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Thema: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Alte und neue Rollen

  1. #181
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Im Zuge der Cliffhangerzeit im US-TV hat der Boston Herald die Top 10 der besten Cliffhanger zusammengestellt. Buffys freiwilliger Tod kam dabei auf Platz 8. Hier die Übersicht:

    It's no dream: `Who Shot J.R.?' is top cliffhanger

    It's TV cliffhanger time again: Will George kill off Rex and run away with Bree on ``Desperate Housewives''? Will the ``Lost'' castaways pull a ``Castaway'' andescape their island prison on a raft? Will Quentin Tarantino deliver an F-bomb-free finale on CSI''?

    In honor of the time-honored tradition of keeping viewers on the edge of their seats until the fall season, Inside TV comes out with its list of the Top 10 TV cliffhangers of all time.

    And not surprising, checking in at No. 1 is ``Dallas'' for ``Who Shot J.R.?''

    The 1981 episode had millions wondering if long-suffering wife Sue Ellen Ewing (Linda Gray) finally pulled the trigger on her cheating hubby, played by Larry Hagman. It topped ``Friends,'' ``Alias,'' and ``The Sopranos'' as the top cliffhanger of all time.

    Here's the Top 10:

    10. "DYNASTY'' - "Massacre in Moldavia'' (1985): The wedding of Amanda Carrington (Catherine Oxenberg) and Prince Michael (Michael Praed) turned into a bloodbath during a terrorist coup in fictional Moldavia.

    9. "STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION'' - "Abducted by Borgs'' (1990): Capt. Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) was abducted by the Borg and brainwashed, forcing Commander Will Riker (Jonathan Frakes) to attempt a daring rescue.

    8. "BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER'' - "Buffy's Big Sacrifice'' (2001): Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) sacrificed her life to save her sister Dawn and the rest of the world.

    7. "SOUTH PARK" - "Who's Cartman's Dad?'' (1999): The paternity of the meanest, fattest kid on TV had fans guessing.

    6. "THE PRACTICE'' - "Who Stabbed Lindsay?'' (1999): Lindsay (Kelli Williams) was stabbed by an unknown assailant wearing a nun's habit.

    5. "24'' - "The Flesh-Eating Disease'' (2003): President Palmer (Dennis Haysbert) collapsed after shaking hands with a crowd of supporters including an assassin, who had transferred a poisonous flesh-eating disease to his hand.

    4. "THE SOPRANOS'' - "Tony Moves Out'' (2002): Carmela (Edie Falco) was happy Tony (James Gandolfini) bought a beach house until his Russian lover called to taunt her about their affair.

    3. "ALIAS'' - "Missing in Action'' (2003):After disappearing for two years, Sydney (Jennifer Garner) woke up with no memory and a stomach scar and found that Vaughn (Michael Vartan) had gotten married.

    2. "FRIENDS'' - "The Wrong Name'' (1998): While reciting his wedding vows to Emily (Helen Baxendale), Ross (David Schwimmer) said Rachel's (Jennifer Aniston) name instead.

    1. "DALLAS'' - "Who Shot J.R.?'' (1981): When hated oil mogul J.R. Ewing (Larry Hagman) was shot, his brother Bobby (Patrick Duffy), rival Cliff (Ken Kercheval), wife Sue Ellen were all suspects.
    Bei den Plätzen 10, 9, 8, 7, 3, 2 und 1 war ich sogar dabei.

  2. #182
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Charisma mit neuem Film:

    Genre actors under a VOODOO MOON

    Fango has learned that IDT Entertainment, the company behind the MASTERS OF HORROR series and numerous other current genre projects, has rolled a new genre feature called VOODOO MOON. The movie is set in a Midwestern town where a personification of the devil kills the entire population except a young boy named Cole and his sister. Twenty years later, the grown-up Cole (RESIDENT EVIL’s Eric Mabius,), who has been pursuing the devil, prepares for a final confrontation, while his sister (ANGEL’s Charisma Carpenter) has developed the ability to sense disasters and death, and expresses them in her artwork. Cole calls on those he has helped over the years to assist him in his showdown with Satan, including a cop (Jeffrey Combs) and a biker (John Amos); the cast also includes Geoffrey (DEVIL’S REJECTS) Lewis, Jayne Heitmeyer, Kim Hawthorne, Rik Young and Rey Gallegos. We haven’t gotten any info on the filmmaking team yet, but we’ll post it as soon as we do.

  3. #183
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Bekannterweise starten ja diesen Herbst viele neue Serien mit vielen unserer Helden. Zu einigen dieser Serien haben die Sender auch bereits erste Übersichtsseiten online bevor es dann im Herbst so richtig losgeht.

    Für Freddie, die neue Sitcom mit Sarahs Ehegatten ist bereits eine Übersicht mit einigen Videos online unter

    Für How I Met Your Mother, die neue Sitcom mit Alyson und Close To Home, die neue Serie mit Christian Kane gibt es schon eine erste Übersicht auf HIMYM & CTH.

    Über die 2 neuen Serien Kitchen Confidential mit Nick und Bones mit David auf FOX kann man derzeit nur über die Herbst Preview Informationen erhalten. Einfach aud die gewünschte Serie klicken.

    Für die Midseason-Serien Four Kings mit Seth Green und The Unit mit Amy Acker gibt es leider noch keine Informationsseiten. Aber was nicht ist kann ja noch werden.

    Eine Übersicht über alle Serien mit unseren Helden gibt es im Upfront-Thread.

  4. #184
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Die neuen Serien

    Falls ihr Ende Juni - genauer: am 25. und 26. Juni - in London seid, habt ihr die Möglichkeit, auf der Londoner Film und Comic Convention einige Serien- und Filmstars zu treffen, darunter: Charisma Carpenter, Adrian Paul (Highlander), Ron Perlman (Hellboy, Beauty and the Beast, Magnificent Seven, Star Trek: Nemesis, Blade II, etc), Val Kilmer, Kate Mulgrew (Star Trek: Voyager), Robert Beltran (ditto), Glen Larson (der Schöpfer von Knight Rider, Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica, Magnum P.I. und anderen). Mehr zur Veranstaltung und weiteren geladenen Gästen auf der offiziellen Website.

    Offizielle Webseite

  5. #185
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Fans out of pocket after vanishing act

    HUNDREDS of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans fear they have been conned after the promoter of a national convention on the cult television series vanished with up to $500,000 of their money.

    South Australia's Office of Consumer and Business Affairs (OCBA) is investigating the whereabouts of Edward Schumacher, who vanished in late April with the takings of the Slayercon 2005 convention, which was to be held in Adelaide on July 2 and 3.

    Close to 1000 fans from around Australia, of Buffy and a spin-off television series, Angel, had paid up to $800 each to meet stars of the shows, which have cult followings and dozens of fan clubs and websites.

    Fans were told that six stars of the shows - including Amy Acker (Fred), Julia Benz (Darla), Clare Kramer (Glory) and Iyari Limon (Kennedy) - had been booked to appear at the convention when tickets went on sale in December.

    The OCBA is investigating amid fears Mr Schumacher has left Australia with the fans' money, but it has been unable to located him.

    Mr Schumacher runs Scooby Gang Promotions, which purports on its website to be a non-profit organisation formed last July with the aim of promoting Buffy and its spin-offs.

    The company claims all proceeds from the events are donated to a charity nominated by guests of the event.

    The OCBA has received 10 complaints from consumers who have spent between $175 and $455 to attend the convention.

    Tickets were $175 a day, but packages were available which included a dinner with four stars ($235), $25 for an autograph, and $45 for a photograph with a star.

    In many cases, the fans have also lost deposits for airline tickets and accommodation.

    They were asked to pay Scooby Gang Promotions by money order or direct debit.

    No one has been able to contact Mr Schumacher since an announcement was posted on the Scooby Gang Promotions website in late April saying the show, to have been held at the Adelaide Convention Centre, had been postponed.

    The message simply said the event had been postponed and a new date was being organised, possibly in October.

    No refunds would be available until a new date was announced, it said.

    The convention centre has also been unable to contact Mr Schumacher to reschedule the event, and it is now referring all inquiries to the OCBA.

    Centre chief executive Pieter van der Hoeven said Mr Schumacher had paid a deposit but had cancelled the event at short notice.

    Thirty ticket holders who are owed a total of $13,000 have retained a debt collection company to recover their money.

    South Australia's commissioner for consumer affairs, Mark Bodycoat, said the office was still attempting to locate Mr Schumacher, but conceded it was quite possible consumers would not get their money back.

    "The primary reason for trying to contact the promoter is to seek redress for those consumers who have purchased a ticket," he said.

    Leonard Rogan, convenor of an internet forum for fans of the Buffy program, said it was believed Mr Schumacher had left Australia for the US.

    "As far as the money is concerned, we can kiss that goodbye," Mr Rogan said. "I personally would have lost $780."

    Attempts by AAP to contact Mr Schumacher by phone or email have been unsuccessful.
    Keine schöne Aktion von dem Herren. Hoffentlich wird er gefasst bevor das ganze Geld weg ist.

    In England wurde die Top Cult Show gesucht und das Ergebnis ist nicht überaschend. Es finden sich viele engliche Serien in den Top 100 wieder und den ersten Platz belegt natürlich Dr. Who gefolgt von Star Trek auf Platz 2 und Buffy/Angel auf Platz 3.

    Hier die komplette Liste:

    The top 100 in full, with previous positions in brackets:

    1 (2) Doctor Who

    2 (1) Star Trek

    3 (3) Buffy/Angel

    4 (18) Stargate SG-1 / Atlantis

    5 (4) Blake’s Seven

    6 (10) Thunderbirds

    7 (6) The Avengers

    8 (8) The Prisoner

    9 (7) Babylon 5

    10 (9) The X Files

    11 (16) Battlestar Galactica

    12 (17) Captain Scarlet

    13 (14) Red Dwarf

    14 (05) UFO

    15 (12) Farscape

    16 ( – ) Firefly

    17 (11) Xena/Hercules

    18 (13) Space 1999

    19 (15) Quantum Leap

    20 (19) The A Team

    21 (20) The Persuaders!

    22 ( – ) 24

    23 (21) Department S / Jason King

    24 (29) Sapphire & Steel

    25 ( – ) CSI/Miami/New York

    26 (40) The Saint

    27 (44) Hitch-hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

    28 (43) Fawlty Towers

    29 (28) Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased)

    30 (22) Man/Girl from U.N.C.L.E.

    31 (37) Robin of Sherwood

    32 (24) The Tomorrow People

    33 (26) Batman

    34 (47) Six Million Dollar Man / Bionic Woman

    35 (27) Monty Python’s Flying Circus

    36 (38) The Professionals

    37 (30) Survivors

    38 ( – ) The Monkees

    39 (39) The Simpsons

    40 ( – ) Alias

    41 (42) The West Wing

    42 (31) The Champions

    43 ( – ) Spooks

    44 (68) Quatermass

    45 (45) Highlander

    46 (23) Stingray

    47 (48) Starsky & Hutch

    48 (65) Mission Impossible

    49 (46) Lost In Space

    50 (49) The Twilight Zone

    51 (50) Voyage To The Bottom of the Sea

    52 ( – ) Hustle

    53 (36) Danger Man

    54 (51) Dad’s Army

    55 ( – ) Dead Like Me

    56 (34) Callan

    57 (55) Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

    58 (59) Charmed

    59 (54) Blackadder

    60 (41) Due South

    61 ( – ) Strange Report

    62 ( – ) Seven Days

    63 (52) Alien Nation

    64 ( – ) The Outer Limits

    65 (63) MASH

    66 (61) The Goodies

    67 (72) The Sweeney

    68 ( – ) Desperate Housewives

    69 (83) The League of Gentlemen

    70 ( – ) Charlie’s Angels

    71 (25) Only Fools and Horses

    72 ( – ) Nip/Tuck

    73 (75) Man in a Suitcase

    74 ( – ) On The Buses

    75 ( – ) Smallville

    76 (76) Timeslip

    77 (82) Jonathan Creek

    78 (70) The Muppet Show

    79 (53) Bagpuss

    80 (56) Dawson’s Creek

    81 (58) Earth Final Conflict

    82 (60) Space: Above & Beyond

    83 (86) Grange Hill

    84 (84) Roswell

    85 ( – ) Hex

    86 (32) Adam Adamant Lives!

    87 ( – ) Carnivale

    88 ( – ) Dream Team

    89 ( – ) Tru Calling

    90 (78) V

    91 ( – ) Yes, Minister

    92 ( – ) Futurama

    93 ( – ) Andromeda

    94 (88) Airwolf

    95 (71) The Clangers

    96 ( – ) Knight Rider

    97 (73) The Time Tunnel

    98 ( – ) Lost

    99 (69) Spaced

    100 ( – ) The Sentinel
    Wie wohl die Wahl von der US-Seite aussehen wird. Vielleicht gibts es da ja bald eine Antwort.

  6. #186
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    "Bandwagon" Wins Maverick Award.

    The independent movie co-produced by, and starring, Emma Caulfield wins an award at the Newport Beach Film Festival.

    The trailer is also available through the Bandwagon Website. It looks pretty cool and it's a great website. I'm looking forward to this one.

    Also, Emma is currently in talks with Discovery Animal Planet over a new TV project she's involved with entitled 'Food Chain' which will centre on endangered species and be aimed at a teen market. (taken from

  7. #187
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Happy Birthday Joss!

    Der Meister hat heute seinen Ehrentag.

  8. #188
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Die 2 neuen FOX-Serien Kitchen Confidential mit Nick und Bones mit David haben nun endlich auch eigene Seiten bekommen. Ausser ein paar generellen Informationen gibt es aber noch nicht viel zu sehen. Die vollen Seiten werden wohl erst in einigen Wochen online gehen.

    Dafür wird jedoch leider etwas Anderes offline gehn.

    BBC Cult Site to close July 15th. Get a hold of some of the best Buffy and Angel video and print cast/crew interviews while you can. There's a wonderful wealth of material there for fans.
    Hier ist die Kult-Seite, also greift zu solange es noch geht!

  9. #189
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Wie aus mehreren Quellen zu erfahren war ist Amy Acker wohl nicht mehr bei "The Unit" dabei. Ihre Rolle wurde angeblich neu gecastet und damit war sie draussen. Schade, dass man sich zu solchen Schritten entschieden hat. Ob die Serie auch ohne Amy was taugt wird sich spätestens zur Mid-Season zeigen. hat zum 4. Juli eine Liste der amerikanischen TV-Helden aufgestellt und auch Buffy hat ihren Platz darin gefunden. Folgend die Liste plus einige Erläuterungen dazu.
    LOS ANGELES ( The spirit of those who fought for U.S. independence has lived on in many television characters.

    Sometimes, their actions may belie the genuine heroism of men and women who rank among the home screen's good guys, but the pursuit of life and liberty still remains their prime motivation. In this week of the Fourth of July, here's a rundown of some brave home-screen standouts, past and present.

    Clark Kent, "Smallville": OK, he isn't U.S.-born and -bred to the absolute letter - he didn't even have a visa with him when he landed on Earth from Krypton -- but this superpowered farm boy embodies every criterion of "truth, justice and the American way." Living in Kansas brings out even more of his down-home appeal, and even if his youthful adventures seem pretty localized, anyone who knows the rest of the story realizes Clark eventually will grow up to defend America (and, for that matter. the world) at large.

    President Josiah Bartlet, "The West Wing": With current headlines and broadcasts dominated by bitter and partisan political bickering, this series provides a tiny yet hopeful oasis of an America in which everything is overseen by this avuncular, compassionate, fair, wise and flawed yet courageous chief executive. Would that it were really so easy to resolve almost any world crisis in 40-odd minutes (plus commercials).

    Tony Almeida, "24": Jack Bauer is supposed to be the hero here, but Tony overcame dating a mole to run the Counter Terrorist Unit, and eventually went to prison to save his wife. When Jack called for help, he shook off lethargy and threw himself -- and his little beer belly -- fearlessly into the fray.

    Napoleon Solo, "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." (Solo für U.N.C.L.E.): It's a given that any agent of the United Network Command for Law and Enforcement would be a hero, since the job required defending humanity from villains who had all sorts of grandiose schemes for world domination. That Solo consistently did it with such unyielding panache, often in the face of seemingly imminent death (Tied beneath a pendulum about to slice him in two? Not a problem) puts him even higher on the hero scale.

    Buffy Summers, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer": Her tombstone on the series said it best: "She saved the world/A lot." And she did it at a tremendous personal price, not because there was something in it for her, but simply because she understood that's what she had been put on Earth for in the first place.

    Dana Scully, "The X-Files" (Akte X): Brave, tough, resourceful, logical and appropriately dressed (OK, the heels went up a bit in later seasons), Scully was one of the few professional women on television who seemed like a real person. Even with her beliefs under constant assault, Scully still kept it together and never screamed like a girl.

    Angus MacGyver, "MacGyver": What is more traditionally American than using sheer mind power to get out of tight scrapes? And who had to do that more often than troubleshooter extraordinaire MacGyver? He had us at "hello," especially since in the show's pilot episode, he used an average chocolate bar to prevent a nuclear facility's complete meltdown.

    Dr. Hawkeye Pierce, "M*A*S*H": The wisecracking, irreverent Korean War surgeon seemed to have few sacred cows. Yet he rarely hesitated to rail against the insanity and appalling human waste of war, while doing anything he could to help save the young lives thrust into harm's way by "statesmen" living safely half a world away.

    Capt. James T. Kirk, "Star Trek": Despite series creator Gene Roddenberry's protestations that in his version of the 23rd century humans had become more enlightened, Kirk remained a red-blooded, independent thinker who was not afraid to kick the Prime Directive to the curb if he thought it was the right thing to do.

    James T. West, "The Wild Wild West" (Verrückter Wilder Westen): The Old West counterpart to James Bond was an American hero through and through, since in his role as a government agent, he often had to protect the nation's founding fathers against big-thinking enemies like diminutive Dr. Loveless. Moreover, his wickedly cool arsenal suggested that secret-agent-friendly inventiveness wasn't necessarily cornered by British weapons master "Q" and his forerunners.

    Constable Benton Fraser, "Due South" (Ein Mountie in Chicago (Ausgerechnet Chicago)): Paul Haggis, writer-director of the current critical hit "Crash" (and screenwriter of "Million Dollar Baby"), created this handsome and unfailingly polite Chicago-transplanted Canadian Mountie who proved consistently that kindness and courtesy will usually get you what you want far more efficiently than either rudeness or force will.

    Lucas McCain, "The Rifleman" (Westlich von Santa Fé): This widowed New Mexico rancher was a virtuoso with his modified Winchester rifle when bad guys forced his hand. The rest of the time, though, Lucas was far more intent on instilling a strong sense of right and wrong in his motherless son, Mark.
    The wirft schonmal einen Blick auf die Season 05/06. Auch "Bones", die neue Serie mit David im Hauptcast, und "The Unit" mit oder nicht mit Amy (hier wird sie auf jeden Fall noch mit aufgeführt) wurden unter die Lupe genommen und hier ist das Ergebnis:
    (Tuesdays at 8:00/7:00c this fall)

    The network's description: "From executive producers Barry Josephson ("Hide and Seek," "Like Mike") and Hart Hanson ("Joan of Arcadia," "Judging Amy") comes the darkly amusing drama BONES, inspired by real-life forensic anthropologist and novelist Kathy Reichs. Forensic anthropologist DR. TEMPERANCE BRENNAN (Emily Deschanel, "Boogeyman"), who works at the Jeffersonian Institution and writes novels as a sideline, has an uncanny ability to read clues left behind in a victim's bones. Consequently, law enforcement calls her in to assist with murder investigations when the remains are so badly decomposed, burned or destroyed that the standard identification methods are useless. Brennan's equally brilliant colleagues at the Jeffersonian's Medico-Legal Lab include earthy and bawdy ANGELA MONTENEGRO (Michaela Conlin, "The D.A."), who's created a unique way to render an original crime scene in a three-dimensional computer image; Brennan's assistant, ZACK ADDY (Eric Millegan), a young prodigy whose genius IQ actually gets in the way of his finishing the several doctorates he has begun; "the bug guy," DR. JACK HODGINS (TJ Thyne, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"), who's an expert on insects, spores and minerals, but conspiracy is his hobby; and Brennan's boss, imposing lab director DR. DANIEL GOODMAN (Jonathan Adams, "American Dreams"). Brennan often finds herself teamed with Special Agent SEELEY BOOTH (David Boreanaz, "Angel"), a former Army sniper who mistrusts science and scientists when it comes to solving crimes. Brennan and Booth clash both professionally and personally, but so far the chemistry between them has only played out in a fictionalized account in Brennan's latest mystery novel."

    What did they leave out: It's basically "C.S.I." done "Mulder and Scully"-style with Brennan being the "anti-social, follow the evidence" one and Booth being the "outgoing, go-with-your-gut" one.

    The plot in a nutshell: When a skeleton is found and the F.B.I. can't identify it, Special Agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) seeks help from famed forensic anthropologist (and novelist) Dr. Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel). Trouble is Brennan (or "Bones" as Booth likes to call her, much to her chagrin) got burned the last time she helped Booth and wants nothing of it. But thanks to pressure by her boss (Jonathan Adams) and the promise of equal partnership by Booth, Brennan caves and goes on to assist. From here - thanks to some holographic technology (no, I'm not kidding) and the power of montage sequences - we quickly learn the skeleton belongs to a senator's aide and the quest begins to find her killer.

    What works: Both Deschanel and Boreanaz definitely have the charm and chemistry to carry a series however they're hampered by some very leaden character development/dialogue: from an intimate scene at a shooting range that comes across as more comical than sexual, to characters not once but twice telling the anti-social Brennan "next time you talk to someone, give up a piece of yourself" with a straight face, to hokey jokes about Brennan's lack of pop culture knowledge (are we really supposed to believe a lab geek/novelist doesn't know who Mulder and Scully are?). In any case, despite all this you get the feeling somewhere in there are two interesting characters. Also worthy of praise: unlike "C.S.I.," the show gives a legit reason why the lab gets to question witnesses, sit in on interviews, etc. and there's a very brief (but very cool) moment that will remind Boreanaz fans of his ass-kicking days on "Angel."

    What doesn't: Aside from the new holographic bells and whistles mentioned above (which come across as more hokey than cool), the show does little to deviate itself from your standard procedural crime drama. It's basically find body, collect evidence in a music-driven montage (Howie Day's "Collide" in this case was used on the temp track), go after the obvious lead, find out said lead is a dead end, go back to evidence in new montage (welcome back Howie Day), have typical "a-ha!" moment based on some innocuous piece of information mentioned earlier and catch the real killer. Everything else (Brennan's social foibles, the Brennan/Booth banter, etc.) doesn't come across as strong enough to mask those shortcomings. That's not to say it's impossible: "House" manages to eclipse its imperfections as a procedural - every week it's somebody is sick with mystery illness, House berates some people at the clinic, they try everything until he/she almost dies, House berates some more people at the clinic, House remembers a tiny detail from earlier that happens to lead to a last-minute cure - with some amazing work by Hugh Laurie.

    The challenges ahead: Will the show be able to evolve beyond its "Procedural Crime Drama 101" shortcomings? Will the Jeffersonian's Medico-Legal Lab share its "Star Trek"-level of holographic technology with the rest of the world? Will Booth actually call "Bones" her real name in a clichéd moment meant to reinforce their growing bond? We'll get the answer to at least two of these questions this fall on FOX.

    (TBA at midseason)

    The network's description: "THE UNIT stars Dennis Haysbert ("24"), Scott Foley ("Felicity"), Robert Patrick ("The X-Files") and Golden Globe Award winner Regina Taylor ("I'll Fly Away") in an action drama that follows a covert team of special forces operatives as they risk their lives on undercover missions around the globe, while their families maintain the homefront, protecting their husbands' secrets. Max Martini ("Saving Private Ryan"), Michael Irby ("Piñero"), Demore Barnes ("The Associates"), Abby Brammell ("Revenge of The Middle-Aged Woman") and Amy Acker ("Catch Me If You Can") also star. Pulitzer Prize-winning and two-time Academy Award-nominated writer David Mamet ("Glengarry Glen Ross") and Emmy Award-nominated writer Shawn Ryan ("The Shield") are executive producers for Twentieth Century Fox Television."

    What did they leave out: The show is full-blown David Mamet complete with his unique dialogue and sense of drama. If anything it feels like an extension of his little-seen (but well worth catching) 2004 feature "Spartan."

    The plot in a nutshell: We follow husband and wife Bob (Scott Foley) and Kim Brown (Amy Acker) on their first day as part of the vaguely-named "The Unit," a secret Special Forces unit of the Army that answers only to the President. Bob is thrown to the wolves by his C.O. Jonas Blaine (Dennis Haysbert) during a hostage standoff on an airplane runway and Acker is shown the ropes on "The Unit's" base by Molly (Regina Taylor), the wife of Haysbert's character. In each case they learn the rules of their situation: in Bob's case it's if they succeed someone else takes the credit and if they fail they get court marshalled; in Kim's case it's that they must hide all knowledge of their husbands' actions, at any cost.

    What works: Creepy, unique and exhilarating all at the same time, "The Unit" is filled to the brim with all of Mamet's mainstays: from the almost machine-like efficiency to how his characters operate to his panache for stage-like dialogue. Added to that are Shawn Ryan's gritty realism he cultivated on "The Shield" and the gravitas of such actors as Haysbert and Taylor. Haysbert particularly owns his role - a grizzled, but unwaveringly confident solider - just gobbles it up and makes it his. Even cooler is that all the expected drama clichés are deftly avoided: instead of newbie Bob being distrusted by the rest of the team, they feel sorry for him as they know the world he's about to enter; instead of having the typical "you don't have the authority to tell us what to do" scene involving the F.B.I., Haysbert simply looks around for a moment and says: "You, you and you... panic. The rest of you come with me." There's so much to look forward to with this show - I can't wait.

    What doesn't: It's not so much that it doesn't work, it's that you can feel the "homefront" aspect of the show painting itself into a corner. Like Bob, his wife (whom he has one child with another on the way), gets the "this is how things work" tour by Taylor's character (giving "24's" Penny Johnson Jerald a run for her money in the badass TV wives of Dennis Haysbert category). The problem is after seeing what the other wives have to deal with (some of whom don't see their husbands for months at a time), she wants out and Taylor must calm her down. Not exactly taking on hostage holding terrorists is it? Even with a twist at the end the opens the door for other homefront stories (and some slightly sinister allusions to what happens if their secret gets out), one can't help but be underwhelmed by the respite from the military action. That being said, once the boys return home at the end things perk up significantly as we get to see some of their relationships as well.

    The challenges ahead: Will TV audiences accept such an unorthodox military drama? And more importantly, will there be a good place on CBS's schedule to launch it? Is there a cooler voice than Dennis Haysbert's? We'll find out at some point next year on CBS.

  10. #190
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Eine weitere neue Serie mit einem Star des Whedonverse wurde von unter die Lupe genommen. Hier das Ergebnis:

    (Tuesdays at 10:00/9:00c this fall)

    The network's description: "CLOSE TO HOME (Tuesday, 10:00 PM) stars Jennifer Finnigan ("The Bold and the Beautiful") in a legal drama that tears away the facade of suburbia to reveal that sometimes quiet and tranquil streets can hide the darkest of crimes. Annabeth Chase (Finnigan) is a young, aggressive prosecutor with a perfect conviction record who tries the cases that take place in her own backyard. Returning to work after having her first child, Annabeth is ready to take on the most difficult cases, fueled by her passion to protect her community and her family. Kimberly Elise ("Diary of a Mad Black Woman"), John Carroll Lynch ("The Drew Carey Show") and Christian Kane ("Friday Night Lights") also star."

    What did they leave out: That description more or less covers it.

    The plot in a nutshell: We track talented prosecutor Annabeth Chase (Jennifer Finnigan) as she begins her first day back at work following maternity leave. Her first case: a woman is charged with setting fire to her home (just 10 blocks from Chase's own house) with herself and her two children inside. As you might expect, there's plenty of twists and turns, all of which go to show that crimes in the suburbs can be just as twisted as in the big city. In addition, Chase struggles with a colleague (Kimberly Elise) being promoted over her due to her absence, getting a mini-fridge for breast milk from her boss (John Carroll Lynch) and desperately missing her new child and husband (Christian Kane).

    What works: Jennifer Finnigan is a real surprise here. This is not the quirky, flighty girl from last season's "Committed" in the least. There's various moments where you find yourself jumping back as she transforms from doe-eyed young mother to vicious attack dog prosecutor in a nanosecond. It's very cool stuff. The rest of the cast also works well but it's obvious this is the Jennifer Finnigan Show and they all orbit around her. And as you might expect, nobody brings it to the table like Jerry Bruckheimer and co. He brings the same level of technical quality here as he does to "C.S.I.," "Without a Trace," etc.

    What doesn't: Despite the above, I honestly can't find myself wanting to go out of my way to watch this show every week. It's obviously a well-made and well-produced series, but there's nothing here that feeds me like a "Lost" or "24" or so on will. After all, putting aside the "new mom" slant/Bruckheimer bells and whistles, this is still very much a legal procedural and will mostly live and die by that aspect. Nevertheless, Finnigan's charm may be enough to warrant making the effort.

    The challenges ahead: Is America willing to embrace yet another Bruckheimer show? And a de facto legal procedural at that? We'll find out this fall on CBS.

    Auch Kristin von hat die neuen Serien unter die Lupe genommen und hier sind ihre Voraussagen:

    Nicholas Brendan
    Was: Xander on Buffy
    Is: Bad-boy chef in Fox's Kitchen Confidential, costarring Bradley Cooper

    Did I mention Nicholas Brendan and Bradley Cooper? Can you imagine a more delicious pairing? Well, how 'bout the fact that Kitchen Confidential comes from the bestselling book and is helmed by Sex and the City's Darren Star. Not too shabby.

    That said, it's no surprise this offbeat, single-camera comedy--which centers around a party boy, a playboy chef (Cooper) and the chef's hot posse, including Brendan as a sous chef--is already getting good buzz as one of the strongest contenders this fall. That's music to the ears of the cast of Arrested Development, which has been paired with Kitchen on Monday nights but not so much to another Buffy alum.

    "Alyson [Hannigan] and I are up against each other," Nicholas says, referring to her new comedy, How I Met Your Mother, over on CBS. "I remember with Buffy the critics picked Everybody Loves Raymond as the show on Monday night, because we came out at the same time, and Buffy was the second pick. So, if Kitchen Confidential is anything like Raymond, Alyson's show can be the Buffy!"

    As for Bradley (aka Alias' Will), Nicholas says they've become instant BFFs: "I just talked to Mr. Cooper this morning. We get along so well. He's kind of like a long-lost cousin, except not blood related, so we can make love...What am I saying?!"

    Not sure, but West Hollywood is certainly rejoicing.

    Grade: B+
    Chances of Survival: 70% (color me skeptical, but Fox was also the home of Wonderfalls)

    Alyson Hannigan
    Was: Willow on Buffy
    Is: Newlywed nympho on CBS' How I Met Your Mother

    It has a laugh track. And I like it. If that's not a true testament to how good this show is, you tell me what is, for I haven't liked a traditional-format sitcom in, oh, since...forever.

    How I Met Your Mother is charming, funny and well-cast--including Doogie Howser, Neil Patrick Harris, who is actually laugh-out-loud funny; Jason Segel, formerly of Freaks and Geeks and real-life former beau to ER's Linda Cardellini (also formerly of F&G); and, of course, the one and only Miss Willow Rosenberg, Alyson Hannigan, whose character is something like her American Pie alter ego, sans the band-camp references.

    "It's set in the future," Alyson says of Mother's premise. "It's a father telling his kids the story of how he met their mother. And most of it is present day, in 2005, which is set in flashbacks. It sounds confusing, but it's not. It's really good! I promise!"

    Me too.

    Grade: A-
    Chances of Survival: 75%

    David Boreanaz
    Was: Angel, the vampire with a soul, on Buffy and Angel
    Is: FBI Agent Seeley Booth on Fox's Bones

    Emily Deschanel (Zooey's sis) stars as an anthropologist who's not a people person (shades of House) and who solves ghastly murders by "reading" their bones in a high-tech lab (shades of CSI). Our beloved former Angel, David Boreanaz, is the Mulder to her Scully, starring as an FBI agent who, as Emily puts it, "pulls me in when there's, you know, purified human remains."

    Despite that loveliness, Boreanaz insists this is much lighter fare than his previous blood-sucking role. "I don't have to worry about fighting demons," he says. "I mean, the character is struggling with his own inner demons, but I don't have to wear black so much. And, you know, I can actually go out in the daylight, which is nice."

    Unfortunately, at least to moi, Bones' storylines and character development feel a smidge hollow, but Boreanaz and Deschanel do have some sizzle in their chemistry, and that just might save it.

    Grade: C+
    Chances of Survival: 40%

    Christian Kane
    Was: Lindsey on Angel
    Is: Married to a lawyer on CBS' Close to Home

    Don't let the fact that it stars the girl from NBC's god-awful Committed fool you. Close to Home, from über-producer Jerry Bruckheimer (whom I thoroughly offended in NYC, but that's a story for another time), is arguably the best new crime drama of the season. It's got heart, which gives it a Grey's Anatomy feel, and Jennifer Finnigan's portrayal of a new mom and agressive prosecutor seems destined for Emmydom.

    The man behind this strong woman? Angel's evil Lindsey, aka Christian Kane. "I put the guns and the swords down, and I'm holding a baby now, so it's a little awkward," he tells me. "My biggest job now is just understanding that my wife's gonna be working late. I get home before she does, and I have to take over the job of almost Mr. Mom."

    Grade: A
    Chances of Survival: 90%

    Seth Green
    Was: Oz on Buffy
    Is: Barry, one of four roommates in NBC's Four Kings

    Four Kings, about a guy who invites his friends to move into a house he inherited from grandma, is from Max Mutchnick and David Kohan, the team behind a little show you may have heard of--Will & Grace. Pair 'em up with our favorite former wherewolf, Seth Green, and it seems you can't go wrong. Truth be told, though, I was more entertained by the cast in person than by the show itself, though I suppose that's to be expected when the stars are so charming and easy on the eyes.

    Seth says he's still "so grateful" that Buffy fans continue to come up and talk to him. "They're fiercely loyal, and it's really great." As for his thoughts on a Buffy movie: "I'm always script-dependent. If there's a good story that's worth telling, I got no problem being a part of it.

    In fact, I'd love to do it. But you know, I couldn't actually be Buffy. I don't kick like her [Sarah Michelle Gellar], and quite frankly, I don't bring in the crowd. I think it has something to do with her exceptional figure and gorgeous face."

    Grade: C-
    Chances of Survival: 30%

  11. #191
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Neue Serien im Test setzt seine Reihe fort und untersucht die weiteren neuen Serien. Hier was sie zu den Serien mit unseren Helden zu sagen haben.

    (TBA at midseason)

    The network's description: "Emmy Award winners David Kohan and Max Mutchnick, creators of the award-winning comedy "Will & Grace," present "Four Kings," an exploration of four lifelong friends on the cusp of adulthood: Barry (Seth Green, the "Austin Powers" franchise, "The Italian Job"), Bobby (Shane McRae, "One Life to Live"), Ben (Josh Cooke, "Committed") and Jason (Todd Grinnell, "The Dangling Conversation") couldn't imagine life without one another. Since childhood, these bosom buddies haven't spent so much as a birthday apart, but when Ben's grandmother, who dubbed them the "Four Kings of New York," passes away, Ben inherits her apartment and decides to share it with his lifelong friends. But despite the comfort of their posh new surroundings and efforts to cling to their youth, adulthood begins drawing these Four Kings knee-deep into situations that aren't always easy to escape in this honest exploration of life-term friendship."

    What did they leave out: Kiele Sanchez plays Jenny, Ben's (Josh Cooke's) girlfriend in the pilot although it appears that role is being recast (or written out completely).

    The plot in a nutshell: Ben (Josh Cooke, the normal one), Barry (Seth Green, the angry one), Bobby (Shane McRae, the slacker one) and Jason (Todd Grinnell, the gay one) are four best friends from childhood, still tight after all these years. When Ben's grandmother dies, he inherits her lavish New York apartment and struggles with what to do with it. Does he move in with his girlfriend (Kiele Sanchez) and take their relationship to the next level or share it with his friends and have them move in?

    What works: When the show steers clear of its "plot" (more on this in the next section), it works as just being about four buddies. The quartet actually feels like friends, not just random people used to bounce jokes off each other. They kid around, pick on each other, etc. just like most friends do without feeling forced. Seth Green without a doubt steals the show as the bitter Barry, and his scenes involving his equally as bitter girlfriend (apologies as I don't recognize the actress) are the pilot's highlights.

    What doesn't: That being said, the "plot" element is just downright painful. Not satisfied with just being a sitcom about four buddies and their dating foibles, the show feels the need to tack on an unnecessary plot device which has Ben inheriting his grandmother's apartment and the baggage the comes with it. Even worse is that it all actually feels like an afterthought - a few brief flashbacks show that Ben's grandma used to call the group "The Four Kings of New York" (hence the title), but that's about it. Nobody really mourns her or misses her (despite the implied connection in the flashbacks), they just bicker amongst themselves.

    The challenges ahead: Is there room for more comedy on NBC's drama-obsessed schedule? And in an era where "Joey" and "Will & Grace" find themselves struggling to maintain an audience should there be? We'll find out in 2006 on NBC.

    (Mondays at 8:30/7:30c this fall)

    The network's description: "Based on renowned chef Anthony Bourdain's best-selling autobiography, KITCHEN CONFIDENTIAL explores the deliciously crazy world of upscale restaurants. Chef JACK BOURDAIN (Bradley Cooper, "Alias," "I Want to Marry Ryan Banks") found enormous success at a young age, but his culinary genius also led to a lifestyle of boozing, womanizing and drugs. After hitting rock bottom and deciding to sober up, the only job he could get was slopping soggy pasta for the masses at a tacky opera-themed restaurant. Out of the blue, Jack is offered an opportunity to get back in the game as head chef at a top New York restaurant. There's just one problem: the owner gives Jack a mere 48 hours to fully staff his kitchen and prepare to dazzle over 300 customers – including the food critic for the New York Times (who also happens to be a jilted ex). Jack hastily assembles a renegade crew of colleagues from his past, including chefs STEVEN DAEDALUS (Owain Yeoman, "Troy"), SETH KLEIN (Nicholas Brendon, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer") and TEDDY WONG (John Cho, "Harold & Kumar"). Also along for the ride are TANYA (Jaime King, "White Chicks," "Pearl Harbor") the hostess, a rookie pastry chef named JIM (John F. Daley, "Freaks and Geeks"), and the owner's daughter, the gorgeous MIMI (Bonnie Somerville, "NYPD Blue"), who can't wait for Jack to fail. In KITCHEN CONFIDENTIAL, executive producers Darren Star ("Sex and the City") and David Hemingson ("Just Shoot Me," AMERICAN DAD) expose the secrets of the restaurant business through the delectable story of a talented chef who's determined to climb back to the top of the food game."

    What did they leave out: Andrea Parker ("Less Than Perfect"), Frank Langella ("Unscripted") and Bitty Schram ("Monk") all guest star in surprisingly meaty roles, as Jack's current girlfriend, his new boss and his food critic ex-girlfriend respectively.

    The plot in a nutshell: After self-destructing at the top of his game, "bad boy" chef Jack Bourdain (Bradley Cooper, now forced to cook pasta at a theme restaurant) finds himself on the road back to success after an out of the blue invitation arrives to run Bistro Pino, a potential new hot spot owned by (you guessed it) Pino (Frank Langella). With some prodding by his girlfriend Suze (Andrea Parker), he accepts and quickly finds himself racing against the clock to assemble a staff and get things ready. It's here we meet the rest of the cast - there's Steven (Owain Yeoman), a tough-guy/womanizing sous chef; Jim (John F. Daley), an Opie-ish line cook; Seth (Nicholas Brendon), a gambling obsessed pastry chef; seafood chef Teddy (John Cho), who goes along to help his staff get visas; and Tanya (Jamie King), a dim-bulb but ridiculously attractive hostess. Also thrown into the mix is Pino's daughter Mimi (Bonnie Somerville), whom Jack mistakes as Pino's girlfriend. Suffice it to say the usual kitchen hijinx follow with the group struggling to impress Reese Ryder (Bitty Schram), a food critic and Jack's bitter ex.

    What works: The producers have assembled the most recognizable, talented and interesting cast of any new fall series this season. Nearly everyone involved in front of or behind the camera (hell, even the guest stars) have ties to some of the best TV shows in recent memory ("Alias," "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Freaks & Geeks," "N.Y.P.D. Blue," "Sex and the City" to name a few) and the gloss they provide is obvious. It's just plain cool that as every character is introduced, there's an added rush of "I'm glad to see him or her involved." Overall despite a somewhat uneven start, the show just feels like it's going to gestate into a winner.

    What doesn't: I have to confess that I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed after viewing the end result. In many ways the show just feels very disjointed - a lot of the humor is forced (oh no, we lost Steven's thumb in one of the entrees - I wonder if it will show up in the plate of the food critic who will make or break us?) and Jack's transformation from successful chef to washed up chef back to successful chef feels ridiculously rushed. Even more troubling is that one can't help but feel if the supporting cast wasn't played by the actors involved, they could easily be written off as one-note characters. But these gripes aside, it's almost impossible not to root for this show - there's just too many charming and interesting actors involved to write it off this early.

    The challenges ahead: After stumbling with "Miss Match," is this "Sex and the City" creator Darren Star's next big thing? And when FOX's other single-camera shows struggle for viewers in spite of lavish praise by critics and the like, is there room for one more on the network? We'll find out this fall on FOX.

    Ausserdem gibts Neuigkeiten von Charisma. Sie wird einen grossen Gastauftritt in der 2. Staffel von Veronica Mars haben. Bis wir sie bewundern können dürfte es noch ein Weilchen dauern, denn die Serie startet erst im Frühjahr 2006 im ZDF. Und das ist dann auch erstmal Season 1.

    Eine Meldung dazu gibts auch bei zu sehen.

  12. #192
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Sarah oben ohne?

    Sarah möchte in ihrem nächsten Film oben ohne auftreten.


    Actress SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR wants to go topless in her next film role - to shock movie bosses into giving her sexy roles in future films.

    THE GRUDGE star is approaching her 30th birthday and fears she will be deemed too old to play raunchy roles, unless she proves she is still attractive and daring by baring all in a film.

    She explains, "I am approaching 30 and I need a change.

    "The sort of roles I would like are not being offered, so this way might just shock people into choosing me."

  13. #193
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard AW: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Happy Birthday Charisma

    Happy Birthday Charisma!

    Unsere Süsse wird heute 35 Jahre alt! Alles Gute!

  14. #194
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Blondy Bear in Smallville

    James Marsters, Tom Wopat In Season Five!

    Two big names have signed on to appear in Smallville's fifth season, as revealed at the Television Critics Association WB Press Tour today.

    James Marsters ("Spike" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel) will be appearing on Smallville playing a character very familiar to comic book fans. He plays Professor Milton Fine, better known as Brainiac.

    Tom Wopat, John Schneider's Dukes of Hazzard co-star, is also making a guest appearance, as a senator and old friend to Jonathan Kent.

    Here are the official press release:


    Burbank, CA July 22, 2005

    James Marsters sinks his teeth into another juicy role for The WB when he joins the cast of SMALLVILLE for multiple episodes. Marsters will portray Brainiac, a classic DC Comics villain and one of the Man-of-Steel's most formidable enemies. Additionally, one episode this season will reunite series star John Schneider with his former “Dukes of Hazzard” co-star, Tom Wopat.

    Marsters plays college professor Milton Fine, alter ego of the uber-villain Brainiac. Possessed of a vast, superior knowledge limited only by his hubris and emotions, Brainiac comes to earth armed with a secret about Clark's biological family and the truth about Krypton's demise. Brainiac's presence in Smallville will have a devastating effect on Clark and Lex's already deteriorating friendship.

    Marsters first appeared on The WB in the critically acclaimed hit series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” as Spike, the vampire who first tries to kill Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar), but ultimately falls in love with her. After five seasons on the show and Spike's untimely demise, Marsters' character was reborn as a ghost on the series spin-off Angel starring David Boreanaz.

    Marsters began his professional career in the theater, performing in stage productions including “The Tempest” and “Red Noses” at Chicago's renowned Goodman Theatre. In addition, Marsters revisited the stage in Los Angeles with a starring role in an original play produced by Noah Wyle, titled “The Why.” Additional television roles include a guest appearance on “Northern Exposure” and the series “Strange Frequency” for VH1, as well as on Gene Roddenberry's “Andromeda.”

    Brainiac is the latest DC Comics character to appear in SMALLVILLE. The Flash, Mxyzptlk and Perry White have all made appearances during the series run. Last season, Lois Lane (Erica Durance) joined the cast.

    Also this season on SMALLVILLE, veteran actor and Broadway star Tom Wopat will portray a state senator who was a boyhood friend of Jonathan Kent (Schneider). In addition to his role co-starring with Schneider on the hit television series “The Dukes of Hazzard,” Wopat starred in the popular sitcom “Cybill,” with Cybill Shepherd, and in the daytime drama “All My Children.” He was also nominated for Broadway's 1999 Tony Award as Best Actor (Musical) for his role opposite Bernadette Peters in the revival of “Annie Get Your Gun.”

    Reinterpreting the Superman mythology from its roots, "Smallville" was developed for television by Alfred Gough & Miles Millar ("Shanghai Noon, "Spiderman 2"), based on the DC Comics characters. Gough and Millar serve as executive producers, along with Greg Beeman, Ken Horton, Mike Tollin, Brian Robbins and Joe Davola. The series is produced by Tollin/Robbins Productions, Millar/Gough Ink and Warner Bros. Television Production Inc. SUPERMAN was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster.

  15. #195
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Blondy Bear in Smallville

    Ein Geburtstag wird noch nachgereicht. Am 04.08. wurde Andy Hallet runde 30 Jahre alt. Alles Gute nachträglich!

    Joss im Interview bei Serenity Now!

    Die komplette 2. Season Tru Calling gibt es jetzt exklusiv bei zu kaufen, für alle denen der Ländercode egal ist.

  16. #196
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Alles Gute an James Marsters! Er ist am 20.09. stolze 43 Jahre jung geworden!

    Tim Minear to write and direct the "Spike" Tv Movie?

    An update on the Spike TV movie. It was only the other day that Joss Whedon asked Tim Minear if he wanted to "write and direct some blonde vampire movie thing". Tim said yes. It’s still very early days though as nothing is signed.

    Anyhow, this is what Tim said :

    "Also, I had lunch with Joss and he asked me if I wanted to write and direct some blonde vampire movie thing. Should I do it? (I of course said yes right off, still) Anything under 13 hours scares me. And anything over 13 hours... um. I got nothin’."

    "Buffy" consorts colonizing other Tv Shows

    There’s life after death in more ways than one in the world of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

    Six stars from the acclaimed series will turn up on new network series this fall. Here’s a breakdown of who will be seen where and how they’ve evolved:

    David Boreanaz

    "Buffy" role: Angel, a lovelorn vampire who wanted a soul and finally got one.

    New role: Special Agent Seeley Booth on the "CSI"-ish mystery series, "Bones," for Fox.

    Similarities: Angel and Booth are men who both want justice and are good at digging for the truth.

    Differences: Angel is an immortal, and Booth has a life span.

    Nicholas Brendon

    "Buffy" role: Xander Harris, the hunky sidekick with the dry, sardonic wit.

    New role: Seth Richman on Fox’s workplace comedy "Kitchen Confidential."

    Similarities: Xander and Seth are both charming to the ladies.

    Differences: Xander lacked the obvious confidence that Seth has.

    Charisma Carpenter

    "Buffy" role: Cordelia Chase, a woman with her own agenda. It was her way or the highway.

    New role: Kendall, a troublemaker on UPN’s mystery series "Veronica Mars." She’s 28, a wife and mother.

    Similarities: Kendall and Cordelia are both women who love to stir the pot.

    Differences: While Cordelia turned out to be lovable despite herself, Kendall may be a tougher lady to warm to. "She’s a [witch] in a bikini. She is so campy," Carpenter says of her "Veronica Mars" role. "She’s meaner than Cordy ever was."

    Seth Green

    "Buffy" role: Daniel "Oz" Osborne, a nice enough kid with a cursed life.

    New role: Barry on the comedy "The Four Kings," for NBC.

    Similarities: They really are two different characters.

    Differences: Daniel didn’t have his act together enough in the world of vampires and werewolves. Barry definitely knows his way around better.

    Alyson Hannigan

    "Buffy" role: Willow Rosenberg, the uncertain girl who blossomed into a take-charge woman.

    New role: Lily, a woman madly in love in the CBS comedy "How I Met Your Mother" (she’s not the mother).

    Similarities: Willow and Lily are women who found their confidence, in part, because of the loves they found.

    Differences: Willow took a while to grow from girl to woman, while Lily has her act together immediately.

    James Marsters

    "Buffy" role: Spike, the devilish vampire with hidden nobility.

    New role: Brainiac, an advanced robot from another world, next season on WB’s "Smallville."

    Similarities: Brainy and Spike love the dark side.

    Differences: Spike turned good while Brainy will definitely be evil.

  17. #197
    Dauerschreiber Avatar von TheEnvoy
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    Standard AW: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Nach «Buffy» und «Angel»: Jetzt kommt Spike

    Es ist für «Buffy»-Fans eine nicht enden wollende Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle:
    Ankündigungen und Dementis über neue Serien wechseln wie Ebbe und Flut. Nun
    aber gibt es endlich ernstzunehmende Hinweise, wonach der beliebte Blutsauger
    Spike, der seit Buffy's zweiter Staffel mit von der Partie ist, im Mittelpunkt
    eines eigenen Fernsehfilms stehen würde. Wie bekannt wurde hat, Serienschöpfer
    Joss Whedon den «Angel»-Veteranen Tim Minear damit beauftragt, sowohl ein
    entsprechendes Drehbuch zu verfassen, als auch Regie zu führen. Eine erfreulich
    Nachricht für Tim Minear, dessen letztes Serienprojekt, das FBI-Drama «The
    Inside», nach nur wenigen Folgen aus dem Programm geworfen wurde.

    Zwar fehlt im Moment noch die offizielle Bestätigung seitens des WB, die
    Informationen gelten in Fachkreisen jedoch als vielversprechend und überaus
    Quelle: Quotenmeter

  18. #198
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Sarah unter den Top 5 der Sexiest Female TV Stars

    Okay, so there's no Emmy nomination for Eva Longoria's sex kitten role on "Desperate Housewives," but at least she's been recognized for how hot she is.

    The 30-year-old beauty and former Miss Corpus Christi was voted the sexiest female TV star of all time. Yup, forget about Heather Locklear, Farrah Fawcett or any of the other sirens in TV history. Longoria, who only really rose to fame in the past year, apparently trumps them all.

    The petite starlet, who plays adulteress Gabrielle Solis on the hit ABC show, received the honor courtesy of a poll conducted by British supermarket Sainsbury's, no doubt the arbiter of sex appeal and savings.
    Despite the "all-time" claim, the actresses landing on the list starred in shows that only hit the airwaves in the past decade or so. At No. 2 on the list is Jennifer Aniston of "Friends" fame who made "the Rachel" the It hairdo of the '90s.

    Slinking into third place is Kim Cattrall playing the gleefully promiscuous Samantha on HBO's "Sex and the City." Following on her stiletto heels is Pamela Anderson who is sadly not honored for her "Stacked" performance but for her repertoire of "Baywatch" rescues.

    Rounding out the Top 5 is "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" star Sarah Michelle Gellar.

    Hier ein Promo-Poster zur 5. Season Smallville mit James Marsters:

    Buffy Complete Collection Box Art DVD Region 1 über erhältlich.

  19. #199
    Flinker Finger Avatar von Peter von Frosta
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    Standard AW: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Aaarg, eine 40. Disc mit Bonusmaterial das es noch nicht gibt. Und dazu ist die Box auch noch super günstig (ca. 20€ pro Staffel).

    Wobei mir das Design nicht sonderlich zusagt, und ich ja schon alle 7 RC1 Boxen habe.

  20. #200
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    2. Season Tru Calling auf DVD verschoben:

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