Am vorabend des beginns der ausstrahlung des 2. Teils der 4. staffel in den USA gab es einen offiziellen chat mit DK auf dem skiffy server ( #auditorium). Und mit dabei war als überaschungsgast der frisch umgezogene Ben Browder. Zu beginn des chats um 9 Uhr EST waren etwa 300 Leute im chatroom, eine stunde später waren es gut 430. Der chat wurde auf gemirrored.
<ChatMod> The floor is closed folks. We're just waiting on David. Shouldn't be long.
<Ben Browder> DK is trying to connect
<ChatMod> I'll go ahead and post the introduction while we're waiting
<ChatMod> Hi everyone, thanks for joining us here. I'm Ben Trumble for SCIFI. Tonight we're happy to be chatting with FARSCAPE writer and producer David Kemper. David has helmed FARSCAPE through it's four seasons on SCIFI.
<Ben Browder> But he's fairly internet insecure
<ChatMod> In addition to his FARSCAPE adventure, David has served in varying writer/producer capacities on such series as SeaQuest DSV, American Gothic, Pacific Blue, Poltergeist: The Legacy and Tour of Duty. Additionally, he has written numerous episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager, The Pretender, The Equalizer, Stargate SG-1 and The Outer Limits.
<ChatMod> Brief word about the drill. This is a moderated chat -- please send your questions for our guest to ChatMod, as private messages. (To send a private message, either double-click on ChatMod or type "/msg ChatMod" on the command line - only without the quotes.)...Then hit Enter (or Return on a Mac.)
<Ben Browder> Dk's on java
<ChatMod> We're sorry about the silence. We're still waiting for David. Bear with us
<Ben Browder> that should explain some things
*** Barbarella sets mode: +v DK
*** ChatMod sets mode: +v DK
<ChatMod> Hi David. Really to rock and roll?
*** ChatMod sets mode: +v DK
<ChatMod> David, can you type to the screen?
<Ben Browder> David... your fingers working?
<DK> Hey, Guys. Why is everyone here?
<Ben Browder> It's ALIVE!
<DK> Am I on. Is this microphone on?
<Ben Browder> testing
<Ben Browder> one
<ChatMod> You are live and loud
<Ben Browder> two
<ChatMod> Ben too
<DK> Two
<DK> DK, too.
<ChatMod> First question...
<Ben Browder> Lets do this thing
<ChatMod> <Gmmas> to <ChatMod>: What are the chances of us seeing a Farscape movie and how soon?
<DK> Oh, now.
<DK> Wait till we finish the damn show, first.
<DK> (But...
<Ben Browder> We're waiting on the script...
<DK> we're working on something like a script, if you must know.
<Ben Browder> There IS a script?
<Ben Browder> Wow
<DK> Well, YOU'RE not in it.
<Ben Browder> It's Cruise... right?
<DK> Pitt.
<Ben Browder> oh
<Ben Browder> figures
<DK> Next Q
<ChatMod> <DaScape> to <ChatMod>: Ben - Did you enjoy working with Kent as your father? and did you ever see him in Battlestar or Airplane prior to working with him??
<Ben Browder> At least it's not Affleck this time
<Ben Browder> Saw him in reruns of Adam 12
<Ben Browder> Kent's a total pro
<Ben Browder> Man can find his mark and the light faster than any actor I've ever met.
<Ben Browder> And he's a great bloke.
<Ben Browder> GA
<ChatMod> <Commander-StrideR> to <ChatMod>: What's the word on projects besides Farscape?
<DK> My career's dead, How about you, Ben?
<Ben Browder> Looking for one at the moment.
<DK> A lot of us in Australia
<DK> are looking to put together a project and work together
<DK> on something in the near future.
<Ben Browder> Just started back in LA this week
<DK> It goes without
<DK> saying that Ben would get a call from us
<DK> almost instantly should we get funding.
<Ben Browder> LOL
<ChatMod> <Rhayle> to <ChatMod>: Will we have a better understanding of why the old woman is in the story come the next eleven episodes?
<Ben Browder> DK?
<DK> Ah, that would be a spoiler. Best you should watch and see.
<DK> On the other hand,
<DK> I can get all esoteric on you
<Ben Browder> please don't
<DK> and say that why is ANYONE in our life?
<DK> Why does
<DK> the person next to you in your
<Ben Browder> here we go
<DK> class or at work just show up and
<DK> become a friend?
<DK> Sometimes
<DK> you just accept and roll ahead with the people thrust at you.
<Ben Browder> I'm heading for some coffee
<DK> GA from D
<ChatMod> <Oziscififan> to <ChatMod>: So who was funnier on set, Aeryn, Chinana, or Braca?
<Ben Browder> ooohhh
<Ben Browder> Dangerous question
<Ben Browder> Frankin is very funny in a dry fashion
<Ben Browder> Franklin even
<Ben Browder> CB tells great jokes
<Ben Browder> and GiGI is just a trip
<Ben Browder> But choosing might be perilous
<Ben Browder> ga
<ChatMod> Next, a comment and a question --
<Ben Browder> hello... testing... one....
<ChatMod> A comment, followed by a question --
<ChatMod> A comment, followed by a question --
<Ben Browder> ok
<ChatMod> You're fine Ben
<ChatMod> <Wormy> to <ChatMod>: Why did you have to go and make Farscape such a great show? Now it hurts so much to lose it!
<ChatMod> <ElRenno> to <ChatMod>: Did you all play a lot of practical jokes on each other on/off the set?
<DK> Ben?
<Ben Browder> It's DK's ultimate way to torture you.
<Ben Browder> Practical jokes...
<Ben Browder> we'd never do that
<Ben Browder> we're all highly trained professionals
<Ben Browder> ga
<DK> Hey folks,
<DK> do we have any Q's that don't skew towards boxers or briefs?
<ChatMod> Well --
<ChatMod> <p40whk> to <ChatMod>: David, as a writer, do you fit the script to the personality of the actor or dou you hope the actor is versitile enough to convey the meaning of what you write?
<DK> Very good question.
<DK> It works both ways...
<DK> When the actor is not that talented, you write the best you
<DK> can and hope that they can keep up. Sometimes
<DK> you have to ultimately lose them and move on.
<DK> In the case of most of our talented cast
<DK> and in Ben's case in particular
<DK> you have actors who are so strong that we
<DK> the writers actually learn from them. For instance,
<DK> we notice the strengths that Ben, for example
<DK> can bring to the screen, then we tailor the part to them.
<DK> In Ben's case, he was able to play serious,
<DK> romance,
<DK> and tough, strong leading man.
<DK> Buttttt....
<Ben Browder> Thanks David.... I love you too.
<DK> he showed us that he could do comedy,
<DK> and also get "crazy,"
<DK> so we took flight in those directions and the show
<DK> morphed and was all the better for it. And
<DK> that holds true for everyone.
<DK> Think of Gigi and Wayne to name only two.
<DK> They took us to places we never thought their
<DK> characters could go. And when Lani showed us that
<DK> he could play "tortured" bad guy -- one who
<DK> was torn between the dark and the light, we went that way in a heartbeat.
<ChatMod> A follow up to that ...
<ChatMod> <WastelandGraphics> to <ChatMod>: What is the biggest challeng when writing an episode for Farscape? Drama, character interaction, technical babble?
<DK> Ben is as
<DK> qualified to answer this as I am...
<DK> Want at it, Kemosabe?
<ChatMod> Ben stepped away for a minute
<DK> Okay, mine...
<DK> Techno babble does not
<DK> really exist on our show.
<DK> We get rid of it. Finito.
<DK> The hardest part is the over plot of an
<DK> episode, and keeping it in line with the sweeping theme of the series,
<DK> and then layering in the characters and making it about THEM. That's
<DK> what I think the audience responds most to. And it's ultimately the most fun to write. Good question. GA
<ChatMod> <JUle27> to <ChatMod>: Can you tell us a bit about who or where you had the inspiration for the concept of unrealized realities?
<DK> Having written the script, I will take the blame. I was looking for a way
<DK> to explain in drama terms what I believe.
<DK> I think we are continuously standing
<DK> at micro-crossroads, and our actions determine
<DK> where we end up. I do not in any way
<DK> believe in astrology or predestination. I think
<DK> that we choose. If I decide to beat the yellow light, I could get broadsided. But
<DK> if I screech to a stop, the guy behind me
<DK> might hit me. Each action carries a different consequence, and
<DK> could lead to a different unrealized future. I'm just
<DK> surprised that the ep resonated with so many people. It's a tough
<DK> concept to deal in, and I was afraid
<DK> more people would scratch their heads and go, "Huh."
<ChatMod> [list=1] to <ChatMod>: Was there ever a major change in direction while doing Farscape?
<Ben Browder> Ok... I'm back... sorry bout that still moving in and just had the delivery of a major appliance.
<DK> Every week, day, minute, scene and line. We are a show
<DK> that respects,
<DK> EXpects,
<DK> even demands
<DK> participation from all creative
<DK> participants. That, naturally, causes mission control
<DK> to make constant changes in where we're going, day by day.
<DK> However,
<DK> the overall arc had only 3 or 4 MAJOR turns
<DK> that we didn't plan before the various seasons started.
<ChatMod> <trustywinona> to <ChatMod>: since the series has ended without a proper close...will we ever find out how Far§cape was set to end?
<DK> I'm hoping that will come to light in the future, on screen, either large or small.
<ChatMod> Ben, people want to know the appliance. Brand, ice making abilities, etc...
<Ben Browder> Actually... it was a car.
<Ben Browder> which is getting probed and prodded as we type.
<Ben Browder> ga
<ChatMod> <DaScape> to <ChatMod>: Are you optimistic about the ratings rising for the rest of season 4? I believe its doing better over here in the UK so far and the show has has a LOT of media coverage
<DK> I think that the hubbub you fans around the world
<DK> have created over our cancellation
<DK> will result in an uptick, as we say. Hopefully, if
<DK> we can build over the next 11 weeks on that,
<DK> we'll be able to control which direction
<DK> Farscape's unrealized reality will go.
<ChatMod> <WastelandGraphics> to <ChatMod>: Ben, how have your kids reacted to all the pressure, first of fame, then to move back to the States?
<Ben Browder> I don't talk about my kids... but thanks for asking... and they're doing fine.
<Ben Browder> ga
<ChatMod> <Zugrail> to <ChatMod>: Who do you feel is the strongest possible network/outlet for Farscape to possibly continue on, Scifi, UPN, Etc. ?
<DK> That is a business decision that is beyond where I sit right now.
<DK> My advice is to
<Ben Browder> way beyond where I sit
<DK> worry less about the future and enjoy the present. Some of our best
<DK> episodes are about to hit the screen starting tomorrow night. I'd
<DK> love it if all our fans would sit
<DK> back, watch, enjoy and spread the word.
<DK> GA from DK
<ChatMod> <uisceboo> to <ChatMod>: Ben, been doing any writing?
<Ben Browder> Been noodling
<DK> Writing, Ben, not cooking.
<Ben Browder> but the move left me computorless for quite a while
<Ben Browder> and that means I end up scrawling on napkins
<Ben Browder> or envelopes
<DK> In the kitchen again...
<Ben Browder> there's a great story on the back of one of my gas bills
<Ben Browder> if I could find it
<Ben Browder> in all this chaos
<Ben Browder> Hope to get something down this year.
<Ben Browder> ga
<ChatMod> <GutPageant> to <ChatMod>: Did you ever consider yourselves engaged in a contest , competing with other genre shows to be the first to do 'things you'd never see on Star Trek'?
<Ben Browder> LOL
<Ben Browder> or things you never wanted to see on Star Trek
<DK> Never thought about them in the slightest other than to wish my friends who produce them luck and hope that they help raise the profile of the genre.
<DK> GA from DK when Ben's done.
<Ben Browder> I always watch genre
<Ben Browder> and hope I'm going to love it
<Ben Browder> so... nah... it never
<Ben Browder> felt like a competition
<Ben Browder> ga
<ChatMod> <chicago> to <ChatMod>: Ben what is your favorite DK written episode ? DK what is your favorite BB written ep?
<Ben Browder> Die Me Dichotomy was brilliant
<DK> My favorite Ben written ep was probably, for sheer symmetry and elegance, Green Eyed Monster, however
<Ben Browder> always loved doing DK eps
<DK> he contributed to each and every ep in ways that even you, the fans don't realize. It was a
<Ben Browder> he wrote great stuff for actors
<Ben Browder> writes great stuff
<DK> suggestion from Ben to myself that helped transform the infamous "cartoon" ep
<DK> into something special and brilliant. And the suggestion
<Ben Browder> my head spins when I think of the stuff he threw at us to do
<DK> was one from a writer to a writer, not an actor to a writer. That's what makes
<Ben Browder> we argued
<DK> Ben's contributions to a show like this so special. And it is why
<Ben Browder> a lot
<DK> I would love him to write and act on anything I do. He makes me look good.
<DK> GA from DK
<Ben Browder> David was always right
<Ben Browder> ...
<Ben Browder> ...
<Ben Browder> no
<Ben Browder> really
<Ben Browder> ga
<ChatMod> <babymoya> to <ChatMod>: What can we expect in the episode on Friday with JC hanging out in space, with no why to survive the next 10 seconds? I mean, he is technically gome now. This is of course without giving too much away.
<DK> Okay,
<DK> I'll give a spoiler here.
<DK> Crichton runs out of air and dies at the end of the teaser.
<DK> Then the show
<DK> becomes about the other characters. It's a shock, I know.
<Ben Browder> The last half of the season was very easy for me
<Ben Browder> sat on the beach
<DK> C'mon, now --
<DK> you only have to wait until
<DK> tomorrow to find out.
<Ben Browder> phoned David to ask how things were going
<Ben Browder> tommorrow is almost here
<DK> It's a FANTASTIC ep, written by Monj and directed by Rowan Woods. You will NOT
<DK> be disappointed, I promise. You, the fans,
<Ben Browder> Except the Crichton fans
<DK> are about to see our finest run of 11 eps in a row that we've ever done.
<DK> Sit back and enjoy.
<DK> GA from D
<Ben Browder> watching his funeral
<Ben Browder> ga
<ChatMod> <trustywinona> to <ChatMod>: Mr. Browder: for someone coming off of such a major project, whats the next move? Same Q for Mr. Kemper.
<Ben Browder> Test the waters
<Ben Browder> see what turns up
<Ben Browder> impossible to know at the moment
<Ben Browder> DK... we really should get one of them crystal ball thingies
<Ben Browder> ga
<ChatMod> <trustywinona> to <ChatMod>: Mr. Browder: for someone coming off of such a major project, whats the next move? Same Q for Mr. Kemper.
<Ben Browder> Test the waters
<Ben Browder> see what turns up
<Ben Browder> impossible to know at the moment
<Ben Browder> DK... we really should get one of them crystal ball thingies
<Ben Browder> ga
<DK> Well, I have offers to do things on other shows. But at the moment, I think my immediate future is to stay connected to Andrew Prowse, Lil, and a few others in Australia, and try to mount another series with the same level of quality and character engagement.
<DK> And the crystal ball would be GREAT.
<ChatMod> David, as you might imagine, many people are asking if you'd like to comment on how you feel Farscape has been treated by SCIFI?
<DK> Hmmm.
<DK> Load gun.
<DK> Shoot gun.
<DK> Shoot self.
<DK> Okay...
<DK> Let me try to miss myself and
<DK> still give an answer...
<DK> I think that cancelling Farscape was a mistake.
<DK> It took away something special.
<DK> The fans,
<DK> the critics,
<DK> and the people who make the show
<DK> are all reacting the same way.
<DK> So, in retrospect,
<DK> I think it's something that should have been allowed
<DK> to continue on and grow.
<DK> Besides, now Ben is in the states -- as I am the moment -- and we, along with Ricky Manning,
<DK> had grown to love our new home.
<DK> Very tough to learn to drive on the right side of the street again.
<ChatMod> You are an adroit shot!
<ChatMod> Several people have asked what Pilot and Moya will be looking for in terms of future roles away from Farscape?
<DK> Rygel and Pilot are, I believe, animatronics who have been dismantled and are resting comfortably while they await the revival of Farscape in any manner or form.
<ChatMod> <Carney> to <ChatMod>: Can you comment on why "Moya John" sees "Talyn John's" memories? Or is this something that will be discussed through the series?
<DK> Ben?
<DK> Help.
<Ben Browder> uh...
<DK> Can Carney be more specific, Moderator?
<Ben Browder> I'm dealing with contracts for a brand new car.
<Ben Browder> ga
<ChatMod> <Wormy> to <ChatMod>: Have any of the core Farscape actors made any commitments that could interfere with the filming of a possible fifth season?
<DK> There is no 5th season.
<DK> We have been cancelled.
<DK> My hope is that ALL of the cast
<DK> has a conflict. They are great
<DK> actors and deserve to be working immediately. I hope for
<DK> them the best, and should Farscape be fortunate enough
<DK> to launch again, we'll worry about it then.
<ChatMod> David and Ben the hour is officially over. Any clues at all about the adventure we're going to have over the next eleven episodes that you haven't given us yet? <grin>
<DK> I can continue on a bit more if you like.
<ChatMod> We'd love to keep going --
<DK> I'll save any thoughts about the end of the season for the very end of the session.
<Ben Browder> keep going DK
<DK> B, you leaving?
<Ben Browder> I'm swamped here.
<Ben Browder> ga
<DK> I'll call you after the chat.
<DK> Hey, folks.
<ChatMod> Good night Ben
<DK> Want Ben's new phone number in the states? What
<DK> am I bid?!?!?!?!?
<ChatMod> Thanks for taking the time to log on tonight
<Ben Browder> Night ya'll
<ChatMod> 3000000 Brit Pounds so far
<Ben Browder> sorry for all the interuptions at my end
<DK> I'm sure BEN would sell it for that much.
<DK> You can have my HOME for that.
<ChatMod> <joecrichton> to <ChatMod>: there was a mention on the henson website for farscape about anime. can you comment on this at all
<DK> Not in my wheelhouse. I'm contracted to do live action vehicles.
<ChatMod> <GutPageant> to <ChatMod>: Opening the season with 4 (mostly) Aeryn-less episodes was pretty bold. Is it overanalyzing to think that you were trying to put the viewer in Crichton's shoes--wondering where she was and when she'd return?
<DK> Not really. There
<DK> were physical, logistical issues that we had to deal with,
<DK> and we wanted to send a chill through everyone. What IF she were gone.
<DK> So you're pretty close to dead-on there.
<DK> We also wanted
<DK> to leave a hole to intro Sikozu and let
<DK> the audience wonder -- as would Crichton -- whether this new woman
<DK> was going to be competition for his affections.
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