Es bleibt uns wohl nur übrig uns überraschen zu lassen.

Einen Teil des Geheimnisses der Insel erwarte ich allerding zum Seasonfinale. Sonst wirds ja langweilig.^^

Neues zu LOST aus dem wöchentlichen Chat mit Kristin bei

Achtung Spoiler!

From larrypigtails: Lost! Why do we have to wait so long for new episodes?

See? This is why the new Alias and 24 skeds sorta kick ass, no? Yes, we have to wait, but there is plenty coming up to make it worth it. Claire returns, but that doesn't mean a romantic relationship surfaces between her and Charlie any time soon. There's also sparkage elsewhere on the island (Kate and Sawyer), and we'll learn about another lady in Charlie's life.

From dreahere: Kate and Sawyer? Do tell.

Mmmm-hmmm. They grow closer as we learn that Sawyer and Jack have more in common than you think. As Maggie Grace told me, "You'll see more of the connections between the characters and their pasts, and where our lives intersected before the plane crash." And it is a good twist. Let's just say Sawyer may have something to do with Jack's reason for trekking to Australia.

From elizaldet: Does Hurley win the lottery on Lost?

Baby, you've got his ticket, which, inevitably, is anything but lucky, FYI.

From aver: I don't want Daniel Dae Kim to die on Lost! He's a hunk we can't afford to lose.

Here, here. And though members of the cast were guessing it might be him, the real deal is that no one knows yet. JJ told me so himself. So, hang tight.

From tarheelteacher: From looking at the promo pictures for the next four episodes of Lost, I know none of the main 14 die this week, so whose body they are carrying?

It is someone we have seen before!