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Thema: CB's Reaktion auf die Absetzung (SFX Mag)

  1. #1
    Mittlerer SpacePub-Besucher Avatar von Nighthawk
    Dabei seit


    Hier der Brief von Claudia aus der aktuellen Ausgabe des SFX-Magazins:


    I was on location. It was Friday. I was going away for the weekend and the wrap party was the following night. B unit would keep filming on Monday and Tuesday of the next week and for the first time that I could remember, I would not be filming my last scene of the season with Ben on the last day.

    I was sitting in the make-up chair about to film my last scene for the season when I received a phone-call. It turned out that that would be my last scene ever. People came into the bus talking about the news. It was then announced by Andrew Prowse at lunch time.

    The minute I saw Brian Henson I burst into tears. Farscape was his child. He had been up all night desperately trying to save it. And he had been let down.

    We hugged. We ate roast chicken. Two servings, knowing that it would be our last free meal until the next job. I spent most of my time talking to Ben on the phone, who for once in his life had the day off.

    I did two takes of a documentary scene for Ep 17. Aeryn had to make a tuna sandwich. I sat there numbly trying to remember my lines, and then Andrew Prowse came into the kitchen and said something like "Claudia Black, that was your last ever scene on Farscape". Brian thanked me for doing such a great job with the character and for all my work and I blubbered into his T-shirt. Ricky Manning and Lil Taylor were there too and gave me a hug. And a bottle of red wine. I asked them to sign it. I wonder where that bottle is now.....

    I had been scheduled to finish early so that I could make ie to a snowboarding trip I had organised months before. So I had to rush out of make-up and wardrobe and beat the afternoon traffic to the snow. I rang my mum in London, my dad and my buddies to tell them before it hit the press and most importantly my agent.

    So many emotions kept cycling through me all afternoon, all weekend, for the last fortnight. The numbness has receded now. The shock is kicking in.

    I was on my butt on the ski slopes. So I missed the wrap party. My boyfriend's idea of a lesson was to take me on a black diamond run in the middle of a hail storm and say, "Go!"
    Ski patrol had to escort me to another lift to get me down the mountain. No, that wasn't humiliating, not at all.

    Unemployed and barred from grown-up runs. Down to "Friday flats" for me trying to get air with the three year olds in "wombat world" So that is how I celebrated/commiserated that weekend: on my bum. Then Ben and I had a drink on Tuesday night and I got plastered. That seemed quite an appropriate thing to do. Plastered and wearing roller skates.

    We have always made the show as good as it could be, each day, for our own creative satisfaction, but most importantly to entertain, to entertain our fans. That's who we've been making it for. I am very sad that we did not get the chance to finish it properly. On our terms. And now we have to move on. Thank you to SFX for spoiling us with your coverage of the show and for your genuine enthusiasm. Thank you to the fans who helped keep the show going for four years. Such a small percentage of shows make it that far. You should all be proud. I pray there will be work out there which grabs me. Aeryn Sun will be an almost impossible act to follow.

    With love and affection,


    "I'm not the pwintheth you theek but we could thtill have a really good time."


    "The brave Warrior is not without fear. He is a friend of his fear, embracing it, intimate with it, but never allowing it to overcome him." [from the First Kilrathi Codex, 10:21:18]

  2. #2
    Wühlmaus Avatar von Nager
    Dabei seit
    Down Under


    Gerade nach 48 stunden erzwungener abwesenheit zurück und in der stimmung für ein bisschen aufmunterung, stosse ich als erstes auf das post hier.

    Immerhin schön, dass CB auch mal was von sich hören lässt (das erste mal, oder?).

  3. #3
    Mittlerer SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    Ja, es ist das erste Mal. Sie hält sich ziemlich zurück was das Thema angeht... Warum auch immer, vom Rest des Casts hat man ja doch schon das ein oder andere Statement mitbekommen.
    Oh Stars, listen to our plea
    as our lives are but short.
    Our wish is that you will guide us
    to you when we meet our end.

  4. #4
    Mittlerer SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    Ist das traurig
    <span style='font-family:Geneva'><span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:orange'>******</span></span></span> <span style='font-family:ARIAL'><span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:orange'>
    John: &quot;Grasshopper, you are sooo screwed&quot; </span></span></span>

  5. #5
    Kleiner SpacePub-Besucher
    Dabei seit


    Es gibt auch noch ein weiteres Interview für The Age eine Zeitung in Australien ... ist auf der zu finden.

    Die zwei Fotos zu dem Artikel zu finden unter Candids

    <span style='color:orange'>-- + -- + -- + -- + -- +--</span>

  6. #6
    Dabei seit


    das ist wieder einmal der meldungen die echt traurig machen, dennoch ist es irgendwie bittersüß weil ich happy bin dass sich cb einmal zu wort gemeldet hat und dann mit so einem schönen brief. oh mein gott ich vermisse aeryn jetzt schon .... obwohl noch 11 folgen kommen.

    was mich aber sehr nachdenklich und grüblerisch in puncto spoiler macht, ist der satz: "B unit would keep filming on Monday and Tuesday of the next week and for the first time that I could remember, I would not be filming my last scene of the season with Ben on the last day. "

    naja die szenen einer folge werden nicht unbedingt in der abfolge der handlung gedreht, aber trotzdem .... na klar muss es nicht unbedingt heißen, dass aeryn und crichton am ende von folge 4.22 keinen gemeinsamen part haben. aber .....


  7. #7
    Warmgepostet Avatar von darksaber
    Dabei seit


    Die haben da nicht die letzte Folge gedreht sonder hatten einen Nachdreh, wenn ich mich nicht irre zu 4.17.

  8. #8
    Dabei seit


    thanks, hatte ich überlesen. aber das ben browders letzte szenen, die er ohne claudia black gedreht hat, auch für die 4.17 waren steht nicht fest, oder doch? weiß jemand mehr?

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