Einige spoilerfreie Anmerkungen von Joss Whedon zu Serenity in einem Interview mit

Underground Online

UGO: How soon are you going to start shooting the Firefly movie,

JOSS: Two weeks.

UGO: I saw you are going to be working with Clint Eastwood's
cinematographer, Jack Green. What made you go for him?

JOSS: I'm really excited about that. I read about Jack probably the
first time I ever bought an issue of American Cinematographer. It was
about Tightrope [released in 1984], but I try not to think about that
because I get intimidated. I'm working with Jack because he has the
same spirit that the DP on the show had, which is light it fast, keep
the momentum going, and make it pretty, but don't kill a day's work to
get a stream of light. If the actors are good give them time to do the
job. He has great enthusiasm. I don't want this movie to look too
studied. Jack speaks the language perfectly and is never pretentious
about it. Once I got over being a fan geek around him, I realized he
was exactly the kind of guy I want to be around anyway.

UGO: I think one of my favorite moments from the Firefly TV show was in
an earlier episode where someone gets thrown through the bar window,
but it's not made of glass but is a force-field instead. Will you have
time for little details and moments like that?

JOSS: That bar window moment was a little hokey though. You don't have
time for that, you never do. The movie has to have a momentum that a
series doesn't have. I'm trying to embrace realism while still making
the point that the future is a lot of stuff from the past all mixed up.
That's how it's created...a blender. I'll definitely have all kinds of
moments like that for texture. I have to let the movie breathe too
because I'm not making a rollercoaster ride. But at the same time, you
definitely don't have time to explore every small moment between every
person like you do on a TV show.

UGO: I read that you are making a movie that is going to appeal to
everyone, and not just fans of the series. When you were in the writing
process for Serenity, did you ever not do something because you knew
only fans of the series would get it?

JOSS: You have to make it for the broadest possible audience. Universal
doesn't want a movie that is the next episode of the TV series nor do I
want to make that. However, I am strict about trying to respect the
fans of the show because they have so much to do with why we got this
movie made in the first place. I was really serving two masters, and it
made the writing process difficult. I was determined to find a story
that would not repeat or contradict in any major way what has gone
before on the show, yet to fresh eyes it would seem just the right
place to start telling this story. That's a tricky thing to do, but I
feel good about the way I did it.
Und Adam Baldwin bestätigte im offiziellen Forum, dass die Proben wundervoll waren und ab nächster Woche gefilmt wird. :bounce: