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Thema: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Alte und neue Rollen

  1. #201
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Bones startet

    Boreanaz Bites into 'Bones'

    After playing the same tortured vampire with a soul for three seasons of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and five seasons of "Angel" on The WB Network, David Boreanaz is eager to carve a new niche.

    Of course, that doesn't mean he's escaped being surrounded by the dead.

    In "Bones," premiering Tuesday, Sept. 13, on Fox, Boreanaz plays FBI Agent Seeley Booth, a no-nonsense investigator reluctantly paired with forensic anthropologist and mystery-book author Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel), whose skill at analyzing skeletal remains yields clues to crime. Brennan takes her name from the fictional alter ego of the real scientist/novelist who inspired her, Kathy Reichs.
    Rounding out the cast are Eric Millegan, T.J. Thyne, Michaela Conlin and Jonathan Adams.

    While he respects Brennan's skills in the laboratory, Booth derides scientists as "squints" and believes they have no place poking around crime scenes. Brennan would rather be out in the field, making sure her bones are collected properly and seeing firsthand where the victims were found.

    Together, Booth and Brennan are an effective if inharmonious team fond of needling each other about their different approaches. There's even a little sexual tension and comedy, which is an unusual mix in a crime procedural.

    "That's the challenge," series creator Hart Hanson says. "We will either do terrifically well at it, or we will fail horribly. But we would like a little bit of the 'Moonlighting' thing. We would like a little bit of the 'Thin Man' thing."

    Hart and producing partner Barry Josephson had a hard time finding Deschanel.

    "We always said we needed three things from our lead actress on this show," Hanson says. "We needed her to be smart; we needed her to be sexy; we needed her to be funny. Those three legs of the stool are very rare."

    Even a greater challenge was convincing Boreanaz that the role was for him. After a shaky first meeting, Hanson had to get on the phone and explain to the actor just why he was the perfect Booth.

    "I told him that he had the presence of those old-time male movie stars," Hanson says. "I get in trouble saying it but today, there are so many waifs and boys. I didn't care about that for this. Booth's a sniper; he's an FBI agent. He's lived the life. I want a man with some heft, and David has that."

    "And David's not pretty. David's handsome. If you're going somewhere dangerous, you want David."

    And as a bonus, both in life and on the screen, Boreanaz can be very funny.

    "Very dry humor," Hanson says. "He can do things with a flick of his eyeballs. I think of him as one of those old-time movie stars, Gary Cooper, Steve McQueen. He's got shoulders a yard wide. He's a force in the room."

    "Booth's very black and white," Boreanaz says. "He believes that all men are created equal. He's a public-school guy, doesn't believe in private school. He doesn't think people should be catered to. He goes with his gut. His instincts are 100 percent correct, or so he may think."

    All of this is fine with Boreanaz. "I love classic cars," he says. "I love old watches. Things today are fast, there's maybe too much at our fingertips, and it's just getting worse. Sometimes, if it ain't broken, don't fix it."

  2. #202
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Guter Start für Bones

    FOX holt mit «Bones» und «House» den Tagessieg

    Mit der neuen Dramaserie «Bones» und der Premiere der zweiten Staffel von «House» konnte FOX am Dienstagabend die Tagescharts dominieren.

    Das Debüt von «Bones» hat mit 10,48 Mio. Zuschauern das beste Ergebnis einer Drama-Premiere auf dem 20 Uhr Sendeplatz an einem Dienstagabend seit dem Start von «24» im Jahr 2001 eingefahren.

    Noch größer dürfte die Freude über den Start der zweiten Staffel der Arztserie «House» ausgefallen sein. Nach einem eher enttäuschenden Start im vergangenen Herbst (7 Mio. Zuschauer) verfolgten dieses Jahr 15,7 Mio. Zuseher den Auftakt in die neue Season.

    Mit dem vorgezogenen Start des 2005-2006 Line-ups hat FOX deutlich bewiesen, was für ein Potenzial in dem neuen Programm steckt. Nach jahrelangen Flops und einzelnen Highlights («American Idol») könnte dem Network wieder einmal eine große und erfolgreiche Season bevorstehen.
    Mir hat die erste Folge eigentlich sehr gut gefallen. Bleibe auf jeden Fall dabei!

  3. #203
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Jede Menge Gastauftritte

    Chris Kane hat sein erstes Live Album herausgebracht. Wie ihr es bestellen oder hören könnt, erfahrt es hier:

    Charismas Auftritt bei Veronica Mars - 2x01 Normal is the Watchword:

    Die erste Staffel der Serie läuft noch dieses Jahr im ZDF an. In der 6. Folge der Staffel gibt übrigens der Meister selbst, Joss Whedon, einen kurzen Auftritt zum Besten.

    Joss Whedon, the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" creator who gushed online about UPN's "Veronica Mars" this summer, has been rewarded with a guest spot on the show. The network says he'll play a rental-car manager who has a scene with Veronica (Kristen Bell) in this season's sixth episode.

    The cameo came about after Whedon effusively praised "Veronica Mars" on the Buffyverse-centric web site Posting to the site's (which is independently run) boards last month, Whedon wrote:
    "My peeps and I just finished a crazed Veronica Marsathon, and I can no longer restrain myself. Best. Show. Ever. Seriously, I've never gotten more wrapped up in a show I wasn't making, and maybe even more than those. Crazy crisp dialogue. Incredibly tight plotting. Big emotion, I mean BIG, and charismatic actors and I was just DYING from the mystery and the relationships and PAIN" (caps all his). "... These guys know what they're doing on a level that intimidates me. It's the Harry Potter of shows."

    "Veronica Mars" creator Rob Thomas, whose show has often been compared to "Buffy," returned the praise on his own site, and also dropped the news that Whedon would make a guest appearance, which UPN has confirmed. The "Serenity" writer-director has popped up before on his shows "Angel" and "Firefly," but he's never appeared on someone else's.

    Whedon is the second cult auteur booked for a guest spot on "Mars" this season. "Clerks" and "Chasing Amy" director Kevin Smith, a friend of "Mars" producer Dan Etheridge, will play a convenience-store clerk in the show's second episode.

    Doch auch bei uns gibts bald eine Serie mit Gastauftritten. Die Gilmore Girls starten ab 08. November wieder durch. Diesmal jedoch in der Prime Time um 20:15 Uhr. Wenn das mal gut geht. Wie auch immer, Danny Strong ist ab der 6. Folge der Staffel dabei. Das müsste wenn alles gut geht der 13. Dezember sein.

  4. #204
    Plaudertasche Avatar von Armitage
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    Standard AW: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Jede Menge Gastauftritte

    Wollte mal bescheid geben das auch in der neuen season von Smallville einer der Buffycastmmbers aufscheint

    der Buffy "sextoyboy"Spike alias James Masters scheint als Gueststar auf und zwar von anfang an und sehr lecker in szene gesetzt am ende der ersten folge und wird in vielen folgen eine große rolle spielen storytechnisch gesehen

  5. #205
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Bones kriegt volle Staffel

    Der US TV-Sender FOX hat seiner Newcommer Krimi-Serie „Bones“ eine komplette erste Staffel spendiert, meldet „The Hollywood Reporter“.

    Bei der Krimi Serie „Bones“ schalteten im Durchschnitt 8,7 Millionen Zuschauer über die letzten drei Wochen ein. Damit kommt die Serie auf einen Marktanteil von 10%.

    In „Bones“ spielt Emily Deschanel Dr. Temperance Brennan, eine Anthropologin die FBI-Agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) dabei hilft mysteriöse Kriminalfälle aufzuklären. Die Serie erhält eine komplette erste Staffel mit 22 Episoden. Barry Josephson und Hart Hanson sind Ausführende Produzenten der Serie, die für 20th Century Fox Television produziert wird.
    Sehr erfreuliche Nachrichten! Ich fand die ersten Folgen sehr gut. Hoffentlich gehts so weiter.

  6. #206
    Moderator Avatar von Khaanara
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    Schwalbach a.Ts,

    Standard AW: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Bones kriegt volle Staffel

    Ich kenne nur die Kathy Reichs Romane dazu, wenn das die gleiche Tempe ist. Und die fand ich recht spannend

    Meine Bibliothek (im Aufbau):

  7. #207
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: wählen, lesen, sehen hat ein kleines Halloween-Special eröffnet, bei dem unter anderem auch der beste TV-Vampir gewählt werden kann.

    Klickt rein und seid dabei!

    David spricht über seine Serie. Zu lesen bei

    Am 30.10. strahlt VIVA wieder sein Buffy-Special zu Halloween aus. Es dürfte sich aber höchstwahrscheinlich wieder um die selbe Sendung handeln, die schon seit Jahren rauf- und runterläuft.

    Was noch zu sagen wäre: Auch "How I Met Your Mother" mit Alyson in einer Hauptrolle hat inzwischen eine volle Staffel bekommen.

  8. #208
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Close To Home probeweise am Freitag während der Sweeps

    Annoyed, perhaps, that Friday was its only Jerry Bruckheimer-free night of the week, CBS is swapping freshman dramas "Threshold" and "Close to Home" for a November sweeps test run.

    Starting this Friday (Nov. 11), "Close to Home" will move into the 9 p.m. slot after "Ghost Whisperer." The trial will run for two weeks. "Threshold" won't take over at 10 p.m. on Tuesdays until Nov. 22 (a two-hour "Amazing Race" is set for 11/8 and the CMAs are in place on 11/15), but will remain there the following week.

    If these alternative time slots prove successful, CBS could make the moves permanent.

    Neither "Threshold" nor "Close to Home" has been a failure for CBS, but neither drama has achieved quite the level of viewership the network had hoped for.

    "Close to Home" has averaged just under 10 million weekly viewers, holding on to most of the 10.8 million people who watch "Amazing Race" each week. That's not bad, but CBS cancelled venerable drama "Judging Amy" (nearly 10.6 million viewers) in hopes of finding a younger Tuesday night audience. "Home" has fallen short of that goal.

    Best of all, the move will give CBS a Bruckheimer produced series on Sunday ("Cold Case"), Monday ("CSI: Miami"), Tuesday ("Amazing Race"), Wednesday ("CSI: NY"), Thursday ("CSI: Original Flavor," "Without a Trace"), Friday ("Close to Home") and Saturday (whatever procedural repeats CBS decides to trot out). That's pretty impressive.

    Anthony Head wieder als Transvestit?

    Richard E. Grant will Tony in seinem nächsten Film wieder als Transvestiten besetzen!

    Anthony Head spielt derzeit zusammen mit Richard E Grant in London's West End in Simon Gray's "Otherwise Engaged". Nun wollen sie auch bei einem von geschriebenen Film zusammenarbeiten in dem Tony einen Transvestiten spielen soll.

    "Die Story dreht sich darum was wirklich am Set eines Films vorgeht, nicht die veröffentlichten PR Versionen," so Grant.

    "Ich brauche einen Innenarchitekten und einen Masseur, aber ich würde wirklich gerne Tony als Transvestiten Regieanweisungen geben, darum versuche ich einen Charakter einzuarbeiten." so Grant. "Ich mag Richard. Es wäre toll von ihm geführt zu werden. Und ich habe gute Beine."

    Once More, With Feeling: Joss über seine Ex-Schützlinge

  9. #209
    Plaudertasche Avatar von Armitage
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    Standard AW: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    in der neuesten folge von "Veronica Mars" 2x06 hat Joss Whedon eine Gastrolle als deutschen Autoverleiher war sehr witzig!!

  10. #210
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Standard AW: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Anthony Head wieder als Transvestit?
    Wieso eigentlich WIEDER... hab ich irgendwas verpasst?

    in der neuesten folge von "Veronica Mars" 2x06 hat Joss Whedon eine Gastrolle als deutschen Autoverleiher war sehr witzig!!
    NEID.... mist... das dauert bestimmt wieder ein Jahr, bis es als DVD herauskommt. (Wobei ich gerade die erste Staffel bekommen habe, und sie ist wirklich sehr gut...)
    **** Nach dem TBFC ist vor dem TBFC ****

    Neu: jetzt mit Alkohol UND Waffen!

  11. #211
    Plaudertasche Avatar von Armitage
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    Standard AW: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Diverses

    Hab vergessen bescheid zu geben das in der neuen Fünften Aliasstaffel die schauspielerin Amy Acker die in "Angel" die Fred gespielt hat eine coole Killeragentbitch-Gastrolle hat

  12. #212
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Alte und neue Rollen

    Julie Benz in Supernatural

    Laut Ausiello wird Julie in einer Folge von *Supernatural* zu sehen sein

    Frage:Genauso, wie ich VM und Lost liebe, möchte ich auch wissen, ob es irgendwas neues an der *Supernatural* Front gibt.

    Ausiello: Es wird ein paar coole Gaststars geben. William B. Davis - aus X-Files - wird wohl einen bösen Professor spielen am 10.01. Und in der darauffolgenden Woche können wir Angels Julie Benz als Layla bewundern. Sie spielt eine junge Frau mit einem Gehirntumor, die die zweifelhafte Hilfe des Bösen sucht, um das nicht Heilbare, zu heilen.

    Ex-'SVU' Star, 'Angel's' Gunn Join 'Conviction'

    Stephanie March, who starred on "Law & Order: SVU" for three seasons, is going back to work for producer Dick Wolf.

    March will reprise her character of prosecutor Alexandra Cabot in NBC's midseason drama "Conviction," about a group of young assistant DAs in New York. Former "Angel" star J. August Richards and Jordan Bridges ("Mona Lisa Smile"), son of Beau Bridges, have also joined the cast.

    The show began filming this week in New York, using some of the same sets from Wolf's "Law & Order: Trial by Jury." In something of a departure from the "L&O" series, "Conviction" will delve into the characters' lives in addition to following the cases they try.

    Wolf even has coined a term for the show: "Since 'Conviction' will be a 'charactercedural,' we will be dealing extensively with characters' back stories and personal lives," he says. "I am delighted with the extraordinary cast we have assembled, which will give the show depth and emotional intensity."

    March played Cabot on "SVU" from 2000-03, when her character was presumed killed while pursuing a case against a drug cartel. She returned to guest-star in an episode last season, when it was revealed her death had been faked and she'd been in the witness protection program.

    In "Conviction," Cabot will be the bureau chief for the group of young ADAs. The cast also includes Anson Mount ("Line of Fire"), Julianne Nicholson ("Ally McBeal"), Eric Balfour ("Sex, Lies & Secrets") and Milena Govich ("Rescue Me").

    Sarah wird im zweiten Teil von The Grudge ihre Rolle als Karen erneut aufnehmen

    Der Dreh für The Grudge 2 beginnt am 20. Januar 2006. Wieder unter der Feder von Takashi Shimizu.

    Susco verriet, das Sarah Michelle Gellar, tatsächlich für den zweiten Teil des Horror Streifens zurück sein wird. "SMG ist zurück". Wir haben uns alle auf einen starken zweiten Teil eingestellt, der Sinn macht. Einen zweiten Teil zu einer entstehenden Geschichte. Und nicht nur mit dem Hintergrund, einen zweiten Teil zu machen, weil der erste besonders gut lief," sagt Susco, der sehr optimistisch ist, was G2's betrifft. "Ich denke wir sind unserem Ziel bisher recht nahe gekommen. Ich persönlich möchte, das der zweite Teil die Fans des ersten Teils begeistert und hoffentlich auch neue hinzugewinnt."
    Dies ist Sarahs zweiter Trip in die Sequel Welt. Mit Scream 2 (Scoobie Doo nicht mitgerechnet) und eben The Grudge. Soweit man ihre zukünftigen Projekte bisher beurteilen kann, hat sie ein recht geschäftliches Jahr hinter und vor sich. Wir werden sie in Richard Kelly's *Southland Tales* sehen und in dem supernatural Thriller *The Return*.

    Susco sprach sich weiter darüber aus, das er gerne Christopher Young (Composer) zurückhaben möchte für den zweiten Teil. Ghost House Projects plant The Grudge 2 am 20. Oktober 2006 veröffentlichen zu können. Mehr Hintergründe zum Cast folgen.

    Die frostigen Favoriten von TV Guide

    When you've had about all you can take of shopping, there is nothing like sitting down in front of the TV and watching some of your favorite holiday TV specials and episodes. So we recommend that you either rent or check listings for these favorites, perfect for curling up on the couch with your family and a cup of cocoa.

    The Simpsons (Season 1, "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire")

    Sure, the animation on this premiere Simpsons episode lacks the luster and color of the current seasons, but this holiday tale brought the offbeat family into our homes and hearts. Christmas is nearly ruined when Bart gets a tattoo that is supposed to say Mother (but ends up saying Moth), and all the gift-buying money is used to get it removed. D'oh! To make ends meet, Homer gets a job playing Santa (he does have the big belly) but loses the extra cash at the track. Double d'oh! In the end the only present that arrives on Christmas is the poor losing greyhound — Santa's Little Helper. But the kids are thrilled with the pup and he's welcomed to the family for years to come.

    The O.C. (Season 1, "The Best Chrismukkah Ever")

    Leave it to The O.C. to bring a new holiday into the lexicon. Seth Cohen, who is the offspring of a Jewish dad and a Christian mom, combines both Hanukkah and Christmas to get the best of both worlds — and the most presents. Despite the obstacles in front of him — his dad working through the holiday, his own dilemma of staying just friends with both Anna and Summer, Marissa getting busted for stealing a watch — Seth is determined to give Ryan the best first impression of the holiday. And while it's a long and rocky road, everyone surviving intact is one of the biggest Chrismukkah miracles of all time.

    A Rugrats Chanukah

    Seinfeld (Season 9, "The Strike")

    Unique and completely different from most Christmas-themed episodes of a series, but what else would you expect from Seinfeld? Interspersed among Kramer's strike on a bagel store, Elaine's obsession with bad subs, Jerry's sometimes-unattractive girlfriend and George's creation of the Human Fund to get out of gift-giving, is the mention of the fledgling holiday created by George's father. Annoyed by the commercialization of Christmas, he invented Festivus, a holiday for the rest of us. On December 23 everyone gathers round the tinsel-free Festivus aluminum poll instead of one of those typical Christmas trees to enjoy a nice holiday dinner and air their grievances by telling loved ones how they've disappointed in the past year. Then the head of the family competes in tests of strength as others try to wrestle him to the ground. Sounds like good times.

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 3, "Amends")

    Not your typical holiday fare, but this touching episode highlights the tormented relationship of Buffy and Angel while bringing in the haunting ghostly themes from stories like A Christmas Carol. As the holidays approach and Buffy and her pals plan their celebrations, Angel is being plagued by nightmares and visions of Jenny Calendar (or a possessed version of her), whom he killed the previous year. Convinced that he will never be able to escape his demon side and that he'll always be a danger to those he cares about, the vampire with a soul heads to a mountain to commit suicide (of sorts) by sunlight. Buffy vainly tries to convince him that he is worthy of staying alive, but he refuses to budge as daybreak nears. But miraculously, it begins to snow for the first time ever in Sunnydale, providing a sun-free Christmas and extending Angel's existence on earth.

    Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

    A Charlie Brown Christmas

    The Year Without a Santa Claus

    Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas

    Olive, the Other Reindeer

  13. #213
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Standard AW: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Alte und neue Rollen

    Joss Whedon als Gast-Kolumnnist bei TV-Guide über die Zukunft des Fernsehens:

    Many people have asked me, "Joss, what is the future of television? What will we watch? And how will we watch it? Surely you must know, for you are wise, and slender." I usually smile and say nothing, because I wasn't actually listening to the question. But it's a good one, and I think it's time I let you in on a few highlights of Television-to-Be.

    The networks will all be creating exciting, innovative new spin-offs of today's shows. Approximately 67 percent of all television will be CSI-based, including CSI: Des Moines, CSI: New York but a Different Part than Gary Sinise Is In and NCSI: SVU WKRP, which covers every possible gruesome crime with a groovin' '70s beat. (Jerry Bruckheimer will also have conquered Broadway with the CSI musical "FOLLICLE!" starring Nathan Lane as a frenetic but lovable blood spatter and Matthew Broderick as lint.)

    Lost has that one-of-a-kind alchemy that really can't be copied. Therefore, look for the original series Misplaced, as well as Unfound, Not So Much with the Whereabouts and Just Pull Over and Ask!

    In a stunningly cost-effective move, CBS will air How I Met Your Biological Mother, That Bitch, which is just old episodes of How I Met Your Mother with snarkier narration. HBO's Westminster will continue the trend pioneered by Deadwood and Rome by making 19th-century England really dirty and weird, like Jane Austen with Tourette's. (Actually, I can't wait for that one.) Also, the constant slew of cable mergers will result in the creation of CinePax, a channel that's just very confused about its morals.

    Every year another film actress gets "too old" for film leads and finds a (sometimes much better) home on TV. This trend will continue a few years hence when the aging but feisty Dakota Fanning headlines CSI: Vancouver Made to Look Like Chicago.

    Obviously, we'll see advances in technology. TiVo, iPods, streaming video — the way we watch TV is changing dramatically. It's on our phones, in our cars — even projected on specialized eyeglasses. But don't listen to the talk about having shows beamed directly into your brain. That's science-fiction nonsense. Shows will be stored in the pancreas and will enter the brain through the bloodstream after being downloaded into your iHole.

    And what of me? My short-lived series Firefly was the basis for the epic action film Serenity (now available on DVD! I have little or no shame), and the future will see even more incarnations of this visionary work, as it returns to TV as Serenity: The Firefly Years, then back to film as Firefly: Serenity's Sequel, back to TV as SereniFly, and finally end as the direct-to-eyeglasses series Choose a Damn Name Already. I promise it'll be as heartwarming and exciting as the original Serenity, now available on DVD. (Explain again this thing you call shame....)

    That's all I can tell you, except for one last thing: Veronica Mars will still be on. Veronica Mars will still be on. We clear about that?

    (irgendwie brauchen wir einen Thread "Der Meister spricht..." für sowas :laugh: )
    **** Nach dem TBFC ist vor dem TBFC ****

    Neu: jetzt mit Alkohol UND Waffen!

  14. #214
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Standard AW: Buffy - Angel - Neuigkeiten | Aktuell: Alte und neue Rollen

    Whedon-Buecher als Leseprobe zum Download als PDF:

    Five Seasons of Angel: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Discuss Their Favorite Vampire

    Seven Seasons of Buffy: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Discuss Their Favorite Television Show

    Joss Whedon: The Genius Behind Buffy

    ... und "Finding Serenity"...
    **** Nach dem TBFC ist vor dem TBFC ****

    Neu: jetzt mit Alkohol UND Waffen!

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