Und noch ein paar Hintergrundinfos zu der neusten News von Tough Pics, die 1812 und ich gerade gepostet haben, von Karlswebs Spoiler Seite:


Demnach scheint es sich also wirkich um eine zuverlässige Informationsquelle zu handeln. Das Einzige was mich hier ein wenig schlucken lässt sind mal wieder die Worte 'to wrap up the show.' *seufz*

From Danny at Tough Pigs:
"I don't have much, but I've posted this on ToughPigs.com, and I wanted to spread what I know to the Farscape folks...

"I heard this week from a source at Henson -- what I call an Anonyfrog source at Tough Pigs -- who told me that the Farscape cast and crew are heading to Australia in November to start shooting a Farscape miniseries, to wrap up the show.

"Unfortunately, I don't have any other information about it yet, but I was very excited to hear this. It's from a very good insider source who's given me accurate news tips in the past.

"I hope this makes you guys as happy as it's making me..." [Danny, you have no idea!]