So, das hatten wir zwar auf dem alten Board auch schonmal, aber was solls.
Anscheinend ist ein kleiner Fehler unterlaufen, und sie haben eine Episodenbeschreibung ins Netz gestellt, die erst im n?chsten Jahr ausgestrahlt wird:

I-Yensch, You-Yensch

Rygel and D\'Argo meet with Scorpius in a diner on a desolate planet in order to negotiate their freedom: Crichton will board Scorpius\'s Command Carrier and assist Scorpius with his wormhole research; in return, Scorpius will grant immunity to Moya, Talyn, and the rest of Moya\'s crew. As a safeguard against double-crosses, Scorpius suggests that Crichton and Lt. Braca should wear I-Yensch bracelets that will synchronize their nerve impulses so that they experience one another\'s pain. D\'Argo and Rygel argue that Scorpius should wear the second bracelet, not Braca; however, before the deal is completed, two heavily armed crazies burst in and hold up the diner.

Meanwhile, trouble is brewing with Talyn. Suffering from extreme paranoia, Talyn blows up a hospital ship carrying 6,000 innocent passengers. Though Talyn expresses extreme remorse, Crais is afraid that it will happen again unless they get Talyn some help. He suggests that the only solution is to shut Talyn down, eradicate his biologics, and then bring him back to life with a full cognitive systems replacement. Moya is distraught when she hears the suggestion - it amounts to erasing Talyn\'s personality and returning him to the mentality of a \"newborn\" - and Talyn, incensed at the suggestion, fires upon Moya.

Back in the Diner, with both D\'Argo and Braca badly injured, Rygel and Scorpius reluctantly join forces and defeat the armed robbers. Their teamwork during the fray provides them with a basis to trust one another; the deal is clinched, with Scorpius consenting to wear the second I-Yensch bracelet.

Crichton, Aeryn, and Crais soothe both Moya and Talyn. Eventually both mother and son come to accept what must be done, allowing Crais and Aeryn to board Talyn - and shut him down.

Uhh, armer Talyn...Zu dem Yensch gibts noch was im Netz und zwar das hier:

I only knew about Farscape because my brother once played a bit part in an alien bodysuit for one episode. But now I\'ve seen three whole minutes , and what\'s more, most of them not yet seen by the public, because last night I sang in the soundtrack recording for the penultimate episode (21) of the 3rd season at the Sony studios in Sydney. The production company contracted us (the Sydney Chamber Choir []) to provide sixteen male voices for a couple of hours. The music was dark and Mozart-Requiem-like with lots of low notes, and we had to make it sound as much like a Russian choir as possible (for the choral iliterati, that means cavernous and subsonic).


In the scenes we accompanied, an immense spaceship was being destroyed, water everywhere, and there was a tense meeting between some human bloke and a mean-looking alien commander in a black leather headpiece with a shrivelled face and pointy teeth (seems it was his ship being pounded). They both wore identical technological amulets which they discarded while talking. This seemed to be significant. There was no dialogue track, so all we had to go on were the visuals. Does any of this make sense to you diehards out there?

Das wird eine geile Season...Aber Zusammenarbeit mit Scorpy??Hmmm....Ich weiss ja nicht...
Aeryn: Frell!
Crichton: Yeah!
Aeryn: No, i mean bad frell....