Hallo Ihr Alle,

wie einige von euch wissen vielleicht wissen, die ?fters bei ebay.de st?bern, bietet Katharina Huber aka pamesan eine englischsprachige *SELBSTGESCHRIEBENE* Farscape Fanfic an.
Paranoid wie ich bin, habe ich mir eine Leseprobe schicken lassen und siehe da meine Bef?rchtungen haben sich best?tigt. Die Story heisst By Any Means Necessary und ist eigentlich von Annie Brill White.

Hier ist das Ebay Link mit dem Angebot:

Hier ist die Originalstory (auch bei www.fanfiction.net lesbar)
By Any Means Necessary

Katharina Huber hat mir die ersten drei Abs?tze dieser Geschichte als Leseprobe geschickt.

Und hier noch zum guten Schluss die Leseprobe, die mir Fr?ulein Huber geschickt hat. (und ja ich lasse EXTRA die Emailaddresse dieser kleinen Schl#### in dem Posting .. vielleicht wollt ihr ihr ja auch noch etwas sagen.)

Katharina Huber pamesane@t-online.de wrote:
By Any Means Necessary
Part 1 - Resurrection

The impact caused Aeryn Sun to gasp involuntarily, and she swallowed icy water.
She managed to struggle to the surface long enough to call out for John Crichton
one last time, but the weight and inertia from the ejection seat was already
pulling her back down into the lake. Her fingers slid across the ice, and she
went under. Aeryn struggled frantically to free herself, but the cold caused her
limbs to stiffen. As her body sank, Aeryn gradually began to see a bright white
light in front of her, and a strange sensation of floating came over her. The
light reminded her of one of Moya\'s starbursts, and she felt herself move
towards it. Her soaked clothes fell away, but her nakedness wasn\'t
uncomfortable. The blinding brightness engulfed her. She felt a snap in her
midsection, like a connection being severed, but she didn\'t care. All she wanted
was the light.
A snuffling sound, and a brush of warm skin across her leg, stopped her from
proceeding further toward the light. Aeryn looked down to see the little vork
rubbing her leg with a friendly familiarity. She knelt down and stroked it.
\"What are you doing here?\" she asked the vork. It circled around her and nudged
her to the right, away from the light. Aeryn stopped and looked down at the
creature that she had inadvertently killed. It looked back up at her with
pleading eyes and seemed to point off to the right again. \"You want me to go
that way?\" The vork nodded and continued pushing her. Aeryn looked toward the
light again, then shrugged. \"You obviously want me to follow you. Fine. You win.
Lead on.\" It let out a satisfied trill, then sped off to Aeryn\'s right. She
followed it without seeming to move her legs The vork was leading her towards a
different light - not the blinding white light that she\'d first seen, but
something that seemed more like shimmery fog. \"Slow down!\" she called out to the
vork, who was already diving into the mist with gusto. The vork stopped and
waited for her to catch up. It embedded its claws into her body and clambered up
onto her shoulder to better direct her. Aeryn hesitated, then stepped forward
into the mist.

Annie weiss ?ber das alles Bescheid und wird bei Ebay die rechtlichen Schritte einleiten.

Ich kann einfach nicht verstehen, wie manche Leute nur so doof sein k?nnen... im Internet kennt doch fast jeder jeden und besonders unter FanFic Autoren kennt man/frau sich.


