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  1. #81
    Warmgepostet Avatar von cronos
    Dabei seit


    Ein Song der mir schon seit einigen Tagen nicht mehr aus dem Kopf geht...

    Lacrimosa - Stolzes Herz

    Zu fühlen um zu spühren
    Meine Sinne
    Meine Seele
    Mein Gewissen
    Und mein Herz
    Am Abgrund meines Lebens
    Am Ende meiner Selbst
    Gebrechlich tief im Innern
    Und schwach nach aussen hin
    Ist es schlecht ?
    Und was ist gut
    Ist es krank ?
    Und was heisst leben ?
    Nein !
    Es ist nur ehrlich - menschlich
    Und verflucht -
    Ist doch nur die Wahrheit
    Im Auge der Gemeinheit
    Der Allgemeinheit
    Schlicht verwerflich - transparent
    Doch ist es tiefer, stärker und viel mehr
    So ist der Mensch
    Nur auf der Suche
    Nach der Stärke
    Nach der Lüge - blindem Wahn
    Und der Oberflächlichkeit
    Mit blutverschmierten Händen
    Mit einer Träne im Gesicht
    Einem Lächeln auf dem Lippen
    Und der Hoffnung tief im Blick
    Aufzustehen auch aus dem Dreck
    Tief beschmutzt und stolz im Herz
    Dem Leben neu erwacht
    Und erwacht ganz neu im Leben
    Sind meine Hände blind und stumm ?
    Sind meine Augen alt und schwach ?
    Ist mein Herz dem Blut erlegen ?
    Und bei allem doch nur ehrlich
    Bin ich Mensch ?
    Bin ich Schmerz ?
    Bin ich die Träne -
    Und der Kuss zugleich ?!?
    Mit blutverschmierten Händen
    Mit einer Träne im Gesicht
    Einem Lächeln auf dem Lippen
    Und der Hoffnung tief im Blick
    Aufzustehen auch aus dem Dreck
    Tief beschmutzt und stolz im Herz
    Dem Leben neu erwacht
    Und erwacht ganz neu im Leben
    The Blue Lotus, a legend, I thought a myth
    Old poems and stories gone
    A beauty of unimaginable lust
    Both men's hearts, and Gods, were won
    Skin like milk, an angels face
    They say her smile could kill
    Her hair the blackest of all black
    Stories I thought though, still
    <span style='color:red'> 42 is the number of the beast: 6*6+6=42 </span>

  2. #82
    Wühlmaus Avatar von Nager
    Dabei seit
    Down Under


    Peter Gabriel - Darkness

    i?m scared of swimming in the sea
    dark shapes moving under me
    every fear i swallow makes me small
    inconsequential things occur
    alarms are triggered
    memories stir

    it?s not the way it has to be

    i?m afraid of what i do not know
    i hate being undermined
    i?m afraid i can be devil man
    and i?m scared to be divine
    don?t mess with me my fuse is short
    beneath this skin these fragments caught

    when i allow it to be
    there?s no control over me
    i have my fears
    but they do not have me

    walking through the undergrowth, to the house in the woods
    the deeper I go, the darker it gets
    i peer through the window
    knock at the door
    and the monster i was
    so afraid of
    lies curled up on the floor
    is curled up on the floor just like a baby boy

    i cry until i laugh

    i?m afraid of being mothered
    with my balls shut in the pen
    i?m afraid of loving women
    and i?m scared of loving men
    flashbacks coming in every night
    don?t tell me everything?s alright

    when I allow it to be
    it has no control over me
    i own my fear
    so it doesn?t own me

    walking through the undergrowth, to the house in the woods
    the deeper i go, the darker it gets
    i peer through the window
    knock at the door
    and the monster i was
    so afraid of
    lies curled up on the floor
    is curled up on the floor just like a baby boy

    i cry until i laugh

  3. #83
    Flinker Finger
    Dabei seit


    Gary Jules, Mad World

    All around me are familiar faces
    Worn out places, worn out faces
    Bright and early for their daily races
    Going nowhere, going nowhere
    Their tears are filling up their glasses
    No expression, no expression
    Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
    No tomorrow, no tomorrow

    And I find it kinda funny
    I find it kinda sad
    The dreams in which I&#39;m dying
    Are the best I&#39;ve ever had
    I find it hard to tell you
    I find it hard to take
    When people run in circles
    It&#39;s a very, very mad world mad world

    Children waiting for the day they feel good
    Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
    Made to feel the way that every child should
    Sit and listen, sit and listen
    Went to school and I was very nervous
    No one knew me, no one knew me
    Hello teacher tell me what&#39;s my lesson
    Look right through me, look right through me

    And I find it kinda funny
    I find it kinda sad
    The dreams in which I&#39;m dying
    Are the best I&#39;ve ever had
    I find it hard to tell you
    I find it hard to take
    When people run in circles
    It&#39;s a very, very mad world ... world
    Enlarge your world
    Mad world
    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, es regnet schon den ganzen Tag und Niemand mag mich&quot;

    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, ich habe mein Toupet verloren und mein Hüfthalter bringt mich um, die neuen Pomps passen auch nicht zur Uniform, was für ein Leben.&quot;

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

  4. #84
    Wühlmaus Avatar von Nager
    Dabei seit
    Down Under


    Porcupine Tree - The Sound Of Muzak

    Hear the sound of music
    Drifting in the aisles
    Elevator prozac
    Stretching on for miles

    The music of the future
    Will not entertain
    It&#39;s only meant to repress
    And neutralise your brain

    Soul gets squeezed out
    Edges get blunt
    Gives what you want

    Now the sound of music
    Comes in silver pills
    Engineered to suit you
    Building cheaper thrills

    The music of rebellion
    Makes you wanna rage
    But it&#39;s made by millionaires
    Who are nearly twice your age

    One of the wonders of the world is going down
    It&#39;s going down I know
    It&#39;s one of the blunders of the world that no-one cares
    No-one cares enough

  5. #85
    Administrator Avatar von Dr.BrainFister
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    Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
    "The Message"

    Broken glass everywhere
    People pissing on the stairs, you know they just
    Don´t care
    I can´t take the smell, I can´t take the noise
    Got no money to move out, I guess I got no choice
    Rats in the front room, roaches in the back
    Junkie´s in the alley with a baseball bat
    I tried to get away, but I couldn´t get far
    Cause the man with the tow-truck repossessed my car

    Don´t push me, cause I´m close to the edge
    I´m trying not to loose my head
    It´s like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder
    How I keep from going under

    Standing on the front stoop, hangin` out the window
    Watching all the cars go by, roaring as the breezes
    Crazy lady, livin` in a bag
    Eating out of garbage piles, used to be a fag-hag
    Search and test a tango, skips the life and then go
    To search a prince to see the last of senses
    Down at the peepshow, watching all the creeps
    So she can tell the stories to the girls back home
    She went to the city and got so so so ditty
    She had to get a pimp, she couldn`t make it on her

    It`s like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder
    How I keep from goin` under

    My brother`s doing fast on my mother`s t.v.
    Says she watches to much, is just not healthy
    All my children in the daytime, dallas at night
    Can`t even see the game or the sugar ray fight
    Bill collectors they ring my phone
    And scare my wife when I`m not home
    Got a bum education, double-digit inflation
    Can`t take the train to the job, there`s a strike
    At the station
    Me on king kong standin` on my back
    Can`t stop to turn around, broke my sacroiliac
    Midrange, migraine, cancered membrane
    Sometimes I think I`m going insane, I swear I might
    Hijack a plane&#33;


    My son said daddy I don`t wanna go to school
    Cause the teacher`s a jerk, he must think I?m a
    And all the kids smoke reefer, I think it`d be
    If I just got a job, learned to be a street sweeper
    I dance to the beat, shuffle my feet
    Wear a shirt and tie and run with the creeps
    Cause it`s all about money, ain`t a damn thing
    You got to have a con in this land of milk and
    They push that girl in front of a train
    Took her to a doctor, sowed the arm on again
    Stabbed that man, right in his heart
    Gave him a transplant before a brand new start
    I can`t walk through the park, cause it`s crazy
    After the dark
    Keep my hand on the gun, cause they got me on the
    I feel like an outlaw, broke my last fast jaw
    Hear them say you want some more, livin` on a


    A child was born, with no state of mind
    Blind to the ways of mankind
    God is smiling on you but he`s frowning too
    Cause only God knows what you go through
    You grow in the ghetto, living second rate
    And your eyes will sing a song of deep hate
    The places you play and where you stay
    Looks like one great big alley way
    You`ll admire all the number book takers
    Thugs, pimps, pushers and the big money makers
    Driving big cars, spending twenties and tens
    And you wanna grow up to be just like them
    Smugglers, scrambles, burglars, gamblers
    Pickpockets, peddlers and even pan-handlers
    You say I`m cool, I`m no fool
    But then you wind up dropping out of high school
    Now you`re unemployed, all null `n` void
    Walking around like you`re pretty boy floyd
    Turned stickup kid, look what you done did
    Got send up for a eight year bid
    Now your man is took and you`re a may tag
    Spend the next two years as an undercover fag
    Being used and abused, and served like hell
    Till one day you was find hung dead in a cell
    It was plain to see that your life was lost
    You was cold and your body swung back and forth
    But now your eyes sing the sad sad song
    Of how you lived so fast and died so young


    nach wie vor aktuelle sozial-lyrik feinstens produziert auf ´nem guten alten moog-synthie -dem klassiker der elektromusik.
    wer seine message so rüberbringt, hat bei mir längst gewonnen.
    "Wissen sie woraus der Leberkäs gemacht wird? Aus den Resten der Knackwurst. Und die Knackwurst? Aus den Resten vom Leberkäs. So geht das ewig weiter: Leberkäs, Knackwurst, Leberkäs, Knackwurst..." - Simon Brenner (Josef Hader) in "Silentium"

  6. #86
    Mittlerer SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    (hed) PE - Carnivale

    Know your enemies well
    They enter your life
    Disguised as your friends
    Know your enemies well
    They’re in the next room
    Waiting for you to fall asleep


    I don’t know how you can live such a….
    To yourself, now I know who you are
    I can forgive, but I’ll never forget
    How you put a price on my head&#33;

    So little I can say
    And less that I can do

    To make you understand
    These things you put me through
    There’s got to be a better way&#33;
    There’s got to be a better way&#33;

    They’re trying to silence my voice
    They’re feeling uncomfortable hearing my words
    They wish I would shut the fuck up
    Exposing the enemy

    Truth always comes at a price


    Know your enemies well
    Trust nothing and no one
    Cuz, everything sucks

    Know your enemies well
    Don’t sleep for a minute
    Cuz, that’s when you’re fucked


    There’s got to be a better way&#33;…

    <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>CharNode - Off this World </span>

  7. #87
    Flinker Finger
    Dabei seit


    Ein paar Auszüge aus LIFTED Or The Story Is In The Soil Keep Your Ear To The Ground von den Bright Eyes. Ich hoffe das ist nicht zu lang oder so, der Herr Conor Oberst kann sich scheinbar nicht kürzer fassen.

    Bowl Of Oranges

    The rain, it started tapping on the window near my bed. There was a loophole in my dreaming, so I got out of it. And to my surprise my eyes were wide and already open. Just my nightstand and my dresser where those nightmares had just been.
    So I dressed myself and left then, out into the gray streets. But everything seemed different and completely new to me. The sky, the trees, houses, buildings, even my own body. And each person I encountered, I couldn&#39;t wait to meet.
    I came up a doctor who appeared in quite poor health. I said "(I am terribly sorry but) there is nothing I can do for you (that) you can&#39;t do for yourself."
    He said "Oh yes you can. Just hold my hand. I think that would help."
    So I sat with him a while and then I asked him how he felt.
    He said, "I think I&#39;m cured. No, in fact, I&#39;m sure of it. Thank you Stranger, for your therapeutic smile."
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don&#39;t help and you can&#39;t compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I&#39;m singing... Baby don&#39;t worry cause now I got your back. And every time you feel like crying, I&#39;m gonna try and make you laugh. And if I can&#39;t, if it just hurts too bad, then we will wait for it to pass and I will keep you company through those days so long and black.
    And we&#39;ll just keep working on the problem we know we&#39;ll never solve of Love&#39;s uneven remainder. But if the world could remain in a frame like a painting on a wall. Then I think we would see the beauty. Then we would stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges,
    like a story told by the fault lines and the soil.

    Nothing Gets Crossed Out

    The future has got me worried, such awful thoughts. My head is a carousel of pictures. The spinning never stops. I just want someone to walk in front and I&#39;ll follow the leader. Like when I fell under the weight of a schoolboy crush. I started carrying her books and doing lots of drugs. I almost forgot who I was, but came to my senses. Now I try to be assertive. I&#39;m making plans. I want to rise to the occasion, yeah, meet all of their demands. But all I do is just lay in bed and hide under the covers. I know I should be brave but I&#39;m just afraid of all this change.
    It&#39;s hard to focus through all this doubt. I keep making "To Do" lists but nothing ever gets crossed out. Even working on the record seems pointless now. When the world ends, who&#39;s gonna hear it? But I try and take some comfort in written words, yeah Tim I heard your album and it&#39;s better than good. When you get off tour I think we should hang and black out together. Because I&#39;ve been feeling sentimental for days gone by...all those summers singing, drinking, laughing, wasting out time. Remember all those songs and the way we smiled in those basements made of music. But now I&#39;ve got to crawl to get anywhere at all. I&#39;m not as strong as I thought.
    So when I&#39;m lost in a crows, I hope that you&#39;ll pick me out. Oh, how I long to be found. The grass grew high. I laid down. Now, wait for a hand to lift me up, help me stand. I have been laying so low don&#39;t want to lay here no more. I But if everything that happens is supposed to be and it is predetermined, you can&#39;t change your destiny. Then I guess I&#39;ll just keep moving and someday, maybe, I&#39;ll get to where I&#39;m going.

    Let&#39;s Not Shit Ourselves (To Love And Be Loved)

    The animals laugh from the dark of the wilderness. A baby cried hard in an apartment complex, as I pass a car buried under the influence. The city is driving me out of my mind.
    I have seen a child is caught in the sad trap of gravity. He falls from the lowest branch of the apple tree and lands in the grass and weeps for his dignity.
    Next time he will not aim so high. Yeah, next time, neither will I.
    A mother takes loans out, sends her kids off to colleges. Her family is reduced to names on a shopping list.
    Meanwhile, a coroner kneels beneath a great, wooden crucifix.
    He know that there are worse things than being alone.
    I have learned to retreat at the first sign of danger. I mean, why wait around, if it&#39;s just to surrender? Ambition, I have found, can only lead to failure.
    I do not read the reviews. No, I am not singing for you.
    I stood dropping a coin into the pit of a well. And I would throw my whole billfold if I thought it would help. With all these wishes I make, I should by something great, at least a telephone call home.
    My teachers, they built the retaining wall memory, all those multiple choices I answered so quickly. And I got my grades back and forgot just as easily, but as least I got an A.
    So I don&#39;t have them to blame.
    I should stop pointing fingers; reserve my judgment of all those public action figures, the cowboy president. So loud behind the bullhorn so proud they can&#39;t admit when they have made a mistake.
    While poison ink spews from a speechwriter&#39;s pen, he knows that he doesn&#39;t have to say it, so it don&#39;t bother him. "Honesty" "Accuracy" are really just "Popular Opinion."
    And the approval rating is high, so someone is going to die.
    ABC, NBC, CBS: Bullshit. They give us fact or fiction? I guess an even split. And each new act of war is tonight&#39;s entertainment. We are still the pawns in their game. As they take an eye for an eye until no one can see, we must stumble blindly forward, repeating history. Well, I guess that we all fit into your slogan on the fast food marquee: Red blooded, White skinned oh and the Blues.
    I got the Blues&#33; I got the Blues&#33; That&#39;s me&#33; That&#39;s me&#33;
    Well, I awoke in relief. My sheets and tubes were all tangled weak from whiskey and pills, in a Chicago hospital. My father was there, in a chair, by the window, staring so far away. I tried talking, just whispered, " selfish..." He stopped me and said, "Child I love you regardless and there is nothing you could do that would ever change this. I&#39;m not angry. It happens. You just can&#39;t do it again."
    So now I try to keep up, I have been exchanging my currency. While a million objects pass through my periphery. So now I am rubbing my eyes because they are starting to bother me. I have been staring too long at the screen. But where was it when I first heard the sound of humility? It came to my ears in the goddamn loveliest melody. How grateful I was then to be part of the mystery, to love and be loved. Let&#39;s just hope that is enough.
    I mean, after all; you have to consider we're only made out of dust. That's admittedly not much to go on and we shouldn't forget that. But even considering, I mean it's a sort of bad beginning, we're not doing too bad. So I personally have faith that even in this lousy situation we're faced with we can make it. You get me?

  8. #88
    Dabei seit




    18. Januar 1842
    (in: Deutsche Lieder aus der Schweiz)

    Der Deutsche reflektiert über alles, sieht alles aus der Vogelperspektive
    und ist darum nie in der Mitte der Sache. Der Deutsche
    hat alles und ist nichts. (Börne, Gesammelte Werke, 1.16.)

    Laßt uns unseren Geist versenken
    in des Wissens tiefes Meer&#33;
    Laßt uns denken, immer denken &#33;
    Ei, das ziert den Deutschen sehr.
    Und wenn man uns fragt: Wie geht´s
    sagen wir: Wir denken stets.

    Alles denkt bei uns zu Lande
    das ist deutsche Sitt´ und Brauch;
    Ja, man denkt in jedem Stande,
    Schuster, Schneider, denken auch.
    und wenn sie auch nichts gemacht,
    sagen sie: Wir ha&#39; n gedacht.

    Denken muß der Deutsche immer,
    wo er sitzt und geht und steht,
    und er läßt das Denken nimmer,
    wenn&#39; s auch noch so schlecht ihm geht;
    Und sein Trost, sein Glück und Heil
    ist: ich denke mir mein Teil

    "Du Gedankenland auf Erden,
    wenn dein Denken wird zur Tat,
    Ei, was kann aus Dir noch werden&#33;
    Kommt&#39; s nur etwa nicht zu spat,
    daß man fragt: Was machtet Ihr ?
    Und Ihr sagt: Stets dachten wir."


    Ein sehr anschauliches Beispiel für die Aktualität der Texte
    von Hoffmann von Fallersleben. Das ganze unterlegt mit einem schön treibenden
    sechs-achtel Beat, der sich zu einem leicht afrikanisch anmutenden zwölf-achtel wandelt.

    Der deutsche Philister, das bleibet der Mann
    auf den die Regierung vertrauen noch kann
    der passet zu ihren Beglückungsideen
    der läßt mit sich alles gutwillig geschehn

    Befohlenermaßen ist er stets bereit
    zu stören, zu hemmen den Fortschritt der Zeit
    zu hassen ein jegliches freies Gemüt
    und alles, was lebet, was grünet und blüht

    Sprich, deutsche Geschichte, bericht es der Welt
    wer war doch dein größter berühmtester Held
    Der Deutsche Philister, der Deutscheste Mann
    der alles verdirbt was man Gutes begann

    Was schön und erhaben, was wahr ist und recht
    das kann er nicht leiden, das findet er schlecht
    so ganz, wie er selbst ist, so kläglich, gemein
    hausbacken und ledern soll alles auch sein

    Solange der Philister regieret das Land
    ist jeglicher Fortschritt daraus wie verbannt
    denn dieses erbärmliche feige Geschlecht
    das kennet nicht Ehre, nicht Tugend und Recht

    Du Sklav der Gewohnheit, du Knecht der Gewalt
    käme dein Simson, o käm er doch Bald
    Du Deutscher Philister, du gräßlichste Qual
    o holte der Teufel dich endlich einmal

    Doch leider hat Beelzebub keinen Geschmack
    an unsern Philistern, dem lumpigen Pack
    und wollten sie selber hinein in sein Haus
    so schmiß der die Kerle zum Tempel hinaus
    Zwei Lieder aus der CD "Knüppel aus dem Sack" von der Gruppe GRENZGÄNGER mit Liedern von Hoffmann von Fallersleben.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

  9. #89
    Warmgepostet Avatar von cronos
    Dabei seit


    Ich hoffe das ist nicht zu lang oder so, der Herr Conor Oberst kann sich scheinbar nicht kürzer fassen.

    wo liegt das Problem, Sepia?

    so, und jetzt gibts mal was richtig schön krankes zu lesen

    Cafe Koma - Das große Discoinferno
    Samsas Traum

    Du und ich nicht aus der selben Rippe
    soviel steht schon einmal fest

    Heute Nacht gibst du ihr,
    was ihr zusteht den Rest

    Du und sie ihr seht euch nicht sehr ähnlich,
    aber man merkt irgendwie

    Das uns das selbe Feuer inne wohnt,
    dass auf dem höchsten Throne thront

    Dort hinter der Kirche seh ich schon,
    zauberhaft wie ein Komentensturm

    Gregorius + Alistair:
    Lilith die sich durch die Masse zwängt,
    die in einen schwarzen Tempel drängt

    Chor der Toten Namen:
    In die Disco "Cafe Koma" flüchtet Lilith
    und beginnt den Tanz

    Du und ich, uns darf sie nicht entkommen nachdem
    Gott sie schon entwischt

    Vater drückte sie stets fester,
    als die brave Stiefschwester

    Ob ihr glaubt, sie rieb ihren Körper vor mir an des Bastards Haut.

    Eva ist besessen, sie ist von der Eifersucht zerfressen

    Unter all dem schwarzen Trauerflor,
    ragt kein einziges Gesicht hervor

    So weiß geschminkt sehn alle Tänzer,
    aus wie Frischfleisch aus dem Leichenhaus

    Unter dem Gestalten schwarz betucht,
    man vergeblich nach der einen sucht

    Bei dem Discolicht erkennt man nicht,
    welche dieser Schlampen Lilith ist

    "Jungs lasst uns Blei sehn&#33;"

    "Du willst den ganzen Laden ummähn?"

    "Soll das ein Witz sein?"

    "Los gehn wir rein&#33;"

    "Aber HEY&#33;"

    "Ich tanze bis die Sonne aufgeht, Will mich in ihren ersten Strahlen winden
    Ich tanze bis der Tag erwacht ist, denn durch den Tanz verberg ich mein Gesicht
    Ich tanze bis zum Morgengrauen, die Welt um mich herum existiert nicht
    Denn wenn ich mich mit den Toten tanze kann man mich in der Schattenwelt nicht finden"

    Alistair + Gregorius:
    Wir werden diese Schlampe finden, niemand führt uns beide hinters Licht
    Von hier kann sie nicht verschwinden, das kleine schwarze Luder entkommt uns nicht
    Wir werden das kleine Herz bei lebendigen Leib mit einer Flut von Schmerzen ausspülen aus dem Weib.

    "Diese schlechte Musik macht mich ganz nervös&#33;"

    "Und mich erst&#33;"

    "Los da rüber wir verschanzen uns im Damenklo&#33;"

    "Ich kann nichts sehn, verdammtes Trockeneis&#33;"

    "Und dieser Patchouliduft raubt mir die Luft"

    "Räumen wir die Teeny Gruft"

    "Also, aufgepasst&#33; Du nimmst den Pulk auf den Emporen."

    "Ich freu mich auf die Blutbäche"

    "Und ich säuber die Tanzfläche"

    "Ich selbst knall all die Pärchen ab die sich in der Lounge aussaugen."

    "Die M16"

    "Meine Pumpgun"

    "Auf mein Zeichen. Achtung und&#33;"


    Chor der Toten Namen:
    Cafe Koma Herzen brechen, Kugeln stechen, im großen Discoinferno
    Cafe Koma das Kommando merkte nicht, wie die kleine Lilith sich zur Hintertüre rausschlich
    Cafe Koma Herzen brechen, Kugeln stechen, im großen Discoinferno
    Cafe Koma das Kommando merkte nicht, wie die kleine Lilith sich zur Hintertüre rausschlich

    Ich tanze bis zum Morgengrauen
    Ich tanze bis zum Morgengrauen
    The Blue Lotus, a legend, I thought a myth
    Old poems and stories gone
    A beauty of unimaginable lust
    Both men&#39;s hearts, and Gods, were won
    Skin like milk, an angels face
    They say her smile could kill
    Her hair the blackest of all black
    Stories I thought though, still
    <span style='color:red'> 42 is the number of the beast: 6*6+6=42 </span>

  10. #90
    Wühlmaus Avatar von Nager
    Dabei seit
    Down Under


    Porcupine Tree - Stop Swimming

    This song leaks out onto the pavement
    It could be a joke, it could be a statement
    The more that I fake it and pretend I don&#39;t care
    The more you can read in to what isn&#39;t there

    Maybe it&#39;s time to stop swimming
    Maybe it&#39;s time to find out where I&#39;m at
    What I should do and where I should be
    But no-one will give me a map

    I&#39;ll leave now this can&#39;t continue
    But I forget which door I came through
    And I know what the lift can be painfully slow
    So I&#39;m happy to leave by the window

  11. #91
    Moderator Avatar von Amujan
    Dabei seit
    Schönefeld b. Berlin


    Paloalto - The World Outside

    Consequence is waiting for you
    Can you feel it up inside?
    You show how much your father&#39;s part of you
    Thinking, it makes no sense
    Would it really make you turn away?
    Would it really change your life?

    There&#39;s a world outside of you
    There&#39;s a world outside of you

    Feelings locked inside this corridor
    Could they make you chage your mind?
    Feeling hope can seem so far away
    Thinking, it&#39;s hard to find
    Would you really let this go to waste?
    Would it really change your life?

    There&#39;s a world outside of you
    There&#39;s a world outside of you
    Well there&#39;s a world outside of you

    So come on, you want to feel it all inside
    So come on, you want it all

    Your gravity pulls you so far away
    Thinking, how long will this last?
    Nothing you take makes you feel all the best
    It&#39;s too much, not enough, it&#39;s okay
    You break out of this age

    There&#39;s a world outside of you
    There&#39;s a world outside of you
    Well there&#39;s a world outside of you
    There&#39;s a world outside of you
    Well there&#39;s a world outside of you
    There&#39;s a world outside of you

  12. #92
    Dabei seit


    Als ich neulich die Berichte über die Folterungen von irakischen Gefangenen durch amerikanische Soldaten hörte, fiel mir ein anderes Lied von Hoffmann von Fallersleben ein:

    NOTABENE (Hör gut zu)

    Ihr könnt die Welt nicht retten
    mit Hals- und Hochgericht
    mit des Gefangenen Ketten
    hemmt Ihr sein Laster nicht

    Im Arbeitshaus erwachet
    nicht Fleiß und Arbeitstrieb
    Das Zwang- und Zuchthaus machet
    nicht tugendhaft den Dieb

    Bei Brot und Wasser eilet
    nicht weg die Sündenlust
    und keine Bibel heilet
    die frevelvolle Brust

    Wollt Ihr Genesung bringen
    der armen, kranken Zeit
    Lernt selbst vor allen Dingen
    Recht und Gerechtigkeit
    Vor allem die letzte Strophe ist beachtenswert ...

  13. #93
    Wühlmaus Avatar von Nager
    Dabei seit
    Down Under


    Leben in Unsterblichkeit?

    Van der Graad Generator - Still Life

    Citadel reverberates to a thousand voices, now dumb:
    what have we become? What have we chosen to be?
    Now, all history is reduced to the syllables of our name -
    nothing can ever be the same now the Immortals are here.
    At the time, it seemed a reasonable course
    to harness all the force of life without the threat of death,
    but soon we found
    that boredom and inertia are not negative,
    but all the law we know
    and dead are Will and words like survival.

    Arrival at immunity from all age, all fear and all end....
    Why do I pretend? Our essence is distilled
    and all familiar taste is now drained
    and though purity is maintained it leaves us sterile,
    living through the millions of years,
    a laugh as close as any tear....
    Living, if you claim that all that entails is
    breathing, eating, defecating, screwing, drinking,
    spewing, sleeping, sinking ever down and down
    and ultimately passing away time
    which no longer has any meaning.

    Take away the threat of death
    and all you&#39;re left with is a round of make-believe;
    marshal every sullen breath
    and though you&#39;re ultimately bored by endless ecstasy
    that&#39;s still the ring by which you hope to be engaged
    to marry the girl who will give you forever -
    that&#39;s crazy, and plainly
    it simply is not enough.

    What is the dullest and bluntest of pains,
    such that my eyes never close without feeling it there?
    What abject despair demands an end to all things of infinity?
    If we have gained, how do we now meet the cost?
    What have we bargained, and what have we lost?
    What have we relinquished, never even knowing it was there?

    What chance now of holding fast the line,
    defying death and time
    when everything we had is gone?
    Everything we laboured for and favoured more
    than earthly things reveals the hollow ring
    of false hope and of false deliverance.

    But now the nuptial bed is made,
    the dowry has been paid;
    the toothless, haggard features of Eternity
    now welcome me between the sheets
    to couple with her withered body - my wife.

    Hers forever,
    hers forever,
    hers forever
    in still life.

  14. #94
    Dabei seit


    Eric Bogle: Never Again - Remember

    I have been to hell today, I saw the devil&#39;s naked face
    I felt the poison freeze my heart in that evil, evil place
    I heard the ghosts cry out in warning
    their voices ringing through the years
    I stood beneath the barbed wire fence and wept and wept bitter tears.

    I stood alone that winter&#39;s day on that barren killing ground
    Inside my head the voices grew &#39;til my brain was bursting with the sound
    They cried "Comrade, do not forget us"
    And I replied "I never will"
    And as my soul in anguish wept, one by one, the voices stilled.
    Never, never again.


    Europe, sixty years ago - Remember?
    Depressions, millions on the dole - Remember?
    In those dark, despairing times of unemployment and bread-lines
    A cancer grew, fat and malign - Remember?

    Its banner was a crooked cross - Remember?
    Its destiny a holocaust - Remember?
    Its creed was racial purity, it fed on fear and bigotry
    Its touch was death and slavery - Remember?

    CHORUS: It&#39;s happening again, it&#39;s happening again,
    Can&#39;t you see it&#39;s happening again?

    Treblinka, Auschwitz and Dachau - Remember?
    David&#39;s star, a people&#39;s shroud - Remember?
    No refuge and no hiding place for non-members of The Masters&#39; Race
    Whole nations enslaved and debased - Remember?

    Blood and toil and sweat and tears - Remember?
    The nightmare lasted six long years - Remember?
    The world drowned in a bloody tide of war and death and genocide
    Fifty-seven million died - Remember?

    CHORUS (2x)


    I lived in freedom all my life, never thinking much about the cost
    Of those who suffered and who died so that freedom&#39;s flame should not be lost
    I saw the flame in Sachsenhausen
    In spite of all its burning yet
    To all the ghosts who guard the flame, I promise you, I won&#39;t forget.
    Never, never again.
    Never, never again.
    Bogle, ein australischer Singer/Songwriter schottischer Herkunft, wurde 1987 durch einen Besuch im KZ Sachsenhausen zu "Never Again" inspiriert (oder provoziert). Er nahm es zuerst einzeln auf, kombinierte es dann aber später mit einem seiner anderen Stücke, "Remember".

  15. #95
    Administrator Avatar von Dr.BrainFister
    Dabei seit


    Johnny Cash

    The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

    The first time ever I saw your face,
    I thought the sun rose in your eyes.
    And the moon and stars were the gifts you gave,
    To the dark and the endless sky, my love.

    And the first time ever I kissed your mouth,
    I felt the earth move through my hands.
    Like the trembling heart of a captive bird
    That was there at my command.

    And the first time ever I lay with you,
    I felt your heart so close to mine.
    And I know our joy would fill the earth,
    And last till the end of time, my love.

    The first time ever I saw your face.

    "Wissen sie woraus der Leberkäs gemacht wird? Aus den Resten der Knackwurst. Und die Knackwurst? Aus den Resten vom Leberkäs. So geht das ewig weiter: Leberkäs, Knackwurst, Leberkäs, Knackwurst..." - Simon Brenner (Josef Hader) in "Silentium"

  16. #96
    Dabei seit


    Erstmal ein Song von System of a Down, bei dem ich noch nie den Sinn erfasst habe...

    System of a Down - Jet Pilot

    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay,
    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay.

    My horse, is a shackled old man,
    His, his remorse, was that he couldn&#39;t survey,
    The skies, right before,
    Right before they went gray,
    My horse and my remorse,
    Flying over a great bay

    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay,
    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay.

    My, source, is the source of all creation,
    Her, discourse, is that we all don&#39;t survey
    The skies, right before,
    Right before they go gray,
    My source, and my remorse,
    Flying over a great bay,

    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay,
    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay
    Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay,
    Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay.

    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay,
    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay
    Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay,
    Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay.

    Dann noch eines von System (das beste Lied der Welt )

    System of a Down - Chop Suey

    Wake up,
    Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
    Grab a brush and put a little,
    Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
    Hide the scars to fade away the,
    Why&#39;d you leave the keys upon the table?
    Here you go create another fable

    You wanted to,
    Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
    You wanted to,
    Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
    You wanted to,
    Why&#39;d you leave the keys upon the table,
    You wanted to,

    I don&#39;t think you trust,
    In, my, self righteous suicide,
    I, cry, when angels deserve to die, Die,

    Wake up,
    Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
    Grab a brush and put a little,
    Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
    Hide the scars to fade away the,
    Why&#39;d you leave the keys upon the table?
    Here you go create another fable

    You wanted to,
    Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
    You wanted to,
    Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
    You wanted to,
    Why&#39;d you leave the keys upon the table,
    You wanted to,

    I don&#39;t think you trust,
    In, my, self righteous suicide,
    I, cry, when angels deserve to die
    In my, self righteous suicide,
    I, cry, when angels deserve to die

    Father, Father, Father, Father,
    Father/ Into your hands/I/commend my spirit,
    Father, into your hands,
    Why have you forsakee,
    In your thoughts forsaken me,
    In your heart forsaken, me oh,

    Trust in my self righteous suicide,
    I, cry, when angels deserve to die,
    In my self righteous suicide,
    I, cry, when angels deserve to die.

    Und dann noch ein genialer Song von Subway to Sally:

    Subway to Sally - Kleid Aus Rosen

    Ein gutes Mädchen lief einst fort,
    verliess der Kindheit schönen Ort;
    verliess die Eltern und sogar
    den Mann, dem sie versprochen war.
    Vor einer Haus da blieb sie stehn,
    darinnen war ein Mann zu sehn
    der Bilder stach in nackte Haut,
    da rief das gute Mädchen laut:

    Meister, Meister gib mir Rosen,
    Rosen auf mein weisses Kleid,
    stech die Blumen in den blossen
    unberührten Mädchenleib.

    &#39;Diese Rosen kosten Blut&#39;,
    sprach der Meister sanft und gut,
    &#39;enden früh dein junges Leben,
    will dir lieber keine geben.&#39;
    Doch das Mädchen war vernarrt,
    hat auf Knien ausgeharrt
    bis er nicht mehr widerstand
    und die Nadeln nahm zur Hand.

    Meister, Meister gib mir Rosen ...

    Und aus seinen tiefen Stichen
    wuchsen Blätter, wuchsen Blüten,
    wuchsen unbekannte Schmerzen
    in dem jungen Mädchenherzen.
    Später hat man sie gesehn,
    einsam an den Wassern stehn.
    Niemals hat man je erfahr&acute;n,
    welchen Preis der Meister nahm.

    Meister, Meister gib mir Rosen ...
    I can see what you see not. Vision milky then eyes rot.
    When you turn they will be gone, whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be, shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind, cast down into the Halls of the Blind.


  17. #97
    Dabei seit


    The man with the gun

    I&#39;m out of my senses
    I&#39;ll only smile
    The night I meet the man with the gun

    Not that I&#39;d be defenceless
    but I don&#39;t think I&#39;ll fight
    The night I meet the man with the gun

    Maybe I&#39;ll say What kept you?
    I knew you would come
    I somehow didn&#39;t expect to
    Be spared for so long

    Was it a whim of fortune
    Or was I hard to find
    What&#39;s the routine of a man with a gun

    Was it a kind of torture
    Have you been out of town
    What is like to a man with a gun

    Maybe I&#39;m glad to see you
    It&#39;s hard to believe
    but standing here beside you
    is such a relief

    This is gonna hurt me
    I do know why you&#39;ve come
    but I got this feeling
    that it&#39;s already been done
    "Both destiny's kisses and its dope-slaps illustrate an individual person's basic personal powerlessness over the really meaningful events in his life: i.e. almost nothing important that ever happens to you happens because you engineer it. Destiny has no beeper; destiny always leans trenchcoated out of an alley with some sort of Psst that you usually can't even hear because you're in such a rush to or from something important you've tried to engineer."

  18. #98
    Administrator Avatar von Dr.BrainFister
    Dabei seit


    @ verlierer

    von wem ist das?

    um nicht nur doof zu fragen, hier auch 2 texte, die mir was bedeuten. haben mir damals bei meinen ersten tiefergehenden erfahrungen mit mädchen (schreib bewusst nicht "frauen") geholfen, ihre dümmlichen bzw. kranken spielchen (die mit zunehmendem alter zum glück weniger wurden)besser zu ertragen. außerdem ist es schlicht geniale, geile musik:

    Your Lies Become You
    by Monster Magnet

    Album : Powertrip

    How did I get here without you?
    It&#39;s a miracle we&#39;re all sane
    You&#39;re kinda like sucking a vacuum
    Or booking a flight on a doomed plane

    Well you claimed you could read the future
    And I&#39;d say that you&#39;ve nailed that down**

    Still want everyone to love you
    Well here&#39;s the tip of my hat to your big brain
    Do you really believe they can&#39;t see through
    A circus punk playing a foul game

    Let me cast you in light that&#39;s natural
    And with me you can strike that pose, yeah
    And you melt for the camera
    &#39;Cause your lies become you
    Yes your lies become you
    Yes your lies become you
    After all

    How am I living without you?
    I&#39;m not even sure now that I&#39;m sane
    But this little dog&#39;s got enough sense
    To know not to sleep in the cold rain
    Yeah Yeah Yeah

    How are you doing without me?
    I&#39;m sure you&#39;ve found some new game
    I never wanted to miss you
    But then I, I never thought I could dig pain

    Hope it&#39;s warmer for you Princess
    I in fact, hope it&#39;s hot as Hell, yeah
    And you get what you ask for
    &#39;Cause your lies become you
    Yes your lies become you
    Yes your lies become you
    After all


    by Monster Magnet

    Album : Powertrip

    You&#39;re looking for the one who fucked your mom
    It&#39;s not me
    It&#39;s not me
    You&#39;re looking for the one who made you cry
    That&#39;s not me
    It&#39;s not me
    If you wanna stuff your garbage in that hole
    Oh, baby I&#39;m your man of the hour
    You think the world&#39;s got the evil eye on you
    That&#39;s not true
    That&#39;s not true
    The only one I see causing major pain
    Is just you
    It&#39;s just you
    If you wanna spank your demons and make &#39;em pay
    Then baby I&#39;m your man of the hour
    Some people go to bed with Lucifer
    Then they cry when they don&#39;t greet the day with God
    I know life&#39;s a bummer baby
    But that&#39;s got precious little to do with me
    You think you&#39;ve found the one most like yourself
    And that&#39;s me
    Yeah that&#39;s me
    You&#39;re sure we&#39;ve known each other all our lives
    That could be
    That could be
    If you wanna spank your demons and make &#39;em pay
    Then baby I&#39;m your man of the hour
    Some people go to bed with Lucifer
    Then they cry, cry, cry when they don&#39;t greet the day with God
    I know life&#39;s a bummer baby
    But that&#39;s got precious little to do with me
    I know life&#39;s a bummer baby
    But that&#39;s got nothing at all
    To do with me
    I needed a small vacation
    So they put me on a train
    They called it "rehabilitation"
    Oh, but here I am again
    It&#39;s against my second nature
    Not to to chase you down that hole
    I need a fistful of medication
    Just to keep it in my pants
    Ain&#39;t nothing like it
    You&#39;re looking for the one who fucked your mom
    It&#39;s not me
    It&#39;s not me
    You&#39;re looking for the one who made you cry
    It&#39;s not me
    That&#39;s not me
    If you wanna spank your demons and make &#39;em pay
    Then baby I&#39;m your man of the hour
    Some people go to bed with Lucifer
    Then they cry, cry, cry when they don&#39;t greet the day with God
    I know life&#39;s a bummer baby
    But that&#39;s got precious little to do with me
    I know life&#39;s a bummer baby
    But that&#39;s got damn nothing at all
    To do with me


    "Wissen sie woraus der Leberkäs gemacht wird? Aus den Resten der Knackwurst. Und die Knackwurst? Aus den Resten vom Leberkäs. So geht das ewig weiter: Leberkäs, Knackwurst, Leberkäs, Knackwurst..." - Simon Brenner (Josef Hader) in "Silentium"

  19. #99
    Dabei seit


    Originally posted by Dr.BrainFister@07.02.2005, 22:31
    @ verlierer

    von wem ist das?

    um nicht nur doof zu fragen, hier auch 2 texte, die mir was bedeuten. haben mir damals bei meinen ersten tiefergehenden erfahrungen mit mädchen (schreib bewusst nicht "frauen") geholfen, ihre dümmlichen bzw. kranken spielchen (die mit zunehmendem alter zum glück weniger wurden)besser zu ertragen.
    ja ja, immer das böse andere geschlecht. wird das nicht langweilig? es schon mal mit dem eigenen geschlecht versucht? <- alles rhetorische fragen. denn jedem seine obsession. weswegen etwaige verweise auf gehirnschrauber sowieso immer anmaßend und lächerlich sind.

    und spielchen sind immer gut. na ja, noch viel spass beim obsessionen ausleben. und aufs image muss man ja auch immer achten. hätte ich beinahe vergessen ...
    "Both destiny's kisses and its dope-slaps illustrate an individual person's basic personal powerlessness over the really meaningful events in his life: i.e. almost nothing important that ever happens to you happens because you engineer it. Destiny has no beeper; destiny always leans trenchcoated out of an alley with some sort of Psst that you usually can't even hear because you're in such a rush to or from something important you've tried to engineer."

  20. #100
    Moderator Avatar von Amujan
    Dabei seit
    Schönefeld b. Berlin


    Ok was ganz kurzes Gutes, zu dem ich den ganzen abend schon wippe:

    Interpret: Mellow Trax feat. Shaft
    Titel: Sway

    When the rumba rythm starts to play

    Dance with me, make me sway.

    Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore

    Hold me close, sway me more.

    over and over and over again


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