: I heard that Doug Savant, Tom, becomes a castmember next season.

    Yes, Doug Savant's been upgraded from regular guest to regular castmember, so we'll be learning a lot more about his secret life. As for another husband sticking around Wisteria Lane, Steven Culp is hoping rough-sex Rex isn't going anywhere. "I don't think [my character] is maxed out, but I can't really tell you anything right now, because (a) I want my character to live, and (b) I'm only a couple scripts ahead of the audience."

    From evanichole: What about Mike and Susan? Did anyone say anything at that Desperate Housewives thing?

    Teri Hatcher insisted she has no clue how the whole debacle between Susan and Mike will turn out. Riiight. But Jamie Denton was a little more forthcoming, saying, "Mike and Susan have big problems. The next few episodes are great, as Mike kinda tries to win Susan back, without a whole lotta success, and sort of has to try to win the audience back. He keeps trying to tell her why he's on Wisteria Lane, and she keeps saying, 'I don't wanna hear it!,' and I think it's gonna be frustrating for the viewers, because they're ready for him to spill the beans."

  13. #33
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Spoiler vom letzten E-Online Chat:

    From fatdogrox: When is it all unveiled on Desperate Housewives? Or must we suffer through a "Who shot J.R.?" summer cliffhanger?

    No, the veil comes up, thanks to some new neighbors: There's a family that might get mixed up in the mystery and an eligible bachelor who appears just in time to stir things up. I also hear there's an interesting twist with a domestic-abuse storyline involving Susan's family.

    From francine: When do we find out about Dana?

    Fairly soon. When Desperate Housewives returns on Mar. 27, we seeing Mrs. Huber's sister starting to grow closer to Zach, who is becoming ever more skeptical of his father's stories, especially when the thing in the trunk is not what he said it was. And when the sistah-friend drops a bomb on Zach regarding Dana, he might never be the same.

  14. #34
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Spoiler aus dem E-Online Chat:

    From neil1972: Any news on what happens to Bree's son, the gay one, on Desperate Housewives? I had the feeling all along it was him. Let's just say I could read the hints.

    Let's just say I love Bree more and more with each passing moment, and it gets even better. When her son gets shipped off to some sort of juvy/rehab center for his drug problems, she offends nearly every parent in the room with a diatribe about how she's not addicted to crack, didn't raise her child in a trailer park, etc. She's on fiyah.

    From beckygene: What will happen with Mrs. Huber's sister and Paul?

    After he gets his paws off Edie (how priceless was that?&#33, he'll have some serious trouble to contend with. Sister Huber is moving in for the kill (not literally, don't freak out) on Zach. She befriends him, earns his confidence and then reveals a truth to him (and us&#33 that is truly shocking.

    From jonnylee3: What will happen with Susan's mother?

    She meddles with Susan and Mike, trying to get them back together, and will drive Susan so nuts in the process, she tries to get her mother back together with her stepfather. But there's a twist to that story that really throws her.

  15. #35
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Beim Foto-Shooting zur neuen Ausgabe der Vanity Fair soll wohl einiges losgewesen sein. Oder wird es nur von Vanity so dargestellt. Erstmal der Bericht zum wortwörtlich heissem Foto-Shooting:

    "Desperate" Stars Overdo "Vanity"

    Asking the women of Desperate Housewives to strike a pose at a recent photo shoot nearly led to them striking one another, according to Vanity Fair. Well, okay, maybe it wasn't that bad, but things reportedly got pretty heated on the shoot set.

    Scantily-clad Housewives stars Teri Hatcher, Marcia Cross, Felicity Huffman, Eva Longoria and Nicollette Sheridan grace the cover of the May issue of the magazine, along with a caption reading, "You wouldn't believe what it took just to get this photo!" The accompanying article reveals that the photo shoot was manned by an unnamed ABC rep with specific demands--namely that Hatcher not have first choice of wardrobe and that she not be posed in the center of the photo. "Whatever you do," the rep told Vanity Fair staffers upon arriving on the set, "do not let Teri go to wardrobe first."

    Hatcher, who won a Golden Globe for her work on the series, did go into wardrobe first, much to the reported consternation of the rep, who later discovered that the actress had already consulted with the shoot's stylist days ahead of time. "This is a problem," the rep complained to the magazine. "I'm getting text messages from Eva. Everything is not fine." Once the women had finally selected their assorted outfits, they assembled in front of a pool for the shoot. But, according to the magazine, when Cross found Hatcher next to her in the center of the photo, she stormed off the set and screamed at the ABC rep to "do your [expletive deleted] job!"

    Hatcher reportedly retreated from the set, in the meantime, and cried into her cell phone during a heated conversation. The final cover shot shows Sheridan occupying the center position, with Hatcher on one side and Cross on the other. Longoria and Huffman are posed below them. However, Cross and Huffman can not be seen when the fold-out cover is closed. In the accompanying article, written by Vanity Fair contributing editor Ned Zeman, Cross addresses the intense media coverage of the show and the recent speculations over her sexuality. "Honestly, I don't read it," Cross said." And I don't even watch the show right now. It's too much. It's just too much..." In the wake of rampant reports of the photo shoot meltdown, ABC and Touchstone Television tried to smooth over the Vanity Fair crisis, calling it "one isolated incident."

    "While negotiating certain elements of photo shoots is standard practice, and was part of our coordination with Vanity Fair, this shoot simply did not go as planned," the network stated. "Because of this, our talent were made to deal as best they could with a situation not of their making. This one isolated incident does not define these women or their relationship." Hatcher also denied that hard feelings existed between her and Cross. "All I know is, all the girls are supportive of each other, and we don't want to damage that," she told Access Hollywood.

    Last Sunday's episode of Desperate Housewives underwent a minor makeover. After Pope John Paul II's condition worsened Friday, followed by his subsequent death on Saturday, producers elected to remove a Catholic reference from the episode, according to the New York Daily News. In a scene where the women attend a funeral for Gabrielle's (Longoria) mother-in-law, Bree (Cross) turned to Lynnette (Huffman) and said, "You have to hand it to the Catholics, they do grief better than anyone." Producers inserted a clip of Cross' voice saying "Gabby and Carlos" where she originally said "the Catholics," so as not to offend anyone. "These were extraordinary circumstances," executive producer Michael Edelstein told the Daily News. "This is about respect for an individual, in respect for a religion." The show finished in fourth place for the week ended Sunday, with 24.6 million viewers tuning in. To no-one's surprise, ABC has renewed Desperate Housewives for next fall.
    Kristin von E-Online fand für uns heraus wie es sich wohl wirklich abgespielt hat.

    I just got my hands on the Vanity story, which hit store shelves this week, and when you finally read it your jaw will hit the floor (it's that stunning) and you will be begging to know: Is it really all true?

    I've talked to people who were at the shoot, watched the video footage and can tell you this: Teri did get weepy, Marcia did drop a few F-bombs, and the shoot did get a little out of control. But it seems that any truly outrageous behavior may have come from the people working the shoot, not from the girls themselves, and that said, this whole thing may have been blown a teensy bit out of proportion. For starters, you should know that tension and tears are pretty much commonplace at photo shoots, because everyone is miserable. You can't sit down, or you'll wrinkle. You can't breathe, or you'll pop a button. You can't find anything to wear that doesn't make your ass look like it's the size of Wyoming. And no one eats. (Take it from someone who starved herself for a freakin' Kmart ad and can only imagine the masochistic rituals required to prepare for a Vanity Fair cover.)

    Add to that the fact that the magazine's camp did exactly what they promised not to do (put the girls in bathing suits and Teri in the middle) and honestly, it's a wonder anyone made it out alive. That said, the hourlong video footage of the shoot is relatively...dull. The girls are chatting, giggling, posing, primping and (yawn) doing all the stuff that normally goes on at photo shoots. At one point, M.C. did utter the phrase "No f--king way," which I'm sure you've seen plastered all over the entertainment news programs (though, ahem, not E! News, thankfully), but she's clearly joking with a photographer when she says it, and follows it with a hearty laugh. (And not one that makes you think she's going to rip off her Kimberly wig and kill someone.)

    That said, here's the drama you can believe: Marcia really didn't want Teri in the middle of that photo. According to an insider close to the show, Marcia Cross has a real thing for being front and center and finagled her way there for two recent cast photos at events at the Museum of Television & Radio and the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. At the latter, she walked up to an actor with a slightly smaller role (not Teri), who had been placed in the middle of the cast photo, and said, "Do you mind, sweetie? I need to sit with my girls," while gently nudging her out of her seat. (So fantastically Edie-esque&#33

    According to sources who worked on the Vanity Fair shoot, Marcia (and possibly one or two of the other girls, I'm told) agreed to do the shoot on the condition that Ms. Hatcher not be in the center of the photo, citing their desire to be seen as an ensemble. (Seems good, solid business sense--it worked for the Friends.) Teri, unaware of this stipulation, became emotional when she found out about it during the shoot, which could explain why she and Marcia exchanged not a single word or glance in the other's direction in the footage of the photo shoot. (Though of course, you never know, Vanity Fair could have edited out all the bear hugs and the exchange of BFF necklaces.) But come on, if we've learned anything from Sex and the City, Charmed and Beverly Hills, 90210, it's that the best shows give us lip-smacking entertainment offscreen as well. And with all the raging egos flaring around Hollywood these days (heck, I write a blind item about a new one nearly every week), you can't help but wonder why this little spat is getting such astounding play.

    I'm guessing it's the same reason Housewives became such a phenomenon in the first place (and I can almost hear Mary Alice's voice narrating it now): Sometimes, there's nothing more delicious than finding out that people who seem so perfect on the outside have just as much drama as you.
    Egal wie auch immer es wirklich war, kleinere Streitereien gibts doch in jeder Familie. Solange alle zusammenhalten wird die Sache auch laufen.

  16. #36
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Achtung möglicher Spoiler!

    Die US Schauspielerin Alfre Woodard packt ihre Koffer und zieht in die Wisteria Lane zu den Ladies des ABC Quotenhits „Desperate Housewives“.

    Ab Herbst dieses Jahres wird die neue Nachbarin mit ihrem Sohn in die ruhige Gegend der kalifonischen Vorstadt ziehen. Wie Alfre Woodards Pressesprecher William Morris, Touchstone Pictures und ABC gestern bekanntgaben, unterschrieb die Schauspielerin einen Vertrag über eine Hauptrolle in der ABC Serie „Desperate Housewives“. Die neue zweite Staffel der Serie wird ab Herbst 2005 beim, zum Disney Konzern gehörenden, TV-Sender ABC ausgestrahlt. Insider der Serie sprachen schon lange darüber, dass eine „African-American Family“ in die Nachbarschaft ziehen wird. Jetzt hat man die Familie wohl gefunden.

    Die Figur von Alfre Woodard wird zum Seasonfinale, das am 22. Mai 2005 bei ABC ausgestrahlt werden soll, in die Serie eingeführt. Es handelt sich dabei um eine tief religiöse Frau, die zusammen mit ihrem Sohn in die Nachbarschaft zieht. Aber auch die neuen Nachbarn haben ein Geheimnis, das mit dem Sohn der Frau zusammenhängt.

    Alfre Woodard, 52 Jahre alte Schauspielerin aus Tulsa, Oklahoma, die bereits mehrere Emmy Awards gewann und 1994 als beste Nebendarstellerin für einen OSCAR nominiert war, hat bereits in 75 Filmen und TV-Produktionen mitgewirkt. Ihre Rolle in „Desperate Housewives“ wird ihre erste TV Hauptrolle nach Dr. Roxanne Turner in „St. Elsewhere“ sein, die sie von 1985-1987 spielte Außerdem stehen auf ihrer Setcard TV-Produktionen wir „The Practice“, „Homicide: Life on the Street“, „L.A. Law“ und „Star Trek: The Next Generation“.

    Gleichzeitig zu der Vertragsunterzeichnung bei Touchstone Pictures, das die Serie für ABC produziert, wurde bekannt gegeben, dass Alfre Woodard an der Seite von Antonio Banderas in New Lines neuem Film „Take the Lead“ eine Hauptrolle übernehmen wird. In dem Film, dessen Script von Dianne Houston stammt und bei dem Liz Friedlander Regie führen wird, spielt sie eine Direktorin einer Highschool. Der Film soll 2006 in die Kinos kommen. Außerdem wird sie eine Nebenrolle in Sanaa Hamris ersten Spielfilm „42.4 Percent“ spielen. Ein Kinofilm, der ebenfalls 2006 in den Filmtheatern anlaufen soll.

  17. #37
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Desperate Housewives | S1 - US-Ausstrahlung

    Aus dem neuesten E-Online Spoiler Chat:

    From starchick: So, can you spill anything about Desperate Housewives?

    Lynette goes a little crazy over the next few episodes and acts very un-Lynette-like when she starts to feel threatened by a woman from Tom's past. She'll stop at nothing to save her marriage. And Bree is going to have to give up on George the pharmacist. Rex's heart attack wasn't the end of his health issues.

    From trini: Is Susan ever going to find out Mike's whole story?

    Yes, and soon! I talked to James Denton recently, and told him, "We know nothing about Mike Delfino. I was so disappointed that she gave back that letter!" James replied, "I know. She wouldn't even open it! It's like 'open it!' But we find it all out. We've already shot when Susan finds out a lot of it and so now the characters will have to deal with it. But four or five weeks from now, you'll know everything, so it's kinda cool." I'm hearing that after Susan finds out about Mike's big secret, she just might give him another chance, so something tells me it's not too scandalous.

    From Zaynah: What is Tom Scavo's big secret?

    To be honest, I'm not sure now. I know the initial plan was the one I that have alluded to--that he's double two-timing trouble, but I'm just not sure now. Sorry!

  18. #38
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Desperate Housewives | S1 - US-Ausstrahlung

    Über 30 Mio. sehen «Desperate Housewives»-Finale

    Stattliche 23 reguläre Folgen umfasste die erste Staffel von ABC's «Desperate Housewives». Eine Serie, der kaum jemand diesen enormen Erfolg zugetraut hatte - und das, obwohl die Kritiker von Anfang an begeistert waren von der gewagten Mischung aus Drama und Comedy über die dunklen Geheimnisse der Bewohner von Wisteria Lane.

    Am Sonntag war es dann soweit, in den USA lief die vorerst letzte Folge der Seriensensation über die amerikanischen Bildschirme. Ein Ereignis, dass sich viele nicht entgehen lassen wollten. Mit 30,03 Millionen Zuschauern war «Desperate Housewives» die meistgesehene Sendung des Tages.

    Erstmals in Aktion war auch Alfre Woodard. Als Neuling in Wistera Lane wird sie ab der im Oktober startenden zweiten Staffel zum Hauptcast von «Desperate Housewives» gehören und für so manch neues, schmutziges Geheimnis sorgen. Ein Termin, den die Fans in den USA kaum erwarten können, denn das Finale am Sonntag endete mit einem gewaltigen

  19. #39
    Administrator Avatar von Dr.BrainFister
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    Standard AW: Desperate Housewives | S1 - US-Ausstrahlung

    ich hab gestern das finale gesehen... was da alles passiert ist; ich hab immer noch dran zu schlucken.

    Achtung Spoiler!
    "Wissen sie woraus der Leberkäs gemacht wird? Aus den Resten der Knackwurst. Und die Knackwurst? Aus den Resten vom Leberkäs. So geht das ewig weiter: Leberkäs, Knackwurst, Leberkäs, Knackwurst..." - Simon Brenner (Josef Hader) in "Silentium"

  20. #40
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Desperate Housewives | S1 - US-Ausstrahlung

    Jetzt musste ich mich aber ganz schön zusammennehmen das nicht zu lesen. Wie bei LOST bin ich auch bei den Housewives mega gespannt auf das Finale. Ich kann jedoch leider erst nächsten Freitag meinen Senf dazugeben wenn die Folge auf Premiere gelaufen ist. Aber Brains Einleitungssatz nach scheint sich das Warten zu lohnen.

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