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13.01.2002, 16:22
Hallo Leute!

Der TOS-Thread von gerade eben hat mich auf die Idee gebracht, da? ich dieses selbstgemachte Dingen mal ins Netz stellen k?nnte. Anbei findet ihr also die Aufstellung s?mtlicher Episoden und Filme in offizieller, chronologischer Reihenfolge. Das ist dort besonders von Interesse, wo sich TNG, DS9 und Voyager ?berschnitten haben.

Die Abk?rzungen sollten sich von selbst erkl?ren (MOV steht f?r Kinofilme).

1. Broken Bow (ENT)
2. Fight or Flight (ENT)
3. Strange New World (ENT)
4. Unexpected (ENT)
5. Terra Nova (ENT)
6. The Andorian Incident (ENT)
7. Breaking the Ice (ENT)
8. Civilization (ENT)
9. Fortunate Son (ENT)
10. Cold Front (ENT)
11. Silent Enemy (ENT)
12. Dear Doctor (ENT)
13. Sleeping Dogs (ENT)
14. Shadows of P?Jem (ENT)
15. Shuttlepod One (ENT)

Nat?rlich ist die Liste niemals endg?ltig, an dieser Stelle folgen die restlichen Enterprise-Episoden

16. The Cage (TOS)
17. Where No Man Has Gone Before (TOS)
18. The Corbomite Maneuver (TOS)
19. Mudd?s Women (TOS)
20. The Enemy Within (TOS)
21. The Man Trap (TOS)
22. The Naked Time (TOS)
23. Charlie X (TOS)
24. Balance of Terror (TOS)
25. What Are Little Girls Made Of? (TOS)
26. Dagger of the Mind (TOS)
27. Miri (TOS)
28. The Conscience of the King (TOS)
29. The Galileo Seven (TOS)
30. Court Martial (TOS)
31. The Menagerie, Part I (TOS)
32. The Menagerie, Part II (TOS)
33. Shore Leave (TOS)
34. The Squire of Gothos (TOS)
35. Arena (TOS)
36. The Alternative Factor (TOS)
37. Tomorrow Is Yesterday (TOS)
38. Return of the Archons (TOS)
39. A Taste of Armageddon (TOS)
40. Space Seed (TOS)
41. This Side of Paradise (TOS)
42. The Devil in the Dark (TOS)
43. Errand of Mercy (TOS)
44. The City on the Edge of Forever (TOS)
45. Operation: Annihilate! (TOS)
46. Catspaw (TOS)
47. Metamorphosis (TOS)
48. Friday?s Child (TOS)
49. Who Mourns for Adonais? (TOS)
50. Amok Time (TOS)
51. The Doomsday Machine (TOS)
52. Wolf in the Fold (TOS)
53. The Changeling (TOS)
54. The Apple (TOS)
55. Mirror, Mirror (TOS)
56. The Deadly Years (TOS)
57. I, Mudd (TOS)
58. The Trouble with Tribbles (TOS)
59. Bread and Circuses (TOS)
60. Journey to Babel (TOS)
61. A Private Little War (TOS)
62. The Gamesters of Triskelion (TOS)
63. Obsession (TOS)
64. The Immunity Syndrome (TOS)
65. A Piece of the Action (TOS)
66. By Any Other Name (TOS)
67. Return to Tomorrow (TOS)
68. Patterns of Force (TOS)
69. The Ultimate Computer (TOS)
70. The Omega Glory (TOS)
71. Assignment: Earth (TOS)
72. Spectre of the Gun (TOS)
73. Elaan of Troyius (TOS)
74. The Paradise Syndrome (TOS)
75. The Enterprise Incident (TOS)
76. And the Children Shall Lead (TOS)
77. Spock?s Brain (TOS)
78. Is There in Truth No Beauty? (TOS)
79. The Empath (TOS)
80. The Tholian Web (TOS)
81. For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (TOS)
82. Day of the Dove (TOS)
83. Plato?s Stepchildren (TOS)
84. Wink of an Eye (TOS)
85. That Which Survives (TOS)
86. Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (TOS)
87. Whom Gods Destroy (TOS)
88. The Mark of Gideon (TOS)
89. The Lights of Zetar (TOS)
90. The Cloud Miners (TOS)
91. The Way to Eden (TOS)
92. Requiem for Methuselah (TOS)
93. The Savage Curtain (TOS)
94. All Our Yesterdays (TOS)
95. Turnabout Intruder (TOS)
96. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (MOV)
97. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (MOV)
98. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (MOV)
99. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (MOV)
100. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (MOV)
101. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (MOV)
102. Encounter at Farpoint (TNG)
103. The Naked Now (TNG)
104. Code of Honor (TNG)
105. Haven (TNG)
106. Where No One Has Gone Before (TNG)
107. The Last Outpost (TNG)
108. Lonely Among Us (TNG)
109. Justice (TNG)
110. The Battle (TNG)
111. Hide and Q (TNG)
112. Too Short a Season (TNG)
113. The Big Goodbye (TNG)
114. DataLore (TNG)
115. Angel One (TNG)
116. 11001001 (TNG)
117. Home Soil (TNG)
118. When the Bough Breaks (TNG)
119. Coming of Age (TNG)
120. Heart of Glory (TNG)
121. The Arsenal of Freedom (TNG)
122. Symbiosis (TNG)
123. Skin of Evil (TNG)
124. We?ll Always Have Paris (TNG)
125. Conspiracy (TNG)
126. The Neutral Zone (TNG)
127. The Child (TNG)
128. Where Silence Has Lease (TNG)
129. Elementary, Dear Data (TNG)
130. The Outrageous Okona (TNG)
131. The Schizoid Man (TNG)
132. Loud as a Whisper (TNG)
133. Unnatural Selection (TNG)
134. A Matter of Honor (TNG)
135. The Measure of a Man (TNG)
136. The Dauphin (TNG)
137. Contagion (TNG)
138. The Royale (TNG)
139. Time Squared (TNG)
140. The Icarus Factor (TNG)
141. Pen Pals (TNG)
142. Q Who (TNG)
143. Samaritan Snare (TNG)
144. Up the Long Ladder (TNG)
145. Man Hunt (TNG)
146. The Emissary (TNG)
147. Peak Performance (TNG)
148. Shades of Gray (TNG)
149. Evolution (TNG)
150. The Ensigns of Command (TNG)
151. The Survivors (TNG)
152. Who Watches the Watchers? (TNG)
153. The Bonding (TNG)
154. Booby Trap (TNG)
155. The Enemy (TNG)
156. The Price (TNG)
157. The Vengeance Factor (TNG)
158. The Defector (TNG)
159. The Hunted (TNG)
160. The High Ground (TNG)
161. Deja Q (TNG)
162. A Matter of Perspective (TNG)
163. Yesterday?s Enterprise (TNG)
164. The Offspring (TNG)
165. Sins of the Father (TNG)
166. Allegiance (TNG)
167. Captain?s Holiday (TNG)
168. Tin Man (TNG)
169. Hollow Pursuits (TNG)
170. The Most Toys (TNG)
171. Sarek (TNG)
172. Menage ? Troi (TNG)
173. Transfigurations (TNG)
174. The Best of Both Worlds, Part I (TNG)
175. The Best of Both Worlds, Part II (TNG)
176. Family (TNG)
177. Brothers (TNG)
178. Suddenly Human (TNG)
179. Remember Me (TNG)
180. Legacy (TNG)
181. Reunion (TNG)
182. Future Imperfect (TNG)
183. Final Mission (TNG)
184. The Loss (TNG)
185. Data?s Day (TNG)
186. The Wounded (TNG)
187. Devil?s Due (TNG)
188. Clues (TNG)
189. First Contact (TNG)
190. Galaxy?s Child (TNG)
191. Night Terrors (TNG)
192. Identity Crisis (TNG)
193. The Nth Degree (TNG)
194. Qpid (TNG)
195. The Drumhead (TNG)
196. Half a Life (TNG)
197. The Host (TNG)
198. The Mind?s Eye (TNG)
199. In Theory (TNG)
200. Redemption, Part I (TNG)
201. Redemption, Part II (TNG)
202. Darmok (TNG)
203. Ensign Ro (TNG)
204. Silicon Avatar (TNG)
205. Disaster (TNG)
206. The Game (TNG)
207. Unification, Part I (TNG)
208. Unification, Part II (TNG)
209. A Matter of Time (TNG)
210. New Ground (TNG)
211. Hero Worship (TNG)
212. Violations (TNG)
213. The Masterpiece Society (TNG)
214. Conundrum (TNG)
215. Power Play (TNG)
216. Ethics (TNG)
217. The Outcast (TNG)
218. Cause and Effect (TNG)
219. The First Duty (TNG)
220. Cost of Living (TNG)
221. The Perfect Mate (TNG)
222. Imaginary Friend (TNG)
223. I, Borg (TNG)
224. The Next Phase (TNG)
225. The Inner Light (TNG)
226. Time?s Arrow, Part I (TNG)
227. Time?s Arrow, Part II (TNG)
228. Realm of Fear (TNG)
229. Man of the People (TNG)
230. Relics (TNG)
231. Schisms (TNG)
232. True Q (TNG)
233. Rascals (TNG)
234. A Fistful of Datas (TNG)
235. The Quality of Life (TNG)
236. Chain of Command, Part I (TNG)
237. Chain of Command, Part II (TNG)
238. Emissary (DS9)
239. Past Prologue (DS9)
240. A Man Alone (DS9)
241. Ship in a Bottle (TNG)
242. Babel (DS9)
243. Aquiel (TNG)
244. Captive Pursuit (DS9)
245. Face of the Enemy (TNG)
246. Q-Less (TNG)
247. Tapestry (TNG)
248. Dax (DS9)
249. Birthright, Part I (TNG)
250. Birthright, Part II (TNG)
251. The Passenger (DS9)
252. Move Along Home (DS9)
253. The Nagus (DS9)
254. Starship Mine (TNG)
255. Lessons (TNG)
256. Vortex (DS9)
257. The Chase (TNG)
258. Battle Lines (DS9)
259. Frame of Mind (TNG)
260. The Storyteller (DS9)
261. Suspicions (TNG)
262. Progress (DS9)
263. Rightful Heir (TNG)
264. If Wishes Were Horses (DS9)
265. Second Chances (TNG)
266. The Forsaken (DS9)
267. Dramatis Personae (DS9)
268. Timescape (TNG)
269. Duet (DS9)
270. Descent, Part I (TNG)
271. Descent, Part II (TNG)
272. In the Hands of the Prophets (DS9)
273. Liaisons (TNG)
274. The Homecoming (DS9)
275. The Circle (DS9)
276. The Siege (DS9)
277. Interface (TNG)
278. Gambit, Part I (TNG)
279. Gambit, Part II (TNG)
280. Invasive Procedures (DS9)
281. Phantasms (TNG)
282. Cardassians (DS9)
283. Dark Page (TNG)
284. Melora (DS9)
285. Attached (TNG)
286. Rules of Acquisition (DS9)
287. Force of Nature (TNG)
288. Necessary Evil (DS9)
289. Inheritance (TNG)
290. Second Sight (DS9)
291. Parallels (TNG)
292. Sanctuary (DS9)
293. Rivals (DS9)
294. The Pegasus (TNG)
295. The Alternate (DS9)
296. Homeward (TNG)
297. Sub Rosa (TNG)
298. Armageddon Game (DS9)
299. Lower Decks (TNG)
300. Whispers (DS9)

Halbzeit, zu viele Zeichen!
Adventure... Excitement... A Jedi craves not these things.

13.01.2002, 16:23
Weiter geht's!

301. Thine Own Self (TNG)
302. Paradise (DS9)
303. Masks (TNG)
304. Shadowplay (DS9)
305. Eye of the Beholder (TNG)
306. Playing God (DS9)
307. Genesis (TNG)
308. Profit and Loss (DS9)
309. Journey?s End (TNG)
310. Blood Oath (DS9)
311. Firstborn (TNG)
312. The Maquis, Part I (DS9)
313. The Maquis, Part II (DS9)
314. Bloodlines (TNG)
315. Emergence (TNG)
316. The Wire (DS9)
317. Preemptive Strike (TNG)
318. Crossover (DS9)
319. All Good Things... (TNG)
320. The Collaborator (DS9)
321. Tribunal (DS9)
322. The Jem?Hadar (DS9)
323. The Search, Part I (DS9)
324. The Search, Part II (DS9)
325. The House of Quark (DS9)
326. Equilibrium (DS9)
327. The Abandoned (DS9)
328. Second Skin (DS9)
329. Civil Defense (DS9)
330. Meridian (DS9)
331. Star Trek: Generations (MOV)
332. Defiant (DS9)
333. Fascination (DS9)
334. Past Tense, Part I (DS9)
335. Past Tense, Part II (DS9)
336. Caretaker (VOY)
337. Parallax (VOY)
338. Time and Again (VOY)
339. Life Support (DS9)
340. Phage (VOY)
341. Heart of Stone (DS9)
342. The Cloud (VOY)
343. Destiny (DS9)
344. Eye of the Needle (VOY)
345. Prophet Motive (DS9)
346. Ex Post Facto (VOY)
347. Visionary (DS9)
348. Emanations (VOY)
349. Prime Factors (VOY)
350. State of Flux (VOY)
351. Distant Voices (DS9)
352. Through the Looking Glass (DS9)
353. Heroes and Demons (VOY)
354. Improbable Cause (DS9)
355. The Die Is Cast (DS9)
356. Cathexis (VOY)
357. Faces (VOY)
358. Explorers (DS9)
359. Jetrel (VOY)
360. Family Business (DS9)
361. Learning Curve (VOY)
362. Shakaar (DS9)
363. Facets (DS9)
364. The Adversary (DS9)
365. The 37?s (VOY)
366. Initiations (VOY)
367. Projections (VOY)
368. Elogium (VOY)
369. Non Sequitur (VOY)
370. The Way of the Warrior (DS9)
371. Twisted (VOY)
372. The Visitor (DS9)
373. Parturition (VOY)
374. Hippocratic Oath (DS9)
375. Indiscretion (DS9)
376. Rejoined (DS9)
377. Persistence of Vision (VOY)
378. Little Green Men (DS9)
379. Tattoo (VOY)
380. Starship Down (DS9)
381. Cold Fire (VOY)
382. The Sword of Kahless (DS9)
383. Maneuvers (VOY)
384. Resistance (VOY)
385. Our Man Bashir (DS9)
386. Homefront (DS9)
387. Paradise Lost (DS9)
388. Prototype (VOY)
389. Alliances (VOY)
390. Crossfire (DS9)
391. Threshold (VOY)
392. Return to Grace (DS9)
393. Meld (VOY)
394. Sons of Mogh (DS9)
395. Dreadnought (VOY)
396. Death Wish (VOY)
397. Bar Association (DS9)
398. Accession (DS9)
399. Lifesigns (VOY)
400. Investigations (VOY)
401. Deadlock (VOY)
402. Rules of Engagement (DS9)
403. Innocence (VOY)
404. Hard Time (DS9)
405. Shattered Mirror (DS9)
406. The Muse (DS9)
407. The Thaw (VOY)
408. For the Cause (DS9)
409. Tuvix (VOY)
410. The Quickening (DS9)
411. Resolutions (VOY)
412. To the Death (DS9)
413. Body Parts (DS9)
414. Broken Link (DS9)
415. Basics, Part I (VOY)
416. Basics, Part II (VOY)
417. Flashback (VOY)
418. The Chute (VOY)
419. The Swarm (VOY)
420. Apocalypse Rising (DS9)
421. False Profits (VOY)
422. The Ship (DS9)
423. Remember (VOY)
424. Looking for Par?mach in all the Wrong Places (DS9)
425. Nor the Battle to the Strong (DS9)
426. The Assignment (DS9)
427. Sacred Ground (VOY)
428. Trials and Tribble-ations (DS9)
429. Future?s End, Part I (VOY)
430. Future?s End, Part II (VOY)
431. Let He Who Is Without Sin... (DS9)
432. Things Past (DS9)
433. Warlord (VOY)
434. The Ascent (DS9)
435. Star Trek: First Contact (MOV)
436. The Q and the Grey (VOY)
437. Macrocosm (VOY)
438. Rapture (DS9)
439. The Darkness and the Light (DS9)
440. Alter Ego (VOY)
441. Fair Trade (VOY)
442. The Begotten (DS9)
443. Blood Fever (VOY)
444. For the Uniform (DS9)
445. Coda (VOY)
446. In Purgatory?s Shadow (DS9)
447. By Inferno?s Light (DS9)
448. Unity (VOY)
449. Darkling (VOY)
450. Doctor Bashir, I Presume (DS9)
451. Rise (VOY)
452. Favorite Son (VOY)
453. A Simple Investigation (DS9)
454. Business as Usual (DS9)
455. Before and After (VOY)
456. Ties of Blood and Water (DS9)
457. Ferengi Love Songs (DS9)
458. Real Life (VOY)
459. Soldiers of the Empire (DS9)
460. Distant Origin (VOY)
461. Children of Time (DS9)
462. Displaced (VOY)
463. Blaze of Glory (DS9)
464. Worst Case Scenario (VOY)
465. Empok Nor (DS9)
466. Scorpion, Part I (VOY)
467. Scorpion, Part II (VOY)
468. In the Cards (DS9)
469. Call to Arms (DS9)
470. The Gift (VOY)
471. Nemesis (VOY)
472. Day of Honor (VOY)
473. A Time to Stand (DS9)
474. Revulsion (VOY)
475. Rocks and Shoals (DS9)
476. The Raven (VOY)
477. Sons and Daughters (DS9)
478. Behind the Lines (DS9)
479. Favor the Bold (DS9)
480. Sacrifice of Angels (DS9)
481. Scientific Method (VOY)
482. You Are Cordially Invited (DS9)
483. Year of Hell, Part I (VOY)
484. Year of Hell, Part II (VOY)
485. Resurrection (DS9)
486. Random Thoughts (VOY)
487. Statistical Probabilities (DS9)
488. Concerning Flight (VOY)
489. Mortal Coil (VOY)
490. The Magnificent Ferengi (DS9)
491. Waltz (DS9)
492. Waking Moments (VOY)
493. Message in a Bottle (VOY)
494. Who Mourns for Morn? (DS9)
495. Far Beyond the Stars (DS9)
496. Hunters (VOY)
497. One Little Ship (DS9)
498. Prey (VOY)
499. Honor Among Thieves (DS9)
500. Retrospect (VOY)
501. Change of Heart (DS9)
502. The Killing Game, Part I (VOY)
503. The Killing Game, Part II (VOY)
504. Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night (DS9)
505. Inquisition (DS9)
506. Vis ? Vis (VOY)
507. In the Pale Moonlight (DS9)
508. The Omega Directive (VOY)
509. His Way (DS9)
510. Unforgettable (VOY)
511. The Reckoning (DS9)
512. Living Witness (VOY)
513. Valiant (DS9)
514. Demon (VOY)
515. Profit and Lace (DS9)
516. One (VOY)
517. Time?s Orphan (DS9)
518. Hope and Fear (VOY)
519. The Sound of Her Voice (DS9)
520. Tears of the Prophets (DS9)
521. Image in the Sand (DS9)
522. Shadows and Symbols (DS9)
523. Afterimage (DS9)
524. Night (VOY)
525. Take Me Out to the Holosuite (DS9)
526. Drone (VOY)
527. Chrysalis (DS9)
528. Extreme Risk (VOY)
529. Treachery, Faith and the Great River (DS9)
530. In the Flesh (VOY)
531. Once More Unto the Breach (DS9)
532. Once Upon a Time (VOY)
533. The Siege of AR-558 (DS9)
534. Timeless (VOY)
535. Covenant (DS9)
536. Infinite Regress (VOY)
537. Nothing Human (VOY)
538. Thirty Days (VOY)
539. Star Trek: Insurrection (MOV)
540. Counterpoint (VOY)
541. It?s Only a Paper Moon (DS9)
542. Prodigal Daughter (DS9)
543. Latent Image (VOY)
544. Bride of Chaotica! (VOY)
545. The Emperor?s New Cloak (DS9)
546. Gravity (VOY)
547. Field of Fire (DS9)
548. Bliss (VOY)
549. Chimera (DS9)
550. Dark Frontier (VOY)
551. Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges (DS9)
552. The Disease (VOY)
553. Badda-bing, Badda-bang (DS9)
554. Course: Oblivion (VOY)
555. The Fight (VOY)
556. Think Tank (VOY)
557. Penumbra (DS9)
558. ?Til Death Do Us Part (DS9)
559. Strange Bedfellows (DS9)
560. Juggernaut (VOY)
561. The Changing Face of Evil (DS9)
562. Someone to Watch Over Me (VOY)
563. When It Rains... (DS9)
564. 11:59 (VOY)
565. Tacking Into the Wind (DS9)
566. Relativity (VOY)
567. Extreme Measures (DS9)
568. Warhead (VOY)
569. The Dogs of War (DS9)
570. Equinox, Part I (VOY)
571. Equinox, Part II (VOY)
572. What You Leave Behind (DS9)
573. Survival Instinct (VOY)
574. The Barge of the Dead (VOY)
575. Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy (VOY)
576. Alice (VOY)
577. Riddles (VOY)
578. Dragon?s Teeth (VOY)
579. One Small Step (VOY)
580. The Voyager Conspiracy (VOY)
581. Pathfinder (VOY)
582. Fair Haven (VOY)
583. Blink of an Eye (VOY)
584. Virtuoso (VOY)
585. Memorial (VOY)
586. Tsunkatse (VOY)
587. Collective (VOY)
588. Spirit Folk (VOY)
589. Ashes to Ashes (VOY)
590. Child?s Play (VOY)
591. Good Shepard (VOY)
592. Live Fast and Prosper (VOY)
593. Muse (VOY)
594. Fury (VOY)
595. Life Line (VOY)
596. The Haunting of Deck Twelve (VOY)
597. Unimatrix Zero, Part I (VOY)
598. Unimatrix Zero, Part II (VOY)
599. Imperfection (VOY)
600. Drive (VOY)
601. Repression (VOY)
602. Critical Care (VOY)
603. Inside Man (VOY)
604. Body and Soul (VOY)
605. Flesh and Blood, Part I (VOY)
606. Flesh and Blood, Part II (VOY)
607. Nightingale (VOY)
608. Shattered (VOY)
609. Lineage (VOY)
610. Repentance (VOY)
611. Prophecy (VOY)
612. The Void (VOY)
613. Workforce, Part I (VOY)
614. Workforce, Part II (VOY)
615. Human Error (VOY)
616. Q2 (VOY)
617. Author, Author (VOY)
618. Friendship One (VOY)
619. Natural Law (VOY)
620. Destiny (VOY)
621. Renaissance Man (VOY)
622. Endgame (VOY)
623. Star Trek: Nemesis (MOV)

Das war's schon! ;)
Adventure... Excitement... A Jedi craves not these things.

13.01.2002, 18:25
Jo, die Star Trek Folgen chronologisch zu ordnen ist eine feine Angelegenheit. ;) Als ich noch begeisterter Star Trek Fan war, hatte ich auf meiner Homepage einen kompletten Episodeguide, bei dem ich auch alle Episoden sortiert hatte. Nach dem Ende von DS9 war das sortieren ja wieder ?berfl?ssig - und Star Trek wurde immer uninteressanter. Deswegen hatte ich dann auch nach der 6. Staffel von Voyager keine Lust mehr... ;)
Eine v?llig andere Signatur!

13.01.2002, 19:37
Ich bewundere deine Leistung. Nur n?tzt es mir nicht wirklich.
Queens Of The Stone Age --- Rated R --- Feel Good Hit Of The Summer
Nicotine and valium
vicadin and marijuana
ecstacy and alcohol

13.01.2002, 21:03
@FREAK: Naja, danke f?r die Blumen! Aber eine Leistung war das nicht wirklich. Ich habe die Chronologie vor vier Jahren mal an einem verregneten Nachmittag gemacht (hat keine Stunde gedauert), und seitdem gibt's alle paar Monate mal ein schnelles Update. Ich dachte nur, ich kann es genauso gut f?r Euch Strategen hier posten, anstatt es auf meiner Festplatte verschimmeln zu lassen. Und wenn es Dir nicht wirklich hilft, ist ja gut und sch?n, damit geh?rst Du sicher zur Mehrheit, aber warum antwortest Du dann?
I'm not paranoid. I just don't like that all of you are secretly following my every step.