Smugglers' Alliance
in the years following Grand Admiral Thrawn's defeat, the tenuous collaboration between the galaxy's best smugglers was consolidated into a formal alliance which agreed to assist the New Republic in any way possible. Mara Jade served as the liaison between the Republic and the Alliance for many years, before marrying Luke Skywalker and training at the Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, the Smugglers' Alliance maintained a low profile, as many of its members turned to more legitimate activities such as running supplies and weapons to worlds that had been ravaged by the alien invaders. With the surrender of the Yuuzhan Vong at Coruscant some five years after the invasion began, the leaders of the Smugglers' Alliance decide that it was time to disband the alliance. Many of the goods they had been providing to the galaxy - chief among them the various forms of spice - had been in short supply during the war, and most beings had been forced to confront their addictions and overcome them. This meant that there was a very small market for these illegal goods. Thus, the members of the alliance set off to help the galaxy rebuild itself.
Quelle: TCUSWE