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DRD Pike
06.03.2003, 18:44
Die Nominierungen für die diesjährigen Saturn Awards sind raus.

Farscape wurde in drei Kategorien berücksichtigt:

Best Syndicated/Cable Television Series
•The Dead Zone
•Mutant X
•Stargate SG-l

Best TV Actor
•Richard Dean Anderson, Stargate SG-1
•Scott Bakula, Enterprise
•David Boreanaz, Angel
•Ben Browder, Farscape
•Anthony Michael Hall, The Dead Zone
•Tom Welling, Smallville

Best TV Actress
•Emily Bergl, Steven Spielberg Presents Taken
•Claudia Black, Farscape
•Charisma Carpenter, Angel
•Jennifer Garner, Alias
•Sarah Michelle Gellar, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
•Kristin Kreuk, Smallville

Nun ja, wenn man sich da so die Konkurrenz anschaut (insbesondere bei der ersten Kategorie), dann sollte Farscape da eigentlich kein Problem haben. :)

Farscape wurde bereits 2001 und 2002 als "Best Syndicated/Cable Television Series" ausgezeichnet, sowie Ben Browder 2002 als "Best TV Actor".

Die Saturn Awards werden in diesem Jahr zum 29. Mal verliehen. Ausrichter sind die Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films sowie das Cinescape Magazine.
Die komplette Liste aller Nominierungen kann man hier (http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2003-03/05/11.45.film) einsehen.

19.05.2003, 13:35
Ok, snurched from Kansas und FMD


I am so dead you are not going to believe it, so, just the really short version:
Got DK, got Froon, got BEN, got Claudia (lots of! She's a riot!) Didn't get Brian, because he didn't turn up.
Sound sucks, because the splitter crapped out us.
Got lots of other footage.
All goes out to our beloved Editor (who did a lot of camera work dispite an injured back!) tomorrow, who'll do a select cuts and get it on beta and to the Academy and they'll get it out ot E! and other channels who asked for it!
And they were FRELLING looking for someone to cover it for them and couldn't find nobody! I wonder what happend to all the emails I sent?!?!
Anyhoo, they're really interested in collaboration and us doing the coverage of the entire event for them next year

So: We'll get the word out! Big time! This was soooooooooo worth the ten years it took of my life-expectancy
Must copy tapes, will give more details tomorrow!

Love and Peace and OMG!!!!!!



Hi everyone!

I just got back, and I guess the awards ceremony is still going on, so I don't know who won yet.

The red carpet reception was fun, and let me tell you...HEAVILY slanted towards Farscape! There were some other general scifi fans that showed up later than we did, but we were the majority by far.

We were way more organized than the folks running the thing, because we all got there nice and early to claim our spots, and the organizers took forever to figure out where to put us! Originally we were lined up on one side of the lobby, and they said we needed to move to the other side because they were going to put up some kind of wall/banner or something for a media backdrop.

And then at first the press photographers were supposed to line up with the fans, but when the numbers of Farscape people made that very difficult for them to get a good spot, they decided to move the press upstairs. Which worked out great for us, because all the Scapers were lined up front without having to fight over position.

Tiriel had the press pass, and she eventually went upstairs for the press stuff, so I haven't heard anything from her side of the story yet. No doubt there is some exciting tale to be told when she checks in.

So...the juicy bits...who showed up?

The first Farscape people to arrive were Ricky Manning in all his glory with his wife and...our Beloved Raven Haired Goddess!!

Claudia was looking absolutely STUNNING in a cherry-red suit and black stilletto heels, with her lovely grin making the hotel lights look dark in comparison. Truly classy beyond words. I'd never seen her so close up before, and I was of course reduced to monosyllables. Though I did manage to get DVD inserts signed by her and Ricky (YAY!)

So barely a few minutes go by before in walks Ben Browder and Francesca Bueller!

Again the monosyllables. Ben wore a umm...I think charcoal grey suit with a bluish grey shirt, no tie, and yes his hair is longer and it even looked like it might have subtle highlights in it, unless it's just sunbleached, and yes he looked GORGEOUS!! At one point Fran even turned to us and said "Doesn't he look great?" At which point I had to remember that I was speaking to his WIFE and respectfully limited myself to a monosyllabic unnhhhuhhhhh....and a fervent nod.. Fran was looking great as well in a black and white dress with a full skirt, very lovely!

More autographs for me, cue the happy dance!

The last to arrive was David Kemper though he came in in a big hurry and didn't have time to stop for autographs or to chat. When someone asked if he could sign, he said "I'll do it after," and went upstairs, so i assume he meant after the awards, but I'm not sure that anyone will be there afterwards, so that was slightly odd. Anyway, no doubt he was just running late and couldn't manage it.

We were all surprised that Brian Henson didn't show up, since his name was on the list of people who would be attending. It's possible he came in a back way or something. Or maybe he just couldn't make it.

So, ok, that's it for now because my bf keeps calling me to come eat dinner....but I figured it just wouldn't be right to eat without giving you guys the scoop first!



You mean nobody phoned it in yet?!?!?! It hasn't been on the news?!?!

Well, Farscape did take Best Show, but sadly neither Ben nor Claudia won.
But they did all go to the press-conference afterwards together and played like a real team, which was a beautiful thing

Next year, I'm sure Claudia will HAVE to get it next year! As will Ben

Love and Peace and Sorry!


und ein paar Fotos :
wireimage, sind halt irrsinnig klein (http://www.wireimage.com/GalleryListing.asp?navtyp=GLS====27711&c4nvi=3&str=11496&styp=clbi)


19.05.2003, 13:39
Kann jemand der Authorisierten meinen Award-Thread löschen ? War 'ne Minute zu spät LOL

Danke :huh:

DRD Pike
13.02.2004, 09:58
Und schon wieder ein Jahr um...

Die Nominierungen zum Saturn Award 2004 sind jetzt raus.
Und Farscape hat die Möglichkeit, zum vierten Mal in Folge den Preis für die beste Kabelserie einzuheimsen:

Best Syndicated/Cable Television Series
Andromeda (Tribune)
Carnivale (HBO)
Dead Like Me (Showtime)
The Dead Zone (USA Networks)
Farscape (Sci Fi Channel)
Stargate SG-1 (Sci Fi Channel)

Alle Nominierungen (http://www.saturnawards.org/san30.html)

13.02.2004, 16:36
schade, das "nur" die Serie nominiert wurde und keiner der Schauspieler.

Cool wäre es natürlich wenn sie ihn ein 4tes Mal hintereinander bekommen.

sligthly OT:

die Nominierungen für "Besten Haupt- und Nebendarsteller"/Film lesen sich wie die Besetzungsliste von ROTK :lol:


13.02.2004, 18:13
och menno! wer macht denn die nominations? also ich weiß nich. is bb nich besser als scott bakula zum bsp. oder der klehne superman da... :blink:
nu ja. damit muss man leben. kann man acuh voten, oder wie schauts aus?
hoffentlich gewinnt dann die serie!

wäre ja auch ein jammer .... :D

13.02.2004, 18:21
war das nicht schon im letzen Jahr, wo sich der Stargate-Macher darüber aufgeregt hat,
dass eine "abgesetzte Serie mit pferdegesichtiger Hauptdarstellerin" alle Preise abkassiert hat?


13.02.2004, 18:32
:blink: nein oder???

lol, wo hast das denn her? umverschähmtheit! die kann besser schauspielern, wie alle andern nominierten zusammen! pöh!

alle Preise abkassiert hat?

wieso alle? cb hat doch noch nie da gewonnen und ben letztes mal auch nich...

13.02.2004, 18:53
Ich weiss leider die Quelle nicht mehr... vermutlich irgend ein Gerüchtepuff B)

Ist mir auch nur wegen des Ausfalls in Erinnerung geblieben. (Der Typ muss schon recht frustriert gewesen sein...)

13.02.2004, 20:44
oh, ich hab es wiedergefunden..

War wohl wirklich nur ein Gerücht, gestreut von einem Troll

To bad to be true (http://tinyurl.com/2m7yc)

Brad Wright streitet es zumindest ab :ph34r:

(schade, er haette die chance gehabt, zu sagen was er wirklich denkt :P )

14.02.2004, 17:43
mir sind die saturn awards zwar bisher unbekannt aba schon seltsam wie eine laut einem gewissen tv unternehmen nicht anerkannte und nicht beliebte serie, doch immer wieder nominierte wird newa ;)