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Thema: Final Fantasy VII Sequel


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  1. #1
    Tastaturruinierer Avatar von Lightshade
    Dabei seit


    Final Fantasy fans are still buzzing from last Wednesday's news that Square Enix revealed yet another sequel in its popular FF7 franchise with the announcement of Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. First unveiled in the Japanese publication, Jump Magazine last week, the new title has now been officially announced through more traditional means via old-fashioned press release on Square Enix's official Japanese website.

    Though the specifics of the gameplay have not been revealed, it has been confirmed that Dirge of Cerberus takes place three years after the events of Final Fantasy VII (that is, the cool CG-ending part, not the 100-years later deal after the credits). The confirmation of this time frame puts the game a full year after the happenings of the upcoming DVD and PSP full-length movie, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children -- and ten years after the events of the unreleased mobile phone game Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII.

    As far as the storyline in this new iteration is concerned, there is still very little known about it -- except that it involves an underground soldier movement, a powerful Meteo spell hitting an unsuspecting town, and that somehow, Vincent Valentine is connected with both events. Of course, it could be a little clearer than that, but my Japanese is rusty and that's the best I can make of it.

    Interestingly enough, Dirge of Cerberus' gameplay genre hasn't been divulged yet; leading several fans of the series to believe that it may not be an RPG title at all, but rather the Devil May Cry-style action clone that was rumored in Electronic Gaming Monthly eons ago. Whether or not that's really the case remains to be seen, but we expect to hear more on the subject in a few days at the 2004 Tokyo Game Show regardless.

    FF7 had a trio of Badasses in Sephiroth, Cloud, and Vincent. But Vincent had guns. So screw the rest of 'em.

    Since everybody else is taking their guesses at what kind of game Dirge of Cerberus will be, however, I feel compelled to get in on the action too. So my guess before the big reveal is that it will be a Metroid-style first-person action/adventure with little to no scanning elements. Take that speculative market, take that!

    IGNPS2 will be back with more on Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII in the coming days. But don't forget to click on the media page below to check out the first hi-res image that hasn't been scanned from a magazine -- ya pirates.

    Ich meine WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO! Es ist FF 7! DAS FF7!!! .... Naja, FF8 wär mir lieber gewesen aber was solls.
    Das einzige was man jetzt noch machen kann ist hoffen das es KEIN Action-titel wird....

    Finde übrigens interessant dass Square Enix langsam von ihrer Haltung Abstand nimmt dass jedes Final Fantasy für sich allein in seiner eigenen Welt spielt.

    Das wäre dann schon der dritte Titel der mit einem älteren FF zusammenhängt (Final Fantasy X + Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance + Final Fantasy XII)

    Go Cloud go *cheers* ^_^
    How do you show someone real love when you don't even know what it feels like?

    Fabriken stehen Schlot an Schlot,
    Vorm Hurenhaus das Licht ist rot.
    Ein blinder Bettler starrt zur Höh,
    Ein kleines Kind hat Gonorrhoe.
    Eitrig der Mond vom Himmel trotzt.
    Ein Dichter schreibt. Ein Leser kotzt.

  2. #2
    Dabei seit


    Finally, we have Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, the only "real" game of the three. But is it the true continuation of Cloud's story that the fans want? Nope. Heck, it's not even an RPG. It's a Devil May Cry-ish action title starring Vincent. I guess making the game star Sephiroth would too too much like a marketing maneuver. The merits of the game will be seen as it's closer to release, but the fact that Square Enix is developing a new FF7 game for PS2 and not making it one of the two games that the fans really want speaks volumes.

    "Both destiny's kisses and its dope-slaps illustrate an individual person's basic personal powerlessness over the really meaningful events in his life: i.e. almost nothing important that ever happens to you happens because you engineer it. Destiny has no beeper; destiny always leans trenchcoated out of an alley with some sort of Psst that you usually can't even hear because you're in such a rush to or from something important you've tried to engineer."

  3. #3
    Mittlerer SpacePub-Besucher Avatar von Zerg
    Dabei seit
    Bingen am Rhein / Unkel am Rhein


    Ist ja nicht das einzige was zu FF7 ansteht.

    - Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (Film)
    - Final Fantasy VII Before Crisis (Handy-Game)
    - Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus (PS2)

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