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Thema: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Alte und neue Rollen

  1. #161
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Who's the coolest Hollywood comic creator: Joss Whedon, Reginald Hudlin or Allan Heinberg?

    Hier abstimmen.

    Der Trailer für den TV-Film "Cool Money" mit James Marsters kann hier angeschaut werden:

    Neue Bilder zu "These Girls" in der Picture Section.

  2. #162
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Mercedes! Sie wird heute junge 25 Jahre.

    Sarahs hat mit den Dreharbeiten zu ihrem neuen Film begonnen. Mehr Infos hier:

    Daryl Goldberg redet über "Unholy", den neuen Film mit Nicholas. Mehr hier:

    Eigentlich soll Kristins "Save One Show Kampagne" bei E-Online dazu dienen Serien am Leben zu halten die auf der Kippe stehen. Doch dieses Jahr scheint es ganz anders zu laufen. 20.000 Fans wandten sich per Mail an Kristin ihnen dabei zu helfen das "Whedonverse" zurückzubringen. Konkret soll ein Spin-Off über einen der Buffy- und Angelstars dabei herausspringen. Heissester Anwärter soll wohl Spike sein.

    Mehr zu dieser spektakulären Geschichte hier:
    Spike TV: This year's Save One Show campaign--in which readers vote for the one endangered series they want to save--is all about the shows that have been on the air this season. (And by the way, we will reveal the overwhelming winner in just one week, so hang tight&#33

    But the fact that no Whedon-helmed series is currently on the air didn't stop nearly 20,000 fans from sending write-in votes: "Bring back the Whedonverse!" Meaning, they want a spinoff or a telepic with the characters from Joss Whedon's television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Now.

    Clearly, you want it bad. Especially you Spike (James Marsters) fans. Which explains why I received a lovely floral bouquet (on Valentine's Day, just to get my hopes up that John Stamos had struck again) and a card that read: "A year ago our heart was broken. We don't need an Angel to fix it. But James Marsters could get the blood pumping again!"

    While discussing his new telepic, Cool Money (airing Mar. 19 on USA), James told me he was stunned to find out about the flowers. "Really? They did that?" he mused. "Wow. Just. Wow. I am speechless."

    Thankfully, the words came when asked about the possibility of a Spike spinoff. "Joss and I have talked about [it]," he told me. "I told him I would be very interested in doing it within a five-year time span, but being that the character is a vampire, I didn't think that I was the guy to play him after that because, with everyone who played a vampire on that show, it was a prime concern that you try to maintain the look that you were hired with, that you really try not to age. Frankly, television will age you. It's like being the President. It's some long hours! And one of the coolest things about a vampire is his iconic ability to just not change. I told Joss I would love to work with him, whatever he's got. So, series TV, direct-to-video, animation, whatever! He's a good writer, so he tends to attract good writers, so it's good to work with him."

    And it's good to watch him. Joss--who is very busy with his Serenity movie these days--declined a request to talk about the possibility of a spinoff. So, here's what I'm thinkin': We try and reach him another way. (Especially now that we know the clock is ticking.)

    From the emails sent in over the past few months, I've come up with the most popular requests/ideas for Whedonverse spinoffs. I want you to vote here for your Whedonverse fave, and I will forward the results to Whedon's office, as a friendly reminder that the fans want more. I also highly recommend you send this column! to your friends, as there is strength in numbers. Tick, tock.!
    Also stimmt fleissig mit ab! Es gibt wieder Hoffnung!

  3. #163
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Neue Serie für Nick.
    KITCHEN CONFIDENTIAL (FOX) - Nicholas Brendon ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer") is the latest addition to the comedy pilot, about a bad-boy, down-on-his-luck chef who takes over at a top New York restaurant and must fight off all the urges of his former lifestyle. Brendon will play Seth Klein in the project, which also stars Owain Yeoman and John Francis Daley. His character is described in the casting notice as: "20s. A pastry chef extraordinaire, and is also a compulsive gambler, who’ll take odds on ANY bet! He is lured to Bistro Pino by a desperate Jack. Despite some misgivings, Seth joins the team." Darren Star is directing the single-camera pilot from a script by David Hemingson. Star, Hemingson, David Knoller and Jim Rosenthal then will executive produce the project, which is set up at 20th Century Fox Television, New Line Television and Darren Star Productions.

    Amy in "Perfekt Man":

    Joss und Wonder Woman:

  4. #164
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Michelle Trachtenberg - A Rising Star:

    Joss und Wonder Woman:

    Welche Scoobie bist du?
    Ich bin übrigens ANGEL.

  5. #165
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Happy Birthday Alyson! Sie feiert heute ihren 31. Geburtstag!

    "Some things onscreen are best left unseen" - Ein Bericht über TV-Charaktere die eigentlich nie zu sehen waren, in dem auch Cordys Hausgeist erwähnt wird.
    12. Dennis, Angel. "How'd I ever live without a ghost?" Cordelia asked during one of Dennis' most memorable non-appearances, where he nursed his ailing roommate by drawing her a hot bath and scrubbing her back. If the Academy gave Emmys to invisible men, he would've been a contender.

    Seth Green wird im Seasonfinale von Will & Grace mit von der Partie sein. Eventuell Spoiler!
    WILL & GRACE (NBC) - Seth Green ("Greg the Bunny"), Alec Baldwin ("Las Vegas"), Eric Stoltz ("Out of Order") and Danny Pintauro ("Who's the Boss?") are all set to guest star in the show's two-part season finale. Green will play Randall Finn, a paranoid, hotheaded former child star who steals Jack's (Sean Hayes) Out TV talk show idea. Baldwin then will play Malcom, a man who offers Will (Eric McCormack) a lucrative new job while Stoltz is set as Grace's (Debra Messing) ex-fling Tom and Pintauro will play himself. NBC has yet to announce a firm air date for the episodes.

    Nachdem zunächst nicht klar war ob die wenigen Folgen Tru Calling von Season 2 jemals auf FOX gezeigt werden würden steht jetzt fest, dass sie doch noch laufen werden. Die erfolglose übernatürliche Serie "Point Pleasant" wurde nach der achten Folge abgesetzt und bereits vollständig von der FOX-Webseite entfernt. So bekommt nun also Tru Calling seine zweite Chance. Dass jedoch mehr als die bereits produzierten 6 Folgen laufen werden dürfte so ziemlich ausgeschlossen sein. Los gehts also am 31. März um 20:00/19:00 Central Time mit gleich 2 Folgen.

    21. Perfect Storm
    gs: Liz Vassey (Dr. Carrie Allen) N/A (Kate Wilson) N/A (Victor)

    Jack comes back to town two months after the events of the Season One finale. Tru's dad decides to move to town. Harrison has been at a new job for six weeks. Tru has started med school, thanks to Davis pulling some strings. When a young Harbor Patrol officer dies in a white squall while rescuing some students and asks for help, Tru has to compete against Jack to save her life.

    b: 31-Mar-2005 pc: 2.01 w: Jon Harmon Feldman d: Michael Katleman

    22. Grace
    gs: Erick Avari (Doctor Richard Burrell) Lizzy Caplan (Avery) Parry Shen (Tyler) N/A (Detective Gomez) N/A (Doctor Richard Burrell) Eric Christian Olsen (Jensen)

    When a psychiatrist is gunned down, Tru tries to identify the killer… but Jacks meddling implicates her in the murder.

    b: 31-Mar-2005 pc: 2.02 w: Doris Egan d: Dan Lerner

    Infos zum möglichen Spike-Film:

    Die 7 romantischsten TV-Paare. Auch Buffy und Angel sind dabei.
    2. Buffy Summers and Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    Theirs was a forbidden love — a vampire and the slayer, but he had a soul and things looked okay until they consummated their love and a gypsy curse robbed him of his conscience. Relieved of his humanity, Angel went on a murderous rampage culminating with Buffy killing him. Of course, he came back the next season, but their love was too dangerous, so he got a spin-off.

  6. #166
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Mercedes wird in einem neuen Horrorfilm namens "Hatchet" mit von der Partie sein. Der Regisseur ist Adam Green und vom Inhalt ist noch nicht viel bekannt.

    "For years the locals in the Louisiana bayou have whispered the tale of Victor Crowley. One group of tourists are about to discover that the legend is real and more horrifying than they ever imagined."

    "When a group of tourists on a New Orleans haunted swamp tour find themselves stranded in the wilderness, their evening of fun and spooks turns into a horrific nightmare."
    Zur Zeit befindet sich der Film in der Produktion.

    Und noch ein Scoobie könnte bald wieder Onscreen sein. Anscheinend soll Emma eine Rolle in LOST übernehmen. Ob nur als Gast oder als wiederkehrende Rolle ist noch nicht raus. Genausowenig wie ob sie überhaupt letztendlich dabei sein wird. Also Daumen drücken!

    Ein Artikel über den möglichen Spike TV-Film auf WB.
    WB considering Blondie Bear return?
    Posted on Thr, 24-Mar-2005

    Looks like we might be seeing a familiar bloodsucker back on the frog soon.

    Both Joss Whedon and James Marsters, creator and co-star of "Angel", respectively, have long expressed an interest in bringing bottle-blonde vampire Spike back to screens in a telemovie - and by the sounds of it, it's going to [finally] happen.

    Whedon announced at Wizard World over the weekend that he's very keen to do an "Angel" spin-off - with the character of 'Spike' the chap he'll most likely be concentrating on - and it got a great reception from those in attendance.

    Ausiello over at TV Guide talked to both WB entertainment president David Janollari, and Whedon, who sounded keener than a Olympian around water to dive straight into it.

    "I have given it more thought since you brought it up. It's certainly something that I continue to get many fan letters and e-mails about, and it's something that we discuss a lot around here. But no decision has been made", the WB head-honcho tells the reporter.

    Whedon seemed optimistic. "I'm really for it, but I have never really spoken to David Janollari," he said. "I occasionally would bring it up with [execs at 20th Century] Fox, and they'd be like, 'Yeah, that would be cool.' And I'm like, 'Who do we need to talk to?' And then nothing has really happened. I've been really busy in post [-production] on Serenity and haven't been able to get the wheels turning, but I definitely intend to investigate it."

    Whedon says he doesn't necessarily need to write or direct the "Spike" telemovie, so the WB can pretty much getting go on it as soon as they want. "[Spike] is not necessarily something that I would write and direct myself," he suggested. "I have a lot of brilliant friends who worked with me for many years who might be able to take the helm — somebody who both James [Marsters] and I would trust."

    Whedon says his idea for the "Spike" telemovie isn't a prequel. "For me, Spike is a very contemporary guy," he said. "It's sort of what distinguished him from Angel."

    Fingers crossed - it could be the first smart move The WB has made since greenlighting "Angel" all those years back.

  7. #167
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Endlich kommen auch die Amis in den Genuss des hervoragenden Angel Soundtracks. Am 17. Mai ist es soweit, die US-Version wird gleich der UK-Version sein.

    Ausserdem gibt es neues von Michelle

    THE DIVE FROM CLAUSEN'S PIER (Lifetime) - Will Estes ("American Dreams") is set to star opposite Michelle Trachtenberg in the upcoming telefilm, about a small-town woman's journey of self-discovery after her fiance suffers a serious accident. Harry Winer is helming the Con Artists Productions/Fox TV Studios-based project from an adaptation of Ann Packer's best-selling novel of the same name by John Wierick. Brenda Friend, Mel Gibson, Bruce Davey, Nancy Cotton, David Madden and Lisa Demberg are the executive producers.
    und von Alyson.

    LOS ANGELES ( Former "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" co-star Alyson Hannigan has signed on for her third network comedy pilot on her third network in little over a year. The actress will take a role in the CBS ensemble "How I Met Your Mother."

    Set up at 20th Century Fox TV, "Mother" focuses on a middle-aged married man looking back at his single days and how he met his wife. It's unclear from the Hollywood Reporter what part Hannigan will play in the series, which also stars Neil Patrick Harris ("Doogie Howser, M.D.") and Jason Segel ("Freaks and Geeks").

    Earlier this year, Hannigan was set for a supporting role in ABC's midseason comedy "In the Game." She departed the pilot in January over creative differences and, soon after, the Jennifer Love Hewitt offering was scrapped entirely. Last spring, Hannigan starred in an untitled comedy pilot for NBC.
    Hannigan was most recently seen guest starring on UPN's "Veronica Mars." In addition to her time as Willow Rosenberg on "Buffy," Hannigan is most familiar from the three "American Pie" films.

    Also at CBS, Benjamin King (NBC's "Saving Jessica Lynch") will do the comedy "Stroller Wars" and Australian actress Jenni Baird will appear in the pilot for the legal drama "Conviction."

  8. #168
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Der Whedonverse Poll ist geschlossen und das recht eindeutige Ergebnis steht fest. Die Fans wollen mehr von Spike sehen. Hier der Wortlaut von Kristin:
    Spike It! Sure, the shows were called Buffy and Angel, but the results of our recent Whedonverse Poll prove that it's Spikey--James Marsters--who has the never-say-die, die-hard following. Granted, I'm not surprised by the winner, given the postcards, emails, fruit baskets and flowers over the past months (I also just received bags of M&M candies with "James Rocks" printed on them and am currently nursing an overly yummified stomach).

    That said, you know I'm going to show you the poll results, but before I do, I just want to say: These are the real numbers. No cheating. No tinkering. So, any of you still harboring conspiracy theories from our Save One Show poll can rest assured.

    More than 36,000 of you voted, and you said these are the top 10 characters you'd most like to see in a Whedonverse spinoff:

    1. Spike (James Marsters) 42%
    2. Faith (Eliza Dushku) 21%
    3. Willow (Alyson Hannigan) 8%
    4. Illyria (Amy Acker) 6%
    5. Giles (Anthony Stewart Head) 5%
    6. Xander (Nicholas Brendon) 4%
    7. Wesley (Alexis Denisof) 3%
    8. Connor (Vincent Kartheiser) 2%
    9. Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter) 2%
    10. Tara (Amber Benson) 1%

    Anya (Emma Caulfield) also earned one percent, but garnered fewer votes than Tara; and Lorne (Andy Hallett), Dawn (Michelle Trachtenberg), the Geek Trio (Danny Strong, Tom Lenk and Adam Busch) and Gunn (J. August Richards) all pulled in less than one percent of the total.
    Man darf gespannt sein was nun passiert.

    Neue Rolle für Christian Kane:
    LOS ANGELES ( Former "Angel" co-star Christian Kane and three-time Emmy nominee JoBeth Williams have joined the casts of pilots at CBS.

    "Trapper John, M.D." star Gregory Harrison and Jason Wiles have also taken parts in projects set up at the network.

    Kane, who played revenge-driven Wolfram & Hart lawyer Lindsey McDonald on "Angel," has taken a part in "American Crime," according to The Hollywood Reporter. The show, one of many being produced by Jerry Bruckheimer TV this pilot season, revolved around a female prosecutor (Jennifer Finnigan, "Committed") who's also a new mother.
    In addition to "Angel," Kane's credits include "Friday Night Lights" and "Just Married." He also has a part in TNT's forthcoming miniseries "Into the West."

    Williams, who stars in the TNT movie "14 Hours" this weekend, will play Tiffani Thiessen's mom in "Stroller Wars," a comedy about a young couple (Thiessen and Darren Ritchie) who are adjusting to being parents. It would be her first regular sitcom role since she starred in CBS's there-and-gone "Payne" in 1999.

    She earned an Emmy nomination in 1995 for a guest-starring role on "Frasier" to go along with nods in the 1980s for the telefilms "Adam" and "Baby M."

    Harrison, meanwhile, will star opposite Susie Essman in an untitled comedy co-created by the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" actress. The actor, who played the president in TBS's "First Daughter" movies and starred in the short-lived series "Safe Harbor," will play Essman's new husband, who moves her from the city to the suburbs.

    Finally, Wiles has joined Jeri Ryan, David Arquette, Christine Taylor and Johnathon Schaech in the cast of "Commuters," a drama about three couples who live in the New York suburbs and take the train to work in Manhattan. Wiles plays Bosco on NBC's "Third Watch," which is ending its run this season.

  9. #169
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    James war neben vielen anderen Stars aus dem Whedonverse auf der Houston Slayercon und hat sich in einer Fragestunde auch zu den möglichen Spike Filmen geäussert.

    Courtesy of

    1) How long does it take to do Andy’s make-up (this was a leftover question because Andy’s Q&A was only scheduled for ½ hour and he ran overtime so he told us we could ask James any Andy questions we still had)?
    A) Takes about two hours. Or maybe 1 ½ hours in the morning and 1 ½ hours at night. Contacts were really hard on him because they were really big.

    2) If somebody made a movie about your life, who should play you and who would you like to have direct?
    A) Jamie Foxx. Just to see if he could do it. And maybe Spike Lee. I’m not sure I’d want the movie though. Would I want you to know that much about me?

    3) Can I hook up my daughter with your son?
    A) My son’s not really into girls yet but they are all crushing on him. You know how girls can be at that age when they like a boy. They are all giving him a hard time and he really hates it. I told him soon he’ll love it!

    4) How long does it take to do the vamp make-up?
    A) Twenty minutes. Really. But we never tell the producers that. We say it takes at least 45 minutes. Our make-up guy was really good. The only person from Buffy ever to win an Emmy.

    5) Can I play “Actors Studio” here? Where you always good as an actor?
    A) Yes, I was very good as a kid before when I didn’t think about it.
    I started getting bad as I got trained. Someone told me I was too intelligent to be an actor. I think I just had bad training. Then I went back to just doing it and I got good again. I think everyone is beautiful and special enough to be looked at.

    6) We’ve all heard you say that you have family commitments that keep you from traveling away from the west coast. Do you think this is detrimental to your career?
    A) No. I’m very confident. I just turned down an acting job in a NY TV show. I believe that careers are not the kind of thing that go down. I think careers are a circle. I don’t know where I am on that circle right now but I know to get to the top you have to come down to come back up.

    7) What do you think are the chances for a Buffy or Angel theatrical film?
    A) If anyone would be interested in a motion picture, it would most likely have to be a Buffy movie. But, if I was Sarah’s manager I would tell her not to do it yet. Sarah is a great actress and I’d say she needs to get a Golden Globe before she does Buffy. But if Joss does it with Sarah, it wouldn’t be able to happen in High School so I’d have to be in it.

    8 ) On the same track as the last question, what about a Spike TV movie?
    A) I’d be very interested. I LOVE the character. It would definitely be TV movie and not a motion picture. When I talked to Joss about it a while back, I told him if he does a Spike movie it needs to be in the next five years. Spike is an icon that doesn’t change. Even his wardrobe doesn’t change. That’s what an icon is. I mean otherwise I’ll be too old.
    I love my face but it’s not the same as it was. (Audience members yell out that we wouldn’t care. One person says something about putting the pressure on.) James says “OK, really I just want to get him to do it now.”

    9) What kind of preparation did you do for the role of Bobby Comfort?
    A) Good question. Zero. I was cast about 12 hours before filming. I returned from the Halloween Event and there was a script delivered. I called and asked about it and said I was too tired and wasn’t even going to open it. He said I had to. I said I just couldn’t. He said well, give me a number that would make you willing to do it. I gave him an insane amount and I was on a plane the next day.

    10) In starring on Cool Money, where there any lessons learned that you will take with you?
    A) Yes. I learned to stand up for myself on the set. I realized that if something was really bothering me, it was probably bothering others too. That I needed to say something to get it taken care of. People would come over and thank me. I also learned not to be more than I am. Also, being the lead means changing clothing effectively. I realized that with five or six costume changes per day, if it took me ½ hour, it could delay filming by three hours or I could do it in five minutes and we could move on.
    (Somebody mentioned loving the suits. James said he got to keep them and that now he can dress classy for the first time in his life.)

    11) What was your favorite Angel episode to shoot?
    A) The Angel fight (assuming in Destiny). Oh, also the Italian episode (The Girl in Question). David was really hurting in the fight. He had an old football injury and he was in so much pain. They kept needing him to keep fighting and I had so much respect for him. It was nice to have a chance to finally get to see Spike and Angel’s connection. I’m surprised it took them so long. I was expecting it much sooner but there was so much stuff.

    12) Does the CD and singing bring you to a vulnerable place?
    A) I was really worried about it. It’s very different. With the band you feel the music in the back of your pants. But I’m more comfortable solo.

    13) What is your favorite Pez dispenser?
    A) Bobba Fett. The villain that everyone loved but who has hardly any screen time. (Then he got cute and shrugged.)

    14) Did you think the ending of Buffy was consistent with the shows message?
    A) Yes. Definitely. I’m Buffy when I watch and when I play the video game. But I felt the show got too serious at the end. It wasn’t fun to watch.

    15) What is your favorite guilty pleasure TV show?
    A) Actually, I go for the news and the History channel. But DVD’s I always get action movies. I’m low brow for film and high brow for television. None of that talky stuff.

    16) Who was your favorite playwright to work for?
    A) (Note: Not sure he heard the question as he answered with playrights that he’d like to work for.) George Walker. A Canadian playwright who talks about the underprivileged in Toronto. Steven Burkhoff (sp?). Audience member asks him if he would be interested in working for Lanford Wilson. Guy next to her says girl has him on her speed dial. Girl says Lanford asked me to ask you. James has stunned expression on his face and becomes, for him, speechless. Says his tummy is upset.

    17) Was it uncomfortable/painful to bleach your hair?
    A) It was extremely painful. I have a dry scalp and it would get into the cracks and burn. I’d just wait in my trailer curled up in the fetal position and say “paycheck, paycheck, paycheck.”

    18 ) How do you keep each take fresh?
    A) It’s a problem because the camera is very close. Stage is much easier. As long as you hit your marks. Meryl refuses to do more than three. You have to be able to just look at your partner. You can look into David’s eyes and have no idea what you are going to get. That’s a good thing. No, really.

    19) Watching the Mountain, you had us all crying at the end. What was it like playing that kind of alcoholic character?
    A) I had to show that even losers can have a lot of love. Audience member asks about tattoo. He says he can’t tat. Sarah has tats, David has tats. I can’t tat. I feel you need to keep this (points to self) a clean slate. Too much make-up is needed to cover those things up and the logistics of if it’s in a shot. I did keep the fake ones on. Make up asked me by to take them off and I said hell no, I’m going to a party.

    20) How would you feel if you won an Emmy or a Grammy?
    A) I understand that the financial aspect of the business means awards have lost meaning. I suppose I would feel good and it would help my career. But they don’t mean much. If Buffy couldn’t ever get one, that just proved it to me.

    21) How do you feel about and do you have any experience with improv?
    A) I never really did it for work. I’ve done it a lot but I never got paid for it.

    22) How did you get involved in the Dresden books?
    A) They just called me up. I didn’t understand because they didn’t need a British accent and that was all I was known for. He then talked about Butcher and also mentioned that he received an autographed copy of Da Vinci Code.

    23) Was it strange when you got to the part in the second Dresden book where Spike was torn to shreds. Also, is there any word on the Dresden series?
    A) Oh, yeah. I got to that part (Note: I don’t remember the rest.) Lions Gate is working on it but they are not very far along. My name is still being batted about but they are very far away from doing it.

    24) What kind of direction did you get in playing Charlemagne Boliver on Andromeda?
    A) I was thinking I would do it like a dangerous dandy. Like Tim Roth in Rob Roy. That he was still a man and dangerous and it was just the times. They wanted me to play it more (gestures “flamboyantly”) and I said he’s not gay, just rich. I felt that they missed it with the character.

    25) Do you think anyone would ever put together “Once More with Feeling” for Broadway?
    A) I think a company actually did put together a stage play. I think they’d need a few more songs and a subplot – about Spike. The show was only 48 minutes or so.

    26) Have you ever been scared by a fan? Or really just felt uncomfortable?
    A) Not really. I can’t always fill every need a fan has but I try to give what I can. I don’t get afraid much in my life. I can defend myself.

    27) How do you stay grounded?
    A) I deny it. I find people in my life that will ignore it. And I stay of the internet. I think celebrity was invented in England about 300 years ago as a way to sell tickets. Celebrity is manufactured.

    28 ) How did you feel about the script when it mentioned Spike and that one time with Angel?
    A) The same as I felt about the hand holding scene with Angel. I was not going to let Joss get to me. I was just reading a Joss comment where he said Spike was probably the best ingénue Angel ever had. The downside of working with Joss is that he sometimes likes to humiliate people and tear things down that he’s built up. He’ll do it with a story and it breaks barriers and makes things happen that you wouldn’t expect. But it can still be hard on you.

    29) Which do you prefer? Comedy or Drama?
    A) I’d like another series that has both. Drama is easier and comedy is hard. I’ve met some comedians and they are not very happy people. They have to try so hard to make people laugh and it’s a lot of pressure.

    30) You’re role at the beginning of Angel seemed kind of forced. What did you think about that?
    A) Sometimes it takes a writer’s time to get the character. It actually happened on Buffy too but it was early on. We had to tell the Buffy writers that Spike wasn’t about long speeches and that you should throw out conjunctions entirely.

    31) At Moonlight Rising you mentioned a Macbeth project. How’s that possibility going?
    A) It’s still rolling along but it may take years to get it all together. It takes time to get a studio to say the words “greenlight.”

    32) What did they use for when you were drinking blood?
    A) Strawberry Quik. But when I was working on stage, I was always obsessed with getting the blood just right. For Buffy, we would actually have paramedics on set because some people were known to just pass out on the concrete.

    33) When you were living in New York, did you ever have the opportunity to see Shakespeare in the Park?
    A) No. I did see one play in New York but I’m not that impressed with New York Shakespeare. It’s too commercialized.

    34) If a Caveman and an Astronaut where in a fight…
    A) Oh, Caveman. Definitely. But David really believes it’s the astronaut. At one point, Joss wanted us to improvise before the scene and we started in. (James changes to Spike accent and starts riffing on the topic. Something about the astronauts would be tiny in order to fit into the space capsule and astronauts are all about height and weight and
    payload.) But David is all about the tools and the cooperative fighting.

    35) You’ve mentioned before about all of the stage lessons you learned that you had to throw out for TV. What lessons did you keep?
    A) Not much. Improv. Beats. Beats are like football where each side has a clear objective. One team wants to go that way; the other team wants to go this way. If you can change beats clearly. It would probably take me a good solid hour to come up with more. Oh, also stage fighting. It’s different and you need to make your own sounds for stage but still stage fighting skill.

    36) What is your favorite song that you’ve written?
    A) Probably “This Town.” I was trying to squeeze more into fewer words. I wanted to tell a whole story in three verses. Also, the title track from “Civilized Man.”

    37) Why did you choose to play a character like Ted in “The Mountain.” I’ve seen alcoholism. (Missed the rest.)
    A) A chance to play a fallible character. To help to feel for a character you would normally pass over. He was an imperfect man with a lot of love for his son.

    38 ) What was it like transitioning from Buffy to Angel?
    A) Nonexistent. It was most of the same writers. I’d acted with most of them before over at Joss’ house. Oh, fighting on wood was different than fighting on concrete. Wood is spongier.

    39) Which did you like more, Buffy or Angel?
    A) Both were intense, frustrating, horrifying, and giddy. I guess I was able to stretch more on Buffy and it could be more horrifying. Wasn’t able to grow as much on Angel. Buffy was frightening but I was glad I had the opportunity.

    40) Who brought the idea of the Sex Pistols for Spike’s character?
    A) Actually, that was Joss. I got the part I think because I was the only actor there who knew who they were. But I don’t really think Spike was Sid Vicious but actually more Johnny Rotten.

    41) Have you ever taken karate and how do you like sparring with Sarah?
    A) I’ve never taken karate but I have taken judo and kung-fu. Sarah really put herself into those fights even though they weren’t one of her favorite things to do. She got me in the nose a couple of times.

    42) If you could meet one actor, who would it be?
    A) Meryl Streep. Or maybe Bobby De Niro.

    43) What was your favorite character to play on stage?
    A) Macbeth. Maybe Robespierre.

    44) Where would you be if you didn’t have family commitments and could live anywhere?
    A) Probably New York or Chicago. I want to prove to everyone that I really am good on the stage.

    Die 5 einflussreichsten SciFi-Shows der 90er:

    Remember these shows? You’ll find hints of them all over today’s television landscape, which makes them the most imitated, most remembered and most influential SciFi shows from the previous decade.

    5. “Xena: Warrior Princess”

    Itself a spinoff of the 1995-1999 series “Hercules: The Legendary Journeys” with Kevin Sorbo, this 1995-2001 fantasy cult favorite may seem an odd choice—but it’s not. For one thing, it’s one of the first TV shows to feature buddy-buddy action between two sexy women heroines who kick butt (“Charlie’s Angels” notwithstanding). It wasn’t until the ‘90s that shows featuring girls and women in the top roles became common—and before “Xena,” your viewing choices of female TV headliners would have included “Blossom” and Nickelodeon’s “Clarissa Explains It All.”

    But that wasn’t all. There were the romantic overtones as well as the true, abiding friendship between main characters Xena (Lucy Lawless) and Gabrielle (Renee O’Connor), along with episodes that really pushed the envelope. Who can forget “The Bitter Suite,” a musical episode/parody from the third season featuring Lucy Lawless’ own voice (and nude scenes from both actresses)? Since then, we’ve seen lots of musical episodes from other TV shows—but none with the lightheartedness and fun of “Xena.”

    4. “Star Trek: The Next Generation”

    How could we not include this one? It revived the “Star Trek” franchise in a big way when it aired in syndication in 1997 and lasted seven seasons. Since “Star Trek: The Next Generation” we’ve had the world of “Star Trek” on air in some form ever since. And for good reason. This show had it all—a captain who could rival Kirk, Jean-Luc Picard, a great supporting cast and adventures that stayed true to the heart of the original while pushing television boundaries.

    Creating a template for SciFi TV adventures in general, Picard and crew encountered ethical dilemmas, new lifeforms and languages along their route, exploring human emotions and weaknesses along with alien worlds. That’s the best kind of science fiction, and “Star Trek” did it well. Remember the episodes where Data’s “humanity” was questioned? Or “The Outcast,” in which Commander Riker fell in love with an individual whose culture brutally enforced androgyny? How about “Darmok,” in which Picard must decipher a language that no one seems to understand even when translated? Then there were the big space battles, as when they fought the Borg. Every week, we got this sort of adventure from “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and all other SciFi shows have been trying to live up to it ever since.

    3. “Babylon 5”

    There’s no question that this 1994-1998 show was influenced by “Star Trek”—but there’s no question that “Star Trek,” in turn, was influenced by “Babylon 5.” Aired around the same time as “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” this series was unique because of its vision—the five-year story arc that informed and deepened every episode. In fact, it was hard for newbies to get into “B5” because they wouldn’t understand what was going on without some work. But after “B5,” other SciFi shows started to utilize multi-episode stories more—just look at the Xindi plotline in “Enterprise,” or the Cardassian-Bajoran conflict in “DS9.”

    The nuanced writing, the complex stories, the relationships between ambassadors, the Psi Cops, the different alien cultures on the United Nations that was Babylon 5—all of these things made “Babylon 5” a groundbreaker, and a fun one. It proved that someone other than Gene Roddenberry could do a quality one-hour drama that was true SciFi and infuse it with life and density and new ideas. We’ve not seen its like since—but people have tried.

    2. “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”

    Just take a look at the SciFi shows in your TV Guide right now and you’ll see why “Buffy” is one of today’s most influential shows. Without her, we wouldn’t have “Charmed,” or “Smallville,” or the recently cancelled “Point Pleasant”—heck, there’s a question as to whether “Alias” would have made it on the air without “Buffy” having made an example that others could emulate. What these other shows haven’t been able to imitate, as yet, is the fine writing that marks “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and turned it into one of TV’s most popular shows from 1997-2003.

    The formula is now a familiar one: a cast of good-looking kids who have special powers or knowledge to fight the evil emanating from a Hellmouth in Sunnydale, California. Buffy Summers is the chosen one—unfortunately for her. Played by the luminous Sarah Michelle Gellar, Buffy grows up with her high school pals while fighting vampires and demons. “Buffy” pioneered the formula—and though many other shows have tried, they haven’t quite been able to mimic the complex character development or the originality of this truly great series.

    1. “The X-Files”

    In 1993, “The X-Files” breathed new life into the television scene with its talk of conspiracy and alien abduction, and continued to do so for nine years. No one can deny that the dark plots and ambiguity of “The X-Files” has informed dozens of TV shows ever since. For awhile, it seemed every new SciFi offering was trying to capitalize on “The X-Files” in some way. But Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully’s (Gillian Anderson) adventures have yet to be duplicated in such a spine-tingling way (remember those roaches?).

    Today, the more or less straightforward SciFi plots of a “Star Trek” are in short supply. No, viewers would rather be frightened and amazed in the way “The X-Files” pioneered. The plot twists of shows like “24” or “Lost” owe much to the ongoing drama of “The X-Files,” and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Oh, and the romance—in the 1990s, there was no more interesting couple than Mulder and Scully. Would they? Or wouldn’t they? Fueling our paranoia was a way of life for the writers on “The X-Files,” and we’re a much more sophisticated television viewing audience as a result.

    Seth mit neuer Serie:

    Green Draws 'Four Kings' at NBC

    LOS ANGELES ( Seth Green is putting aside his puppets to star in a comedy pilot for NBC.

    Green, who co-created Cartoon Network's "Robot Chicken" and whose last regular TV work was "Greg the Bunny" in 2002, will star in "Four Kings" for NBC, which as far as we know will feature all human actors. The comedy, from "Will & Grace" creators David Kohan and Max Mutchnick, is about four long-time friends who share a New York apartment.

    The former "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" star is set to play the "annoyed malcontent" of the quartet, according to The Hollywood Reporter. He'll be joined in the pilot by Kiele Sanchez ("Married to the Kellys").
    His casting in the project comes shortly after he filmed a guest spot on "Will & Grace." He's set to appear in one of the show's final episodes this season.

    Green writes, executive produces and does voice work on "Robot Chicken," a stop-motion-animated sketch show that's part of Cartoon Network's Adult Swim lineup. He also does voice work for FOX's "Family Guy."

    His film credits include the "Austin Powers" movies, "The Italian Job," "Party Monster" and last year's "Without a Paddle."

  10. #170
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    Ein Spike Comic ist auf dem Wege. Hier schonmal ein paar Impressionen:

    Emma wird leider vorerst nicht bei LOST dabei sein. Aber es gibt ja noch genügend Möglichkeiten sie eventuell in Season 2 einzubauen. Jedoch wird jemand anderes (ein irgendwie bedeutsamer Name in der Filmwelt) zum Seasonfinale die Insel aufmischen. Man darf gespannt sein.

  11. #171
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    Happy Birthday Emma! Sie feiert heute ihren 32. Geburtstag. Alle Gute!

  12. #172
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    Im Juni startet auf TNT eine 6-teilige Miniserie von Steven Spielberg, welche hochkarätig besetzt ist und auch einen Star des Whedonverse beinhalten wird. Christian Kane wird mit von der Partie sein bei "Into The West". Die offizielle Seite zur Serie ist jetzt offen. Alle Infos gibt es hier: TNT

    Die UPN-Serie "Veronica Mars" hat nach langem warten und bangen nun endlich grünes Licht für eine zweite Season bekommen. Nun dürfte auch in Season 2 mit weiteren Gastauftritten von Alyson zu rechnen sein. Ihren nächsten Auftritt hat sie schon am 19. April in Folge 19 "Hot Dogs" um 21 Uhr auf UPN.

    Wie schon erwähnt wird Sunnydales böser Bürgermeister Harry Groener zwei Auftritte am Seasonende von Star Trek: Enterprise haben. Zu sehen ist er in Folge 96 "Demons" und Folge 97 "Terra Prime". "Demons läuft am 06. Mai um 20 Uhr und "Terra Prime" läuft zusammen mit dem Serienfinale "These Are the Voyages ..." (Folge 98) am 13. Mai um 20 und 21 Uhr auf UPN.

  13. #173
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    Happy Birthday Sarah! Unsere Lieblingsjägerin wird heute stolze 28 jahre jung! Liebe grüsse von dieser Stelle und gutes Gelingen in der weiteren Karriere.

    Hier ein Bericht zum Abschluss von Tru Calling auf FOX.
    'Calling' It As An 'A' For Effort

    I'll admit it: It's not the greatest series on television. It's not slickly produced. Its scripts can lapse into stilted dialogue -- the same sort of not-quite-right, slightly too formalistic speech that's more common to soap operas. And the acting on the part of some of the secondary players seems occasionally wooden.

    I want upfront to dispense with the reasons folks will come up with not to like "Tru Calling." Because for all of those, the fact remains it's a quality series, and one -- had Fox stuck with it -- that could have only gotten better with time.

    The series stars former "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" bad girl Eliza Dushku as Tru Davies, a morgue worker where dead bodies ask for her help, and she obliges them by reliving days over again to put right what had gone wrong.

    "Tru Calling" is something of the red-headed stepchild of the "greater Whedonverse." Tim Minear's series "Wonderfalls" died more quickly than "Tru," but "Wonderfalls" had the benefit of being called quirky and becoming a darling of the critics.

    By contrast, "Tru Calling" just sort of sailed under the radar for an entire first season, and briefly started production on a second until Fox ultimately pulled the plug. It was never "hip" the way "Wonderfalls" had been.

    Nevertheless, Fox's recent decision to bring out of mothballs the six previously unaired hours of "Tru"'s abortive second season is bittersweet, because it's great to see more "Tru," but sad to know this is the last of it.

    Watching these episodes, it's clear that "Tru Calling" is a real "coulda, woulda, shoulda" story.

    This could of really been a good series, especially since fellow Buffy alum Jane Espenson had just joined it as co-executive producer just before Fox decided to give it the ax. The involvement of Espenson, one of the most talented acolytes of Joss Whedon, presaged real potential for growth. Espenson wrote last week's episode, "In The Dark," one of the best of the series so far.

    It would have been great to watch the introduction of Jason Priestley as Jack, who has become a dark nemesis to Tru's do-gooder. (In "Tru Calling," it's great to see both Dushku and Priestley play against type. Dushku is best known as Faith, the rogue Slayer on "Buffy," while Priestley is remembered as good-boy Brandon Walsh on "Beverly Hills 90210.")

    And all of this potential should have come to pass, if only Fox had given the show the time and support it needed to reach its stride.

    "Tru Calling" clearly has its faults, but in general they aren't the result of laziness. If anything, a real sense of making an effort, of trying for quality, shines through even the show's warts.

    Ms. Dushku, especially, should be singled out for applause. She clearly put her best foot forward week in and week out on this series. She particularly deserves credit for moving up from what had been an important, secondary, part as Faith on "Buffy" and "Angel," to taking the lead role on "Tru Calling." The series' successes often rested squarely on her attractive shoulders.

    "Tru Calling" is the television equivalent of a piece of handmade furniture, in which you can see individual imperfections, but taken as a whole, it's obvious that it was put together by people who give a damn and not by a slick, mass-producing corporation.

    The complete first season is already available on DVD, and must be selling at least somewhat well, judging from the fact that I bought mine at such a mass-market, mainstream store as my local Target.

    Fox has been airing the last handful of episodes Thursday nights at 9 p.m. ET. Like the series itself, its ratings have been decent, but not great. But that's with just minimal support and promotion on the part of Fox.

    I wish I could tell you that if we fans could give the ratings a spike, there is even a glimmer of a chance that the network may once again pick up the series. But I can't: I've been told Dusku has moved on to other projects. The train's already left the station on this one.

    So watch now to see what coulda, woulda, shoulda been before it's really gone for good. Other than that, we can only hope Fox decides to put these six episodes of the "second season" on DVD, as well.

    Sicher auch bei uns bestellbar, für alle Interessierten.
    A bevy of A-list series creators have contributed to Steven Prigge's upcoming book, "Created By: Inside the Minds of TV's Top Show Creators," which hits bookstores in July.

    Prigge has covered all the bases, hav ing cor ralled not only a fore word from Ted Dan son, but in terviews with Larry David ("Seinfeld"/"Curb Your Enthusiasm"), Max Mutchnick and David Kohan ("Will & Grace"), Shawn Ryan ("The Shield"), Bill Lawrence ("Scrubs"), J.J. Abrams ("Alias"/"Lost"), Brenda Hampton ("7th Heaven"/ "Fat Actress"), Joss Whedon ("Buffy"), Tom Fontana ("Oz") and more.

    The creators share stories of how they broke into the industry and the steps taken in the creation of their shows.

  14. #174
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten

    Neuigkeiten zu Amys neuer Serie:
    THE UNIT (CBS) - Max Martini ("Taken") has been confirmed as an additional cast member on the drama pilot, about an elite Special Forces unit and their families. Amy Acker, Scott Foley, Dennis Haysbert, Michael Blaine, Michael Irby, Regina King, Robert Patrick and Regina Taylor also star in the project, which comes from 20th Century Fox Television and creators David Mamet and Shawn Ryan.
    Neuigkeiten zur neuen Serie von Elisabeth Rohm, Angels Gehilfin aus den ersten Staffeln:
    BRIAR & GRAVES (FOX) - A recently discovered casting notice has detailed the various roles in the drama pilot, about a hard-living priest (Charles Mesure) who partners with a female doctor (Elisabeth Rohm) to investigate unexplained religious phenomena. As previously noted, Mesure plays Father Malachi Briar: "30-40. Handsome in a kind of used-up way, like he's packed a dozen lifetimes of boozing, brawling and Marlboros into his short 33 year tenure here on earth, a bit weary and cynical, Briar is an excommunicated Catholic priest who was involved in an exorcism that went bad. Impassioned, knowledgeable, fearless, devoted to the fight between Good and Evil (which to him comes down to God and the Devil), Briar is happy to help Laurie Graves with her brother, Rick, whom Briar instantly recognizes as being in the throes of possession. Nonjudgmental but appreciative of Laurie's fact-based deductions (and her ties with Police Captain Marco Settembrini), Briar ultimately can do nothing for Rick, but as he moves on to another case, he clearly welcomes Laurie's input."

    Rohm then is set as Dr. Laurie Graves: "28-34. A surgeon in Boston, Laurie is a woman of science, who later opens her mind to religious possibilities. Respected and liked at work, Laurie is very concerned about her artist brother Rick, who recently suffered the loss of his wife and infant son in a car accident while he was driving; Rick appears to be suffering a mental breakdown with bizarre religious overtones or at least, that's the way it seems to Laurie. Believing that it might placate Rick's tortured request for a priest, Laurie contacts to the maverick Father Malachi Briar, hoping a priest might get Rick to calm down and receive appropriate medical treatment. Aghast at the shivering, possibly dangerous wreck her brother has become, Laurie quickly grows uncomfortable with Briar's instant assessment of demonic possession. However, as Rick's tragic fate plays out, Laurie ever so slightly begins to concede that there may be more to this earth than she previously gave credit for - and she's willing to partner up with Briar as the scientific rock of reason to his stalwart belief in God and the Devil."

    As for its supporting roles, Colm Meaney plays Alister McSweeney - "54. A wry-humored, compassionate priest, Alister stops Laurie after she's just unsuccessfully sought an exorcist from a group of Catholic diocese priests, and tells her he knows the man for her job. Alister introduces Laurie to the unlikely priest Father Malachi Briar, his good friend whom he's stood by even through a murder charge in the aftermath of an exorcism gone bad. Like Briar, Alister believes in the on-going fight between God and the Devil, and he clearly believes in Malachi's talent. He works with him on ravelling the mystery of Rick's possession - while Dondre Whitfield's role is that of Jefferson Sims - "30. An African-American serologist (a pathologist who analyzes blood and body fluids), Jefferson is a colleague and friend of Laurie's who works with her at the Mass General Hospital. A good-natured, easy-going person who clearly cares about Laurie (but not in a romantic way), Jefferson analyzes the blood found at her brother Rick's house, the first sample of which is bovine. However, as Rick's condition deteriorates, Jefferson's analyses become unnerving and ultimately frightening."

    Finally, Graham Beckel plays Captain Marco Settembrini - "50. All beer belly and bluster, Marco's a Boston police captain who's wrapped around Laurie's finger since she saved his life with quadruple bypass surgery. A blue collar guy, Marco's happy to help Laurie find her missing brother and doesn't seem to mind when she orders him to detain, not arrest, Rick. Marco's not always thrilled to hear from Laurie, particularly when she calls him at home in the middle of the night, but he helps her however he can." - and Angel Desai is set as Saralee Ting - "28, Asian American. Saralee is a neurological radiologist and a good friend of Laurie's. Trying to help Laurie with her concern about her brother Rick, Saralee takes another look at Rick's MRI from the accident two years ago which took the lives of his wife and baby. As pragmatic as Laurie, but also compassionate, Saralee recommends getting Rick "back in the tube" so they can see if the encephalomalacia trauma has spread." Marty Adelstein, Dawn Parouse, Paul Scheuring are the executive producers.

    Ausserdem neues von FOX. Der Sender hat die letzte Folge Tru Calling auf Eis gelegt und noch keinen genaueren Sendetermin genannt. Ob es sich nur um eine Verschiebung von einer Woche handelt oder die Sache längerfristig wird ist noch nicht raus.

    Während die Amis also weiterhin auf das Serienfinale warten müssen geht bei uns die Serie endlich an den Start. Los gehts am 07. Mai um 16:50 Uhr bei RTL unter dem grausamen Titel "Tru Calling: Schicksal Reloaded!". Pünktlich zum Start wird es dann in der Flimmerkiste einen eigenen Thread für Tru Calling geben.

  15. #175
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Cast- und Detailinfos zu Sarahs neuem Film "Southland Tales":
    Richard Kelly’s SOUTHLAND TALES gets a piece of the Rock and Prudential isn’t involved at all... I think!

    Hey folks, Harry here... when’s the last time you saw a studio press release that stated that The Rock, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Seann William Scott were making a film with a strange hybrid of Andy Warhol and Phillip K. Dick’s sensibilities? This project is easily unlike anything you’ve ever seen. This script just never takes any of the expected turns - and from the 3 announced actors through all the others you’ll hear about - they are all radically playing way against their established personalities and types. It is a shake the pillars of heaven cool.



    Los Angeles, CA (April 20, 2005) - Cherry Road Films and Darko Entertainment announced today that Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock) will star opposite Seann William Scott (American Pie, The Dukes of Hazzard) and Sarah Michelle Gellar (The Grudge) in the science-fiction thriller Southland Tales for writer-director Richard Kelly (Donnie Darko). Sean McKittrick will produce under the Darko Entertainment banner he co-founded with Kelly. Cherry Road principals Bo Hyde and Kendall Morgan will produce. Executive producers are Matthew Rhodes and Judd Payne of Persistent Entertainment, Bill Johnson and Jim Seibel of Inferno Distribution, and Oliver Hengst of Academy Film Gmbh.

    Principal photography is slated to begin on August 1 in Los Angeles. Cherry Road Films had officially greenlit the picture with co-financing from Universal Pictures International, Inferno Distribution and Wild Bunch, with Universal distributing in most foreign territories through the UIP banner, and Wild Bunch distributing in France, Benelux, Spain and Switzerland . Richard Klubeck of UTA is representing on the domestic front.

    Southland Tales is an ensemble piece set in the futuristic landscape of Los Angeles on July 4, 2008, as it stands on the brink of social, economic and environmental disaster. Johnson will star as Boxer Santaros, an action star stricken with amnesia whose life intertwines with Krysta Now (Gellar), an adult film star developing her own reality television project, and David Clark (Scott), a Hermosa Beach police officer who holds the key to a vast conspiracy.

    “Dwayne, Seann and Sarah each have an adventurous spirit and I am honored that they have put their faith in me,” said Kelly. “ The film is going to be a strange hybrid of the sensibilities of Andy Warhol and Philip K. Dick. ”

    Also joining the project are most of the key crew from Donnie Darko , including director of photography Steven Poster ASC , production designer Alexander Hammond, costume designer April Ferry and editor Sam Bauer. Critically acclaimed artist and producer Moby will compose the music for the film.

    In addition to the feature film, an expanded version of Southland Tales will be presented as a nine-part interactive experience with the prequel saga to be published as six separate 100 page graphic novels, each written by Kelly. The graphic novels will be released over a six month period early next year leading up to the film’s release with the feature film comprised of the story’s final three chapters. In addition, the film’s official website will be one of the largest and most elaborate ever designed for a feature film. “The graphic novels will work in tandem with the website, creating a more epic multimedia experience for those interested in taking the plunge," added Kelly.

    UTA helped package the project. Glenn Feig of Reder & Feig is production counsel.

    Richard Kelly is repped by CAA, The Firm and David Weber of Sloan, Offer, Weber and Dern, LLP.

    Cherry Road and Persistent are repped by Linda Lichter at Lichter, Grossman, Nichols & Adler.

    Inferno Distribution is repped by Phil Rosen of Rosen & Anderson. For additional information, please visit the film’s official website, SouthLandTales.Com

    In den USA sind 2 neue Bücher für Buffy und Angel erschienen, vorerst kann man sie jedoch nur vorbestellen. Ob es die Bücher auch in deutscher Sprache geben wird ist nicht bekannt. Mehr darüber sowie den Bestellink gibt es in den Neuerscheinungen.

  16. #176
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    James im Interview:

    Alyson hat keinen Kuchen mehr im Ofen:
    NO 'PIE' IN THE OVEN: Alyson Hannigan, who tied the knot with Jason Biggs in the third "American Pie" movie, "American Wedding," puts the kibosh on the idea of an "American Baby." Three films were enough, and she's happy to "close the book on that chapter," she says.

    Alyson admits she was astonished to hear "there's some sort of 'American Pie 4' going straight to video that has nobody in it. Crew members that I've worked with have come up to me and said, 'Yeah, I worked on it.' Isn't that weird? But I'm interested to see it ... I'll rent it."

    Actually, what's being termed a direct-to-DVD "spin-off" of the "American Pie" movies, the upcoming "Band Camp," does have Eugene Levy and Jennifer Coolidge reprising their parental roles, along with Chris Owen as "The Sherminator."

    Meanwhile, Hannigan will be back next season in her recurring role as Trina Echolls on "Veronica Mars," and she's eagerly awaiting the fate of "How I Met Your Mother," the pilot she recently shot for CBS. "It stars Neil Patrick Harris, Josh Radnor and Jason Segel from 'Freaks and Geeks,' " she says. "It's all set in flashback with a narrator talking to his teenage children about how he met their mother. It's funny, but it also has such a huge heart to it."

    Character Blogs as a Branding Vehicle: An Essay On the Use of Character Blogs to Extend the Brand ---> Buffy wird als Beispiel abgehandelt:

  17. #177
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Elisabeth Rohm feiert heute ihren 32. Geburtstag! Alles Gute!

    James besucht Stonehenge:

  18. #178
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    James über das Ende der Tour:

    Und ausserdem wurde Julie Benz gestern 33. Jahre jung. Alles Gute nachträglich!

  19. #179
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    In einem Interview wurde Rob Thomas gefragt ob er denn noch einen weiteren Buffystar in seine Serie "Veronica Mars" bringen wolle. Seine Antwort sah folgend aus:

    iF MAGAZINE: Ever thought of bringing more BUFFY people into the show?

    THOMAS: My wife to be is friends with Charisma Carpenter who is a huge fan of the show, so I’m waiting for the right moment to throw Charisma into it as well. Between Charisma and Alyson, that’s the extent of my BUFFY plans.
    Das ganze Interview hier:

    Ain't It Cool News hat seine Meinung zu "Unholy", dem neuen Film mit Nick Brendon, zum besten gegeben:

    Adrienne Barbeau retakes the scream queen crown with UNHOLY! Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with an early look at a horror flick starring the stunning Adrienne Barbeau and that Xander guy from Buffy called UNHOLY. Sheldrake did a nice interview with the filmmakers a couple months ago and these guys seem to be very passionate about their work... and according to this review that passion may have paid off in a worthly genre picture. I know I'm excited to see it... I like the idea of it being based on a real government document... Kinda gives it that NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET basis in reality (As you should know, Wes Craven read a newspaper story about a kid -in Asia, I think- who was terrified of going to sleep, convinced he would die... No one believed him, of course... the kid finally gives in to sleep and dies in his sleep. Creepy, eh?)

    Anyway, here is the review for UNHOLY! Enjoy!

    Hey guys,

    I thought it would be fitting to send this review in to go a long with your quarter of a screen Buffy "Xander Harris" figurine add on your sidebar.(And also your previous article following the filmmakers on this film). I'm friends(with benefits, of course) with the BLEEP on the horror/thriller UNHOLY starring Adrienne Barbeau and Nicholas Brendon, and he/she invited me to a screening at the editor's screening room today in NYC.

    I never thought Adrienne Barbeau was the sex symbol everyone made her out to be, nor that Buffy actors were God's gift to the acting world, but I tagged along for the screening due to all the guerilla marketing campaign that Unholy has on the net.

    I'm glad I tagged a long. Small Spoilers ahead.

    The film starts off with a bang (literally) in an opening sequence comprised of Barbeau attempting to convince her daughter not to blow her brains out. It was an opening sequence like I've never seen before . Very original, different, and tense. From there on, I knew this wasn't going to be your ordinary scary flick.

    The film then turns into an unraveling mystery/thriller. Why did Barbeau's daughter kill herself? What did she mean by her last words, "Beware of the Experiment" ? Barbeau and her son in the movie, Nick Brendon, go on a twisted to journey to answer these questions.

    This is one of those films that has a twist every two minutes, with one HUGE(Sixth Sense Big, but nothing like it) twist at the end.

    None of the SFX were finished, so I cant' tell how good they'll be. But there are a few major gore shots(though this is not a gore movie). *Spoiler* One scene is all shot through a hole blow through an old womans stomach by a shotgun. And there are an ARRAY of suicides in this film. I think the kill count is around ten. *End Spoiler*

    Each shot was as pretty as it was creepy. Something you don't often see in horror films.

    I have to say, I was going in expecting this would be a B Horror Film, but I was shocked that this movie was the original, smart, and innovative. With this movie being based on an actual military document, I will go out on the limb and say these guys have the next Blair Witch on their hands. The amount of buzz and press this film has on the net for not yet going to distributors is unnerving. I still think the film needs a tad of work( some of the cuts were a bit jarring/confusing and one expositional scene describing the three elements of the "unholy trinity" went on for a bit too long), but in the end, this film will be a success.

    You can call me Pretty Creepy. hat dieses Jahr wieder einen ultimativen Episoden-Countdown veranstaltet. Dieses mal war Buffy an der Reihe.

    Zur Einstimmung nocheinmal der Countdown der Angel-Episoden aus dem letzten Jahr. Achtung! Mögliche Spoiler in den Top 5!

    110. Blind Date
    109. I Fall To Pieces
    108. The Prodigal
    107. Happy Anniversary
    106. Slouching Towards Bethlehem
    105. Sense and Sensitivity
    104. I've Got You Under My Skin
    103. Untouched
    102. Blood Money
    101. Eternity
    100. Lonely Hearts
    99. She
    98. Carpe Noctem
    97. The Thin Dead Line
    96. The Ring
    95. Unleashed
    94. Supersymmetry
    93. The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco
    92. The House Always Wins
    91. The Trial
    90. Bachelor Party
    89. Redefinition
    88. Disharmony
    87. Hell Bound
    86. Quickening
    85. That Old Gang of Mine
    84. Apocalypse, Nowish (Rain of Fire)
    83. Players
    82. Life of the Party
    81. Somnambulist
    80. Harm's Way
    79. Long Day's Journey
    78. Soul Purpose
    77. Reprise
    76. Expecting
    75. Heartthrob
    74. City Of...
    73. Guise will be Guise
    72. War Zone
    71. Epiphany
    70. Judgement
    69. Benediction
    68. The Price
    67. Dad
    66. Habeas Corpses
    65. Belonging
    64. Loyalty
    63. Dear Boy
    62. First Impressions
    61. Inside Out
    60. Shiny Happy People
    59. Offspring
    58. Provider
    57. Double or Nothing
    56. A New World
    55. Ground State
    54. Awakening
    53. The Magic Bullet
    52. Why We Fight
    51. Through The Looking Glass
    50. Over The Rainbow
    49. Tomorrow
    48. There's No Place Like Plrz Glrb
    47. Just Rewards
    46. Couplet
    45. Release
    44. Soulless
    43. Sacrifice
    42. Calvary
    41. Salvage
    40. Dead End
    39. Deep Down
    38. Power Play
    37. That Vision Thing
    36. Billy
    35. Peace Out
    34. Underneath
    33. Forgiving
    32. Shroud of Rahmon
    31. Birthday
    30. Reunion
    29. Lullaby
    28. Time Bomb
    27. Home
    26. Conviction
    25. Spin The Bottle
    24. The Girl In Question
    23. I Will Remember You
    22. In The Dark
    21. Shells
    20. Smile Time
    19. Sleep Tight
    18. Destiny
    17. Orpheus
    16. Parting Gifts
    15. Sanctuary
    14. Darla
    13. Rm W/a VU
    12. Origin
    11. Damage
    10. Five By Five
    9. Waiting in the Wings
    8. To Shanshu In L.A.
    7. Are You Now, Or Have Ever Been
    6. You're Welcome

    It's taken us a long time, but without further ado....the top 5!

    #5 - Hero
    [episode 1.9]

    Even though the character of Doyle lasted 9 episodes, he certainly made an impact. He gave his visions to Cordelia -- the visions that would play a pivotal role in many, many episodes throughout the show's run. This episode was about going all-out, doing whatever it takes for the mission. The question Joss and others may have in their head is -- if we wouldn't have killed off Doyle, would Glenn Quinn still be alive today? Well, that's not fair to them. They made an entire series from the character's death, and they should be proud in the fact that it was a brilliant idea, and that Glenn had problems when it was happening. We miss Glenn and we miss Doyle, and that's why Hero is #5.

    #4 - Not Fade Away
    [episode 5.22]

    This is the highest a finale has ever been on a list of mine. "Not Fade Away" is brilliant in every way. It sticks by the credo of the show -- "Going out fighting". Doyle did it, Cordelia did it, Fred did it, and now Angel and the rest of the gang did it in this episode. Buffy's finale left something to be desired, this episode did not. It was the perfect way to end the series, regardless of what one or two people say because they want the mega-happy-unrealistic version. Like I said in my first line, I have ZERO finales of all other shows in my top 5's. This then must be ranked the best finale of all-time.

    #3 - Lineage
    [episode 5.7]

    This episode can be argued by some as being a little weaker than I have it, because of the ninja robots. Sure, it sounds funny, but the idea of the "two Wesleys" is really why this is as high as it is. Wesley had become the most interesting character on the show, and this is the milestone of it. We see him as the clutzy head boy with his "father", and then as he shoots his "father" for threatening Fred, we see what he had become. The character had made it full circle.

    #2 - Fredless
    [episode 3.5]

    I love the concept of family. In "Fredless", we get the concept two-fold. Fred's blood family, and then Fred's new family. Her parents are so awesome. They remind me a lot of my own. The way the two families merge to destroy the spider-looking demons in this episode is where it truly got me. Some may argue that this episode is too high up on the list, that it should be in the 20's or so, but I say that's crap. If you went away without a smile on your face from this one, then I wish you could have a day with your folks where you don't fight. One where you relax and understand each other. Maybe then you'll get why this is so far up the ladder for me.

    And finally we reach the end.....

    #1 - A Hole In The World
    [episode 5.15]

    When I started the list, I knew exactly which episode would be #1. There was no doubt. The sadness, the grief, the pain, the anger, the happiness, the brilliance of this episode can not be denied. We go from Fred and Wes being happy and in love, to the moment of sheer terror as Fred gets the disease that will soon rush through her at a rapid speed and eventually kill her. The moments in bed, as we see Wesley taking care of his greatest love, as he watches her die and the demon takes over. We see Angel and Spike do everything they can to save her, only to understand that if they try to, they'll be killing untold millions. We see Gunn struggle with his grief as he finds out that he allowed this to happen. We see the gang 'man-up' to help Fred -- "Not this girl, not this time", only to find out it's an unsolvable problem. It is perhaps, the best episode Joss Whedon has ever written, and quite possibly the best episode of the two shows combined. There is not one weak moment on camera, there is not one weak moment on the script. It is absolutely crushing to view, but all the while brilliant. That's why "A Hole in the World" is #1.
    Und jetzt der Buffy-Countdown.

    138. Some Assembly Required
    137. I Robot, You Jane
    136. Doublemeat Palace
    135. Reptile Boy
    134. Listening To Fear
    133. Bad Eggs
    132. Wrecked
    131. Never Kill A Boy On The First Date
    130. Him
    129. Where The Wild Things Are
    128. Ted
    127. Shadow
    126. Smashed
    125. Living Conditions
    124. Go Fish
    123. Inca Mummy Girl
    122. Gingerbread
    121. Beer Bad
    120. The Killer In Me
    119. Out of Mind, Out of Sight
    118. Help
    117. Teacher's Pet
    116. I Was Made To Love You
    115. The Puppet Show
    114. Killed By Death
    113. All The Way
    112. Beauty and The Beasts
    111. Touched
    110. Older and Far Away
    109. Anne
    108. Real Me
    107. The Witch
    106. As You Were
    105. The Initiative
    104. Lessons
    103. The I in Team
    102. I Only Have Eyes For You
    101. Empty Places
    100. Goodbye Iowa
    99. Amends
    98. Nightmares
    97. Wild At Heart
    96. Gone
    95. Lies My Parents Told Me
    94. Doomed
    93. Blood Ties
    92. Dead Man's Party
    91. Same Time, Same Place
    90. Showtime
    89. The Harsh Light of Day
    88. Enemies
    87. After Life
    86. Out Of My Mind
    85. Revelations
    84. Beneath You
    83. Sleeper
    82. Into The Woods
    81. Spiral
    80. Lie To Me
    79. Weight of The World
    78. Dead Things
    77. Pangs
    76. Superstar
    75. Welcome To The Hellmouth
    74. Normal Again
    73. Bargaining (1&2)
    72. Get It Done
    71. New Moon Rising
    70. Crush
    69. No Place Like Home
    68. The Harvest
    67. Family
    66. Helpless
    65. Flooded
    64. A New Man
    63. Choices
    62. Tough Love
    61. The Freshman
    60. Bring on the Night
    59. Life Serial
    58. Hell's Bells
    57. Homecoming
    56. Angel
    55. Faith, Hope and Trick
    54. First Date
    53. Consequences
    52. Triangle
    51. Bad Girls
    50. The Yoko Factor
    49. The Dark Age
    48. When She Was Bad
    47. The Pack
    46. Potential
    45. Fear, Itself
    44. The Prom
    43. This Year's Girl
    42. What's My Line (1&2)
    41. The Replacement
    40. Storyteller
    39. Checkpoint
    38. The Zeppo
    37. Seeing Red
    36. Forever
    35. Never Leave Me
    34. Dirty Girls
    33. Buffy vs. Dracula
    32. Intervention
    31. Entropy
    30. School Hard
    29. Primevil
    28. Who Are You?
    27. Passion
    26. Villains
    25. Lover's Walk
    24. Surprise
    23. Something Blue
    22. Earshot
    21. Halloween
    20. Tabula Rasa
    19. Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
    18. Prophecy Girl
    17. Fool For Love
    16. Band Candy
    15. Graduation Day (1&2)
    14. The Wish
    13. End of Days
    12. Two To Go/Grave
    11. Selfless

    And now....the top 10. This was EXTREMELY hard.

    #10 - Innocence
    [episode 2.14]

    This is primarily this high because of the impact it had on the future of the series. There's a lot of loss. Angel loses his soul, and Buffy, in turn, loses Angel. Oh yeah, and her virginity. You also have to give it to David Boreanaz, because Angelus is so sly and so not over-the-top. He isn't an arch-villain type, he's evil in a slick way. It's brilliantly played, which is something that can't be said about him that often. Plus...hey....rocket launcher.

    #9 - Chosen
    [episode 7.22]

    The series finale had some holes, I'll grant you. But at the same time it was the SERIES FINALE. We received a hella cool fight scene. We also got some great moments between the scoobies. The two scenes that bring this episode into the top ten are the most obvious ones. The original scoobies in a circle together harkening (harkening, what the hell?) back to the very first episode. And the second one is Buffy's smile in the very last scene. We had been waiting for her to feel happy finally, and we got that in the last frame.

    #8 - Becoming (1&2)
    [episode 2.22]

    The finale of season 2 was the first time that the show felt cinematic in quality. It felt like it could actually be a movie. Drusilla has killed Kendra and taken Giles. Now it's up to Willow to get Angel's soul back. Meanwhile, Spike has joined forces with Buffy to stop Angel and Dru from ending the world. It's so fantastically crafted. The ending leaves a bit of a question mark over your head, which is what it was intended to do, so I guess that worked. Of course, Buffy wearing overalls shows grief and despair....if you didn't get that already from her running away.

    #7 - Hush
    [episode 4.10]

    For over 30 minutes in a 44 minute episode there was no dialogue. In the year 2000 on TV, who can say that could be pulled off? We have crap reality TV shows and crap sitcoms, and people talking over each other on 24-hour cable news shows.....and in the midst of all this bullshit came HUSH. A breathtaking (pun intended) score, some creepy bad guys, and acting that should've been recognized and brandished with awards.

    #6 - Dopplegangland
    [episode 3.16]

    Why is this so high? Because it's the funniest episode ever. It's over-the-top without being TOO over-the-top. After a spell goes wrong, the Willow for the alternate dimension - who happens to be a vampire - appears in Sunnydale. The gang, after seeing this vampire Willow, thinks it's the real other words, they think she's dead. The scene in the library when Willow walks in - fluffy pink shirt and all - is the reason this is so high. "Say, you all didn't happen to do a bunch of drugs, did ya?" - to Angel's reaction when he runs's all hilarious. Plus...that Vampire Willow is kinda gay. What's up with that?

    #5 - Conversations with Dead People
    [episode 7.7]

    I love how this is constructed. The time is shown on the tv screen, with the date. The music that plays in the background. Buffy's "Here we go." There are certain scenes that are wasted, particularly between Willow and Cassie (which should've been Tara, but as we all know, they couldn't get Amber). But that still doesn't mean the rest wasn't brilliant...because it was. Michelle T really shows her chops finally, and the stuff with Jonathan and Andrew is great. We get a lot of info about the season, but at the same time it's muffled. I still think Webs could've been the next Dr. Phil, but that damned slayer pretty much ruined that.

    #4 - The Gift
    [episode 5.22]

    The best season finale of Buffy. Mainly in part because Joss wasn't sure if the show was coming back. So he tossed out the whole bag in this one. The first scene was the mission statement -- the blonde girl kills evil things instead of the evil things killing her. The funny part is, she died at the end. Oh about irony. It's a very dramatic end, and we wouldn't want it any other way.

    #3 - The Body
    [episode 5.16]

    Joss was really starting to feel it as a director by the time "The Body" came around. This is the episode where Joyce dies, but it's not really ABOUT Joyce, it's about death in general and those first few days after the death occurs. What do you do? How do you react? Do you even react? It's so realistic, and so ON POINT that it's scary. Everyone handles it differently. Willow cries and changes shirts, Xander gets mad and punches a wall, Tara holds it together because she's been here before, Dawn wants to know if she's really dead and won't believe it until she sees the body....and Buffy is just cold and paralyzed. It's so sad that it's beautiful.

    #2 - Once More, With Feeling
    [episode 6.7]

    It's a musical....on TELEVISION? NO WAY! Who would have the balls to do that? Well...I guess we get the answer here. There is absolutely NOT one scene that is weak in OMWF. The music is spectacular. The way that every song fits the story should be applauded. Joss could've just left the story out and done some off-topic schtick, but he didn't. Here he pieces every storyline together to fit the music, and not only that, but for the first time in the show's history, they air it in widescreen. It's crafted to perfection. How did he think this up? Bunnies. It must be bunnies. Or maybe midgets.

    #1 - Restless
    [episode 4.22]

    Why is Restless #1? Because it's the only episode to put together our main characters past, present and futures all in 44 minutes. Willow was a nerd, she's become a powerful wiccan, and she will get more confidence as the years go on. Xander has been weak, and he's stuck, but sooner or later he'll move out of the basement and become his own man. Giles was the watcher, he's trapped with no job and nothing to do, but he'll be the great watcher again. Buffy is the slayer, but what is a slayer? Is it a killer? She's also a protector, and soon she'll have much more to protect. All of our characters' lives will change, and in this episode it is brilliantly put together. The cinematography is so alive and vibrant that it, as Becoming before it and OMWF after it, could be a movie. You have to love the scenes. Willow in the play, Xander and Snyder doing "Apocalypse Now". Buffy and the first Slayer in the desert. Giles taking Buffy to the fair. Xander, Buffy, Spike and Giles outside at the park. And don't forget the cheese man. Who could? I loved, loved, loved everything about Restless. That's why it's #1.

  20. #180
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Happy Birthday David!

    Er wird heute stolze 36 Jahre jung! Alles Gute auf dem weiteren Weg.

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