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Thema: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Alte und neue Rollen

  1. #121
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Die SFX Crew wählte ihre 25 besten Momente aus 7 Jahren Buffy:

    Nach neuesten Informationen von wird Sarah am 16.12. zur Premiere ihres Films um 20 Uhr im Cinemaxx, Potsdamer Platz erwartet. Glück für alle Berliner einen Blick auf ihren Star zur erhaschen.

    "Die exklusive Deutschland-Preview von THE GRUDGE - DER FLUCH findet am Donnerstag, den 16. Dezember 2004 um 20.00 Uhr im Cinemaxx (Potsdamer Platz) in Berlin statt... In Anwesenheit von Sarah Michelle Gellar."

  2. #122
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Xposé hat die TOP 25 von Angel gewählt.
    Achtung Spoiler!

    25 - 12
    11 - 1

    Und hier der Trailer zu "The Grudge".

  3. #123
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Sarah bei der Vorpremiere ihres Filmes in Berlin.
    Die Bilder und ein Vor-Ort-Bericht bei Slayerverse:

    Allein im Kino
    In der Fanmasse 1
    In der Fanmasse 2

  4. #124
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Auch von Buffy hat die Xposé eine TOP 25 zusammengestellt.

    25 - 11
    10 - 1

  5. #125
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Herc’s Top Ten Scripted Hourlongs of 2004!!

    10. The L Word (Showtime)
    If it starred Rosie O’Donnell instead of Mia Kirshner, I’d probably hate this show with a red-hot fiery anger of a thousand suns. But in the “L Word” universe all the lesbians are skinny, young, pretty, horny, vulnerable and prone to ready nudity. Even the butchest of the lot wears a lot of eye make-up. It’s created in part by the same lesbians who gave us “Go Fish.” Does it offer a realistic depiction of American gay women? I. Don’t. Care.

    9. Veronica Mars (UPN)
    ”Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (minus the supernatural nonsense) crossed with “Karen Sisco” by way of “The Rockford Files” multiplied by “The OC.” But darker. Veronica was raped, her beloved mom disappeared, her beloved dad lost his job, her beloved boyfriend dumped her and her beloved best friend was brutally murdered. You wouldn’t think a show with this kind of backstory would yield such solid comedic footing, but lo! We must learn the truth behind Lianne Mars’ departure. We will learn the truth behind Lilly Kane’s demise.

    8. The OC (Fox)
    Endlessly entertaining verbosity and romantic antics of comic-loving super-nerd Seth Cohen keeps the guilt out of the “OC” pleasure - but one does tend to cry almost as much as one laughs at this SoCal Angst-a-thon, and by “one” I do mean me. Having admitted this, I’ll say we’ll likely learn precisely how important Adam Brody is to the franchise when Josh Schwartz finally launches his second Fox hourlong, “Athens,” come summer.

    7. The Sopranos. (HBO)
    “Do you think you’re alone in this??” A series that gets better with every new season cablecast. Adriana La Cerva, essayed by the great Drea De Matteo, died in one great episode. Tony Blundetto, essayed by the even greater Steve Buscemi, died in the next. It also brought us the execution of Lorraine Calluzzo, Carmella boning TJ’s teacher, the betrayal of Feech La Manna, the crash of Phil Leotardo, and the fall of Johnny Sack. Only 10 episodes left …

    6. The Wire. (HBO)
    The best crime drama on American television was largely ignored this year because America was too busy enjoying the ABC “comedy” “Desperate Housewives.” With any luck, however, DVD (and Blu-Ray and HD-DVD and Super-Extra-HD-DVD) will ensure the third-season saga of Hamsterdam will endure long after its competition’s plotlines are as forgotten as those of “Dynasty” and “Melrose Place.” Mouzone returns, Barksdale gets boned, Stringer gets dead, Herc summons the Sun, Prez gets indicted, Bunny gets fired, Pearlman and Daniels succumb, and McNulty might find salvation yet in young Beatrice Russell. How many movies were as good as “The Wire” this year? Not so many!

    5. Gilmore Girls. (The WB)
    “Oh my God, what have I done?” What’s funnier than Kirk’s naked night-terrors? His demeanor during a “Pippi Longstocking” unspooling! There’s a lot of talk about how the show has rediscovered itself this season, but I think fans are just relieved that Rory dumped Jess and Luke finally got Lorelei. For my money, “Gilmore” has always been, year in and year out, one the most consistently brainy and hilarious filmed entertainments ever engineered.

    4. 24 (Fox)
    The third season got off to a rickety start as it awkwardly wrapped the strange tale of Nina Myers, but the final nine hours of the season, all aired in 2004 after Gael got gassed, were gripping gold. Michelle proved her willingness to execute disobedient civilians, an infected civilian escaped anyway, David Palmer ordered Bauer to kill his boss, Tony betrayed CTU to save Michelle’s life, Bauer used Saunders’ daughter as grim leverage, Sherry Palmer got her desserts, and Bauer rediscovered the usefulness of dismemberment. I even liked the bits with Kim. The fourth season starts in one week, when Fox devotes all of its Sunday and Monday primetime schedule to the first four of the next 24.

    3. Wonderfalls (Fox)
    Souvenirs begin telling a cranky, Ivy League-educated slacker retail clerk named Jaye Tyler to do odd things to further mysterious agendas. She reasonably suspects she’s gone insane, but it seems she might be an unwilling tool of higher powers. Jaye is likeably misanthropic, has cynically likeable friends and hails from a family that has produced far more successful individuals than she. It was last season’s best new show, a deep-thinking enterprise that routinely elicited an improbable number of laughs. Fox pulled the plug on the thing, created by comedy genius Bryan Fuller (“Dead Like Me”) and overseen by comedy genius Tim Minear (“Angel,” “Firefly”), in early April after airing only four episodes. Most won’t understand the full impact of the loss until all 13 produced episodes are finally released on DVD Feb. 1.

    2. Lost. (ABC)
    It’s not just the best new show of the season, it’s the best show in production, period. This baby’s got everything: sci-fi, comedy, adventure, romance, high drama, suspense, violence, mysterious monsters, big twists and great characters. Evangeline Lilly, who plays fugitive Kate, is an amazing find, and should play Wonder Woman. Jorge Garcia, who plays Hurley? Equally amazing find, but should steer clear of Amazon princess roles. David Fury deserves an Emmy for writing that fourth episode centering around John Locke. And as much as I love the pilot J.J. Abrams wrote and directed for “Alias,” the pilot he co-wrote and directed for “Lost” is even better. Had it been released in cinemas, it would have been one of the five best movies of the year, right alongside “Kill Bill 2,” “Spider-Man 2” and “Life Aquatic.”

    And the best series (by far) of 2004 …

    “He’s not my boyfriend! I mean, I certainly didn’t betray you!”
    “Drop the act, Harm. I knew you’d turn on me. I just didn’t know when.”
    “What do you mean you ‘knew’?”
    “Loyalty? Really isn’t high on your list.”
    “Oh, is that right? I’ll have you know I am damn loyal, dumbass!”
    “You betrayed me. You are betraying me now even as we are talking."
    “Because you never have any confidence in me!”
    “Nooo. Because you have no soul.”
    “I would, if you had confidence in me!”
    “Get out of the building.”
    “Are you firing me??”
    “Among other things? Yes.”
    “Do you think I could get a recommendation?”
    “Yeah, okay.”
    “But, you see, if you don’t so much live as the other thing, how … ?”
    “It’s already on the desk.”
    “You’re the best! Good luck. Um, may the best man win?”
    “Did that hurt at all?”
    “Little bit. But it’s all part of the job. The senior partners spent an awful lot of time and resources on you. Personally, I would have told them not to bother. You’re gutter trash. That’s where you should have stayyyyed. Drinking and whoring your way through an unremarkable life. But the fates stepped in and made you a vampire. With a soul no less. Champion. Hero of the people. And yet you still managed to fail everyone around you. Doyle. Cordelia. Fred. They’re all gone. It’s time you followed.”

    1. Angel (The WB)

    “Why can’t I stay?”
    Fourteen episodes of “Angel’s” best and final season aired in 2004, including four astonishing five-star episodes: “A Hole in the World” (Fred bids Wes goodbye), Underneath (Hamilton, the new Wolfram & Hart liaison, arrives), “The Girl in Question” (Angel and Spike learn Buffy Summers has moved on) and “Not Fade Away” (Wesley Wyndam-Pryce shuffles off his mortal coil). Cordelia Chase departed for good, Harmony fretted, Connor redeemed, Gunn sacrificed, Knox was vanquished, Andrew and an army of slayers descended, Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan became this enormous badass and there were puppets, lots of puppets. “Angel” was the only Mutant Enemy series in production last season and it benefited mightily from creator Joss Whedon’s less-divided attention, to say nothing of the additions of Ben Edlund (“The Tick,” “Firefly”) and Drew Goddard (“Buffy”) to its writing staff. By turns hilarious and heartbreaking, the spinoff’s fifth season rivaled in terms of quality even the best seasons of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (I have no greater compliment to bestow). The entire final season is available Feb. 15 via for $38.99, and would be worth that price for “Not Fade Away” by its lonesome. It even sees the return of the peepee demon. Trust me when I tell you this: The Whedon owns all our asses. Even yours.
    Mit Platz 1 und 2 bin ich absolut einverstanden.

    Tuning in the year’s best

    by Kevin Williamson
    Calgary Sun

    People like their housewives desperate, not their pop idols. Which explains, as much as anything else, why Janet Jackson’s nipple during the Super Bowl Halftime Show was 2004’s seminal televised debacle.

    It wasn’t that Jackson exposed her mammilla — it was that the stunt itself was the last resort of a singer whose fortunes, among other things, were sagging. Folks smelled blood — rich and freaky Jackson blood, no less — and they pounced.

    Would Paris Hilton — or Britney Spears — have been spared this had they “accidentally” bared their bosoms? Probably.

    And we, in turn, would have been spared the outcome — a Hollywood creative community scared of its own nipples, a media salivating for the next scandal, and a “morally-outraged” minority awaiting its next public platform.

    Is the world a better place now than it was Feb. 1, 2004? The time I checked, no.

    Nicollette Sheridan disrobes on a Monday Night Football promo — in a sequence about as shocking as a 1986 episode of Days Of Our Lives — and it’s labelled “Towelgate” before her towel hits the locker-room floor.

    Meanwhile, Fox churns out The Littlest Groom, The Swan and next week’s Who’s Your Daddy? and there’s nary a peep as the degradation-as-entertainment cottage industry known as reality-TV marches on.

    Of course, maybe that’s because no one’s interested in reality-TV anymore. If 2004 had a good news story, it wasn’t lawmakers clamping down on broadcasters after “Nipplegate,” but the apathy audiences started to reveal towards reality fare.

    Despite dominating the first half of the year, Donald Trump’s The Apprentice underperformed this past fall — as did the genre as a whole.

    Picking up the slack were scripted hits Desperate Housewives and Lost, giving hope that after years of promising series being axed in favour of sniggering tear-filled hazings (The Bachelor) our long collective nightmare is over.

    And, thanks in part to the following 10 shows that exemplified TV at its best in 2004, maybe the healing can begin:

    • 1. ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT: Yes, yes — the sitcom is dead. And movie studios only want to make old crappy TV shows with “irony” (Starsky & Hutch). So how is it that this sly comic masterstroke somehow slipped through when no one was looking? The second season of this Emmy winner has surpassed even the first, showing that, far from dead, comedy that’s fresh and smart and whimsical can still find a home on broadcast television, and not just HBO and Showtime. If Hollywood had any sense, they’d just cut to the chase and make Arrested Development: The Motion Picture and save us 30 years of waiting.

    • 2. LOST: When J.J. Abrams’ Lost premiered in September, there wasn’t a critic out there (myself included) who thought it stood a chance. Then 18 million viewers tuned into the premiere with its cinematic thrills and twisting non-linear plot and they got hooked. No wonder. Abrams (Alias) and his writers have managed the feat of keeping the series — with its one-note premise — fresh with mysterious subplots, narrative surprises and compact timeline (the first season will amount to a month on the island). How long can they sustain it? Who cares? For now, just enjoy the flight.

    • 3. THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART: In a year defined by war, strife and the political divide in the U.S., no one charted this territory more cannily than Jon Stewart’s skewering of journalists and lawmakers alike. With veterans such as Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather calling it quits before they’re forced to book-end their broadcasts with stupid pet tricks, Stewart is fast becoming not just the primacy source of societal satire for his young fanbase, but their primary source of news, period.

    • 4. RESCUE ME: Denis Leary takes the dark comic bearing of his underappreciated The Job and transplants it to the world of New York firefighters in this moving, uproarious and heart-rendering series. Co-creator Leary treats his heroes as humans — not the demi-gods of Backdraft or Ladder 49 — and, as a fireman haunted by death, divorce and dismay, delivers a central performance that’s a revelation. So is the show.

    • 5. 24: It’s still the most sheerly exhilarating drama on TV, but the third season of 24 was also wildly uneven — veering from finely-honed suspense to eye-rolling absurdity. The result was a rickety rollercoaster ride that ended, thanks to its lacklustre season finale, with much more of a whimper than the bang its fans are used to. Kiefer Sutherland and the show’s producers must have felt the same way and initiated a sweeping shake-up. The fourth season, debuting Jan. 9, is a near-reboot with an all-new cast of characters, save for Sutherland’s anti-hero, Jack Bauer.

    • 6. CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM: Larry David’s Curb Your Enthusiasm is scalding and cheerless, hilarious and irresistible. Like David’s last series Seinfeld, Curb is a comedy of manners. And, like Seinfeld, the plots here are both paper-thin and craftily-elaborate (watch how subplots that have nothing to do with each other seamlessly dovetail). Shot in a verite-style that recalls Larry Sanders, the comedy is also unique because its mostly unscripted, with the actors improvising lines as they go, following only a bare-bones outline. One complaint I’ve heard from some people is that David is too unlikable to want to spend time with. (Somehow, their fuzzy sensibilities manage to endure reality-TV, which is populated by the world’s most reprehensible fame whores.) Their loss. For viewers offended, not by bad behaviour, but by shoddy sitcom writing, this is one flat-out funny gut-buster.

    • 7. DEADWOOD: David Milch’s western is the most accomplished oater since Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven and another feather in the cap of U.S. cable channel HBO. Set two weeks after Custer’s Last Stand at Little Big Horn, Deadwood fuses historical and fictional characters in the real-life town that the series is named for. Part-deconstruction, part-pulp fiction, Deadwood submerges the viewer into a primitive, desperate time when life was dirt-cheap. The real Deadwood, after all was a soiled magnet for society’s dregs and Milch doesn’t flinch from the grizzled and grisly truth. His actors, unlike most cinematic cowboys, are convincing as a filthy, flea-bitten lot. And the show’s violence steers clear of Young Guns-style blazes of cartoonish glory, favouring instead a callow gruesomeness that is remarkably chilling.

    • 8. SCRUBS: A clever comedy with a leading man who’s a rising Hollywood star should have an easier time of it than this. Scrubs, with Garden State’s Zach Braff still contractually obligated for a couple more years, was NBC’s best bet at retaining their Friends audience on Thursdays. Instead they gave the coveted timeslot to bland, boneheaded Joey. The nitwits at NBC should be flogged. Oh, wait — judging from the network’s plunging ratings this season, they probably are.

    • 9. ANGEL: The final season of this Buffy The Vampire Slayer spinoff saw reformed vampire Angel (David Boreanaz) and his band of not-so-merry men and monsters — occult nerd Wesley, green-skinned Lorne, street-wise Gunn and Britpunk vampire Spike — assume control of demonic law firm Wolfram and Hart and, in the end, choose to be destroyed rather than corrupted. The same could be said for executive producer Joss Whedon and The WB, which inexplicably axed the show.

    • 10. MALCOLM IN THE MIDDLE/THE SIMPSONS: We all take our loved ones for granted now and again — forgetting just how good it is to have them and how much we count on them. So while Arrested Development may be the buzzed-about crown jewel in Fox’s Sunday night lineup — hey, it’s new and shiny — it has a long way to go before deserving the unwavering loyalty Malcolm in the Middle and The Simpsons have earned after, in the case of the latter, 16 seasons.

    • • • • •


    • THE LITTLEST GROOM: Think of it as emotional dwarf tossing — a pint-sized “bachelor” has to choose a bride. But will she be big or small? Repellent tripe.

    • THE SWAN: Skin deep trash. “Ugly ducklings” undergo cosmetic surgery to make themselves feel pretty, then compete against each other in a beauty pageant.

    • HAWAII: Thomas Magnum would have had Michael Biehn’s detective for breakfast. This cheeseball cop show didn’t last the fall against ABC’s hit Lost.

    • QUINTUPLETS: Ex-Conan O’Brien sidekick Andy Richter returned to TV after the wonderful Andy Richter Controls The Universe with this. Why, Andy, why?

    • THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JAY LENO: Only 1,460 days until 2009 when Conan O’Brien takes over and the Tonight Show doesn’t suck anymore.

    • THE ASHLEE SIMPSON SHOW: People call it a guilty pleasure. But how can you support a show that glamourizes a lip-synching fraud like Jessica’s baby sister?

    • THE SIMPLE LIFE 2: ROADTRIP: Rich girls Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie have the time of their lives pretending to be poor.

    • FRIENDS: The splashy finale of this ’90s sitcom was as shallow and predictable as the previous 10 seasons and certainly undeserving of the hype that accompanied it.

    • CROSSING JORDAN: It isn’t a surprise this brain-dead drama about a mystery-solving coroner would land on this list. It’s a surprise it’s still on the air.

    • CANADIAN IDOL: It’s not that it represents all that is wrong and pitiable in music — it’s that it represents all that is wrong and pitiable in Canadian television.

  6. #126
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Der lang erwartete Angel-Soundtrack ist nun auch in Europa angekommen. Wer nicht warten will bis er auch bei uns in den Läden steht kann ihn bereits über das UK vorbestellen.

  7. #127
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    American Pie-Star Alyson Hannigan wird in ABC's neuster Comedy Produktion "In the Game" an der Seite von Ed O'Neil und Jennifer Love Hewitt spielen.

    "In The Game", eine Produktion von Touchstone TV und Handprint Entertainment, handelt von einer aufstrebenden Sport-TV Produzentin (Hewitt), die nicht bereit ist eine vor der Kamera stehende Sportmoderatorin zu werden.

    Hannigan, wird die beste Freundin der Reporterin spielen. O'Neill spielt eine Nebenrolle als der ausführende Produzent der Show.

    Hannigan, spielte neben Willow in "Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen" auch kürzlich als Sally in der Londoner Bühnen-Version von Rob Reiner´s Film "When Harry Met Sally" von 1989.

    In der letzten vorbereitenden Staffel spielte sie in NBC`s Comedy Pilot (der keinen Titel trägt) von Tarses/Bill Wrubel mit.

    Hannigan wird von Innovative Artists und ihrem Manager Steve Lovett vertreten.

    Ausserdem startet "Trouble ohne Paddel", der neue Film mit Seth Green, am 13. Januar nun auch in den dt. Kinos.

    Mehr Infos bei

  8. #128
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Offiziell gibt es noch keinen Sendetermin für «Tru Calling», Gerüchten zufolge soll der Start am 23. April erfolgen und samstags um 16.45 Uhr ausgestrahlt werden.

    Tom Lenk in einem Kurzfilm. Anschauen hier:

    Ausserdem startet am 11. Januar eine neue Dokuserie auf Discovery Channel mit Anthony Stewart Head, der uns über die Mythen der Hexen, Dämonen und Vampire aufklärt. Mehr dazu dann in den TV Terminen.

  9. #129
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Der neue feste Cast Member in Veronica Mars steht anscheinend fest. Es ist wohl Aly zumindest ist dieses das heißeste Gerücht das die Runde macht. Damit hat Aly bald ihre Sitcom und die feste Rolle in Veronica Mars. In den nächsten Tagen erwarten wir eine offizielle Ankündigung ob es wirklich Aly ist!
    Veronica Mars läuft dienstags, 21.00 Uhr auf UPN. Infos auf

  10. #130
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Der Kinostart von "The Grudge" hat sich leider etwas verschoben. Offizieller Starttermin ist nach neuesten Angaben von Constantin Film nun der 03. März 2005. Rot im Kalender vermerken!

    Während wir noch ein paar Wochen länger auf den Start von Teil 1 warten müssen ist die Fortsetzung wohl schon in trockenen Tüchern. Ob Sarah erneut dabei sein wird, wird sich in den nächsten Tagen zeigen.

    'Point Pleasant': Die Rückkehr von Spike ?

    Ex-Buffy Produzent Marti Noxon möchte gern "Angel" und "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Hauptdarsteller James Marsters bei ihrem neuen Projekt dabei haben.

    Morgen startet beim US Sender FOX die neue Mystery Serie Point Pleasant. "Sci-Fi Wire" berichtet aus diesem Anlass von der TCA Winter Press Tour. Reportern gegenüber sagte die Produzentin des neuen "supernatural" Dramas Marti Noxon gestern: "Ich würde gern James Marsters (Spike) dabei haben. Wir haben bereits mit ihm gesprochen."

    Wir werden sehen wie sich die Serie entwickelt und ob wirklich Platz für James Marsters darin ist. Passen würde es thematisch jedoch sehr. Aber es handelt sich schliesslich um eine Mid-Season Serie. Nicht Jede kommt durch.
    Klingt gut! Obwohl für die neue Serie North Shore dran glauben musste!

    Point Pleasant, jeden Donnerstag, 21 Uhr. Infos hier:

  11. #131
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    SMG spielt wohl in dem neuen Film von Donnie Darko Regisseur Richard Kelly mit.

    whedonesque und
    **** Nach dem TBFC ist vor dem TBFC ****

    Neu: jetzt mit Alkohol UND Waffen!

  12. #132
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Originally posted by greenslob@20.01.2005, 20:36
    SMG spielt wohl in dem neuen Film von Donnie Darko Regisseur Richard Kelly mit.
    Hier der Text auf deutsch:

    Regisseur Richard Kelly (Donnie Darko) erzälte SCI FI Wire, dass er sein Zweitlingswerk, Southland Tales, angeht, welches diesen Frühling, mit Sarah Michelle Gellar und Seann William Scott in den Hauptrollen, in Produktion gehen soll. "Ohne zuviel zu verraten: Es ist eine große Gesellschaftssatire, aber es ist auch schwarzer Humor und es kombiniert Elemente von Science Fiction, Thriller und sogar Musical.", sagte Kelly in einem Interview. "Es ist ein Hybride."

    Kelly, der mit seinen Kinodebut "Donnie Darko" einen Kulthit erzielte, fügte hinzu: "Wenn ich versuche Leuten "Southland Tales" zu erklären, hör ich nur "Waaaas?". Sie verstehen nicht, was ich versuche zu machen. Hoffentlich verstehen sie, was ich versuche zu machen, wenn sie es zusammengesetzt sehen. Aber es ist jetzt schwer zu erklären. Es ist einfach eine große, provokative, epische Geschichte, die, wie ich sagen würde, viel durchdachter und komplizierter ist, als "Donnie Darko". Aber sie ist im selben abenteuerlichen Geist, nur auf einem völlig anderen Level. Ich will mich auf keinen Fall wiederholen. Ich bin fertig mit Teen-Entfremdung. Ich bin fertig mit den 80ern. Ich bin bereit zu anderen Epochen zu wechseln."

    Ausserdem wurde bekanntgegeben wann die erste Folge von Veronica Mars mit Alyson über die Bildschirme flimmern soll. Es ist der 22. Februar um 21 Uhr.

    Tuesday, Feb.22 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT)
    VERONICA MARS – A woman cons Veronica into helping her find a long-lost love, but Keith steps in after he discovers that this new client has an ulterior motive. Alyson Hannigan (UPN's "Buffy The Vampire Slayer") guest stars as Logan's half-sister Trina Echolls.

    Amber Benson wird vom 7. bis 10. April auf der WHC (World Horror Convention) in New York City zugegen sein. Also wer da grad zufällig in der Nähe ist, nicht verpassen!

    Christian Kane hat einen Plattenvertrag mit EMI Publishing Nashville abgeschlossen. Mehr dazu hier:

    Und Nick Brendon hat ein neues Filmprojekt an Land gezogen.

    FANGORIA bekam gerade die Details über UNHOLY, eine neuer Horror Film mit Nicholas (BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER) Brendon und Adrienne (THE FOG) Barbeau. Der Film spielt im Norden von New Jersey und Queens, New York und handelt über eine sorgende Mutter (Barbeau) die eine Verschwörung aufdeckt die sich mit Nazihexerei beschäftigt. Daryl Goldberg hat sein Regiedebut bei diesem Film. Thomas (BLADES) Rondinella produziert den Film. Abgesehen von Barbeau and Brendon werden in dem Film auch Susan (THE FACULTY) Willis, Siri (BLOOD ANGELS) Baruc, Richard Ziman, Cheyenne Casebier and Joe McKenna mitspielen.

    „Der Film fängt an mit Martha [Barbeau] die nach Hause kommt und ihre Tochter, Hope im Keller beim Selbstmord sieht.“ Erklärt Freeman, ein Teilnehmerproduzent von ZOMBIE-FLITTERWOCHEN. „Trotz eines herzzerreißenden Versuchs ihre Tochter davon zu überzeugen sich selbst nicht umzubringen tut diese es trotzdem. Ihre letzten Worte sind „Vorsicht beim Experiment.“ Beim erforschen der Gründe für den Selbstmord ihrer Tochter, deckt Martha, zusammen mit ihrem Sohn Lucas [Brendon], eine Verschwörung auf, die ein Experiment mit einbezieht, das „die Unheilige Dreiheit,“ genannt wird, die Nazihexerei miteinbezieht, die unsere eigene Regierung während des zweiten Weltkrieges in die Kleinstadt Pennsylvania geschmuggelt hatte.

    „Der Plot basiert auf einem realem Mythus,“ führt Freeman fort. „Die Legende besagt, dass die Regierung Dowington, PA verwendet, um die hervorragende Technologie, mit welcher die Nazis begannen weiterzuentwickeln. War Hope eine von den Laborratten? Während ihrer Suche nach Antworten, finden sich Martha und Lucas als Ziele von einem unbekannten Feind wieder und bringen Wahrheiten ans Licht, die nie ans Licht geholt werden sollten…“

  13. #133
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Gratulation! Amy Acker ist frischgebackene Mutter. Amy Acker und ihr Ehemann James Carpinello sind jetzt Eltern von Jackson James Carpinello.

    The Futon Critic hat seine diesjährige Liste der 50 besten Episioden des Jahres 2004 herausgegeben. So wie in den vergangenen Jahren Buffy, Angel und Firefly mit von der Partie waren ist auch diesmal wieder eine Josh Whedon Serie dabei. Leider ist aber auch Angel im Jahr 2004 in die ewigen Jagdgründe gegangen. Aber 2 hervorragende Folgen haben es in die Top 50 geschafft.

    21. "angel: 5x14 smile time"
    (originally aired february 18, 2004)

    They made Angel a puppet. A puppet. Nothing more needs to be said.

    4. "angel: 5x22 not fade away"
    (originally aired may 19, 2004)

    The series finale of "Angel" was filled with tons of great "holy shit" moments - Illyria's reaction to Wesley's death alone should be required watching for everyone - but the closing moments cut right to the heart of what the show has always been about: the good fight (and the quest for redemption itself) is always a constant struggle.

    Auf Platz 5 und 1 hat es diesmal übrigens "LOST" geschafft. Und das zu Recht!

    5. "lost: 1x01, 1x02 pilot, parts 1 & 2"
    (originally aired september 22-29, 2004)

    The premiere of "Lost" without a doubt raised the bar in terms of what scripted television can do, or more to the point, should be. From its riveting, white-knuckle opening to its tapestry like structure to its welcome abundance of interesting characters, it's no surprise that it inspired the unabashed fanaticism of 16 million viewers a week.

    1. "lost: 1x04 walkabout"
    (originally aired october 13, 2004)

    Just a flat out flawless piece of writing, directing and acting as the backstory of the mysterious Locke (a wonderful Terry O'Quinn) is revealed. I don't know anyone who saw the closing twist coming and - wow - what a fantastic twist it was. Nothing is more exciting as a TV viewer than being genuinely surprised and "Lost" does that (and more) on a regular basis.

    Die komplette Liste gibts es hier.

    Auch die restlichen Top 50 von 2004 und den vergangenen Jahren sind einen Blick wert. Ich habe viele Folgen verschiedenster Serien der vergangenen Jahre wiederentdecken können.

  14. #134
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Southland Tales, der neue Film mit Sarah in der Hauptrolle hat nun grünes Licht bekommen wird im Sommer in Produktion gehen.

    Alyson hat ihre Rolle in der neuen Comedy-Produktion "In The Game" wegen kreativer Differenzen geschmissen. Mehr dazu hier:

  15. #135
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Die Leser des Angel-Magazins haben ihre TOP 25 von Angel gewählt. Das Ergebnis hier:

    25. She
    24. Shells
    23. Awakening
    22. Damage
    21. Through the Looking Glass
    20. Hell Bound
    19. Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been
    18. Birthday
    17. Rm w/a Vu
    16. Lullaby
    15. The Girl In Question
    14. Orpheus
    13. Guise Will Be Guise
    12. City Of
    11. In the Dark
    10. Spin the Bottle
    09. Destiny
    08. Waiting in the Wings
    07. Five by Five
    06. Not Fade Away
    05. You're Welcome
    04. A Hole in the World
    03. Hero
    02. Smile Time
    01. I Will Remember You

    Einige sehr gute Folgen fehlen mir in dieser Aufzählung, während ein paar andere nicht unbedingt Top 25 würdig sind. Mit den Top 5 kann man sich aber durchaus anfreunden.

  16. #136
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Neuigkeiten zu "Aly bei Veronica Mars" von Kristin bei E

    Willow on Veronica Mars! Now that the cat's out of the bag on that divine casting move from UPN I mentioned last week--Buffy's Alyson Hannigan playing Logan's sister on Veronica Mars--I had a few words (gushy ones) with the show's cast and creator Rob Thomas.

    "I called and begged and begged and begged," Rob told me. "But the great thing about casting Alyson, her hesitation was like, 'Am I going back and doing the new Buffy?' But at the same time, she said she loved the show. She knew everything that was going on and she's a really big Jason Dohring [Logan] fan. And the fact that she would get to do scenes with Jason, actually, I think meant a lot to her."

    It also meant a lot to Jason, especially given the alternative, who may surprise you. "I know originally we had thought of maybe Denise Richards to play the role of my sister," J.D. tells me, "but she would've brought a lot of people that would've seen it for only one show to check out if she was hot, you know? So it's great, 'cause Alyson will bring the Buffy crowd. And she was so nice, so wonderful. She was nicer than any of us. I'm not joking. She was, like, beautifully nice."

    As for the show's chances of making it to season two, Rob is optimistic. "I think they're really good. The network loves us and treats us so well. They don't try to fix our show, and so often if you're not doing numbers, the network tries to fix it for you. And they have told us, 'You guys are doing the show we want. It's our job to get people to watch it.' So, that's been really lovely, and they're looking for any reason to keep us. If our numbers drop in these last nine episodes, I don't think we'd be back. If our numbers stay the same, we're probably 50/50. If they go up at all, if they see any hopeful sign, we'll be back. That's my guess, and I like our chances. I would bet on us before I'd bet against us."

    That said, for the love of good TV, watch this show already! And tell your friends. Tuesday night. 9 p.m. UPN. Be there!

  17. #137
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Anthony wird auch beim diesjährigen Red Nose Day am 11. März 2005 in Großbritannien wieder mit von der Partie sein und einige Sketche abliefern.

    Auch bei uns wird es wieder den Red Nose Day geben. Und das ebenfalls am 11. März ab 20:15 Uhr, live auf ProSieben.

  18. #138
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
    Dabei seit


    Laut TV Guide sind das die 20 besten Küsse der TV-Geschichte:

    1. Ross and Rachel, Friends, 11/9/95
    2x07 The One Where Ross Finds Out - Geständnis einer Liebenden

    2. Father Ralph and Meggie, The Thornbirds, 3/27/83
    Die Dornenvögel

    3. Sam and Diane, Cheers, 3/31/1983
    1x22 Showdown, Part II - Hau ab und bleib' hier!

    4. Carrie and Big, Sex and The City, 2/22/04
    6x20 An American Girl In Paris, Part Deux - Eine Amerikanerin in Paris, Part Deux

    5. Maddie and David, Moonlighting, 3/31/1987
    Das Model und der Schnüffler - 3x14 I am Curious...Maddie (4) - Ring frei

    6. Kate and Sawyer, LOST, 11/10/2004
    1x08 Confidence Man

    7. Buffy and Spike, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, 11/6/01
    6x07 Once More, With Feeling - Noch einmal mit Gefühl

    8. Susan and Mike, Desperate Housewives, 10/31/04
    1x05 Come in, Stranger

    9. Pacey and Joey, Dawson's Creek, 4/26/00
    3x19 Stolen Kisses - Gestohlene Küsse

    10. Sydney and Vaughn, Alias, 1/26/03
    2x13 Phase One - Phase Eins

    11. Alex and Ellen, Family Ties, 10/3/85
    Familienbande - 4x02 The Real Thing, Part 2 - Im richtigen Moment, Teil 2

    12. Marissa and Ryan, The OC, 11/5/03
    O.C., California - 1x09 The Heights - Höhenangst

    13. Hawkeye and HotLips, MASH, 12/6/77
    6x12 Comrades in Arms, Part 1 - Die beiden Abenteurer

    14. Carol and Doug, ER, 5/11/00
    6x21 Such Sweet Sorrow - Die eine grosse Liebe

    15. Luke and Laura, General Hospital, 11/16/81

    16. Mulder and Scully, The X-Files, 5/20/01
    8x21 Existence (2) - William (2)

    17. John and Aeryn, Farscape, 3/21/03
    4x22 Bad Timing

    18. Luke and Lorelai, Gilmore Girls, 5/18/04
    4x22 Raincoats and Recipes - Das erste Mal

    19. Captain Kirk and Lieutenant Uhura, Star Trek, 11/22/68
    3x10 Plato's Stepchildren - Platons Stiefkinder

    20. Trista and Ryan's wedding, 12/10/03
    Reality TV
    Die jeweiligen Folgen habe ich zur besseren Orientierung fix beigefügt. 16 der 20 Küsse konnte ich sogar persönlich begutachten. Wie man sieht haben es Buffy und Spike, mit ihrem innigen Kuss am Ende der berühmten Musicalfolge von Buffy, auf den 7. Platz geschafft. Glückwunsch!

  19. #139
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Mein Favorit (Cordelia & Wesley in Graduation Day) hat es aber leider nicht geschafft
    **** Nach dem TBFC ist vor dem TBFC ****

    Neu: jetzt mit Alkohol UND Waffen!

  20. #140
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
    Dabei seit


    Happy Birthday Seth Green. Er ist heute 31 Jahre alt geworden.

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