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Thema: Liedtexte

  1. #1
    Dabei seit


    Ich lese in letzter Zeit viele texte von Liedern die ich gerne höre. Viele enthalten einen tieferen Sinn.
    postet einfach mal Texte die euch sehr gut gefallen oder die euch helfen in schweren zeiten.


    Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)
    This town
    Don't feel mine
    I'm fast to
    Get away

    I dressed you
    In her clothes
    Now drive me
    Away (3x)

    It feels good to know you're all mine
    So drive me far
    Away (3x)

    Far away
    I don't care where, just far
    I don't care where, just far
    I don't care!


    Fear Factory

    Consumed with memories that preceded today
    Given a chance to bereave life that's slipping away
    Suffered through tragedy of my slow decay
    Deceptive tendencies dragged my soul away
    All that I know there was no God for me
    Force that shatters all, absence of mortality
    Revive all my fears
    Revive wasted tears
    Revive void within
    Revive once again...
    Forsaken by destiny, forsaken by my own mind
    I must remove my skin to see belief in your eyes
    All that I know there was no God for me
    Force that shatters all, absence of humanity
    Revive all my fears
    Revive wasted tears
    Revive void within
    Revive once again...
    Reach for the sky
    Touch the sky
    Revive a hope
    For mankind
    Wenn etwas nicht mit Gewalt funktioniert, dann liegt es daran, dass man nicht genug davon benutzt.

    Besser in der Hölle zu Herrschen, als im Himmel zu dienen.

  2. #2
    Warmgepostet Avatar von cronos
    Dabei seit


    Iron Maiden - Rime of the ancient mariner

    Hear the rime of the Ancient Mariner
    See his eye as he stops one of three
    Mesmerises one of the wedding guests
    Stay here and listen to the nightmares
    of the sea.

    And the music plays on, as the bride passes by
    Caught by his spell and
    the Mariner tells his tale.

    Driven south to the land of snow and ice
    To a place where nobody’s been
    Through the snow fog flies on the albatross
    Hailed in God’s name,
    hoping good luck it brings.

    And the ship sails on, back to the north
    Through the fog and ice and the albatross follows on

    The mariner kills the bird of good omen
    His shipmates cry against what he’s done
    But when the fog clears, they justify him
    And make themselves a part of the crime.

    Sailing on and on and North across the sea
    Sailing on and on and North `til all is calm.

    The albatross begins with its vengeance
    A terrible curse a thirst has begun
    His shipmates blame bad luck on the Mariner
    About his neck, the dead bird is hung.

    And the curse goes on and on and on at sea,
    And the thirst goes on and on for them and me.

    “Day after day, day after day,
    we stuck nor breath nor motion
    As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
    Water, water everywhere and
    all the boards did shrink
    Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink.”

    There, calls the Mariner,
    there comes a ship over the line
    But how can she sail with no wind
    in her sails and no tide.

    See .....onward she comes
    Onward she nears, out of the sun
    See.... She has no crew
    She has no life, wait but there’s two

    Death and she life in Death,
    they throw their dice for the crew
    She wins the Mariner and he belongs to her now.
    Then... crew one by one
    They drop down dead, two hundred men
    She...She, Life in Death.
    She lets him live, her chosen one.

    “One after one by the star dogged moon,
    too quick for groan or sigh
    each turned his face with a ghastly pang,
    and cursed me with his eye
    four times fifty living men
    (and I heard nor sigh nor groan),
    with heavy thump, a lifeless lump,
    they dropped down one by one.”

    The curse it lives on in their eyes
    The Mariner he wished he’d die
    Along with the sea creatures
    But they lived on, so did he.

    And by the light of the moon
    He prays for their beauty not doom
    With heart he blesses them
    God’s creatures all of them too

    Then the spell starts to break
    The albatross falls from his neck
    Sinks down like lead into the sea
    Then down in falls comes the rain.

    Hear the groans of the long dead seamen
    See them stir and they start to rise
    Bodies lifted by good spirits
    None of them speak
    and they’re lifeless in their eyes.

    And revenge is still sought, penance starts again
    Cast into a trance and the nightmare carries on.

    Now the curse is finally lifted
    And the Mariner sights his home
    Spirits go from the long dead bodies
    Form their own light and
    the Mariner’s left alone.

    And then a boat came sailing towards him
    It was a joy he could not believe
    The pilots boat, his son and the hermit.
    Penance of life will fall onto Him.

    And the ship sinks like lead into the sea
    And the hermit shrieves the Mariner of his sins.

    The Mariner’s bound to tell of his story
    To tell his tale wherever he goes
    To teach God’s word by his own example
    That we must love all things that God made.

    And the wedding guest’s a sad and wiser man
    And the tale goes on and on and on.
    The Blue Lotus, a legend, I thought a myth
    Old poems and stories gone
    A beauty of unimaginable lust
    Both men's hearts, and Gods, were won
    Skin like milk, an angels face
    They say her smile could kill
    Her hair the blackest of all black
    Stories I thought though, still
    <span style='color:red'> 42 is the number of the beast: 6*6+6=42 </span>

  3. #3
    Flinker Finger
    Dabei seit


    Manowar - I Believe

    From the darkness I walk into the light,
    from the day I walk into the night,
    from the shadows I will appear,
    with a message for all who will hear.

    For the weaker part I will be strong,
    to the defenders of faith I will be long,
    to the last of us fight till we die,
    to the keys of the kindom of night.

    All stand together for the worlds to see,
    now the time is right to live out all our dreams,
    say the words forever your strengh will never leave
    if you want to win the fight say I believe.
    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, es regnet schon den ganzen Tag und Niemand mag mich&quot;

    &quot;Logbuch des Käptns, ich habe mein Toupet verloren und mein Hüfthalter bringt mich um, die neuen Pomps passen auch nicht zur Uniform, was für ein Leben.&quot;

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

  4. #4
    Moderator Avatar von Last_Gunslinger
    Dabei seit


    The Cure --- Cut Here

    "So we meet again&#33;" and I offer my hand
    All dry and English slow
    And you look at me and I understand
    yeah it’s the look I used to know
    "Three long years... and your favorite man...
    Is that anyway to say hello?"
    And you hold me...
    Like you’ll never let me go…

    "Oh c’mon and have a drink with me
    Sit down and talk a while... "
    "Oh I wish I could... and I will&#33;
    But now I just don’t have the time... "
    And over my shoulder as I walk away
    I see you give that look goodbye...
    I still see that look in your eyes...

    So dizzy Mr. Busy – too much rush to talk to Billy
    All the silly frilly things have to first get done
    In a minute - Sometime soon - Maybe next time - Make it June
    Until later…Doesn’t always come…

    It’ so hard to think "It ends sometime
    And this could be the last
    I should really hear you sing again
    And I should really watch you dance"
    Because it’s hard to think
    "I’ll never get another chance to hold you...
    To hold you... "

    But chilly Mr. Dilly- too much rush To talk to Billy
    All the tizzy fizzy idiot thing’s must get done
    In a second - Just Hang On - All in good time - Won’t be long
    Until later...

    I should’ve stop to think - I should&#39;ve made the time
    I could’ve had that drink - I could’ve talked a while
    I would’ve done it right - I would’ve moved us on
    But I didn’t - now it&#39;s all too late it’s over... over...
    And you&#39;re gone...

    I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you
    I miss you I miss you so much…

    But how many times can I walk away
    and wish "if only... "
    How many times can I talk this way
    and wish "if only... "

    Keep on making the same mistake
    keep on aching the same heartbreak
    I wish "if only... "
    But "if only... "
    Is a wish too late

  5. #5
    Mittlerer SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    Seit ich die gestrige Emergency- Room Folge gesehen habe, geht mir dieser Text nicht mehr aus dem Kopf

    Kai Tracid: Life is too short

    Life is too short, don&#39;t stress everyday
    Leave your worries behind go out and play
    Life is too short, grasp it in your hand
    A natural miracle, have fun while you can

    Life is too short, as precious as gold
    It&#39;s full of surprise, so I am told
    Life is too short take it from me
    Have as much fun as you wish, just wait and see

    Life is too short, people seem to forget
    That life is a gift and its free yes that&#39;s it
    Life is too short, use your own eyes
    Open yourself and enjoy your own life
    ----] dies ist eine süchtigmachende Dauerwerbesendung. Sie haben keine Chance diese Sig zu überlesen, deshalb fügen sie sich einfach und lesen sich die Sig durch, sie haben sowieso keine andere Wahl. Widerstand ist Zwecklos [----
    <span style='color:silver'><span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Verspüren sie Lust, ihre Erlebnisse, die sie tagtäglich ertragen müssen, anderen Leuten mitzuteilen? Wollen sie über den Sinn und Unsinn von einfach allem quatschen?
    Filmreviews, Meinungen zu Computerspielen, die neuesten Neuigkeiten über Star Wars und die täglichen Erlebnisse der Sci-Fi Community-Mitglieder, das alles finden sie im</span> </span>
    <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:orange'> Meinereiner</span></span>

    <u><span style='color:cornsilk'>Will Riker </u></span>
    <span style='colorarkGray'><u>1.Vorsitzender der Aktion:</u> EU Autoren und Übersetzer sollen sich mit Star Wars beschäftigen, bevor sie irgendwelchen Blödsinn verzapfen
    <u>Mitglied</u> bei den anonymen Palpatine-oholikern
    <u>Mitglied</u> im Meinereiner-Club der Verrückten
    <u>Betrauerer</u> von seinem SW Kuschelmonster und seiner Lieblingsrebellin</span>

  6. #6
    Dabei seit



    Bad Religion

    Get Back&#33;

    Can you feel I&#39;m not like you anymore?
    I can&#39;t see, I can&#39;t breathe&#33;
    See you quiver like the dogs on the streets.
    Looking down on as I beat you.

    "It&#39;s a bad religion
    From a broken nation.
    It&#39;s a contradiction..."

    And I can&#39;t take it anymore, Yeah&#33;

    Who&#39;s to say I won&#39;t like you anyway?
    Take a deep breath, I&#39;m alive.
    Can you feel me? I&#39;m alive inside you.
    Agony creeps up behind you.

    [repeat chorus]

    And I can&#39;t take it any fuckin&#39; way&#33;

    [repeat chorus]

    Can you feel it?
    I&#39;ve gotta live with it every day.
    And I can&#39;t take the pressure,
    I&#39;m goin&#39; insane. Now go away&#33;
    Go away&#33;
    Wenn etwas nicht mit Gewalt funktioniert, dann liegt es daran, dass man nicht genug davon benutzt.

    Besser in der Hölle zu Herrschen, als im Himmel zu dienen.

  7. #7
    Warmgepostet Avatar von cronos
    Dabei seit



    Let There Be Rock (1977)
    SINGLE: Dog Eat Dog/Carry Me Home
    SINGLE: Let There Be Rock/Dog Eat Dog (1977)
    Live at the Atlantic Studios (1977)
    (Young, Young, Scott)

    Well it&#39;s a dog eat dog
    Eat cat too
    The French eat frog
    And I eat you
    Businessman, when you make a deal
    Do you know who you can trust?
    Do you sign your life away?
    Do you write your name in dust?

    Hey, hey, hey
    Every dog has his day
    It&#39;s a dog eat dog
    Dog eat dog

    "Dog eat dog"
    Read the news
    Someone win
    Someone lose
    Up&#39;s above and down&#39;s below
    And limbo&#39;s inbetween
    Up you win, down you lose
    It&#39;s anybody&#39;s game


    And it&#39;s a eye for eye
    Tooth for tooth
    It&#39;s a lie
    That&#39;s the truth
    See a blind man on the street
    Looking for something free
    Hear the kind man ask his friends
    "Hey, what&#39;s in it for me?"

    The Blue Lotus, a legend, I thought a myth
    Old poems and stories gone
    A beauty of unimaginable lust
    Both men&#39;s hearts, and Gods, were won
    Skin like milk, an angels face
    They say her smile could kill
    Her hair the blackest of all black
    Stories I thought though, still
    <span style='color:red'> 42 is the number of the beast: 6*6+6=42 </span>

  8. #8
    Moderator Avatar von Amujan
    Dabei seit
    Schönefeld b. Berlin


    Sheryl Crow - My Favorite Mistake
    Album: The Globe Sessions

    I woke up and called this morning
    The tone of your voice was a warning
    That you don&#39;t care for me anymore

    I made up the bed we sleep in
    I looked at the clock when you creep in
    It&#39;s 6 a.m. and I&#39;m alone

    Did you know when you go
    It&#39;s the perfect ending
    To the bad day I was just beginning
    When you go all I know is
    You&#39;re my favorite mistake

    Well, your friends are sorry for me
    They watch you pretend to adore me
    But I&#39;m no fool to this game

    Now here comes your secret lover
    She&#39;d be unlike any other
    Until your guilt goes up in flames

    Did you know when you go
    It&#39;s the perfect ending
    To the bad day I&#39;ve gotten used to spending
    When you go all I know is
    You&#39;re my favorite mistake
    You&#39;re my favorite mistake

    Well maybe nothin&#39; lasts forever
    Even when you stay together
    I don&#39;t need forever after
    It&#39;s your laughter won&#39;t let me go
    So I&#39;m holding on this way

    Did you know, could you tell
    You were the only one
    That I ever loved
    Now everything&#39;s so wrong

    Did you see me walking by?
    Did it ever make you cry?

    You&#39;re my favorite mistake
    You&#39;re my favorite mistake
    You&#39;re my favorite mistake

    so far...

  9. #9
    Furie Avatar von Simara
    Dabei seit


    Dieses Lied hat mich wahnsinnig beeindruckt und gerade in letzter Zeit muss ich wieder öfters dran denken:

    Leningrad von Billy Joel

    Victor was born in spring of &#39;44
    and never saw his father anymore
    a child of sacrafice, a child of war
    another son who never had a father after Leningrad

    Went of to school and learn to serve the state
    followed the rules and drunk his Vodka straight
    the only way to live was drown the hate
    and russian life was very sad
    and such was life in Leningrad

    I was born in &#39;49
    a cold war Kid in McCarthy time
    stop them at the 38 Parallel
    blast those yellow reds to hell
    Cold war kids were hard to kill
    under there desk in an air raid thrill
    havn&#39;t they heard we won the war
    why they keep on fighting for

    Victor was sent to some red army town
    served out his time became a circus clown
    the greatet happines he&#39;s ever found
    was making russion children glad
    the children lived in Leningrad

    But children lived in Levitowen
    hid in the shelters underground
    till the sowjets turned their ships around
    and tore the cuban missiles down
    in that bright october sun
    we knew our childhood days were gone
    I watched my friends go off to war
    why they keep on fighting for

    And so my child and I came to this place
    we meet him eye to eye and face to face
    he make my daughter laugh then we embraced
    we never knew what friends we had
    until wie came to Leningrad

    So versteh&#39;s ich jedenfalls

    Staffel II (2) dienstags im Nachtprogramm auf Pro7MAXX (Doppelfolgen)

    Staffel XII (12) montags 21:05 Uhr auf Pro7MAXX

    Staffel XIII (13) montags 20:15 Uhr auf Pro7MAXX

    Staffel XV (15) donnerstags auf CW

  10. #10
    Warmgepostet Avatar von darksaber
    Dabei seit


    O.k. das ist der einzige Song der es geschafft hat mich zum Weinen zu bringen als ich ihn hörte und die Lyrics dabei gelesen habe. Und überhaupt als ich am Ende der Lyrics das gelesen habe: Barbara Lewis (1973-1993)

    throwing copper

    Lightning Crashes

    lightning crashes, a new mother cries
    her placenta falls to the floor
    the angel opens her eyes
    the confusion sets in
    before the doctor can even close the door

    lightning crashes, an old mother dies
    her intentions fall to the floor
    the angel closes her eyes
    the confusion that was hers
    belongs now, to the baby down the hall

    oh now feel it comin&#39; back again
    like a rollin&#39; thunder chasing the wind
    forces pullin&#39; from the center of the earth again
    i can feel it.

    lightning crashes, a new mother cries
    this moment she&#39;s been waiting for
    the angel opens her eyes
    pale blue colored iris, presents the circle
    and puts the glory out to hide, hide

  11. #11
    Dabei seit


    Fear Factory


    I&#39;ve felt darkness closing in on me
    Chilling shadows surrounding me
    I&#39;ve had the poison leak into my skin
    And it corroded my heart away
    Bled away
    Cut away
    Dark night of my soul...

    einfach super gesungen, einfach toll. schön ruhig
    Wenn etwas nicht mit Gewalt funktioniert, dann liegt es daran, dass man nicht genug davon benutzt.

    Besser in der Hölle zu Herrschen, als im Himmel zu dienen.

  12. #12
    Foren-Halbgott Avatar von Dune
    Dabei seit
    Uncharted territories


    Mein Lieblingslied, hat mir Glück bei meiner Facharbeit gebracht

    Train - Drops of Jupiter

    Now that she&#39;s back in the atmosphere
    With drops of Jupiter in her hair
    She acts like summer and walks like rain
    Reminds me that there&#39;s time to change
    Since the return from her stay on the moon
    She listens like spring and she talks like June

    Tell me, did you sail across the sun
    Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
    And that heaven is overrated
    Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
    One without a permanent scar
    And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there

    Now that she&#39;s back from that soul vacation
    Tracing her way through the constellation
    She checks out Mozart while she does tae-bo
    Reminds me that there&#39;s room to grow

    Now that she&#39;s back in the atmosphere
    I&#39;m afraid that she might think of me as plain ol&#39; Jane
    Told a story about a man who is too afraid to fly so he never did land

    Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
    Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
    And head back to the Milky Way
    And tell me, did Venus blow your mind
    Was it everything you wanted to find
    And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there

    Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
    Your best friend always sticking up for you... even when I know you&#39;re wrong
    Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone conversation
    The best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me

    Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
    Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
    And head back to the Milky Way

    Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
    One without a permanent scar
    And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
    I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if if we let go... that's who I am.

  13. #13
    Dauerschreiber Avatar von Litchi
    Dabei seit


    jimmy eat world
    - bleed american

    i&#39;m not alone because the t.v.&#39;s on
    i&#39;m not crazy because i take the right pills every day and rest
    clean your conscience
    clear your thoughts with speyside
    with your grain

    salt sweat sugar on the asphalt
    our hearts littering the topsoil
    tune in
    we can get the last call
    sign up
    it&#39;s the picket line or the parade
    our lives
    our coal

    i bled the greed from my arm
    won&#39;t they give it a rest now?
    "Those that would give up essential liberty in pursuit of a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security." - Benjamin Franklin

  14. #14
    Kleiner SpacePub-Besucher Avatar von Fenryr
    Dabei seit


    Bad Religion
    - Pretenders

    I give to you, you take from me
    We live in perfect harmony
    But I know you can&#39;t give me what I need
    With subtle care and rosey hues
    We duke it out, we change our views
    We hold so dear our unanimity
    We are just pretenders
    We are just pretenders, lost in this charade
    We are just pretenders, characters on stage
    We are just pretenders, trying to break free
    We are just pretenders, hiding so no one sees
    We try to find our peace of mind
    Just a vestige we left behind
    But ignorance takes far less energy
    And if you please, I&#39;ll look to you
    Because I need somebody who
    forgives me for my harsh reality
    We are just pretenders
    We are just pretenders, we&#39;re trying to break free
    We are just pretenders, we&#39;ll lose them easily
    We are just pretenders, trying to break free
    We are just pretenders, hiding so no one sees
    You standing there
    playing with your hair
    Trying to ignore
    but peeking in the mirror
    Re-living the scenes
    from books and magazines
    Craving the life
    you live in your dreams
    And I&#39;m standing here
    Thinking that it&#39;s queer
    But fearing that I am the same
    You ask me how I feel
    It&#39;s so damn surreal
    I think it&#39;s finally time we ended this game
    &#39;cause we are just pretenders
    We are just pretenders, lost in this charade
    We are just pretenders...

  15. #15
    Dabei seit


    mal 2 songs von Wizo


    Mach dir keine Hoffnung,

    es ist doch längst zu spät

    Das sieht sogar ein Blinder,

    daß es mit dir zu Ende geht

    Die Chancen sind vertan und

    die Gelegenheit versäumt

    Werd&#39; dir drüber klar,

    du hast umsonst geträumt.

    Alle Wege führ&#39;n ins Dunkel,

    keine Aussicht mehr auf Licht

    Dieses Mal geht es zu Ende

    Ein nächstes Mal gibt es nicht

    Bring dich um - Bring dich um

    denn Du weißt doch ganz genau

    es schert sich eh keiner darum

    Bring dich um - Bring dich um

    Und es ist dir völlig klar

    weiterleben wäre dumm

    Die Wahrheit ist gemein

    doch unabänderlich

    es zeigt der Pfeil des Schicksals

    geradewegs auf dich

    Es war nie deine Schuld,

    doch das ist jetzt egal

    Wir alle müssen sterben

    und du hast keine Wahl.

    Alle Wege führ&#39;n ins Dunkel...

    B.D.U. - B.D.U.



    Ihr fetten Schweine sitzt in Bonn

    und laßt es euch gut geh&#39;n

    Während all die Menschen,

    die euch glaubten, vor die Hunde geh&#39;n

    Ihr habt sie belogen

    und seid dabei nicht mal rot geworden

    Ihr habt damit Schuld am Haß,

    an der Gewalt und an den Morden

    Und wenn jetzt die braune Nazibrut

    gegen Minderheiten hetzt

    Gießt ihr Öl ins Feuer

    und ihr ändert kurz das Grundgesetz

    Und der kleine Vollidiot

    mit seinem Brandsatz in der Hand

    Fühlt sich als legitimer Rächer seines Vaterlands

    Das goldene Stück Scheiße geht an euch

    Denn ihr habt es echt verdient

    Ihr habt hart dafür gekämpft

    und deshalb sollt ihr es auch haben

    Das goldene Stück Scheiße geht an euch

    In den letzten Jahren bist du viel herumgereist

    Und hast manchen Flugplatz auf der Welt geküßt

    Jedes Jahr auf deinem Open Air am Petersplatz

    Hast du immer einen tollen Spruch gewußt

    Du kennst deine Bibel aus dem Kopf

    und weißt, daß darin steht,

    Daß Verhütung eine Sünde ist

    und deshalb nicht erlaubt

    Und noch immer sterben Kinder,

    weil sie nix zu fressen hab&#39;n

    Doch wehe dem, der nicht an eure Lügen glaubt

    Das goldene Stück Scheiße geht an dich

    Denn du hast es echt verdient

    Du hast hart dafür gekämpft

    und deshalb sollst du es auch haben

    Das goldene Stück Scheiße geht an Dich&#33;

    -Scheiß Solo-

    Das goldene Stück Scheiße geht an dich

    und auch an mich,

    Denn wir sabbeln hier noch immer nur blöd rum

    wir bleiben doof und sterben dumm

    und ham es besser nicht verdient

    Durch Jammern ist noch niemals was passiert

    Ja, das goldene Stück Scheiße geht an uns

    denn wir ham&#39;s uns echt verdient

    wir haben noch immer nichts getan

    und deshalb sollen wir es auch kriegen;

    Das goldene Stück Scheiße geht an uns

    Ja das goldene Stück Scheiße geht an mich,

    denn ich hab&#39;s mir echt verdient.

    Ich hab hart dafür gekämpft

    und deshalb will ich es auch haben:

    Das goldene Stück Scheiße geht an mich&#33;
    Cu Helly

  16. #16
    Dabei seit




    Falling victim from neglect
    Designed thoughts and intellect
    Forgotten and displaced
    The crux of my dismay

    I feel nothing
    I am nothing
    I feel nothing

    How deep I descend?
    Until I reach my end?
    How deep I descend?

    Deeper into this abyss
    Weighted down and sinking fast
    Life did not offer me
    More than false destiny

    I feel nothing
    I am nothing
    I feel nothing

    How deep I descend?
    Until I reach my end?
    How deep I descend?

    I am nothing
    I feel nothing
    I am nothing
    I feel nothing

    How deep I descend?
    Until I reach my end?
    How deep I descend?

    das höre ich fast nur in den letzten Tagen, auch noch Timelessness und Lieder von den Deftones
    Wenn etwas nicht mit Gewalt funktioniert, dann liegt es daran, dass man nicht genug davon benutzt.

    Besser in der Hölle zu Herrschen, als im Himmel zu dienen.

  17. #17
    Tastaturquäler Avatar von DRD Pike
    Dabei seit


    Nette Idee dieser Thread.

    @Pumpkin: "Be Quiet And Drive" wird wohl auf ewig einer meiner Lieblingssongs sein. Hat mich mal einen ganzen Sommer begleitet. War glaube ich 1998. Schon lustig, welche Erinnerungen man manchmal mit bestimmten Songs verbindet.

    @Darksaber: Ich liebe Throwing Copper von Live&#33; Und ich kann dir nur zustimmen, "Lightning Crashes" ist echt zum heulen.

    Hier jetzt mal ein paar Lyrics, die mir (je nach Stimmung) besonders gefallen:

    Travis - Driftwood (Album: The Man Who)

    Everything is open
    Nothing is set in stone
    Rivers turn to oceans
    Oceans tide you home
    Home is where the heart is
    But your heart had to roam
    Drifting over bridges
    Never to return
    Watching bridges burn

    You&#39;re driftwood floating underwater
    Breaking into pieces, pieces, pieces
    Just driftwood, hollow and of no use
    Waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you

    Nobody is an island
    Everyone had to go
    Pillars turn to butter
    Butterflying low
    Low is where your heart is
    But your heart has to grow
    Drifting under bridges
    Never with the flow

    And you really didn&#39;t think it would happen
    But it really is the end of the line
    So I&#39;m sorry that you&#39;ve turned to driftwood
    But you&#39;ve been drifting for a long, long time

    Everywhere there&#39;s trouble
    Nowhere&#39;s safe to go
    Pushes turn to shovels
    Shovelling the snow
    Frozen you have chosen
    The path you wish to go
    Drifting now forever
    And forever more
    Until you reach your shore

    You&#39;re driftwood floating underwater
    Breaking into pieces, pieces, pieces
    Just driftwood, hollow and of no use
    Waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you

    And you really didn&#39;t think it would happen
    But it really is the end of the line
    So I&#39;m sorry that you&#39;ve turned to driftwood
    But you&#39;ve been drifting for a long, long time
    You&#39;ve been drifting, for a long, long
    Drifting for a long, long time


    A Perfect Circle - Judith (Album: Mer De Noms)

    You&#39;re such an inspiration for the ways
    That I&#39;ll never ever choose to be
    Oh so many ways for me to show you
    How the savior has abandoned you
    Fuck your God
    Your Lord and your Christ
    He did this
    Took all you had and
    Left you this way
    Still you pray, you never stray
    Never taste of the fruit
    You never thought to question why

    It&#39;s not like you killed someone
    It&#39;s not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
    Praise the one who left you
    Broken down and paralyzed
    He did it all for you
    He did it all for you

    Oh so many many ways for me to show you
    How your dogma has abandoned you
    Pray to your Christ, to your god
    Never taste of the fruit
    Never stray, never break
    Never---choke on a lie
    Even though he&#39;s the one who did this to you
    You never thought to question why

    Not like you killed someone
    It&#39;s Not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side
    Talk to Jesus Christ
    As if he knows the reasons why
    He did it all for you
    Did it all for you
    He did it all for you


    Blackmore&#39;s Night - Ocean Gypsy (Album: Shadow Of The Moon)

    Tried to take it all away,
    Learn her freedom... just inside a day,
    And find her soul to find there fears are laid...
    Tried to make her love their own,
    They took her love... they left her there,
    They gave her nothing back that she would want to own...
    Gold and silver rings and stones,
    Dances slowly off the moon,
    No one else could know, she stands alone...
    Sleeping dreams will reach for her,
    She can not say the words they need,
    She knows she&#39;s alone and she is free...
    Ocean Gypsy of the moon,
    The sun has made a thousand nights for you to hold...
    Ocean Gypsy where are you?
    The shadows followed by the stars have turned to gold...
    Turned to gold...
    Then she met a hollow soul,
    Filled him with her light and was consoled,
    She was the moon and he the sun was gold...
    Eyes were blinded with his light...
    The sun he gave reflected back the night
    The moon was waning, almost out of sight...
    Softly Ocean Gypsy calls...
    Silence holds the stars a while,
    They smile sadly for her where she falls...
    Just the time before the dawn,
    The sea is hushed the ocean calls her,
    Day has taken her and now she&#39;s gone...
    No one noticed when she died,
    Ocean Gypsy shackled to the tide,
    The ebbing waves, the turning spreading white...
    Something gone within her eyes,
    Her fingers, lifeless, stroked the sand,
    Her battered soul was lost,
    She was abandoned...
    Silken threads like wings still shine,
    Wind swept pleasures still make patterns in her lovely hair... so dark and fine...
    Stands on high beneath the seas, cries no more, her tears have dried...
    Ocean weep for her, the ocean sighs...

    (Hier nochmal ein Riesendank an Sathoan, der mich mal vor einer halben Ewigkeit auf diesen schönen Song aufmerksam gemacht hat )


    Und dieser Song ist speziell für alle Scaper da draussen

    Five for Fighting - Superman

    I can&#39;t stand to fly
    I&#39;m not that naive
    I&#39;m just out to find
    The better part of me

    I&#39;m more than a bird...I&#39;m more than a plane
    More than some pretty face beside a train
    It&#39;s not easy to be me

    Wish that I could cry
    Fall upon my knees
    Find a way to lie
    About a home I&#39;ll never see

    It may sound absurd...but don&#39;t be naive
    Even Heroes have the right to bleed
    I may be disturbed...but won&#39;t you concede
    Even Heroes have the right to dream
    It&#39;s not easy to be me

    Up, up and away...away from me
    It&#39;s all right...You can all sleep sound tonight
    I&#39;m not crazy...or anything...

    I can&#39;t stand to fly
    I&#39;m not that naive
    Men weren&#39;t meant to ride
    With clouds between their knees

    I&#39;m only a man in a silly red sheet
    Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
    Only a man in a funny red sheet
    Looking for special things inside of me

    It&#39;s not easy to be me.


    Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know (Album: Jagged Little Pill)

    I want you to know that I&#39;m happy for you
    I wish nothing but the best for you both
    An older version of me
    Is she as preverted as me
    Would she go down on you in a theatre?
    Does she speak eloquently
    And would she have your baby?
    I&#39;m sure she would make a really excellent mother
    Cause the love that you gave that we made
    Wasn&#39;t able to make it enough for you to be open wide, no
    And everytime you speak her name
    Does she know how you told me you&#39;d hold me
    Until you died &#39;til you died
    But you&#39;re still alive
    And I&#39;m here to remind you
    Of the mess you left when you went away
    It&#39;s not fair to deny me
    Of the cross i bare that you gave to me
    You, you, you oughta know
    You seem very well, things look peaceful
    I&#39;m not quite as well, I thought you should know
    Did you forget about me Mr. Duplicity
    I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner
    It was a slap on the face how quickly i was replaced
    Are you thinking of me when you fuck her
    Cause the joke that you laid in the bed that was me
    And i&#39;m not going to fade
    As soon as you close your eyes and you know it
    And everytime I scratch my nails down someone else&#39;s back
    I hope you feel it ...can you feel it?


    Und zum Schluss noch ein simpler kleiner Klassiker, der allerdings immernoch treffend ist:

    John Lennon - Imagine

    Imagine there&#39;s no heaven,
    It&#39;s easy if you try,
    No hell below us,
    Above us only sky,
    Imagine all the people
    living for today...

    Imagine there&#39;s no countries,
    It isnt hard to do,
    Nothing to kill or die for,
    No religion too,
    Imagine all the people
    living life in peace...

    Imagine no possesions,
    I wonder if you can,
    No need for greed or hunger,
    A brotherhood of man,
    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world...

    You may say Im a dreamer,
    but Im not the only one,
    I hope some day you&#39;ll join us,
    And the world will live as one.
    Bunt ist das Dasein und granatenstark.

  18. #18
    Foren-Halbgott Avatar von Dune
    Dabei seit
    Uncharted territories


    Mein Schatz weiß sicher, welches Lied ich jetzt poste, *ganzfestknuddelundknutsch*

    Vanessa Carlton - A thousand miles

    Making my way downtown
    walking fast
    faces pass
    and I am home bound

    Staring blanky ahead
    just making my way
    making a way
    through the crowd

    And I need you
    And I miss you
    And now I wonder
    If I could fall
    into the sky
    do you think time would pass me by
    cause you know I&#39;d walk a thousand miles
    If I could just see you....tonight

    It´s always times like these
    when I think of you and I wonder if you ever think of me

    And everything´s so long
    and I don&#39;t belong
    living in your precious memory

    Cause I need you
    And I miss you
    And now I wonder
    If I could fall
    Into the sky
    Do you think time would pass me by, oh
    cause you know I´d walk a thousand miles if I could just see you...tonight

    And I,I don´t wanna let you go
    I, I drown in my memory
    I, I don´t wanna let this go
    I, I don´t

    Making my way down town
    Walking fast
    Faces pass
    And I´m home bound

    Staring blankly ahead
    Just making my way
    Making a way
    through the crowd

    And I still need you
    And I still miss you
    And now I wonder

    If I could fall into the sky
    Do you think
    Time would pass us by
    Cause you know
    I´d walk a thousand miles
    If I could just see you...
    If I could fall into the sky
    Do you think
    Time would pass me by
    Cause you know
    I´d walk a thousand miles

    If I could just

    see you...

    If I could just

    hold you...tonight
    I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if if we let go... that's who I am.

  19. #19
    Moderator Avatar von Last_Gunslinger
    Dabei seit


    Da konter ich doch mit:

    Bree Sharp - David Duchovny

    It’s Sunday night, I am curled up in my room
    The TV light fills my heart like a balloon
    I hold it in as best I can
    I know I’m just another fan
    But I can’t help feeling I could love this secret agent man
    I can’t...

    Wait anymore for him to discover me
    I got it bad for David Duchovny
    David Duchovny, why won’t you love me?
    Why won’t you love me?

    My friends all tell me,
    ‘Girl you know it’s just a show
    But deep within his eyes
    I see me wrapped up like a bow
    Watching the sky for a sign
    The FBI is on my mind
    I’m waiting for the day
    When my lucky stars align
    In the form of...

    David Duchovny floating above me
    In the alien light of the spaceship of love, I need
    David Duchovny hovering above me
    American Heathcliff, brooding and comely
    David Duchovny, why won’t you love me?
    Why won’t you love me?

    So smooth and so smart
    He’s abducted my heart
    And I’m falling apart
    From the looks I receive
    From those eyes I can’t leave
    And you can say I’m naive
    But he told me to believe

    My bags are packed, I am ready for my flight
    Want to put an end to my daydream days and sleepless nights
    Sitting like a mindless clone
    Wishing he would tap my phone
    Just to hear the breath of the man, the myth, the monotone
    And I would say...

    David Duchovny, why won’t you love me?
    Why won’t you love me? Why won’t you love me?
    David Duchovny, why won’t you love me?
    Why won’t you love me? Why won’t you love me?
    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I’m sweet and I&#39;m cuddly-I&#39;m gonna kill Scully&#33;
    David Duchovny, why won&#39;t you love me?
    Why won&#39;t you love me? Why won’t you love me?

    I’ll be waiting...
    In Nevada...

  20. #20
    Warmgepostet Avatar von cronos
    Dabei seit



    ( Smith / Dickinson )

    As the sun breaks, above the ground,
    An old man stands on the hill.
    As the ground warms, to the first rays of light,
    A birdsong shatters the still.

    His eyes are ablaze,
    See the madman in his gaze.

    Fly, on your way, like an eagle,
    Fly as high as the sun.
    On your way, like an eagle,
    Fly and touch the sun.

    Now the crowd breaks and a young boy appears,
    Looks the old man in the eye.
    As he spreads his wings and shouts at the crowd,
    “In the name of God my father I fly.”

    His eyes seem so glazed,
    As he flies on the wings of a dream.
    Now he knows his father betrayed.
    Now his wings turn to ashes, to ashes his grave.

    Fly, on your way, like an eagle,
    Fly as high as the sun.
    On your way, like an eagle,
    Fly as high as the sun.
    The Blue Lotus, a legend, I thought a myth
    Old poems and stories gone
    A beauty of unimaginable lust
    Both men&#39;s hearts, and Gods, were won
    Skin like milk, an angels face
    They say her smile could kill
    Her hair the blackest of all black
    Stories I thought though, still
    <span style='color:red'> 42 is the number of the beast: 6*6+6=42 </span>

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