Und hier noch mehr aus der Gerüchteküche :

(von chemicalx auf Kansas):

A few weeks ago, I'd met a girl at a gathering I went to, and we were chatting about various things. She'd happened to mention she had a friend in Australia, and so (of course) I asked if he knew about Farscape. She hadn't heard of the show, so I told her about it, and said I was a big fan of the show. She was intrigued, so she said she'd ask him to find out if he'd heard of it.

I pretty much forgot about the whole exchange, but yesterday we all got together again, and so she told me she'd asked her friend.

His response was something like this: "It's really funny that you should ask me that, because my girlfriend (an actress) just got a part on that show!"

my face was then: :o

I'd never explained the part about the cancellation, so she didn't understand my reaction. To make sure, I asked, "You mean, RECENTLY? She was JUST hired?" And she said "Yeah!" So I told her about the cancellation, and that there were a bunch of rumors about a miniseries or film or both, so that if this were true, it would basically be confirming the rumor.
Es scheint sich wirklich was anzubahnen! B)

"I'm not the pwintheth you theek but we could thtill have a weally good time."

