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James Cawley reports on the latest rumors and reports regarding a new STAR TREK online mini-series:

There have been inaccurate reports on the wire, so to set the record straight, here is the SCOOP!

A fan produced feature-length digital miniseries that starts shooting on July 12 called "Star Trek: Of Gods and Men" will be Produced in part by the team behind "New Voyages." This new webisode — which will be distributed on the Internet in three parts — stars Nichelle Nichols and Walter Koenig reprising their roles as "Uhura" and "Chekov," but in the post-Kirk time of Enterprise-B captain "John Harriman," reprised by Alan Ruck. Tim Russ will direct, and will also appear as a younger "Tuvok." The film will include other performances by Garrett Wang ("Harry Kim"), Chase Masterson ("Leeta"), Grace Lee Whitney ("Janice Rand"), Gary Graham ("Soval") and Crystal Allen (from "Bound"), along with some special "surprise" guests.

"Of Gods and Men" is executive produced by Sky Douglas Conway, head of PlanetXpo and producer of "Lady Magdalene's" and the "Roddenberry on Patrol" short films, and the script was written by Conway along with Jack Trevino and Ethan H. Calk, both of whom contributed to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episodes. Other behind-the-scenes professionals from the actual show will be involved, such as Doug Knapp as director of photography.

The miniseries will be shot in part on the "New Voyages" set in New York State, but is expected to include locations in Los Angeles. The movie's Web site is

Cawley explains, "While we are thrilled to be helping with this endeavor, please remember that this is A SEPERATE project from "NEW VOYAGES." This project was/is started by Sky Conway. He contacted us, and asked us about the use of our sets, props and volunteers. We here at New Voyages are VOLUNTEERING behind the scenes to help Sky with his Trek dream. This is his project and we are along for what is sure to be a fun ride. NO money is being made. We are not being paid and we are not charging for the use of our sets. We are still abiding by the guidelines given to us by Paramount more than two years ago.

"The fan films are a vital part of Star Trek and it's history. No other franchise on the planet can boast of such a dedicated and vocal fanbase! It is our dream that CBS/Paramount will someday license and support these Fan films. They already license fan fiction thru their pocket books division, this would be the next logical step! At any rate We are grateful to CBS/PARAMOUNT for 40 years of this enduring legacy, called Star Trek. We here at New Voyages support and thank them."

Sprich: Nach Walter Koenigs Auftritt in der aktuell in Produktion befindlichen Episode von "New Voyages", haben auch viele andere Trek-Stars Interesse an der Szene gefunden und spielen für lau in einem neuen Fanfilm-Projekt.
Interessante Entwicklung, wie ich finde. Paramount nagt am Trek-Gerippe und im Internet explodiert die Kreativität.