Hab es so übernommen wie es dort stand den nur wer das lesen kann sollte auch am Chat teilnehmen
Don't miss it! Don S. Davis -- SG-1's Major General George Hammond -- will chat live with fans on Thursday, October 10 at 9 p.m. Eastern (6 p.m. Pacific). Visit SciFi.com to log in to the chat, or point your IRC software client to events.scifi.com and join the #auditorium channel.
In addition to his work on Stargate, Davis is recognizable to sci-fi fans as Captain William Scully on The X-Files, and as Major Briggs on Twin Peaks. He is also a woodcarver, designer and nationally exhibited painter.
Participation in the chat requires free registration at SciFi.com. Click here to sign up if you aren't already a member.
On Tueday, October 15, actor Bruce Harwood steps up to talk to fans at SciFi.com. Harwood is best known as Byers on The X-Files and The Lone Gunmen, and had a guest role as Dr. Osbourne in Stargate SG-1's "Frozen." That chat is also at 9 p.m. Eastern time.
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