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Thema: Serenity - Firefly Kinofilm (News, Infos etc.) (Spoiler bitte markieren)

  1. #21
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Adam Baldwin (Jayne) hat eine Nachricht im offiziellen Firefly-Forum gepostet:

    Posting von Adam Baldwin

    Joss' script is one of the best I've ever read (and I've read thousands)... We have our first full read-thru with the whole cast (HOORAY!!&#33 on monday!
    Yay! :bounce:
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  2. #22
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Einige spoilerfreie Anmerkungen von Joss Whedon zu Serenity in einem Interview mit

    Underground Online

    UGO: How soon are you going to start shooting the Firefly movie,

    JOSS: Two weeks.

    UGO: I saw you are going to be working with Clint Eastwood's
    cinematographer, Jack Green. What made you go for him?

    JOSS: I'm really excited about that. I read about Jack probably the
    first time I ever bought an issue of American Cinematographer. It was
    about Tightrope [released in 1984], but I try not to think about that
    because I get intimidated. I'm working with Jack because he has the
    same spirit that the DP on the show had, which is light it fast, keep
    the momentum going, and make it pretty, but don't kill a day's work to
    get a stream of light. If the actors are good give them time to do the
    job. He has great enthusiasm. I don't want this movie to look too
    studied. Jack speaks the language perfectly and is never pretentious
    about it. Once I got over being a fan geek around him, I realized he
    was exactly the kind of guy I want to be around anyway.

    UGO: I think one of my favorite moments from the Firefly TV show was in
    an earlier episode where someone gets thrown through the bar window,
    but it's not made of glass but is a force-field instead. Will you have
    time for little details and moments like that?

    JOSS: That bar window moment was a little hokey though. You don't have
    time for that, you never do. The movie has to have a momentum that a
    series doesn't have. I'm trying to embrace realism while still making
    the point that the future is a lot of stuff from the past all mixed up.
    That's how it's created...a blender. I'll definitely have all kinds of
    moments like that for texture. I have to let the movie breathe too
    because I'm not making a rollercoaster ride. But at the same time, you
    definitely don't have time to explore every small moment between every
    person like you do on a TV show.

    UGO: I read that you are making a movie that is going to appeal to
    everyone, and not just fans of the series. When you were in the writing
    process for Serenity, did you ever not do something because you knew
    only fans of the series would get it?

    JOSS: You have to make it for the broadest possible audience. Universal
    doesn't want a movie that is the next episode of the TV series nor do I
    want to make that. However, I am strict about trying to respect the
    fans of the show because they have so much to do with why we got this
    movie made in the first place. I was really serving two masters, and it
    made the writing process difficult. I was determined to find a story
    that would not repeat or contradict in any major way what has gone
    before on the show, yet to fresh eyes it would seem just the right
    place to start telling this story. That's a tricky thing to do, but I
    feel good about the way I did it.
    Und Adam Baldwin bestätigte im offiziellen Forum, dass die Proben wundervoll waren und ab nächster Woche gefilmt wird. :bounce:
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  3. #23
    Tastaturquäler Avatar von DRD Pike
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    Macht euch ein großes rotes X in euren Kalender, Serenity startet am 22. April 2005!

    Hier die komplette Nachricht von Joss Whedon über den ersten Drehtag (ohne Spoiler):
    Browncoats -

    Joss emailed me this to me and I wanted to post it IMMEDIATELY because BIG NEWS is contained within. What a day we had today! But enough from me now, here's a quote from our fearless leader:

    "Hi guys. Just wanted to give you some news but guess what? I can't get on the site. I have trouble with passwords. So hopefully Chris B will forward this to you with his wily technical knowledgablosity.

    Today was (as I think you know) the first day of filming of Serenity. Which is pretty big for me (it felt weird to START with Mal's death, but scheduling isn't my area). It was a blast. Sean said it was like school was back in session after summer vacation, which I have decided to take as a compliment. Gina did a happy dance (and there are few happier sights than Gina doing a happy dance). We're still flying. And the best part is, that's not even why I'm posting.

    The real news, and you heard it here first, is that Universal has thrown down an official release date! So mark your calendars, Browncoats, 'cause if you're planning to get married on April 22nd 2005, you better change the date. Seriously. Who gets married in April? Just change it.

    April 22nd. Exactly when I wanted to open, 'cause it's SOON. I can't wait for you all to see what we're putting together. It's a crazy-quilt of infotainment that like to call a 'film', and it just may be the best one ever made. Or one of the ones in the middle. Probably not the worst... I'm thinking middle. High middle. So buckle up and get ready for that patented Joss Whedon "high-middle" excitment. It's on its way.

    I'm tired, and apparently I have to direct, like, EVERY scene, so I'm
    crashing. Thanks again, all of you, for helping me home. It's good to be back.


    It was a shiny, shiny day!


    Das mit Mals Tod halte ich aber für einen fiesen Scherz.
    Bunt ist das Dasein und granatenstark.

  4. #24
    Wühlmaus Avatar von Nager
    Dabei seit
    Down Under


    Das klingt wirklich shiny.
    Es ist erfreulich, dass das Datum feststeht und gar nicht soo weit in der Zukunft liegt, wenn man bedenkt, dass die Dreharbeiten eben erst begonnen haben. Dennoch ist es latürnich eine ganz schöne Warterei.

    Gina did a happy dance (and there are few happier sights than Gina doing a happy dance).

  5. #25
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Yippie! - Das klingt wirklich alles sehr gut - und schon so schnell...
    (Nagut, der Film wird in DE wahrscheinlich nie einen Verleih bekommen )


    Gina did a happy dance (and there are few happier sights than Gina doing a happy dance).
    Gut, dass sie mit dem Herumtanzen noch nicht so schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht hat, wie Claudia Black *g*

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  6. #26
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Begeisterter Bericht eines Fans, der sich als Statist in die Dreharbeiten eingeschmuggelt hatte (praktisch spoilerfrei) forum

    **** Nach dem TBFC ist vor dem TBFC ****

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  7. #27
    Mittlerer SpacePub-Besucher
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    Ich lese die ganze Zeit was von diesem Firefly kann mir mal jemand bitte sagen was es ist und worum es da geht?

  8. #28
    Wühlmaus Avatar von Nager
    Dabei seit
    Down Under


    Schau mal in diesen Thread: Firefly ist großartig

    Erste Anlaufadresse für Firefly ist

  9. #29
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Nathan Fillion (Mal Reynolds) berichtet begeistert vom Set und beschreibt die aktuellen Kostüme. Keine größeren Spoiler.

    Nathan Fillion's blog from the set
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  10. #30
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Die offizielle Site ist da:

    Leider in Nur-Flash
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  11. #31
    Foren-Halbgott Avatar von Dune
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    Uncharted territories


    Weiss nicht, obs schon wer gepostet hat, aber trotzdem noch ein paar Pics vom Set
    I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if if we let go... that's who I am.

  12. #32
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Jewel Staite at DreamCon

    Keine wesentlichen Spoiler enthalten.
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  13. #33
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Behind The Scenes

    Nette Pics, vorallem das Letzte. :P

  14. #34
    Grad reingestolpert
    Dabei seit


    Das letzte Bild ist einfach nur genial
    Da merkt man wieder wie viel Spaß die beim Dreh haben müssen

  15. #35
    Wühlmaus Avatar von Nager
    Dabei seit
    Down Under


    LOL, und du hast dir gleich einen Avatar daraus gebastelt.

    Willkommen im Forum erstmal. Ich finde es mehr als erfreulich, dass es doch noch ein paar Leute zu geben scheint, die schon etwas von Firefly gesehen haben.

  16. #36
    Grad reingestolpert
    Dabei seit


    Natürlich muss das gleich ein Avatar werden
    Und danke fürs Willkommen heißen, war schon länger auf der Suche nach einem deutschen Forum in dem über Firefly diskutiert wird, bis ich wie der Mitgliedstitel so schön sagt, hier reingestolpert bin. Und da ich alle die anderen Serien, die hier ein Unterforum haben, auch noch gerne schau, hab ich mich glatt regestriert.

  17. #37
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Posting von Adam Baldwin im offiziellen fox-forum

    A little birdy told me that: "The studio is robustly enthusiastic!"

    Brother, we begin some really gnarly action sequences on Monday which will last for three or so weeks. I think we wrap on the 24th.

    The footage is amazing!

    Summer Glau is a Big Damn Movie Star!!!

    Just like Nate and the rest of his crew!

    Serenity always,

    **** Nach dem TBFC ist vor dem TBFC ****

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  18. #38
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    Posting von Joss Whedon auf der offiziellen Film-Site:

    September 17, 2004 - Greetings from Joss
    Well, sports fans, it's official. The movie is shot. Done. And I couldn't be happier to be through with it. No more of that exciting, vibrant set, that warm camaraderie, that creative stimulus, free donuts... Excuse me. I have something in my eye... free donuts...

    Oh, there's things I'll miss. But there's definitely things I WON'T miss.
    In no particular order:

    1) Fillion. People who are prettier than me are not supposed to be funnier than me. I think it's a guild thing. And that whole 'gracious and professional' thing got old on day ONE, you know what I mean?

    2) Cinematographer Jack Green. This guy lights stuff ALL THE TIME. Seriously, like eighty-three percent of the shots had light in them. He totally didn't get my "Just Like Radio" concept for the film.

    3) The incessant meddling of the studio: where was it? We waited and waited, what, are they all too busy and important to take the time to ruin my little film? This is Hollywood, people. Learn our ways and customs while you're here. Sheesh.

    Just a taste of the Hell I've been through. And being surrounded by beautiful women, and, let's face it, beautiful men, all of whom get along, work hard and play their characters with such ease and nuance it's clear they were born for the roles -- who needs that?

    But no matter how much I suffer for my art, it's worth it. 'Cause come April 22nd I think we'll be bringing you an exciting film that's a powerful statement about the right to be free. Which is not as cool as my original statement about the right to tasty garlic mussels in a cilantro broth, but the freedom thing's okay too. The editing started this week, and after just a first cut I can safely say this will be the greatest film since whatever film comes out right before it. And I'm not backing down from that.

    Thanks for your support. And I mean that more literally than people usually do -- Coming back from the Chicago Con and telling people there was a Serenity booth put up and run entirely by fans... you should have seen their faces. Hell, you should have seen mine. But not too close. And not before, like, 10:00 -- maybe 11:00 a.m. And maybe sort of from the side. The back-ish part of the side. You should have seen my hair.

    Be well. Good things are coming.


    **** Nach dem TBFC ist vor dem TBFC ****

    Neu: jetzt mit Alkohol UND Waffen!

  19. #39
    Kleiner SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    Fein fein, dann kann es ja nicht mehr all zu lange dauern bis der erste Teaser vom Band läuft.
    Dann wünsch ich mal Whedon gutes Gelingen in der Post Pro. Bin vorallem auf den Score von Carter Burwell gespannt. Hab grad erst gesehen dass er die Filmmusik zu "Serenity" macht.


    "Früher war alles besser, auch die Zukunft."

  20. #40
    Moderator Avatar von greenslob
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    dann kann es ja nicht mehr all zu lange dauern bis der erste Teaser vom Band läuft.
    Leider doch...

    der erste Trailer ist schon angekündigt, aber erst fuer den 14. Januar

    trailer-ankündigung bei

    Wie soll man das so lange aushalten??
    **** Nach dem TBFC ist vor dem TBFC ****

    Neu: jetzt mit Alkohol UND Waffen!

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