Meine Meinung zur Episode auf englisch (da ich's auf englisch schrieb und zF zum rückübersetzen bin):

I liked the episode even though it had a rather slow and paced down tone, yet still it was very much like "Huh, why do they roll in the credits? Already an hour? Noooo, yet another week to wait."

The Brienne and Jaime scenes continue to be awesome. As mentioned before I got quite surprised by her height. I haven't had the impression that she is like tiny but somehow I also didn't notice that she's as tall. Which like jumped my face when she raised from kneeling and appeared like almost two heads taller then Lord Bolton. Same for the bathing scene when she stood up. Uh, hum, not sure how to put without being inapprotiated, but she does look totally hot, when washed & naked. ^^;;;
Regarding storylines I did wonder about the washing comment from Jaime, when he was like "Don't peel your skin off". It made me wonder if his intervention about Tarth was maybe a bit late. Though maybe she just likes to be clean.
I did like their whole interaction, even when she did gave a very insecure impression.
It's been quite an interessting conversation they had or better to say story that Jaime told. It does show his action in a way less vile and dishonorable manner and after considering it I can see that he has no one else to tell it to. His father may consider it treason - at least the part regarding turncoat - and the rest of the world won't believe it.
Also, might be just my impression as she's my favorite char so far, but the look she gave him, with like this totally blue, big eyes,... was fascinating, somewhat cute. A bit like the puss in boots in Shrek XD
A bit sad that she called for help for the Kingsslayer, but understandable. Habits may change but not that fast.
Regarding Jaime, to give him also some credit, it's been fascinating how he's been played by Bolton, as well as his decision to feel the pain. On a site note, I got the impression that they'll keep the camera way longer on naked women as on naked men. A bit strange, it's not like Jaime or John are bad looking pals ^^;

Hum, the John plot was nice, but one of the weaker parts I think. With the bird-warg-spy they wouldn't have needed his count and Bird-Guy was probably right about the numbers? Which are like a bit confusing. Like about a thousand at Castle Black when most of them should be out on Mormonts Trail, which seemed more like maybe one or two hundered. I am a bit wondering if it's better for him to produce Widlings instead of Basterds ^^;
Oh and he does know something. Which seemed like totally unexpected?
It's like sexuality developing,.. first doggy style, then riding, now this,.. wonder how/if it will progress @_@;

While John and Ygritte as well as Jaime and Brienne went bathing Robb seems to enjoy pirate style shirts. Apart from that I think he made a lot of very bad decisions. He could have just have held Karstark captive, move the court to the end of war and behead him after the war is done (or if all his troops are dead). Like this it was almost as clever as Joeffreys idea to behead Ned.
His next plan "Let's take Casterly Rock" seems also overly optimistic. He even recognized that he broke his promise to Late-Lord-Frey for a common stranger. But he still picks up the piece and moves it over as he's sure to win Frey over for his cause that seems rather lost oO;
Maybe he'll introduce the concept of like offical Polygamie to Frey?

I got mixed feelings about the Brotherhood. Thumbs up for Gendry and the Hound. Thumbs down for Beric-Can't-be-killed. It got close to the off feeling that the Shadow Baby caused. I really dislike the "Awww the God of like religion is so magic" stuff. Makes me wonder why those followers didn't come over sooner to get hold of Westeros. Also it surprised me a bit that Arya went full out judgemental bout Mycah towards the Hound. A bit late, eh?

Though surprisingly I liked the scenes at Dragonstone. Stannis Wife finally appears and seems to be even further to the batshit crazy department as Cats sister. I did like the portayal of his daughter and she did a nice song.
I think Stannis is kind of a dick for dropping the Onion knight like this, at least it doesn't seem like he's planning to set him on fire.
(It does invoke some parallels to the mad king?)
I personally figured the The Onion knight could read, but tried to protect the girl.

Back to Kings Landing, Granny remains to be frank & cool, Loras easily attracted, the gaydar of Sansa off and Tywin owns two of his children.
It's really been a nice seen how first Cersei gloats about and then realized that things are going down for her as well. Though I really wondered what would happen if Cersei and Tyron pulled through with their resistance.

About Sansa, giving Littlefinger creepiness I think she had good reason to reconsider his offer even if there wasn't Loras at the horizon. XD

The scene about Dany and Grey Worm (which is kind of a cool name, imo) and Jorah and Selmy was okay. Bit dull maybe, but okay.