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Thema: Neue B5-Romane und Comics angekündigt!

  1. #1
    Super-Moderator Avatar von cornholio1980
    Dabei seit


    Hi Leute!

    Nach der offiziellen Bekanntgabe, dass die Produktion am lang erwarteten und heiß ersehnten Babylon 5-Kinofilm "The Memory of Shadows" eingestellt wurde, sah die Welt für uns B5-Fans nicht mehr unbedingt rosig aus. Um so erfreuter bin ich nun, euch folgende interessante Neuigkeit mitzuteilen: Der Verlag "Mongoose Publishing" (der bereits die Babylon 5 "Fact Books" herausgebracht hat) hat auf der offiziellen Homepage bekannt gegeben, dass sie mit Warner einen Vertrag abgeschlossen haben und ab dem 4. Quartal 2005 neue Romane und Comics zu "Babylon 5" veröffentlichen werden.

    Hier der genaue Wortlaut:
    Mongoose Publishing is proud to announce an agreement with Warner Brothers to produce an all new range of novels and graphic novels for Babylon 5. We have some exciting tales lined up for you, delving into never-before-explored areas of the Babylon 5 universe and expanding the storyline beyond the TV series. Releases will begin appearing in Q4 2005 - more news on authors and storylines coming soon!

    The greatest science fiction story ever continues. . .

    Das sind doch endlich mal wieder gute Nachrichten (zumindest für jene von uns, die mit der englischen Sprache kein Problem haben)!

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    "I believe that when we leave a place, part of it goes with us, and part of us remains. Go anywhere in this station, when it is quiet, and just listen. After a while you will hear the echos of all our conversations, every thought and word we've exchanged. Long after we're gone, our voices will linger in these walls."
    Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar - Objects in Motion / The Lost Tales-Intro

  2. #2
    Moderator Avatar von wu-chi
    Dabei seit


    Weißt du, ob JMS diese Romane und Comics auch abgesegnen wird oder noch besser daran beteiligt sein wird.

    "Any given man sees only a tiny portion of the total truth, and very often, in fact almost perpetually, he deliberately deceives himself about that little precious fragment as well. A portion of him turns against him and acts like another person, defeating him from inside. A man inside a man. Which is no man at all."
    Philip K. Dick (A Scanner Darkly, 1977)

  3. #3
    Super-Moderator Avatar von cornholio1980
    Dabei seit


    Originally posted by wu-chi@13.04.2005, 08:47
    Weißt du, ob JMS diese Romane und Comics auch abgesegnen wird oder noch besser daran beteiligt sein wird.
    Nein, leider (noch) nicht. Ich hab die Frage bereits im JMSNEWS-Forum gestellt und dort jemandem mit Usenet-Zugang gebeten, JMS die Frage zu stellen... bisher kam aber offensicthlich noch keine Antwort. Ich hoffe es aber - denn noch so ein Desaster wie bei den ersten 6 Dell-Romanen (die ja auch im deutschsprachigen Raum veröffentlicht wurden) brauchen wir nun wirklich nicht...
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    "I believe that when we leave a place, part of it goes with us, and part of us remains. Go anywhere in this station, when it is quiet, and just listen. After a while you will hear the echos of all our conversations, every thought and word we've exchanged. Long after we're gone, our voices will linger in these walls."
    Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar - Objects in Motion / The Lost Tales-Intro

  4. #4
    Super-Moderator Avatar von cornholio1980
    Dabei seit

    Standard AW: Neue B5-Romane und Comics angekündigt!

    So, zumindest zu den ersten Comics gibt es nun neue Informationen. So hat sich der (voraussichtliche) Autor Tony Lee zu Wort gemeldet. Das erste ist eine Info von seiner Homepage, der Rest entstammt einer laufenden Diskussion im newsarama-Forum, wo er sich den (leicht besorgten) Fans der Serie gestellt und versucht hat, die Befürchtungen zu entkräften.

    Vorerst mal nur die direkten Zitate - eine kurze Übersetzung des Inhalts folgt dann gegebenenfalls morgen.

    Well, since an internet journalist managed to put two and two together from my comments and also the Mongoose webpage, after speaking to my publisher I can tell you what the uber secret project is that I'm working on with Artist extraordinaire Sam Hart -

    BABYLON 5.

    That's right - Unfortunately I can't confirm what it's going to be about, or even what format it's going to be in, as there's talk of either releasing each story as a stand alone trade paperback - or putting it out as a 5 part monthly comic from Quarter 4 2005, and then collecting it as a trade. There's a meeting at Mongoose at the end of April to decide this and all PR announcements will follow.

    All I can say is:

    1) Sam Hart will be definitely be the artist on Story 1 - which will be based around an aspect of the Babylon 5 universe that's only been hinted at before, and involves a character that changed the lives of billions.

    2) There's a possibility that's been discussed in passing of a second story to run slightly staggered, also by myself but with a different art team which will be more up to date and concentrate of a different area of the Babylon 5 universe.

    3) JMS knows about this, yes. I emailed him yesterday and I hope to have him involved in this - after all, it is his baby.

    More news will come out at the end of the month - and expect it to be a large part of the Mongoose Panel announcements at the Bristol Expo.

    Thanks to the deal with Warner, Mongoose will be releasing both Novels AND Graphic novels in the BABYLON 5 universe over the coming months.
    I can't say what the deal with Mongoose, Warner and JMS is. As I said to Newsarama I can't comment past what I said on my own blog, which was mainly so Sam Hart could at least announce it. PR and news will come out after the end of the month.

    I contacted JMS as soon as I got the greenlight from Warner/Mongoose because it's common courtesy to check in with him. It's his world. It's his dream. He's a god damned hero of mine.

    Also, theres a lot of things that we'll need final sign off from plotwise, so it makes sense to ensure I have a dialogue open from the start.

    And as for a feeling of dread at JMS being 'ousted'?

    Bristol Expo. I'm there. Mongoose is there. JMS is there.

    You don't think there's going to be a meeting or two?.... ;-)
    Yet again guys - hows about waiting for the OFFICIAL press releases before you shoot it down in flames?

    JMS has a very good relationship with Mongoose, and their Babylon 5 games have created new parts of the Bab 5 universe with his blessing and assistance.

    As I said before - I have NO IDEA how much input he'll have. Personally, I'd rather it was like Peter David had with his novels. This isn't a case of me going 'I'm doing this. Help or f*ck off.'

    And as for 'fan fic' - as already mentioned there were good books and bad books - but there were good books not written by JMS. And although he knew the arc and the overal series plan, he actually only worte about a third of the scripts.

    Just wait until May when more information is given, yeah?
    One last thing I'll say to ease any concerns -

    This isn't a case of a company just 'buying the license'.

    Mongoose and JMS have been working together for a few years now on the games, and to my knowledge JMS has had a very hands on approach to the developments that have been made in the gameworld. To get the GN license, they would have had to have proved themselves.

    I can't see JMS's involvement changing. It's his baby and I'm happy for that to stay like that. Everything has to stay canon.
    And as I've said, I've already made contact with him.

    In a couple of weeks a release will come out with more information. Be patient. It's all good.
    One last thing.

    There are no pre-written stories. There were and are areas of the Babylon 5 universe that Mongoose have concentrated in, that they've suggested might be areas that would work as stories.

    Suggested. IMHO If JMS goes 'hmm - not sure about that one - hey what about THIS area', then thats where it goes.

    If JMS has a graphic novel he wants to write, if he hasn't already been talking to Mongoose about it (as believe it or not, they DO talk to each other) email him - suggest to him to write it. I really can't see Mongoose/Warner turning THAT baby down, can you? ;-)

    I might not be the BIGGEST BABYLON 5 FAN EVER. But I know my Vorlons from my Centauri. I know the relevance of Green or Purple. I liked Sinclair, wept for Marcus at the end of Season 5, I've had the War without End conversations that many of you have had, cheered when Vir waved to Morden and I sat there with all the others in Pages sci fi bar in London with the TV on, screaming at the end of season three when the cliffhanger hit the UK.

    I'm (in my own opinion) a good writer. You want proof? Buy STARSHIP TROOPERS - BLAZE OF GLORY, out now. Buy THE GLOOM out next month.

    I can't give you the facts as I don't know them all - this came out before the t's were crossed and the i's were dotted when mongoose's little news bit on their website was picked up by an Internet gossip hack (and it wasn't Rich Johnson, THE PULSE or NEWSARAMA) who threatened to spill. I pre-empted it to stop the story being twisted - but the full answers will be given sometime in the next month.

    But on a personal basis? As far as I am concerned, JMS IS Babylon 5.

    JMS has to and WILL be involved in any Babylon 5 story I write - and I don't mean 'gets a copy of the final draft as a courtesy' by involvement -

    or I won't write it. I'll walk off the project.

    Simple as that.

    Zusätzlich hat sich Tony Lee auch im B5TV-Forum zu Wort gemeldet. Da sein dortiger Eintrag aber im Prinzip nur eine Zusammenfassung seiner Beiträge im Newsarama-Forum war, sehe ich mal von einem weiteren genauen Zitat ab.

    Nun Leute, lasst die Spekulation beginnen: Hat jemand genauere Infos, welchen Themengebieten sich Mongoose bisher angenommen hat? Nachdem ich die Ankündigung auf seiner HP gelesen habe, hätte ich ja schon mit einem Comic über die weitere Geschichte von Babylon 4 und Valen als ominöse "Story 1" gerechnet (auch wenn das teilweise schon in "In Valen's Name" behandelt wurde) - aber ich wüsste jetzt nicht, dass sich Mongoose Publishing schon mal mit diesem Zeitraum beschäftigt hätte - oder täusche ich mich da jetzt?!?!
    Folgt mir auf Twitter!

    "I believe that when we leave a place, part of it goes with us, and part of us remains. Go anywhere in this station, when it is quiet, and just listen. After a while you will hear the echos of all our conversations, every thought and word we've exchanged. Long after we're gone, our voices will linger in these walls."
    Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar - Objects in Motion / The Lost Tales-Intro

  5. #5
    Super-Moderator Avatar von cornholio1980
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    Standard AW: Neue B5-Romane und Comics angekündigt!

    Sowohl zu den Comics als auch den Romanen gibt es mittlerweile leider weniger gute Neuigkeiten. So wurden die Comics inzwischen wieder eingestampft, da DC (Tochterunternehmen von Warner) dagegen protestiert hat, dass Comics die auf eine Warner-Lizenz beruhen bei einem anderen Verlag veröffentlicht werden (selber wollen sie's jedoch auch nicht übernehmen *seufz*). Seither arbeitet der oben bereits erwähnte Tony Lee offensichtlich daran, den 2. der geplanten Comics zu einem Roman umzuwandeln.

    Allzu viel erwarten sollte man sich von den Mongoose-Romanen jedoch wohl nicht, da JMS nicht im geringsten daran beteiligt sein wird:
    Mongoose asked me to consult with them, since they are doing just a couple of books and as I understand it ONLY for release in the UK...asked if I could help come up with some stories for them, or provide material from myh notes, proofread the manuscripts, make corrections, maybe write an intro, and do lots of other stuff...and I said okay, great, what are you going to pay for my work?

    At first, silence. As if they were stunned that I would actually ask to be paid for my time and work. Then finally, they came back with...five hundred bucks per book. To which I responded, "You have GOT to be kidding me." I have, subsequently, washed my hands of the Mongoose books. I haven't seen anything, don't know what they're doing, so sure as hell it ain't canonical.
    Könnte ev. nicht schaden, wenn alle englischsprachigen Fans das Mongoose-Forum stürmen und sich entsprechend darüber beschweren würden...
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    "I believe that when we leave a place, part of it goes with us, and part of us remains. Go anywhere in this station, when it is quiet, and just listen. After a while you will hear the echos of all our conversations, every thought and word we've exchanged. Long after we're gone, our voices will linger in these walls."
    Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar - Objects in Motion / The Lost Tales-Intro

  6. #6
    Super-Moderator Avatar von cornholio1980
    Dabei seit

    Standard AW: Neue B5-Romane und Comics angekündigt!

    Vielleicht gibt es doch noch Hoffnung für die B5-Romane. Nachdem jemand im Mongoose-Forum auf JMS' Kommentar hingewiesen hat (*unschuldigindieluftschau*) und die Message von einem der Mitarbeiter von Mongoose aufgeschnappt wurde, hat sich dieser in der Newsgroup zu Wort gemeldet und den Sachverhalt von seiner Perspektive aus geschildert:
    Hi guys,

    Okay, I have a slightly different recollection of events. There was no silence at first - we had quite a rapid exchange of emails. I never expected anyone to work on this project for free but I believe I was very honest when I said I had no idea what your time was _worth_. No idea. None. Never worked with anyone in your position before. Furthermore, that offer was not the final one - we offered 10% of the revenue, the same portion that Warner Brothers gets for the novels.

    That is when the silence kicked in - you did not get back to us, did not
    discuss it. We could have tried to work something out.

    The important thing to remember here is that Mongoose is not Warner Brothers. We are a small company employing 20 or so people. We cannot throw money around with abandon on any project, especially as we are limited to the UK market only (I believe it is Del Ray who have the US licence). There is no guarantee that a new range of Babylon 5 novels will prove successful in the UK and, at the end of the day, we have a business to run.

    To put things into perspective, if we were to print and sell an entire print run of, say, 10,000 novels, the profit is only a few thousand pounds after printing and distribution costs. That is if we sell all 10,000. Sell half that and we are at a loss. This is before Warner Brothers comes along and takes their bite, plus any percentage we offered to Mr Straczynski. I must point out, it is not the profit I have my eyes on with these figures but whether the project would end up costing more than it would bring in - which is obviously a huge problem with a business.

    I can say that everyone at Mongoose is greatly dedicated to Babylon 5 and, in our own way, we have been carrying the B5 banner for the past three ears with our games and a range of over 20 sourcebooks. I believe (I may be rong) that we have printed more Babylon 5 material than any other publisher. We take this universe seriously.

    I would like to extend an offer to Mr Straczynski to re-open negotiations and, if there is a way we can find to work together, we would like to move forwards. We have a lot of very exciting ideas for Babylon 5, across a variety of media, that we would like to discuss. We very much want to carry the banner further and I believe we have a lot to offer fans of the series.

    You have my email. Please give me a shout.
    Einige Stunden später hat der gleiche Mitarbeiter im Mongoose-Forum erwähnt, dass die Verhandlungen zwischen ihm und JMS wohl wieder aufgenommen wurden. Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass die beiden zu einer Übereinkunft kommen, die für beide Seiten akzeptabel ist...
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    "I believe that when we leave a place, part of it goes with us, and part of us remains. Go anywhere in this station, when it is quiet, and just listen. After a while you will hear the echos of all our conversations, every thought and word we've exchanged. Long after we're gone, our voices will linger in these walls."
    Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar - Objects in Motion / The Lost Tales-Intro

  7. #7
    Super-Moderator Avatar von cornholio1980
    Dabei seit

    Standard AW: Neue B5-Romane und Comics angekündigt!

    So, mittlerweile sind einige Monate vergangen, und es gibt endlich wieder Neuigkeiten: So hat Mongoose 6 Romane angekündigt. 4 davon sollen am ersten Juli erscheinen, die anderen beiden am 1. August. Genauere Informationen zu den Romanen inklusive einer offiziellen Inhaltsangabe von findet ihr hier.

    Inwieweit JMS in die Produktion dieser Romane involviert war, ist leider nicht bekannt. Die Inhaltsangaben der Bücher lassen jedoch vermuten, dass zwischen Mongoose und JMS keine Einigung erzielt werden konnte, weshalb sie sich entscheiden, vornehmlich Geschichten außerhalb des eigentlichen Arcs zu erzählen - womit zu befürchten ist, dass eine ähnliche durchschnittliche bis grauenhafte Qualität erreicht wird wie bei den ersten 6 Dell-Romanen. Allerdings muss ich auch gestehen, dass zumindest mal 2 der Romane wirklich interessant klingen. Wir werden sehen...
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    "I believe that when we leave a place, part of it goes with us, and part of us remains. Go anywhere in this station, when it is quiet, and just listen. After a while you will hear the echos of all our conversations, every thought and word we've exchanged. Long after we're gone, our voices will linger in these walls."
    Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar - Objects in Motion / The Lost Tales-Intro

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