Nun, ob wir wollen oder nicht, Miss Rostoni überschüttet uns förmlich mit News...

- Characters in the Dark Nest trilogy: "Definitely Jacen and Jaina. Lowbacca. Luke. Mara, Leia, Han.... Some other favorites (mine, anyway&#33 Alema and Tesar. Maybe a couple Chiss."
- 2006 schedule:

Feb: Undetermined Hardcover

May: First of the Michael Reaves mass market paperbacks now known as CORUSCANT NIGHTS. It's not a trilogy -- it's 3 stand-alones featuring the same main characters. They come out May 06, May 07, May 08. (Rock. - Mike)

June: The first of the post-NJO 9-book series, a hardcover.

September: Post-NJO #2, a paperback

October: Undetermined Hardcover

December: Post-NJO #3, a paperback

- Thoughts on the Dramatis Personae: "If it's helpful, I'll see that it gets included in the post-NJO books. What about a glossary? Would it help to have one? Maybe that included a little background on the entry so that there wouldn't need to be a bunch of exposition in in the story? Does explaining something in the text take you out of the story???"

- Title of new Zahn book: "It's most likely going to be Star Wars: Outbound Flight. Makes the most sense since that's what we've been calling it all these years."

- Coruscant Nights setting: "It takes place very shortly, like within the first couple months, after RotS."

- The roundtable interview from TUF will be reprinted in the back of the paperback.

- The Denning trilogy comes out in August, October, and December 2005.
Naja, ich weiß nicht was ich von diesen Büchern von Reaves halten soll... klingt komisch.