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Thema: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Alte und neue Rollen

  1. #141
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Eliza wird einen Gastauftritt bei den aktuellen US-Folgen der Wilden Siebziger, auch bekannt als "That 70s Show", absolvieren.

    168. It's All Over Now
    gs: Eliza Dushku (Sarah) Megalyn Echikunwoke (Angie Barnett)

    When a hot new intern, Sarah, starts working at the radio station with Donna, all of the guys go nuts. But when Sara poses in a bikini to gain exposure for the station, Donna refuses and gets fired. Meanwhile, Jackie wants to reconcile with Hyde, but is too afraid she'll get hurt.

    b: 16-Feb-2005 pc: 715

    Bilder zur Folge in der Picture Section.

  2. #142
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Wird der Buffy Cartoon jemals Realität?

    Der Zeichner der neuen Fernseh Buffy Cartoon Serie ist äußerst traurig, da bis jetzt der Cartoon keinen Sender gefunden hat. Er klagt die US Networks bitterlich an.

    Hier das Statement von Eric Wright:

    "Es frustriert mich so. Es ist vielleicht mein größter Herzschmez den ich je hatte, denn der Cartoon ist so genial. Die Scripte wurden von Steve DeKnight und Joss geschrieben und Jane Espenson hat eines der lustigsten Stories geschreiben, die ich je in meinem Leben gelesen habe. Und all das wird nicht umgesetzt werden.

    Es bringt mich um, dass der Cartoon bislang nicht realisiert wurde, denn Buffy ist bricht alle Grenzen des Entertainments auf. Es passt in kein Schema. Networls wussten anscheinend bei der realen Serie genau was sie zu tun haben aber beim Cartoon wissen sie es nicht: Sie fragen sich "Ist der Cartoon für Kids? Ist er für Erwachsene? Soll er in die Primetime? Soll er Samstag morgens gezeigt werden?"

    Ich arbeite seit der vierten Buffy-Staffel an dem Cartoon. Ich wurde angeheuert und entlassen, und das 6 Mal. Das letzte was ich gemacht habe, war ein 4 minütiger Promo Pilot Film.

    Für den ganzen Scheiß der gerade im Fernsehen läuft werden so geniale Konzepte verworfen...und all dieses nur wegen der Politik der Sender, die betrieben wird."

    Puppen Angel endlich zu kaufen: Alle Infos und Pics!
    Die Puppe sieht ja mal echt grausig aus!

  3. #143
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    BEI DER GELEGENHEIT GRATULIERE ICH MIR MAL SELBST ZUM <span style='color:yellow'>1000.BEITRAG.</span>

    Nun zu den wichtigen Sachen:

    Die Veröffentlichung der 5. Season Angel wird sich leider etwas verzögern. Grund sind wohl Qualitätsprobleme bei den DVDs. Vorbestellen kann man trotzdem weiterhin bei Amazon. Der vorausssichtliche Erscheinungstermin ist nun der 30. April 2005.

    Sarah vielleicht bei The L Word?

    Sapphic casting?: Who would "The L Word" star Jennifer Beals most like to see in a lesbian love romp? "I want Buffy - I want Sarah Michelle Gellar on the show," the 41-year-old Beals told Lowdown at Showtime&#39;s second-season premiere party at Duvet. "I&#39;ve told [executive producer] Ilene [Chaiken], ad nauseam. She just laughs and walks away. I&#39;m going to try again this year, and we&#39;ll see what happens. It&#39;s set in L.A, so Sarah could be herself." Yesterday Gellar&#39;s rep said: "She&#39;d be flattered - who wouldn&#39;t be? Jennifer Beals is an icon."

    The L Word

    Am 14. Februar erscheint in den UK endlich der langersehnte Angel Soundtrack. Die endgültige Trackliste lautet:

    1. Angel Main Theme – “The Sanctuary Extended Remix” - performed by Darling Violetta
    2. Start The Apocalypse
    3. The End Of The World
    4. Massive Assault
    5. Home
    6. Hero – featuring vocals by Elin Carlson
    7. Judgment & Jousting
    8. The Birth of Angelus – featuring vocals by Elin Carlson
    9. Rebellion
    10. The Trials for Darla
    11. Dreaming of Darla
    12. Untouched / Darla’s Fire
    13. Darla’s Sacrifice
    14. Welcome To PYLEA
    15. Through The Looking Glass
    16. Castle Attack
    17. Cordy Meets Fred
    18. Princess Cordelia
    19. Farewell Cordelia
    20. I’m Game – by Christophe Beck
    21. Touched – performed by Vast
    22. LA Song – performed by Christian Kane
    23. Lady Marmalade - performed by Andy Hallett
    24. It’s Not Easy Being Green - performed by Andy Hallett
    25. A Place Called Home – performed Kim Richey

    Der Soundtrack wird sicher auch bald in Deutschland erscheinen. Wer es allerdings nicht erwarten kann, kann schon bei für 8,99 zuschlagen.

    Sobald der Angel Soundtrack auch in Dtl. erscheint gibt es einen Hinweis bei den Neuerscheinungen.

  4. #144
    Moderator Avatar von Amujan
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    Schönefeld b. Berlin


    auch wenn ich hier sonst nie poste und es auch nicht tun werde *graus* :P zu dem thema: Gratulation Kasi

  5. #145
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Hihi, danke Amu. Ich hab dich also doch noch gekriegt.

  6. #146
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Mark Lutz, der zur Zeit als Groosalugg bei Angel zu sehen ist, feiert heute seinen 35. Geburtstag. Alles Gute&#33;

    Zum Valentinstag gab es auf eine Liste mit den 50 romantischsten Paaren der TV-Geschichte. Buffy und Angel haben es auf Platz 9 geschafft.
    No. 1: Mulder and Scully (The X-Files)

    The truth is these two alien-chasing FBI agents exuded more sexual heat than most TV couples who fall into bed each week. Mulder and Scully did it with a knowing look. A quick embrace. A soft brush of the other&#39;s hair. A frantic cellphone call. The truth was out there: You knew their love was real. And you knew Mulder was the father of Scully&#39;s baby.

    2. Cliff and Clair Huxtable (The Cosby Show)

    They slow danced with each other. They listened to John Coltrane together. They lovingly showed affection in front of their kids. Simply put, they had the kind of rock solid marriage everyone wants.

    3. Lucy and Ricky Ricardo (I Love Lucy)

    If they weren&#39;t on this list, I&#39;d have some &#39;splainin&#39; to do.

    4. Rick and Lily (Once and Again)

    They showed that divorced parents over 40 could actually act like lustful teens.

    5. Bobby and Pam Ewing (Dallas)

    For being a modern-day version of Romeo and Juliet. Aw, forget that. Remember, Bobby&#39;s six-pack abs? Pam&#39;s smokin&#39; bod? That&#39;s what I&#39;m talkin&#39; &#39;bout&#33;

    6. David and Maddie (Moonlighting)

    They fought. They solved crimes. They flirted. They fought. They flirted some more.

    7. Ralph and Alice Kramden (The Honeymooners)

    For all his "bang, zoom, to the moon" theatrics, deep down blustery Ralph knew his stand-by-your-man Alice was "the greatest." So did we.

    8. Diane and Bobby (NYPD Blue)

    Ever see them getting it on in a steamy shower? If so, you&#39;d understand.

    9. Buffy and Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

    He was a brooding vampire. She was a sassy vampire killer. Which meant Buffy and Angel didn&#39;t go on many dreamy-eyed dates. But when they were together, their undying passion could raise the dead.

    10. Barney and Betty Rubble (The Flintstones)

    Because Barney can still make Betty giggle after all these years.

    11. Sam and Diane (Cheers)

    Their delightful verbal fencing, not all those barflies, made Cheers an instant TV classic.

    12. Luke and Laura (General Hospital)

    A couple who can survive sexual assaults, kidnappings and living life on the lam before getting hitched. That&#39;s love&#33;

    13. Doug and Carol (ER)

    George Clooney. Juliana Marguilies. What else is there to say?

    14. Ross and Rachel (Friends)

    Because they were destined to be together. It just took forever.

    15. Kevin and Winnie (The Wonder Years)

    Ah, young love. So sweet. So innocent. Remember that first kiss in the very first show?

    16. Blake and Krystle Carrington (Dynasty)

    Sure, bling-blinging Blake sometimes treated his trophy wife like another pricey possession. But he loved Krystle and she loved him right back. Alexis who?

    17. Rob and Laura Petrie (The Dick Van Dyke Show)

    The way Laura fondly cried, "Ohhh, Robbbbb" oozed a deep-rooted passion that a &#39;60s sitcom couldn&#39;t really explore. Rob and Laura slept in separate beds, for crying out loud&#33;

    18. Ward and June Cleaver (Leave It To Beaver)

    There&#39;s something hopelessly romantic about two parents united in their parental duties. Who said every TV couple had to be all sexy?

    19. Mike and Gloria Stivic (All in the Family)

    They made out an awful lot, didn&#39;t they?

    20. George and Gracie (The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show)

    One of the all-time great show business couples. Say goodnight, Gracie.

    21. Sydney and Vaughn (Alias)

    Make love in the morning. Thwart a terrorist plot in the afternoon. Make love again at night.

    22. Batman and Robin (Batman)

    Holy close quarters&#33; Let&#39;s face it: The Dynamic Duo spent way too much time alone in the Batcave. You do the math.

    23. Martin and Gina (Martin)

    Despite their off-screen problems, Martin Lawrence and Tisha Campbell boasted a sizzling on-screen comedic chemistry.

    24. Herman and Lily Munster (The Munsters)

    How often do you see Frankenstein whispering sweet nothings to his vampire squeeze? Never.

    25. Mr. and Mrs. C (Happy Days)

    They would excitedly rush upstairs for some afternoon delight whenever the kids weren&#39;t home. As a thumbs-up Fonz would say, "Aaayyh&#33;"

    26. Isabel and Leo (Relativity)

    Kimberly Williams and David Conrad kissed like they meant it in this little-watched series that skillfully dealt with the complexities of twentysomething romance and relationships.

    27. Joyce and Frank (Hill Street Blues)

    No couple looked sexier in bed than those secret lovers played by the ruggedly handsome Daniel J. Travanti (Pizza Man&#33 and the fetching Veronica Hamel.

    28. Niles and Daphne (Frasier)

    Because sometimes nice, nerdy, opera-loving guys do get the girl of their dreams.

    29. Jonathan and Jennifer Hart (Hart to Hart)

    It&#39;s Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers, people&#33; Hellooooooo&#33;

    30. Gomez and Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)

    They did a mean tango. Only really passionate people can do a mean tango.

    31. Latka and Simka (Taxi)

    The funny accents made &#39;em so darn cute&#33; Tank you berry much&#33;

    32. Kermit and Miss Piggy (The Muppet Show)

    We needed a carefree frog and a showboating pig on the list. Seriously.

    33. Paul and Jamie Buchman (Mad About You)

    For showing that marriage can be hard work — and worth the effort.

    34. Ozzie and Harriet (The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet)

    See Ward and June Cleaver.

    35. Lois and Clark (Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman)

    Lois Lane and Clark Kent never looked that pretty in the D.C. Comics version. You can thank Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain for that.

    36. Carrie and Big (Sex and the City)

    OK, so Big was a first-class cad who often treated Carrie like crud on the bottom of his shoe. But they had chemistry. And all was forgotten when the big lug finally told Carrie, "You&#39;re the one."

    37. Dharma and Greg (Dharma & Greg)

    Dharma was a free-spirited yoga trainer. Greg was an uptight attorney. Yes, sometimes opposites do attract — and make you laugh.

    38. Mike and Carol Brady (The Brady Bunch)

    It&#39;s not easy looking chirpy and romantic when six kids are running your house. Go ahead, you try it&#33;

    39. Trista and Ryan (The Bachelorette)

    Before America got sick of the attention-happy Trista, it actually loved this sweet, made-for-reality-TV couple. Well, they mostly loved the painfully shy, poetry-spouting Ryan.

    40. James and Florida Evans (Good Times)

    They lived with the buffoonish J.J. and still managed to keep their marriage strong. Big ups to James and Florida for that.

    41. Turk and Carla (Scrubs)

    They still have that newlywed glow.

    42. Boston Rob and Amber (Survivor: All-Stars)

    Any couple that can make living in the jungle with 16 smelly castaways look like a tropical vacation deserves a mention, don&#39;t ya think?

    43. Ren and Stimpy (Ren & Stimpy)

    If a scrawny, hot-headed Chihuahua (that&#39;s Ren) is gonna spend that much time with his kitty kat roomie (that&#39;s Stimpy), it must be love.

    44. Remington and Laura (Remington Steele)

    It&#39;s hard not to look all weak in the knees when you&#39;re standing next to the future 007.

    45. Marge and Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)

    Why not? At 16 years, The Simpsons is the longest-running sitcom on TV. You know Homer and Marge have had some serious lovin&#39; in at least half of those years. D&#39;oh&#33;

    46. Pebbles and Bamm Bamm (The Flintstones)

    OK, they&#39;re babies, but they played so well together. Besides, when they grew up and got their own show, we kinda figured that Pebbles and Bamm Bamm were doing more than goo-goo and gaa-gaa-ing together.

    47. The Donald and . . . The Donald (The Apprentice)

    No one loves himself — or his companies, hotels, casinos and TV shows — more than The Trumpster.

    48. Sandy and Kirsten Cohen (The O.C.)

    Sandy singing to his wife on their 20th wedding anniversary probably melted every woman&#39;s heart in America.

    49. Stewart and Sally McMillan (McMillan and Wife)

    Rock Hudson was a grizzled police commissioner. Susan St. James was the wife who just wanted to help. Isn&#39;t support in a marriage a beautiful thing?

    50. Flavor Flav and Brigitte Nielsen (Strange Love)

    The cartoonish black rapper and the statuesque Danish actress are TV&#39;s oddest freak show couple since, well . . . give me a minute, I&#39;ll think of another one. Well, probably not.

    Die dt. Version des Angel Soundtracks ist jetzt zur Vorbestellung verfügbar.

  7. #147
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Sunnydales Ex-Bürgermeister Harry Groener und der Theaterkritiker Wenzel Jones werden die "6th Annual Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Awards" am 21. März ab 19:30 Uhr im West Hollywood&#39;s Coronet Theater moderieren. Alles weitere im folgenden Artikel:

    Auch die "Himmlische Familie" hat sich an einer Musical-Folge versucht. Die vernichtende Review von TVTomes über die Episode und viele Vergleiche zum Buffy-Kultmusical folgend:

    192. Red Socks
    gs: Katie Cassidy (Zoe) Thomas Dekker (Vincent) Polly Cusumano (Anna) Christopher Michael (Det. Michaels)

    The streets of Glenoak are alive with the sound of music as the Camden family breaks into song for a very special Valentine&#39;s Day musical episode. Classic songs ("Love Is Sweeping the Country," "You Were Meant For Me," "Nice Work If You Can Get It," among others) are performed by the Camdens.

    Simon is enjoying having his new girlfriend, Anna, who he just met the day before over at his apartment for Valentine&#39;s Day. They both agree to go to Glen Oak, but he decides to keep her away from his family for the time being. Annie displays her unhappiness to Simon in song (along with the rest of passerbys) over his constant dating habits at the promenade as the chorus is going on. Anna overhears this and begins to question Simon and his dating habits as well. Vincent confronts an unhappy Ruthie on the high school bleachers as she&#39;s not in the Valentine&#39;s Day mood and is upset over watching Martin practice with his team and Zoe blowing kisses at him.

    Also, Lucy and Kevin dance to "You Were Meant for Me" that&#39;s in the background as Lucy walks into their room after putting Savannah to sleep and Kevin is putting on his uniform.

    b: 14-Feb-2005 pc: 6200608192 w: Martha Plimpton d: Michael Preece

    NOTE: This episode is featured as a musical as cast members sing periodically throughout this episode geared towards St. Valentine&#39;s Day.
    David Gallagher (Simon Camden) did not want to sing in the episode along with the rest of cast for this musical episode. Creator and executive Brenda Hampton said that, "He didn&#39;t want to do it. And I would never make an actor do something they thought would be embarrassing to them."
    David Gallagher (Simon Camden) appears in this episode.
    This episode theme revolves around Valentine&#39;s Day.
    This is the 2nd time in the show&#39;s history that the Valentine&#39;s episode has actually aired on Valentine&#39;s day, the first being in 2000 (4th season).
    Jessica Biel (Mary Camden) does not appear in this episode.
    Barry Watson (Matt Camden) does not appear in this episode.
    Stage actress Martha Plimpton who guest-starred on the series earlier this season (i.e. Regret to Inform) penned the script for this first-time musical episode.
    Love Is Sweeping The Country, written by George Gershwin & Ira Gershwin performed by The Cast.
    Nice Work If You Can Get It written by George Gershwin & Ira Gershwin performed by Mackenzie Rosman as Ruthie Camden.
    You Were Meant For Me written by Herb Nacio Brown & Arthur Freed performed by George Stults as Kevin Kinkirk.
    You Are My Lucky Star written by Herb Nacio Brown & Arthur Freed performed by Stephen Collins as Rev. Eric Camden.
    The Man Upstairs written by Dorinda Morgan, Harold Stanley & Gerry Manners performed by Catherine Hicks as Annie Camden.
    Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive written by Harold Arlen & John H. Mercer performed by Thomas Dekker as Vincent.
    Even though Kyle Searles (Mac) is featured as a guest star in this episode, he doesn&#39;t have any speaking lines, but only being involved in the baseball dance number with Martin (Tyler Hoechlin) and Vincent (Thomas Dekker) on the field.
    Tyler Hoechlin (Martin Brewer) does not sing in this episode.
    Beverley Mitchell (Lucy Kinkirk) does not sing in this episode.
    At the end of this episode during the ending credits, on The WB, The WB announced that 7th Heaven has been renewed for the 10th Season, making it the longest running Drama TV Show.
    On its original airing this episode scored 4.9 million viewers for the WB. A great sign that Brenda Hampton and crew made a BIG mistake in doing this musical.
    Tja, nicht jeder landet mit nem Musical einen Erfolg beim Stammpublikum.

    Hier die Review:
    Remember last week at the end of my review of First Date that I asked everyone to pray of what was to come the following a week---a 7th Heaven musical episode? Apparently, it didn&#39;t do the trick at all. I don&#39;t understand how this show can have some really good episodes and then every once and a while have a REALLY BAD one. You&#39;d think I was watching two different shows from week to week as the writing fluctuates from good to bad depending on the episode. Even though I wasn&#39;t expecting much from this episode I wasn&#39;t thinking it was going to be this bad---I mean it was written by Broadway stage actress Martha Pimpton who has worked with such people like Woody Allen. So we could at least hope there would be some good qualities to take from this musical. There wasn&#39;t. This was definitely no Buffy. And this is the first time in the history of the show that I actually wanted to change the channel. And I&#39;m gonna tell ya why... First off, again, this was definitely no Buffy.

    I don&#39;t like comparing a TV show to another, but in this case I have to make an exception as musical episodes are very rare, but when it is done, it is usually done right (i.e. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Once More, With Feeling, which I saw and loved) because they know they can do it. And Buffy definitely got it right. 7th Heaven didn&#39;t even come close---in fact both shows are solar systems apart when it came to music, choreography, singing and originality.

    The first thing that needs to be addressed when you are a TV show that wants to do a musical (God only knows why), the first criteria that should be addressed is to check to see if your actors on the show (at least most of them) can sing. And not just sing, but can sing well. It was reported earlier, prior to this episode that actor David Gallagher (Simon Camden) didn&#39;t want to sing in this episode because he didn&#39;t want to embarrass himself, whereas Tyler Hoechlin and Beverely Mitchell didn&#39;t sing as well, as they probably also contested. When a portion of your cast objects to this, that should&#39;ve been a red light to the writers and producers that this is not going to work. Not only that, but it should&#39;ve been realized by the producers that musicals on TV shows are done very rarely. You&#39;d think they&#39;d realize this is for a reason.

    Another thing that was was done wrong in this musical episode is that none of the music was "original." ALL of the music was taken from previous albums and composed by other artists decades ago, and the producers and writers just decided to put them in, despite the fact that none of the songs were memorable, nor did they really match the scenes they were in. Last, but certainly not least, there was no logical explanation on why everyone decided to burst into song this week. Even Buffy the Vampire Slayer used logic in a sci-fi sense by the town being on a spell, but what about people here in Glen Oak? What a travesty&#33; Wow, that was one long introduction, but this was some horrible musical. Let&#39;s break it down...

    Eric, Annie and twins: We begin with Eric and Annie getting up for Valentine&#39;s Day as Eric decides to do the laundry and cook breakfast with the twins to wish their mom a Happy Valentine&#39;s Day. Oh, and it&#39;s the twins birthday, even though no one really cared by only acknowleging it for a second. I&#39;ve been complimenting the twins a lot this season as they have significantly improved in their acting and general speech this season, especially the taller twin. But they&#39;ve still haven&#39;t reached their full potential of being cute twins on screen, which is worse as they sing in this episode. As Eric went into his little number they joined along with him singing very slow and slurring in their speech. I&#39;m just wondering, I don&#39;t mean this to be funny, but it does seem that they have a speech problem for six year olds.

    The episode begins with part of the family singing Love Is Sweeping The Country with Eric and twins in the kitchen preparing to serve Annie breakfast for her present for Valentine&#39;s Day. Shouldn&#39;t the twins be getting most of the attention, since they are only 6 and it&#39;s their birthday? At that age a birthday is a big deal. Moving on...(but not fast enough for this episode to end) Eric and Annie get into a quarrel about Eric&#39;s red socks and the laundry as he leaves them in the white clothes for wash and turns them pink. Not only that, but Eric leaves dishes in the sink, which leads to an unhappy Annie who wished the day was a little more special. Whatever. It was boring and the discussion of red socks till the end of the episode had absolutely no meaning. And I don&#39;t remember Annie giving Eric red socks in previous Valentine&#39;s Day shows as she claimed. Either way, Eric was a so-so singer in his office as he sung You Are My Lucky Star to a picture of Annie. That was okay, but still very unoriginal. The way how Annie treats Eric, I wonder how she could be.

    Kevin and Lucy: There is a big mystery with these two in the episode. We see Kevin (George Stults) and Lucy (Beverley Mitchell) mainly arguing once again on trivial stuff that shouldn&#39;t really matter---Lucy wants Kevin to stay home one more day from work to celebrate Valentine&#39;s Day with her, while Kevin feels he needs to go back to work from his sabatical as other police members might wanna have the day off. Lucy of course fusses. Why? He&#39;s has to make a living--- something you are not doing at the moment Lucy and he has to pay for their new home---which they still haven&#39;t moved into yet---once again I say, why?

    Now here comes the mystery part with these two. It&#39;s been established that actress Beverley Mitchell has a pretty nice voice and is a descent singer. There&#39;s proof of this as she has sung earlier in the series to her newborn brothers (i.e. It Happened One Night) and when she sung to her high school crush Jeremy on Valentine&#39;s Day a few years back (i.e. V-Day). So why would they not want her to sing in this episode, a musical mind you, and yet have Kevin (George Stults) for the couple in this episode? No offense, but it&#39;s an accomplishment if Kevin can show more than two emotions in an episode. And yet Brenda Hampton and Martha Plimpton chose him to sing over Beverley Mitchell. The only thing that seems logical is that Beverley Mitchell also decided not to sing in this episode. Based on the script and songs, smart move Beverely. Poor George.

    Anyway, Kevin tries to charm Lucy while he&#39;s getting dressed for work by singing (or at least trying to sing) You Were Meant For Me to her in an approach to make her feel better. This was the absolute lowpoint of the episode. I actually had to walk into another room because I was embarrassed that I was actually seeing this. Not only can George Stults not carry more than two emotions in his facial expressions but he has no body rhythm whatsoever in his dance. His voice was completely horrible. It&#39;s not even clear if he was singing, just rhyming along with the words. Did I mention it was painful? Even Lucy (Beverley Mitcell) made a bad expression of how awful he was. If this was a funny attempt by the writers to show Kevin singing bad for his wife anyway to cheer her up, that&#39;s nice, but why did us viewers have to be subjected to it?

    Ruthie and Vincent: Well after only one date this new couple is already experiencing tension. Apparently, neither knows how to call each other back on the phone after three days as both expected the other to call them back. This inevitably puts Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman) in a bad mood when she&#39;s in school and seeing practically every teenager in school as a couple kissing and making out in the hallways---everyone but her. Yeesh&#33; Glen Oak is one sexed up town. It doesn&#39;t help when Vincent is walking in the hallways with another girl to get Ruthie&#39;s attention, and Ruthie retaliates by going with some other guy after arguing with Vincent. Anyway, while in school Ruthie breaks into song with Nice Work If You Can Get It. There was absolutely no relevance of that song to the scene of Ruthie being mad and jealous. Who chose this music? Not only that, but the musical number was terrible all the way through. Ruthie struts herself through the hallway singing, and yet her lips are not matching the song at all. It was so obvious the poor thing was lip synching. Taking cues from former cast member Ashlee (Cecilia), eh? It also didn&#39;t help the way Mackenzie Rosman moved around in a somewhat strippery way during her dance number in the school hallway. She definitely looked uncomfortable doing it. She looked like she wished she was somewhere else. I don&#39;t blame her. It also doesn&#39;t help since she looks so young---it looks less like sexy and more like child porn. Take a note writers and producers. Don&#39;t ever do that again&#33;

    But like any teenage couple, their first fight is short-lived as they talk on the school bleachers. Vincent (Thomas Dekker) basically tells Ruthie that she&#39;s not perfect and then breaks into song with Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive, I guess to show that Ruthie needs to look more into his good qualities. That is my best guess on how the music refered to the scene, but it&#39;s still a stretch. Once again, couldn&#39;t the writers have hired composers to make up their own song to fit into the scene.

    Surprisngly enough, Vincent and the baseball musical part was the best out of all the rest in the episode. He actually knew how to move with rhythm and the choreography wasn&#39;t that bad. Although, that was definitely not his voice singing. It was completely fake. What&#39;s the point of having a musical if the people don&#39;t use their real voices, or at least record their own voices to be added later in the scene? Ugh, moving on...

    Simon and Anna: For Valentine&#39;s Day, Simon (David Gallagher) has found himself yet another girlfriend, Anna, whom he just met the night before---and once again it&#39;s love at first sight. I don&#39;t mind that Simon is dating a lot of different girls this year. Honestly, if there&#39;s ever an age where a person should date around a lot to see who they want to be with it should be in college. I don&#39;t mind that, but it&#39;s very tiresome now that the writers keep using this "love at first sight" plot and saying "I love you" to each other only after knowing each other for a day or two. It seems more like "lust at first sight" on this show. Anyway, Anna for some reason wants to know everything she can about Simon, which means going to Glen Oak to see his family and where he grew up. Simon, knowing how his family is, decides that it isn&#39;t a good idea and just wants to drop into town for a while.

    As Simon and Anna spend the day in Glen Oak for Valentine&#39;s Day they decide to spend it at the promenade. Why would he take her to the promenade though if he didn&#39;t want to run into his family? Simon should know by now that the promenade is Camden central for the mall. Anyway, as Simon goes away to get something Annie comes up to Anna and tells her that she&#39;s Simon&#39;s mother and that she feels they are rushing things. That&#39;s when the song begins, The Man Upstairs. Now Catherine Hicks wasn&#39;t that bad of a singer, but that was one creepy song for the scene of Annie telling this girl, whom she has never met before to talk to God when it comes to being with her son. It was completely out of character, even for Annie and a complete disregard for her son. If I was Anna and my partner&#39;s mother came up to me out of nowhere to tell me to look up to God "upstairs" about their relationship I would&#39;ve ran far away. Anna did start to run away a little after talking to Annie and wanted Simon to take her back to college, but inevitably she comes back later on to his apartment and decides to make out with him anyway. Whatever. I doubt we&#39;ll see her again away.

    Martin and Zoe: We don&#39;t see this new couple much in the episode, but what we do see is that Martin (Tyler Hoechlin) gets reacquainted with Zoe (Katie Cassidy) after a few weeks ago when she threatened to get him in trouble if he didn&#39;t follow her lead in telling her friends in school that they slept together. Yep folks, another young girl who manipulates their men in Glen Oak. I tell ya, I think Brenda Hampton hates young women. Anyway, throughout the episode Zoe tries to charm him in the hallway by giving him an apology Valentine&#39;s card and also showing up at his baseball practice trying to flirt with him. Not only that, but later on she comes by to the Camden home to see if she could possibly be with hm. Martin&#39;s reaction throughout all of this is pretty subdued. Quite frankly, he doesn&#39;t seem too interested in her. Zoe just doesn&#39;t seem to take the hint that he&#39;s really not that interested in her. But at least neither sung. That&#39;s a another plus for these two in comparison to others. I wouldn&#39;t even call them a couple, because they honestly didn&#39;t have much chemistry on screen as is.

    I know the writers are trying to make Martin a real straight forward teenage guy in not wanting to have sex with Zoe or any girl for that matter. But it&#39;s becoming more of a problem as they keep addressing that Martin doesn&#39;t want to have sex. It sort of worries me. Even the most straight forward guys show signs of tempatation. He should at least show some signs of weakness to this, because he&#39;s around all these pretty girls around him at school all day. Whatever, I&#39;m not going to go there. Besdies, we know he has a thing for Ruthie. So I didn&#39;t and won&#39;t get attached to this couple. Heck, I&#39;m surprised Zoe (Katie Cassidy) came back for a second appearance. On this show people and relationships with the Camden&#39;s are a constant turnstile.

    Overall, this was a VERY terrible musical episode. The singing, choreography, dialogue and plots were all AWFUL, with a capital A. Seriously Brenda Hampton, if you&#39;re starting to run out of ideas on how to make your Valentine&#39;s Day episodes unique, maybe you should stop making them&#33; I don&#39;t think the fans would mind. Why not Christmas? This is a Christian family, and I&#39;m sure that&#39;s a big thing in the household that you never show. Also, more importantly, Martha Plimpton, don&#39;t quit your day job, please&#33; And Brenda Hampton, your episodes for the rest of the season better be pure gold to counter weigh this crap you subjected to your viewers this week. This show needs to stick to what it knows best--- feel-good family drama, that is all...ugh, my head hurts now, I need a drink.

    Grade: **1 out of 10**

    Rants and Bits:
    *Despite Vincent&#39;s dance number on the baseball field being the best musical number in the episode, I still have to say that was the gayest thing I think I&#39;ve ever seen on this show. It was creepy how they guys lifted him up in the air and the water was spitting out of their mouths like a water fountain...creepy

    *Where was Kyle Searles (Mac)? He was credited as a guest-star yet he had no lines in this episode and we only saw him for a few seconds in the baseball musical number.

    *I feel so sorry for the twins, Sam and David. That was one crappy birthday they had. They got crappy presents (Ruthie cleans their room for a week?) and had to sing, as well as hear their family members sing&#33; Not only that, no one else seemed to care. Poor guys.

    *Why is it that all the Camden men and Martin continue to date these thin, blue-eyed blonde girls? Can&#39;t they mix it up a bit with a brunette or redhead 7th Heaven casting department?&#33; I was though suprised to see so much diversity in the promenade musical number. One rare highlight in the musical number as well.

    *Each cast member deserves a hefty bonus from the show, truly, as they&#39;ve completely embarrassed themselves this week in front of America and some compensation is needed. In fact, take it out of Brenda Hampton&#39;s and Martha Plimpton&#39;s pay check&#33; They need to be punished. It&#39;s only fair since they did it to us this week.

    *Lip synching was running rampant in this episode. A simple thing to match the lips with the vocals and even the editting team couldn&#39;t get it right, nonetheless the actors&#33; Ugh, more liquor&#33;

    More rants are coming...

    Written by: TM56
    Mal schauen wann die Folge hierzulande läuft. Reinschauen dürfte sich bei dieser Folge durchaus lohnen. Vielleicht gibts ja was zu lachen.^^

  8. #148
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    D.B. Woodside bei der neuen UPN-Serie "Triangle" an Bord.

    Nähere Infos zur Serie werden bei TVTome folgen.

  9. #149
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Unser Power-Wächter Tony Head feiert heute seinen 51. Geburtstag. Alles Gute&#33;

  10. #150
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Die offizielle Filmseite zu Michelles neuem Film "Ice Princess" ist jetzt verfügbar.

    Amy mit neuer Hauptrolle:

    David&#39;s erste Regiearbeit: WinnipegSun

    Harry Groener (Sunnydales Ex-Bürgermeister) wird in einer der nächsten Folgen von Star Trek: Enterprise mit von der Partie sein. Planungen zufolge soll die Episode 96 - "Demons" am 29. April ausgestrahlt werden.
    Playing "Nathan Samuels," an Earth dignitary leading the coalition talks who is rather full of himself, is Harry Groener, another familiar face in genre fare including Star Trek. Groener was the Betazoid "Tam Elbrun" in The Next Generation&#39;s "Tin Man"; he also appeared as the "Magistrate" in Voyager&#39;s "Sacred Ground." One of his most memorable roles was that of the evil mayor of Sunnydale in the third season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer — the one who, on Graduation Day, turned into a giant snake and ate Armin Shimerman. Achtung Spoiler&#33;

  11. #151
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard hat die 25 grössten Teen-Filme von gelistet. Unsere Scoobies dürfen dabei natürlich nicht fehlen.

    Sunday, February 20, 2005

    1."American Pie" series (1999, 2001, 2003) (Mit Alyson Hannigan)

    2. "Grease" (1978)

    3. "The Breakfast Club" (Der Frühstücksclub) (1985)

    4. "Clueless" (1995)

    5. "Bring It On" (Girls United) (2000) (Mit Eliza Dushku)

    6. "Ferris Bueller&#39;s Day Off" (Ferris macht blau) (1986)

    7. "Footloose" (1984)

    8. "Pretty in Pink" (1986)

    9. "Mean Girls" (Girls Club) (2004)

    10. "She&#39;s All That" (Eine wie keine) (1999) (Cameo von Sarah Michelle Gellar)

    11. "Say Anything" (Teen Lover) (1989)

    12. "Cruel Intentions" (Eiskalte Engel) (1999) (Mit Sarah Michelle Gellar)

    13. "Porky&#39;s" (1982)

    14. "Save the Last Dance" (2001)

    15. "10 Things I Hate About You" (10 Dinge die ich an dir hasse) (1999)

    16. "Can&#39;t Hardly Wait" (Ich kanns kaum erwarten) (1998) (Mit Seth Green und Amber Benson)

    17. "Euro Trip" (2004) (Mit Michelle Trachtenberg)

    18. "Sixteen Candles" (Das darf man nur als Erwachsener) (1984)

    19. "Scream" series (1996, 1997, 2000) (Mit Sarah Michelle Gellar)

    20. "Not Another Teen Movie" (Nicht noch ein Teenie-Film&#33 (2001)

    21. "Thirteen" (Dreizehn) (2003)

    22. "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" (Ich glaub&#39; ich steh&#39; im Wald&#33 (1982)

    23. "Scary Movie" (2000)

    24. "Napoleon Dynamite" (2004)

    25. "American Graffiti" (1973)
    Den kompletten Artikel mit Kommentaren gibt es in der Flimmerkiste.

  12. #152
    Furie Avatar von Simara
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    Ich bin jetzt etwas verwirrt.... Sollte nicht im Anschluss an die 3. Staffel die 4. Staffel starten?

    Als ich nun - zweck besserer Planung und damit mir keine Folge durch die Lappen geht - im Internet nachschaute, wie Angel denn jetzt ausgestrahlt wird, meldet mir, dass lediglich noch sechs Angel-Folgen ausgestrahlt werden.
    Die letzte am 30.03. und hat den Titel "Vater und Sohn".
    Und wenn mich jetzt nicht alles täuscht, dann ist das die vorletzte Folge der 3. Staffel.
    Und keine Termine für die Ausstrahlung der 4. Staffel.

    Also: Kann mir einer sagen was los ist?
    Kommt die 4. Staffel nun, oder kommt sie nicht?

    Staffel II (2) dienstags im Nachtprogramm auf Pro7MAXX (Doppelfolgen)

    Staffel XII (12) montags 21:05 Uhr auf Pro7MAXX

    Staffel XIII (13) montags 20:15 Uhr auf Pro7MAXX

    Staffel XV (15) donnerstags auf CW

  13. #153
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Originally posted by Simara@22.02.2005, 14:26
    Also: Kann mir einer sagen was los ist?
    Kommt die 4. Staffel nun, oder kommt sie nicht?
    Im Moment ist nur das ProSieben-Programm bis zum 01.04.05 bekannt aber Season 3 wird auf jeden Fall komplett gesendet werden. Sie haben damals versprochen Season 4 nach Season 3 zu senden und darauf wollen wir uns einfach mal verlassen. Buffy wird zwar durch Alias ersetzt werden aber Angel dürfte wohl weiterlaufen. Genau wissen wir es in einer Woche, wenn das Programm für Programmwoche 15 veröffentlicht wird. So lange heisst es warten aber ich bin da guter Dinge.

    Weiter mit den News:

    "Chance" Filmpremiere mit Amber:

    Julie Benz mit neuem Film:

    Alysons Auftritt bei Veronica Mars:

  14. #154
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Happy Birthday Alexis Denisof&#33; Er feiert heute seinen 39. Geburtstag&#33;

    Alysons Auftritt bei Veronica Mars, neuer Clip:

    Elizas Auftritt bei den Wilden Siebzigern:

  15. #155
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Sarah mit neuem Film.
    Lance Khazei, who wrote the family comedy Son of the Mask, has written and will produce Romantic Comedy.

    "It&#39;s about a guy who watches famous romantic comedies to learn how to woo the girl of his dreams," says Khazei, who was a writer for the TV show Politically Incorrect.

    He originally offered the role of the girl to Sandra Bullock, but she was already committed to several projects.

    "For a while it was going to be Kate Hudson and Colin Farrell," says Khazei, who has finally signed Sarah Michelle Gellar for the female lead.

    Her husband, Freddie Prinze Jr., was considering co-starring but he is now concentrating on developing a TV sitcom for himself.

    "Both Owen Wilson and his brother Luke Wilson have looked at the script and have expressed interest," says Khazei, who hopes to begin filming later this year.

    Laut wird Alyson einen weiteren Auftritt bei "Veronica Mars" haben. Es handelt sich um die Folge 1x19 Hot Dogs, welche voraussichtlich am 19. April ausgestrahlt wird.

    Sarahs Interview mit der FAZ:

    Sarah in aktuellen Magazinen:

  16. #156
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Nicht vergessen&#33; Morgen startet endlich "The Grudge" in Deutschland&#33;

    Hier nochmal zur Information:

    Der erste, lang erwartete Angel Soundtrack ist jetzt offiziell draussen. Alle Infos in den Neuerscheinungen&#33;

  17. #157
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Wer zufällig die Houston SlayerCon besuchen möchte kann hier schonmal schauen was ihn erwartet:

    Neues zu Wonder Woman:

  18. #158
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Clare Kramer mit neuem Film:

    Sarah im Interview:

    Auch ProSieben hat eine Seite zu Sarahs Film eingerichtet:

  19. #159
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER (CBS) - Alyson Hannigan ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer") has joined the cast of the comedy pilot, about the exploits of a single man (Josh Radnor), as told through his own eyes 20 years later. No details were available about Hannigan&#39;s character. In addition, Rob Greenberg ("Frasier") has signed on as an executive producer of the 20th Century Fox Television-based project, which was created by Carter Bays and Craig Thomas ("American Dad")
    Bisher ist erst sehr wenig über die Serie bekannt. Erste Infos gibt es aber schon auf

    BRIAR & GRAVES (FOX) - Elizabeth Rohm ("Law & Order", "Angel") and Charles Mesure ("Boogeyman") will play the title roles of Briar and Graves respectively in the drama pilot, about a hard-living priest (Mesure) who partners with a female doctor (Rohm) to investigate unexplained religious phenomena. Paul Sheuring, Marty Adelstein and Dawn Parouse are behind the project, which is set up at 20th Century Fox Television and the latter duo&#39;s Adelstein/Parouse Productions. Dondre Whitfield, Graham Beckel and Angel Desai also star.
    Auch hier ist noch nicht viel bekannt. Erste Anlaufstelle wiedermal

    Outpost Gallifrey has learned that Anthony Stewart Head has taken over as the narrator for the forthcoming two-part radio documentary "Project: Who," airing on Radio 2 on March 22 and 29, after original narrator Patrick Stewart (Star Trek: The Next Generation) had to pull out due to schedule difficulties. Head, best known to science fiction fans as Rupert Giles on "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer," previously starred in Big Finish&#39;s "Excelis" audio series, and is familiar to (and with) fans of the Doctor Who genre.
    BBC Radio 2
    Project: WHO? Tuesday 22nd and 29th March at 8.30pm on BBC Radio 2

    Also, wer Interesse hat, am 22. und 29. März jeweils ab 19:30 Uhr MEZ über den Link auf der BBC Radio 2 Seite einklinken.

  20. #160
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    LOS ANGELES ( Scott Foley, Amy Acker and Regina Taylor are the latest additions to the ensemble of CBS&#39; drama pilot "The Unit."

    Based on Eric Haney&#39;s book "Inside Delta Force," "The Unit" looks at members of a Special Forces unit and their families. David Mamet ("Glengarry Glen Ross," "Heist") and Shawn Ryan ("The Shield") are executive producing the 20th Century Fox TV production. Dennis Haysbert ("24"), Michael Irby ("Line of Fire") and Regina King ("Ray") were previously announced for the cast.

    Foley, last seen in a guest starring role on FOX&#39;s "House," is best known for his run as Noel Crane on The WB&#39;s "Felicity." The actor, who also starred in NBC&#39;s "A.U.S.A.," has also done recent spots on "Scrubs" and "Jack & Bobby."
    This will be Acker&#39;s first regular television gig since she ended her run on The WB&#39;s "Angel" last spring. In addition to playing Winifred Burkle from 2001-2004, Acker has appeared on "Wishbone" and in the 2003 telefilm "Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt."

    Taylor has been a regular on "I&#39;ll Fly Away" and "The Education of Max Bickford."

    The Hollywood Reporter has no specifics on which parts the various actors will play.
    Infos auch bei

    The Grudge ist inzwischen seit einer Woche im Kino und hält momentan Platz 4 inne.

    1. Hitch - Der Date Doktor
    Komödie - USA 2005

    2. Meine Frau, ihre Schwiegereltern und ich
    (Meet the Fockers)
    Komödie - USA 2004

    3. Die wilden Kerle 2
    Kinderfilm - Deutschland 2005

    4. Der Fluch - The Grudge
    (The Grudge)
    Horror - USA/Japan 2004

    5. Constantine
    Thriller/Science Fiction - USA 2005

    6. Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage
    Drama - Deutschland 2004

    7. Felix - Ein Hase auf Weltreise
    Kinderfilm/Trickfilm - Deutschland 2005

    8. Wenn Träume fliegen lernen
    (Finding Neverland)
    Drama - USA/Großbritannien 2004

    9. Silentium
    Thriller/Komödie - Österreich 2004

    10. Ray
    Drama - USA 2004

    Davids neuer Film:

    Bilder dazu in der Picture Section&#33;

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