Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : SUPERNATURAL: Episoden

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  1. Supernatural | S1 - US-Ausstrahlung > SPOILER!
  2. Supernatural | 01x01 "Die Frau in Weiß" (Pilot)
  3. Supernatural | S3 - US-Ausstrahlung > SPOILER!
  4. Supernatural | 01x02 "Wendigo"
  5. Supernatural | 01x03 "Tod im Wasser"
  6. Supernatural | 01x04 "Phantom-Reisende"
  7. Supernatural | 01x05 "Bloody Mary"
  8. Supernatural | 01x06 "Haut"
  9. Supernatural | 01x07 "Hakenmann"
  10. Supernatural | 01x08 "Insekten"
  11. Supernatural | 01x09 "Zu Hause"
  12. Supernatural | 01x10 "Asylum"
  13. Supernatural | 01x11 "Vogelscheuche"
  14. Supernatural | 01x12 "Der Wunderheiler"
  15. Supernatural | 01x13 "Route 666"
  16. Supernatural | 01x14 "Albtraum"
  17. Supernatural | 01x16 "Tödliche Schatten"
  18. Supernatural | 1x15 "Menschenjäger"
  19. Supernatural | 01x17 "Spukhaus"
  20. Supernatural | 01x18 "Eine Hexe kehrt zurück"
  21. Supernatural | 01x19 "Das Gemälde"
  22. Supernatural | 01x20 "Der Wundercolt"
  23. Supernatural | 01x21 "Die Erlösung"
  24. Supernatural | 01x22 "Teufelsfalle
  25. Supernatural | 02x01 "Während ich starb"
  26. Supernatural | 02x02 "Alle lieben Clowns"
  27. Supernatural - Episodenverzeichnis
  28. Supernatural | 02x08 "Kreuzung zur Hölle"
  29. Supernatural | 02x03 "Blutrausch"
  30. Supernatural | 02x05 "Simon hat gesagt"
  31. Supernatural | S4 - US-Ausstrahlung -> SPOILER
  32. Supernatural | 02x04 "Spiel nicht mit toten Dingen"
  33. Supernatural | 02x07 "Die üblichen Verdächtigen
  34. Supernatural | 02x09 "Croatoan"
  35. Supernatural | 02x11 "Spielsachen"
  36. Supernatural | 02x15 "Tricks und Legenden"
  37. Supernatural | 02x16 "Highway 41"
  38. Supernatural | 02x17 "Herz"
  39. Supernatural | 02x18 "Hollywood Babylon"
  40. Supernatural | 02x19 "Hinter Gittern
  41. Supernatural | 02x20 "Wie es ist und wie es niemals sein sollte"
  42. Supernatural | 02x22 "Der Sturm bricht los" - Teil 2
  43. Supernatural | 01x10 "Gejagt"
  44. Supernatural | 02x06 "Mörderburg"
  45. Supernatural | 02x14 "Unter einem schlechten Stern"
  46. Supernatural | 02x21 "Der Sturm bricht los" - Teil 1
  47. Supernatural | 02x13 "Haus der Heiligen"
  48. Supernatural | 02x12 "Der Mandroid"
  49. Supernatural | S5 - US-Ausstrahlung -> SPOILER
  50. Supernatural | 03x01 "Die glorreichen Sieben"
  51. Supernatural | 03x02 "Den Kindern geht es gut"
  52. Supernatural | 03x03 "Ein Unglück kommt selten allein"
  53. Supernatural | 03x04 "Sin City"
  54. Supernatural | 03x05 "Gute-Nacht-Geschichten"
  55. Supernatural | 03x06 "Morgenröte"
  56. Supernatural | 03x07 "Frisches Blut"
  57. Supernatural | 03x08 "Übernatürliche Weihnachten"
  58. Supernatural | 03x09 "Hexenzauber"
  59. Supernatural | 03x10 "Träum' von mir"
  60. Supernatural | 03x11 "Und täglich grüßt ..."
  61. Supernatural | 03x12 "Kriegsrecht"
  62. Supernatural | 03x13 "Ghostfacers"
  63. Supernatural | 03x14 "Ferngespräch"
  64. Supernatural | 03x15 "Ewiges Leben"
  65. Supernatural | 03x16 "Die Zeit läuft ab"
  66. Supernatural | 04x01 "Lazarus erhebt sich"
  67. Supernatural | 04x02 "Die Zeugen"
  68. Supernatural | 04x03 "Am Anfang war ..."
  69. Supernatural | 04x04 "Metamorphose"
  70. Supernatural | 04x05 "Monster Movie"
  71. Supernatural | S6 - US-Ausstrahlung -> SPOILER
  72. Supernatural | 04x06 "Gelbfieber"
  73. Supernatural | 04x07 "Der große Kürbis, Sam Winchester"
  74. Supernatural | 04x08 "Wunschdenken"
  75. Supernatural | 04x09 "Ich weiß, was du letzten Sommer getan hast"
  76. Supernatural | 04x10 "Himmel und Hölle"
  77. Supernatural | 04x11 "Familiäre Überreste"
  78. Supernatural | 4x12 "Illusionen"
  79. Supernatural | 4x13 "Schulzeit"
  80. Supernatural | 4x14 "Sex und Gewalt"
  81. Supernatural | 4x15 "Der Tod macht Urlaub"
  82. Supernatural | 4x16 "Teuflischer Engel"
  83. Supernatural | 4x17 "Dieses Leben ist ätzend"
  84. Supernatural | 4x18 "Das Monster am Ende des Buches"
  85. Supernatural | 4x19 "Grabräuber"
  86. Supernatural | 4x20 "Die Wiederkunft"
  87. Supernatural | 4x21 "Wenn der Damm bricht"
  88. Supernatural | 4x22 "Luzifer erhebt sich"
  89. Supernatural | 5x01 "Mein Name ist Luzifer
  90. Supernatural | 5x02 "Der Krieg"
  91. Supernatural | 5x03 "Sei du selbst"
  92. Supernatural | 5x04 "Endspiel"
  93. Supernatural | 5x05 "Die falschen Götter"
  94. Supernatural | 5x06 "Die Kinder sind unsere Zukunft"
  95. Supernatural | 5x07 "Der seltsame Fall des Dean Winchester"
  96. Supernatural | 7x01 Meet the new Boss [SPOILER]
  97. Supernatural | 5x08 "Wie im Himmel, so auf Erden"
  98. Supernatural | 7x02 Hello Cruel World [SPOILER]
  99. Supernatural | 7x03 The Girl next Door [SPOILER]
  100. Supernatural | 5x09 "Die echten Geisterjäger"
  101. Supernatural | 5x10 "Die Hoffnung stirbt ..."
  102. Supernatural | 5x11 "Sam, durchgeknallt"
  103. Supernatural | 7x04 Defending your Life [SPOILER]
  104. Supernatural | 7x05 Shut Up, Dr. Phil [SPOILER]
  105. Supernatural | 7x06 Slash Fiction [SPOILER]
  106. Supernatural | 7x07 The Mentalists [SPOILER]
  107. Supernatural | 5x12 "Körpertausch"
  108. Supernatural | 7x08 Season Seven, Time for a Wedding [SPOILER]
  109. Supernatural | 7x09 How to win friends and influence Monsters [SPOILER]
  110. Supernatural | 5x13 "Die Engel wachen über dich"
  111. Supernatural | 5x14 "Blutiger Valentinstag"
  112. Supernatural | 5x15 "Tote tragen keine Karos"
  113. Supernatural | 5x16 "Sonnenfinsternis"
  114. Supernatural | 5x17 "99 Probleme"
  115. Supernatural | 6x15 "Über uns nur der Himmel"
  116. Supernatural | 6x17 "Ein tiefer Ozean voller Geheimnisse"
  117. Supernatural | 5x18 - Kein Weg zurück
  118. Supernatural | 5x19 - Sein letzter Trick
  119. Supernatural | 5x20 - Der Teufel steckt im Detail
  120. Supernatural | 5x21 - Das Ende ist nah
  121. Supernatural | 5x22 - Schwanenlied
  122. Supernatural | 6x01 - Normalität als Exil
  123. Supernatural | 6x02 - Zwei Jäger und ein Baby
  124. Supernatural | 6x03 - Der Dritte Mann
  125. Supernatural | 6x04 - Immer Ärger mit Bobby
  126. Supernatural | 6x05 - Vampire weinen nicht
  127. Supernatural | 6x06 - Wahrheit tut weh
  128. Supernatural | 6x07 - Familienangelegenheiten
  129. Supernatural | 6x08 - Alle Hunde kommen in den Himmel
  130. Supernatural | 6x09 - Kleine grüne Männchen
  131. Supernatural | 8x01 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
  132. Supernatural | 8x02 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
  133. Supernatural | 8x03 - Heartache
  134. Supernatural | 8x04 - Bitten
  135. Supernatural | 8x05 - Blood Brother
  136. Supernatural | 8x06 - Southern Comfort
  137. Supernatural | 8x07 - A Little Slice of Kevin
  138. Supernatural | 8x08 - Hunteri Heroici
  139. Supernatural | 8x09 - Citizen Fang
  140. Supernatural | 8x10 - Torn and Frayed
  141. Supernatural | 8x11 - LARP and the Real Girl
  142. Supernatural | 8x12 - As Time Goes By
  143. Supernatural | 8x13 - Everybody Hates Hitler
  144. Supernatural | 8x14 - Trial and Error
  145. Supernatural | 8x15 - Man's Best Friend With Benefits
  146. Supernatural | 8x16 - Remember the Titans
  147. Supernatural | 8x17 - Goodbye Stranger
  148. Supernatural | 8x18 - Freaks and Geeks
  149. Supernatural | 8x19 - Taxi Driver
  150. Supernatural | 8x20 - Pac-Man Fever
  151. Supernatural | 8x21 - The Great Escapist
  152. Supernatural | 8x22 - Clip Show
  153. Supernatural | 8x23 - Sacrifice
  154. Supernatural | 9x01 - Ein Engel für Sam (I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here)
  155. Supernatural | 9x02 - Devil May Care
  156. Supernatural | 9x03 - Ich bin kein Engel (I'm No Angel)
  157. Supernatural | 9x04 - Slumber Party
  158. Supernatural | 9x05 - Dog Dean Afternoon
  159. Supernatural | 9x06 - Heaven Can't Wait
  160. Supernatural | 9x07 - Bad Boys
  161. Supernatural | 9x08 - Rock and a Hard Place
  162. Supernatural | 9x09 - Holy Terror
  163. Supernatural | 9x10 - Road Trip
  164. Supernatural | 9x11 - First Born
  165. Supernatural | 9x12 - Sharp Teeth
  166. Supernatural | 9x13 - The Purge
  167. Supernatural | 9x14 - Captives
  168. Supernatural | 9x15 - #Thinman
  169. Supernatural | 9x16 - Blade Runners
  170. Supernatural | 9x17 - Mother's Little Helper
  171. Supernatural | 10x01 - Black
  172. Supernatural | 10x02 - Reichenbach
  173. Supernatural | 9x18 - Meta Fiction
  174. Supernatural | 9x19 - Alex Annie Alexis Ann
  175. Supernatural | 9x20 - Bloodlines
  176. Supernatural | 9x21 - King of the Damned
  177. Supernatural | 9x22 - Stairway to Heaven
  178. Supernatural | 9x23 - Do You Believe in Miracles
  179. Supernatural | 10x03 - Soul Survivor
  180. Supernatural | 10x04 - Paper Moon
  181. Supernatural | 10x05 - Fan Fiction
  182. Supernatural | 10x06 - Ask Jeeves
  183. Supernatural | 10x07 - Girls, Girls, Girls
  184. Supernatural | 11x01 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
  185. Supernatural | 11x02 - Form and Void
  186. Supernatural | 11x03 - The Bad Seed
  187. Supernatural | 11x04 - Baby
  188. Supernatural | 11x05 - Thin Lizzy
  189. Supernatural | 11x06 - Our little World
  190. Supernatural | 11x07 - Plush
  191. Supernatural | 11x08 - Just my Imagination
  192. Supernatural | 11x09 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
  193. Supernatural | 11x10 - The Devil in the Details
  194. Supernatural | 11x11 - Into the Mystic
  195. Supernatural | 11x12 - Don't you forget about me
  196. Supernatural | 11x13 - Love Hurts
  197. Supernatural | 11x14 - The Vessel
  198. Supernatural | 11x15 - Beyond the Mat
  199. Supernatural | 11x16 - Safe House
  200. Supernatural | 11x17 - Red Meat
  201. Supernatural | 11x18 - Hell's Angel
  202. Supernatural | 11x19 - The Chitters
  203. Supernatural | 11x20 - Don't Call Me Shurley
  204. Supernatural | 11x21 - All in the Family
  205. Supernatural | 11x22 - We Happy Few
  206. Supernatural | 11x23 - Alpha and Omega
  207. Supernatural | 12x01 - Ceep Calm and Carry On
  208. Supernatural | 12x02 - Mamma Mia
  209. Supernatural | 12x03 - The Foundry
  210. Supernatural | 12x04 - American Nightmare
  211. Supernatural | 12x05 - The One You've Been Waiting For
  212. Supernatural | 12x06 - Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox
  213. Supernatural | 12x07 - Rock Never Dies
  214. Supernatural | 12x08 - Lotus
  215. Supernatural | 12x09 - First Blood
  216. Supernatural | 12x10 - Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets
  217. Supernatural | 12x11 - Regarding Dean
  218. Supernatural | 12x12 - Stuck in the Middle (With You)
  219. Supernatural | 12x13 - Family Feud
  220. Supernatural | 12x14 - The Raid
  221. Supernatural | 12x15 - Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
  222. Supernatural | 12x16 - Ladies Drink Free
  223. Supernatural | 12x17 - The British Invasion
  224. Supernatural | 12x18 - The Memory Remains
  225. Supernatural | 12x19 - The Future
  226. Supernatural | 12x19 - Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes
  227. Supernatural | 12x21 - There's Something About Mary
  228. Supernatural | 12x22 - Who We Are (Finale, 1. Teil)
  229. Supernatural | 12x23 - All Along the Watchtower (Finale, 2. Teil)
  230. Supernatural | 13x01 - Abschied (Lost and Found)
  231. Supernatural | 13x02 - Die Macht des Sohnes (The Rising Son)
  232. Supernatural | 13x03 - Patience
  233. Supernatural | 13x04 - The Big Empty
  234. Supernatural | 13x05 - Advanced Thanatology
  235. Supernatural | 13x06 - Tombstone
  236. Supernatural | 13x07 - War of the Worlds
  237. Supernatural | 13x08 - The Scorpion and the Frog
  238. Supernatural | 13x09 - The Bad Place
  239. Supernatural | 13x10 - Wayward Sisters
  240. Supernatural | 13x11 - Breakdown
  241. Supernatural | 13x12 - Various & Sundry Villans
  242. Supernatural | 13x13 - Devil's Bargain
  243. Supernatural | 13x14 - Good Intentions
  244. Supernatural | 13x15 - Ein hochheiliger Mann (A Most Holy Man)
  245. Supernatural | 13x16 - ScoobyNatural ()
  246. Supernatural | 13x17 - Das Ding aus einer anderen Welt (The Thing)
  247. Supernatural | 13x18 - Die Mission (Bring 'em Back Alive)
  248. Supernatural | 13x19 - Die Macht des Todes (Funeralia)
  249. Supernatural | 13x20 - Eine offene Rechnung (Unfinished Business)
  250. Supernatural | 13x21 - Tod dem Teufel (Beat the Devil)