Human Virus Scanner

The virus that have infected you will be show here along with thier cures, if known.
Viruses you suffer from:

Everyone likes folk. No, really. Maybe you should listen to the Incredible String Band.

Stop wearing the stick-on ears.

Stop caring!

Consume more stuff! It's easier to buy new stuff than to recycle.

Use a mouse with more than one button.

There just hunks of metal which go real fast. Ride a bike through London at rush hour.

Viruses you might suffer from:

Linux (95%)
Install the latest version of Microsoft Windows. Learn to love it.

USA (60%)
Rule, Britannia! Britannia rule the waves! [repeat]

Amiga (70%)
Gnome is better than workbench. BEOS is better than Amiga OS. The TV Modulator was a pain in the arse and an EXTERNAL power pack? I ask you. And it didn't have a built in MIDI port like some of its rivals.

Free BSD (95%)
The GPL isn't that bad really. Adopt a penguin at the zoo.

Brand Names (75%)
Having a well-known name doesn't make it good.

X11 (60%)
I hear Mac OS 10 Aqua is nice at this time of year.

Computer Games (60%)
Stop staring at the screen and get some fresh air. You should see a doctor about the RSI in your thumbs.

Hippyism (80%)
Free love is passe and potentially dangerous, and patchouli smells like cat piss.

Prog Rock (60%)
Long hair looks dumb with a bald spot. Listen to CD's they don't crackle.