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Thema: Eine Nachricht von Anthony Simcoe

  1. #1
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    Anthony Simcoe
    Thank you everyone
    Tue Mar 25 16:24:37 2003

    Hi everyone!

    I stopped posting here a while ago after someone was coming on to the site and pretending to be me but I couldn't resisit delurking and saying hi to everyone.

    Thank you all so much for everything - kind words, support etc. It means a great deal to me. I've made some great friends along the way with Farscape and I am a changed man for being in touch with my co-wokers and the fans - very humbling.

    As far as Farscape goes it is a treasured memory in the past now - I've moved on to other shows, as have most of the rest of the cast.

    I'm positive that we would all come back to do other Farscape projects in the future, and even though we have our fingers crossed it looks very unlikely from where I'm sitting at the moment.

    To all the fans who tried to get us back on the air - thank you - you've achieved something great - a comuunity -keep in touch with each other, meet at copns etc. Don't throw away this wonderful scaper world we've created together.

    As far as cons go I will be trying to schedule some in around my new job (don't ask I can't say what it is)I'm in London this week for what may well be my only English con ever - so please drop by to Starfury and say hello UK scapers.

    Have been writing so many new songs for the band - Number 96 - and as soon as Wayne gets his but back to Oz we'll start playing live here in Sydney.

    A special cheerio to Dwal, Jane, Lhaal, Craislover and Jason H. Love you guys!!!!

    Thanks again - see you at Starfury -



    p.s. could someone please cut and paste this meesage to other scaper sites for me - I would like my thanks to be as widespread as possible.

    Und er war letzte nacht auch nochmal im Chat:
    Bunt ist das Dasein und granatenstark.

  2. #2

    Standard AW: Eine Nachricht von Anthony Simcoe

    Es paßt zwar nicht wirklich hierein, aber ich wollte dafür keinen neuen Thread aufmachen:

    Gerade gucke ich Nim's Island auf englisch

    und denke, dass mir der Typ doch bekannt vorkommt. Könnte es sein? Neeeein. Oder doch? Er ist es. Abthony Simcoe in einer kleiner Rolle.

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