Die Gerüchteküche brodelt wieder. War bis vor kurzen noch überhaupt noch nicht so richtig klar, ob die alten Hasen Hamill, Fisher und Ford Auftritte in dem Film haben werden, sollen sie laut "The Hollywood Reporter" sogar die Hauptrollen übernehmen.

Now THR has dumped a huge quantity of info about the follow-up, including word that Michael Fassbender, Hugo Weaving, and Adam Driver are all being eyed for roles. More interestingly, though, the script for Episode VII has apparently changed significantly since screenwriter Michael Arndt was pushed off the project, and the lead characters for Episode VII may now be the original trilogy stars: Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford.
Quelle: STAR WARS: EPISODE VII Eyes Michael Fassbender, Hugo Weaving; Original Cast to Lead EPISODE VII | Collider

Indiana Jones 4 lässt Grüßen. Oder so.