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Thema: LOST | S4 | US-Ausstrahlung

  1. #41
    Moderator Avatar von Amujan
    Dabei seit
    Schönefeld b. Berlin


    1x17 Translation

    So bedient sich diese Folge am Titel eines hinlänglich bekannten Kinofilms von Sophia Coppola. In dieser Folge wird erneut die Beziehung zwischen Sun und Jin in Rückblenden beleuchtet, nur diesmal aus Jin's Perspektive. Michael ist fast fertig mit seinem Floß doch eines Nachts wird es abgebrannt. Michael verdächtigt sfort Jin und ein Kampf zwischen beiden entbrennt. Sayid und Shannon kommen sich näher, trotz einer Warnung von ihrenm Stiefbruder. Jin und Mcihael geraten nocheinmal aneinander dabei enthüllt Sun allen das sie Englisch sprechen kann, als sie zwischen die beiden geht...

    Jo nette Folge die aufklärt was früher aus der Perspektive von Sun schoneinmal gezeigt wurde. Jin ist nicht der bösartige Killer für den sie ihn hält ganz im Gegenteil.

    Mir reichts allerdings langsam mit diesen Folgen, die war zwar nett aber gibt mir nich sonderlich viel, auch wenn das Ende recht krass is. Ich will endlich mehr über den Mythos wissen und nich nur zwischen Höhlen und Strand hin- und herpendeln und in Flashbacks rumhängen.


  2. #42
    Mittlerer SpacePub-Besucher
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    ja war echt krass daß die batterien so lange gehalten haben

  3. #43
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Spoileralarm auch beim letzten Chat von E-Online:
    From showextra1: There has been plenty of speculation that Hurley is the Lost character who dies. Is this near correct?

    I can't say! But I will say that when I say big character, it is not, as some of you thought, a reference to anyone's size.

    From mycatz2: I'll give you a sugar-free, low-carb cookie if you talk the "deathly long" hiatus of Lost and the "coma"-stricken Nadia. Thank you.

    Nadia: not going anywhere; deathly long: indeed. We'll be Lost-less for over a month after this Wednesday's show. They return with new episodes on Apr. 13, and we'll get more backstory on Locke, Jack, Sayid and Kate (in that order), before the season ender which takes the life of one of the 10 beloved men. As for Nadia, Mía Maestro (who was, by the way, joined at the hip with Salma Hayek at last night's Elton John post-Oscar party) is a series regular, and remember, Alias' season has only just begun to live. So many to dreams to share. We've got the best, and we're on our way.

    From hdrocker: You keep saying the ratings for Alias are good, but I've heard that they drop off significantly from their stellar lead-in of Lost...where are we headed with Lost's storyline this week? Is it Hurley's week?

    True, but Alias' ratings are still better than ever! It's just that Lost is that huge. As for Hurley-pie, did you see him on the TV in the Korean flashback? Loved that. And I can tell you that Hurley's episode will bring back the hatch in a very freaky-deeky way, thanks to some lottery numbers of questionable orientation.

  4. #44
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Und wieder frische Spoiler vom bekannten Chat:

    From jesslulu: Can you give us any more Lost clues?

    The answer to this week's Spoiler Riddle is that no, Vaughn and Sydney are not related through Irina (I'm evil, I know). So, that said, you can see what is true: Locke is responsible for the character's death...but not in the way you think.

    From pgmoney: Blind Riddle! Is Locke really responsible for the male character's death?

    Not directly, but this person dies because of something Locke has done.

    From frankie23: Does the Lost death happen in the finale?

    That is what I'm told.

    From sammylove: Can we have some more Lost spoilers? Pretty please?

    Okay, there is some creeeeepy stuff coming up with Walt. He knows far more than he should.

  5. #45
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Kristin von E-Online war beim diesjährigen Lost Panel auf dem Museum of Television and Radio's Paley Festival und hat eine Menge Infos, Interviews und Clips von dort für uns mitgebracht.

    Ihr Bericht ist hier zu haben. Achtung Spoiler!

    Desweiteren war Lost auch im wöchentlichen Chat wieder Thema Nummer 1. Die Passagen über Lost folgend:

    From QTpie13: First of all thank you, thank you, thank you for that amazingly delcicious Lost column! The scoop, the QAs, the video clips (which were awesome), oh my. I was giddy all weekend. But I do hate you a little after seeing that Sawyer hugged and kissed you and invited you to Hawaii. Will you bring me?! Purty please?

    Of course, love muffin! As long as you're fat, ugly and brain dead, you're more than welcome to come along. Heh heh. Glad you liked the column. I was like a pig in poo putting it together. By the by, speaking of Sawyer, I hear that he will be in some serious pain very soon, and this mama, for the record, is willing than willing to nurse his wounds in person, should that be necessary.

    From anon: I hear there might be a link (romantically) between Desperate Housewives and Lost. Do you know about this?

    Yes, I think I do. I'm hearing that one of the Lost producers (one based in Los Angeles whose initials are not J.J.A. or D.L.) is dating Teri Hatcher. And frankly, my jaw's still on the floor because of it. This guy could not be nicer nor more deserving of a hot piece of, I mean, the loveliness and talent that is Teri Hatcher.

    From anon: Bryan Burk, right?

    That's the word. I hear they are adorable and can tell you that personally, Bryan is one of the sweetest people I know.

    Achtung Spoiler!

    From brandy: Lost is finally back this week. Sweet Jesus, didn't think I'd make it. What's coming up?

    Locke is going AWOL, and that won't sit well with Jack and some of the others. They're going after him. Also, despite what JJ said at the Paley Fest panel session--that Claire would have the baby in the third season and it would be an adult--Claire is having that baby this season, in fact, very soon. Meanwhile, things are getting hot 'n' heavy for the couple Dom Monaghan likes to call Salman Rushdie and Paris Hilton--Sayid and Shannon. And by the by, Sayid's episode involves the CIA and a suicide bomber.

    From francine: You said someone on Lost is getting poisoned. Who?

    It isn't Bret Michaels, but it is someone with hair.

    From evanichole: Could we get one more hint on who's kicking the bucket on Lost?

    I will eliminate one character for you. So, send in who you're most afraid will die, and I'll ease your troubled mind (assuming I can).

    From croyd2: Does the dog die?

    No. And okay, I'll eliminate one more for you...

    From mnemosyne23: Please say it's not Jack!

    It's not Jack. Now get your damn hands off.

    From aliciajo: It's okay, Kristin. We already knew it wasn't Jack, so you didn't give anything away.

    Sheesh. Tough room. Okay, I will eliminate one more. So, if you don't want to know...don't read any further.

    From fooboo: Tell me it's not Hurley.


    From tvjunkie1577: Ahhh, I knew about Hurley already, too! You could find that out in the Canadian TV Guide.

    Well then, you're all just too informed already! Seriously, you do not want to know more. Please, trust me on this one.

    From mr_mike25: We trust you, but the reason we're here is to ease our fears. Can't you say something else? Does the actor have plans lined up after he's killed off of Lost?

    He tells me he's currently looking for a new project...and realizing that everything pales in comparison, poor thing.

    From frog9921: No! No more hints! Okay, fine, I'll make it easy for you. Say it isn't Sun!

    Nope. I'm done. Not saying any more. Key. Mouth. Locked.

    From mnemosyne23: Kristin! I think I love you. Thank you for the five pages of Lost goodies in your column. It was a smorgasbord of joy! What scoop can you give us?

    Glad you likey! What I meant when I said someone was getting outed was basically a lot of the information only a few people know will be known by all before the season ends. Stuff about the island and stuff about what happened before they were on the island. It all comes out when Sawyer is accused of something he didn't do.

  6. #46
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Der US Sender ABC wird die letzte Folge der aktuellen ersten Staffel des ABC Quotenbringers „Lost“ mit einer Doppelfolge ausklingen lassen.

    Ursprünglich war geplant den Abschluß der ersten Staffel der Drama Serie mit einer extra langen Episode in die Sommerpause gehen zu lassen. Durch die Erfolge bei den Einschaltquoten, die die Serie vorweisen kann, hat man nun aber bei ABC anscheinend Blut geleckt und lässt die zweistündige Doppelfolge gegen FOX's absolute Nummer Eins „American Idol“ am 25. Mai 2005 antreten.

    Variety berichtet, dass die Autoren der Serie J.J. Abrams und Damon Lindelof beim Schreiben des Scripts merkten, dass sie die letzte Folge der Serie, in der einer der Insulaner nicht mehr die zweite Staffel erleben wird, nicht in 90 Minuten unterbringen können. Daher nun die Entscheidung das Seasonfinale auf 120 Minuten auszuweiten. Ein Schelm wer dabei böses denkt.

    Das Seasonfinale der Action Serie „Alias“, das ebenfalls am 25. Mai 2005 ausgestrahlt wird, ist nicht in Gefahr und wird wie geplant um 22:00 Uhr bei ABC ausgestrahlt, so Variety weiter.
    Mal schauen ob Premiere das Finale auch im Doppel zeigt.

  7. #47
    Plaudertasche Avatar von cosmonusa
    Dabei seit
    München / Berlin


    Da muss ich doch noch mal den US-Thread rauskramen und dick US-SPOILER drüberschreiben, damit die Pro Sieben-Gucker keinen Herzkapser kriegen:

    Es war doch immer die Rede davon, dass am Ende der Season eine der Hauptpersonen stirbt. Aber Boone nippelt ja schon in der aktuellen Episode ab und Jack stampft am Schluß los um Locke zu finden. War das der angekündigte Tod oder stirbt da im Season-Finale etwa noch jemand? Immerhin kommen jetzt ja noch drei Episoden, bzw. zwei reguläre und das Doppelpack.

    Ansonsten war 1x20 Do No Harm toll. Am Anfang dachte ich die Handlung auf der Insel passt so gar nicht zu den Flashbacks, aber letztendlich wird schon der Sinn klar. Vordergründig der Zusammenhang "Geburt - Hochzeit - Tod", hintergründig ging es natürlich in allen drei Fällen und selbst in der Nebenhandlung um Sayid und Shannon um das "loslassen". Außerdem war die Inselhandlung wieder mal wirklich mitreissend. Ehrlich gesagt konnte ich mit Boone sowieso nie viel anfangen und es ist die Person deren Wegfall ich eigentlich am besten verkraften kann, dennoch war das ganze gut inszeniert.

    Ich bin gespannt wie es mit Jack und Locke weitergeht, aber die nächste Episode ist ja jetzt erst wieder "Sayid-centric". Aber damit kann ich leben, ich mag den Kerl.

  8. #48
    Foren-Halbgott Avatar von Dune
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    Uncharted territories


    Jau, tolle Folge, auch wenn mit diese Zusammenhänge etwas zu sehr aufs Auge gedrückt rüberkamen... Habt ihrs übrigens bemerkt? In dem ganzen Chaos hat doch Jin tatsächlich wieder mit Sun geredet

    <font class='spoiler'>Ich denke schon, dass es sich bei Boone um den angekündigten Tod handelt, alles andere würde auch keinen Sinn machen. Der Char war an sich unnütz, trotzdem schade ihn zu verliern... immerhin sah der Kerl gut aus *g*. </font>
    Zum Glück scheints hier ja nicht wie bei Alias zu laufen, wo Tote auch mal wiederkehren können... langsam zieht das dann nämlich auch nicht mehr... naja, vielleicht sehen wir ihn ja noch in ein paar Flashbacks und Fieberträumen

    Vielleicht bekommen wir jetzt noch ein Season finale mit Cliffhanger wo dann Jack noch in Gefahr gerät, mal sehen.
    I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if if we let go... that's who I am.

  9. #49
    Moderator Avatar von Amujan
    Dabei seit
    Schönefeld b. Berlin


    Ja toll, einer der süßesten Jungs tot ihr Geier ihr&#33; *schnüff*

    Bleibt mir noch Sayid zum Sabbern :wub: hihi

    Fands ganz schön krass, aber trotzdem das Mystikgesetz der Serie wieder in Waage: einer tot und ein neues Leben beginnt. War ne klasse Folge.


  10. #50
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard LOST | S1 - US-Ausstrahlung

    Aus dem neuesten E-Online Spoiler Chat:

    From brandy: How about one little hint on the Lost cliffhanger?

    Nope. It's that good. If I even talk about it, I'll piddle.

    From randy: Is the raft really going to sail?

    Yep. It really, really, is. They've shot scenes on it. And scenes out in the ocean.

    From djwellz: Lost! Please, I'm a Kristin chat semi-virgin--any info will do.

    Welcome! After one more Lost-less week, we'll finally get another look into Sayid's backstory, and his connection to the CIA. And on the island, we'll see Sayid and Shannon have something else in common: a desire to make Locke pay for what happened to Boone. Also, be prepared for Claire's psychic's predictions to come into play.

    From havealittlefaith: Will anyone be sticking up for Locke?

    Should anyone? Personally, I loves me some Locke, but he's looking more evil by the moment.

    From rainbofly: Haha! North Shore, my tuchis! What did they all say about poor Booney?

    They are all still mourning the loss. Good news, though: I hear we will see him again this season. In a flashback. At the airport. Word is, they're all in Los Angeles shooting right now. (Don't tell my boss who okayed my Hawaii trip.)

    From beckgene: Did you find out any more about that radio transmission from Boone? It's still driving me crazy.

    Here's what I can tell you: Do not believe the promos. Do not believe the closed-captioning. When I first saw that scene and heard that transmission, I thought they had said something else entirely, and I'm fairly certain what I thought I heard was right.

    From francisco: Please, tell us, what did you think the voice on the radio said?

    "We're the survivors of Flight 815." If you understand that, you just got chills.

    From jennabul: So, how many people are we losing on Lost? I just want a number.

    I think one for sure. And another is up in the air.

    From girlwiredin: Any scoop on the background of Michelle Rodriguez's character?

    I'm told she appears in flashbacks as someone who Matthew Fox befriended before getting on the plane.

    From acerp: Please tell us something about Lost! It's late here in Portugal, and I was hoping to know something new. At least tell me Sun is safe--that she will return for season.

    You get Lost in Portugal? Love it! And yes, I do believe Sun is safe, o minho amigo. Obrigada!

    From havealittlefaith: Give us a clue about the cliffhanger--does it involve the hatch? A death? What?

    It is a matter of life or death, and I'm assuming, a tearjerker. Okay, now we have to move on!

  11. #51
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard LOST | S1 - US-Ausstrahlung

    Emilie de Ravin Has a 'Lost' Baby

    LOS ANGELES ( - After what may have been the longest on-screen final trimester in the history of television -- with almost six months of episodes covering only about a month-and-a-half in the plot -- plane-crash survivor Claire (Emilie de Ravin) on ABC's megahit "Lost" finally gave birth on Wednesday, April 6. The episode, called "Do No Harm," also saw the tragic death of fellow island castaway Boone (Ian Somerhalder).

    Some online theorists -- and they are Legion on "Lost" -- wonder if Boone's soul had passed into Claire's male child at the moment of his birth. This comes as news to de Ravin.

    "On, no, really?" de Ravin says. "Then Boone didn't really die ... that's an interesting one. I should have thought of that, shouldn't I? I haven't heard any theories, but I'm sure there are quite a lot more."
    Never having been a mother herself, de Ravin consulted her sisters, who have children, about the experience of giving birth. The advice wound up being only of limited use.

    "I was talking to people," she says, "and they were saying, 'I don't know how I'd recreate that unless it was actually happening,' because it just takes over your body. That's something that's so hard to recreate, something that's so primal and so animal and so personal to each woman."

    With the possible exception of the lovely ladies of Wisteria Lane on ABC's "Desperate Housewives," few fictional characters have been the subject of more conversation, calculation and speculation this past season than the hapless souls aboard the unfortunate Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 on "Lost."

    Since de Ravin was also on the cult favorite "Roswell," she's quite familiar with having devoted and passionate fans.

    "It's great," she says, "that people are thinking about it so much. Audiences enjoy -- I know I do -- being a participant as opposed to sitting back. I like something that makes you think.

    "There are so many hidden messages and reasonings and secrets in each episode that unless you're really thinking about it, you don't get all that. And there's so many theories, one's gotta be right."

    Asked if she has a personal theory about what's up with the survivors' mysterious island home, with its polar bears, invisible monsters, whispering spirits and buried metal hatches, de Ravin says, "To be honest with you, it keeps changing the more we do the show. It probably won't change any more until next season, because we've been given the last scripts. I've got no more to work with.

    "I still have a theory, like many people, that we are all meant to be here. It's not an accident, especially after my episode."

    In "Raised by Another," which aired Dec. 1, a psychic in Australia, fearful that someone other than Claire would raise her child, deceived the unwed mother-to-be into getting on the fateful flight to Los Angeles.

    "But it's not just me," de Ravin says, "it's everyone. There's something that we're maybe supposed to resolve by being here. We're put here for a reason, and if we resolve whatever issue or problem or thing we're facing, somehow maybe we'll find a way out."

    With so much speculation on the Internet, the Australian-born de Ravin wonders about the effect on fans across the globe that, intentionally or accidentally, are exposed to plot developments before episodes air in their countries.

    "I could be wrong," she says, "but I don't think there's a show on air right now that actually airs the same time in each country. It's kind of a shame for international viewers. You can go online and find out what happens in future episodes.

    "A show like 'Lost' relies so much on its suspense and mystery, if something's revealed when it shouldn't be, it's kind of a shame."

    Airing on Wednesday, April 27, is "Lost: The Journey," a special chronicling the plot so far and looking ahead to the big finale (an hour of television that international fans should devoutly avoid). Original episodes return on Wednesday, May 4, with "The Greater Good," focusing on former Iraqi Republican Guardsman Sayid (Naveen Andrews) and on Claire's newborn son.

  12. #52
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard LOST | S1 - US-Ausstrahlung

    So, ich habe mir gerade nochmal das Seasonfinale angesehn und ich bin begeistert und gleichzeitig erschreckt. Zum Ende hin wurde nochmal kräftig an der Spannungsschraube gedreht.

    Achtung Spoiler!

    Bleibt wohl nichts anderes übrig als zu warten was denn da so kommen werde. Ich kann es kaum erwarten!

  13. #53
    Tastaturquäler Avatar von Crystal
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    Standard AW: LOST | S1 - US-Ausstrahlung

    Insgesamt war ich jedenfalls etwas enttäuscht. War wohl nichts, mit größeren Antworten auf das Geheimnis der Insel. Ich hatte ja zumindest in dem Moment, als Locke am Boden lag, gedacht, dass es vielleicht einen kleinen Blick auf das Monster gibt. Stattdessen wurde er nur über den Boden geschleift, wir haben diesen merkwürdigen Rauch gesehen und gleichzeitig mechanische Geräusche. Danielle bezeichnet es als Sicherheitssystem und trotzdem wissen wir noch nicht mehr als vorher. Was bewacht es und warum? Vom wem wurde es gebaut/installiert oder was auch immer? Bisher erinnerte es mich nacheinander an einen Dinosaurier, dann diese zweibeinigen Metallkolosse aus Star Wars und am Ende an die Nanomaschinen aus Prey.

    Genauso schade fand ich es, dass es jetzt etliche Folgen darum ging, die Luke zu öffnen und die Folge dann damit endete, dass sie in das tiefe Loch starrten. Es war eine lange Wartezeit bis dahin und am Ende ist jetzt nur noch eine längere Wartezeit dabei rausgekommen, bis endlich mal dieser Schacht erforscht wird.

    Dafür hatten "die Anderen" aber mal ihren ersten Auftritt, die ich ja ehrlich gesagt zuerst für Kinderhändler gehalten habe. Für mich war das auf jeden Fall die herzzerreißendste Szene des ganzen Finales. Erst die Spannung darum, ob sie die Leuchtrakete abschießen, ob das Boot zurückkommt, dann die Freude, als der Scheinwerfer ankommt und schließlich das Entsetzen, als die wirkliche Absicht der Leute klar wird. Ich bin mal gespannt, wer von den 4 zurückkommt. Jedenfalls glaube ich nicht, dass Michael, Sawyer und Jin alle ertrinken und von Walt wird man nach der mysteriösen Entführung und seiner Hintergrundgeschichte sicher auch noch was hören.

    Der größte Schocker war für mich, wie Arzt sich in die Luft gejagt hat. Erst seine kleine Lehrstunde, dann das plötzlich Rumfuchteln damit. An der Stelle dachte ich dann 'Hm, und jetzt kann man das so durch die Gegend schütteln? Na, der wird schon wissen was er--" Booom! Das Zimmer bebte, ich zuckte zusammen, um mich danach dann halb tot zu lachen. Im Übrigen gut weiterverfolgt mit Huryles Hinweis auf das Stück Arzt auf Jacks Schulter.

    Klasse fand ich die Rückblenden zu der Zeit kurz vor dem Flug. Insbesondere Hurleys kleiner Abenteuertrip zum Flughafen. Wobei es andererseits auch etwas traurig war, dass er am Ende dachte, er hätte tatsächlich mal Glück gehabt. Genauso gut war dann auch der Endblick ins Flugzeug, wie die Lostianer ihr Gepäck einpacken, sich hinsetzen oder auf den Abflug warten. An der Stelle war es noch ein ganz normaler Flug.

    Im Endergebnis für mich das zweitbeste Season Finale meiner 4 Finales von dieser und letzter Woche. Spannend war es auf jeden Fall. Besser wäre es halt nur gewesen, ein paar mehr Antworten zu liefern, denn so erwarte ich die 2.Staffel nicht ganz so gespannt. Schließlich sind die meisten Fragen immer noch die gleichen wie bisher auch. Naja, und bei Charlie hoffe ich wirklich, dass sie ihn nicht wieder anfangen lassen, Drogen zu nehmen.

    Interessant ist es übrigens, mal auf die "Seite" der Oceanic Airlines zu gehen. Klickt man bei Book Flight (hm, merkwürdigerweise im Moment nicht mehr möglich... aber über den Direktlink ist es noch erreichbar) unten auf Hurleys Unglückszahlen, gibt es einen Teaser der 2.Staffel, der aber absolut nichts Konkretes enthält. Nur ein Satz, der auch bloße ABC-Promo sein könnte. Beim Rumklicken auf den Sitzen wird aber noch mal veranschaulicht, wer wo saß und ein paar kleinere Animationen gibt es auch. Auf der Ausgangsseite, also Home, ist im Quelltext bzw. hinter der gelben Box Text versteckt und in der Box selbst ein Zettel. Anscheinend ein verworfener Skriptauszug mit Hinweisen auf das Monster.

    Was ich auch noch sehr überraschend finde, ist diese Animation aus der 1.Folge. Ich hab zwar noch nicht überprüft, ob sich das tatsächlich so abgespielt hat, aber haben wir tatsächlich schon im Pilot den "schwarzen Monsterrauch" zu sehen bekommen?

  14. #54
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard LOST | S1 - US-Ausstrahlung

    Um mal auf die hervorrgenden Quoten zu sprechen zu kommen:

    Am Mittwoch verabschiedete sich LOST in den USA mit einem zweistündigen Season-Finale. Dieses fesselte 20,2 Millionen Zuschauer vor die Bildschirme. Das macht einen Marktanteil von 19 % in der Zielgruppe.

    Den Höhepunkt erreichten die Quoten in der letzten halben Stunde. Dort sahen bis zu 21,9 Mio. Leute zu.
    In der Gesamtzählung aller US-Formate kommt LOST in der Season 04/05 auf Platz 14. Konzentriert man sich nur auf die richtigen Serien ist sogar Platz 8 drin. Bei den Newcomern der Season kann sich LOST gleich hinter Desperate Housewives und Grey's Anatomy auf Platz 3 einreihen.

    Auf gibt es dazu eine übersichtliche Liste.

  15. #55
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard LOST | S1 - US-Ausstrahlung


    Achtung Spoiler!

  16. #56
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard LOST | S1 - US-Ausstrahlung

    The ORIGINAL Toast that may be EVIL

  17. #57
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard LOST | S2 - US-Ausstrahlung

    Neues vom E-Online-Chat mit Kristin (Spoiler!):

    From cuddles: How many new characters are there going to be this season of Lost?

    I hear five to eight, and some (most?) of them are buddy-buddy with Ana-Lucia, who's living a harsh existence elsewhere on the island. I also hear that our raft friends are separated from the rest of the bunch for the first third of the season but are interacting with others (possibly the Others, or other others). Also, Kate is going to run into a bit of life-threatening peril, but you knew that already if you watched the clip on

    From larrypigtails: Can you give us one clue on the Lost death?

    Female. October--I think, at least that was the original plan. Not at the hands of the "monster." And another one bites the dust: A male castmember is leaving the show for good. But this one won't be a death.

    From andrea1975: The Lost writers have been telling some Internet fans directly that no female is going in October. I believe in you, Kristin, but...ya know?

    Hey, totally understand. We've all gotta do what we've gotta do! But I really do think I'm right. We shall see, mon cheri.

    From chelle: Can you give us any more clues as to what's in the hatch? Maybe it's you in the hatch, hiding with your microphone ready for some scoop!

    In a superweird way, you're kind of not that totally far off! (But that's just my interpretation!)

    From joebeef1689: Give us some more Lost scoop!

    Down, puppies, down! Okay, one final morsel: One of the storylines should leave you sto-ked.

  18. #58
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
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    Standard LOST | S2 - US-Ausstrahlung

    Heute ist es endlich soweit. LOST geht in die zweite Runde!

    Zur Einstimmung schonmal die Seiten checken:,,,

    Bei Kristins lockerer Chatrunde am Montag bei E-Online ging es fast ausschliesslich um LOST. So war auch Damon Lindelof zugegen um mit den Fans über die Emmys und Season 2 zu reden.

    From I_am_always_lost: How does it feel to be the executive producer of the Emmy Award-winning Lost? Congrats!

    From Damon: Very, very trippy and very surreal! It doesn't feel like it's actually happened. You know, we all came back to work today, and we're sort of slogging away on season two and trying to make it great. But it was a phenomenal night and incredibly unexpected, considering it was the first season of the show, and it's so outside the box. We never really imagined we'd get nominated, let alone win.

    From Stacey: Yay! Wahooo! Lost won! Does each castmember get a trophy?

    First of all, Stacey, Wahooo back. [Laughs.] We wish they could, but I think the way it works is the trophies go to just the nominated producers. So, I'm gonna put mine on a time-share, and like the gnomes in Amélie, I'm gonna send it down there [to Hawaii], and people can take pictures with it and all that.

    From tvjunkie1577: What's coming up this season on Lost? I'm so looking forward to Wednesday!

    Wow, what a broad question. Lots of things. You know, first and foremost, we're going into the hatch right out of the gate, first thing in the premiere. Then, equally exciting, if not more exciting, we'll start to see what happens with our brave souls who went out on the raft and how they are going to get back to the island, which takes not one or two episodes but, in fact, eight.

    From Yolanda: I heard Katey Sagal is going to guest star on Lost? Is this true?

    It is true, 100 percent. [It's for] at least one episode, but hopefully more. We'll see. She plays an iconic character in the mythology of one of the other character's stories.

    From Kristin: Are you a Katey Sagal fan?

    I am. I loved Married...with Children, obviously, when I was much younger, but I also think that just as a dramatic actor, she's really good. She's one of those actresses whom you know primarily from sitcom, but then you look at her tape, and she has all these amazing dramatic roles. She pops up on all these shows like The Shield and all that, and you go Wow! She's amazing.

    From Jjabramsfan: Did you see that New York Times Fashion Section had a pic of Shannon Elizabeth with the caption "Shannon Elizabeth of Lost." What's up with that? Is she joining the cast?

    I did not see that and, wow, that is very surprising to me. I was not aware that she had joined the cast. This is nothing against Shannon Elizabeth. I'm sure she's lovely. I just, uh, if she somehow managed to get herself onto the cast, nobody told me.

    From Kristin: Maybe she's one of those people in the background and you just haven't met her yet.

    That's possible, yah. Shannon Elizabeth could be sort of hanging out in the background with Scott and Steve, maintaining the golf course. She's been caddying for Jin. I should give her a call. That's a good idea.

    From Jennifer Nguyen: Are you going to start incorporating flashback scenes of the characters from the back of the plane?

    At least one of them. We're only sort of stating on the record, for sure, that Michelle Rodriguez was in the back of the plane, but we haven't gone on record saying we're meeting any other survivors, if there were any other survivors from the back of the plane. But I think the show is sort of built around the idea of meeting somebody, making sort of a snap judgment about them and then gradually exploring their lives before the crash to get a better sense of who they are and what drives them, and I think every character we meet on the show will eventually get a flashback...unless they blow up first, in which case, we never get around to it.

    From Gia: Will Hurley get a love interest this season?

    It's definitely something we've thought a lot about and nothing that we wanna force. I think one of the things we try to do on the show, as writers, is watch character dynamics develop. There are a couple women characters we're introducing on the island over the course of the season who we do not know who they're going to end up with. Even Claire and Charlie was a big surprise for us last year, the way that developed. So, hopefully, we can have the same thing happen with Hurley this year.

    From Kristin: Did you hear that there's some Website that's completely and totally devoted to getting Hurley a girlfriend?

    Is that your Website?

    From Kristin: No, it's not!

    It is. You're playing all coy like, "Did you know that there is this, like, awesome Website?" [Laughs.] I had not heard that, but if you send me the link, I will definitely check it out.

    From flyq: Kate and Jack have been on the island for almost months. When are they going to get together? Why keep them apart?

    The original plan in season one was to definitely get them together, but then all of these sort of interesting things started happening with the triangle and with Sawyer, and we realized that in the immediate aftermath of the crash, Kate and Sawyer would be much more inclined to gravitate toward each other because they were sort of cut from the same cloth. But then the more time spent on the island, the more Jack would sort of represent to Kate what she would want--stability and comfort and a real adult love, as opposed to that kind of lusty, frothy, "make out in the middle of a torture session" kind of thing. So, we're definitely moving forward this year, and we're going to be doing a lot of stuff with the triangle, but there's a new component coming into it, and that's Michelle Rodriguez, who we've already seen have some chemistry with Jack, so it'll be very interesting to see how Kate reacts to her arrival into their society.

    From Jim: Are you upset that many people have leaked the entire episode-one, season-two story over Internet chat rooms? Will this affect any further "previews premieres" you might choose to do?

    We're not upset by it. It's something that ABC really wanted to do. We had concerns that something like this would happen, but at the same time, we also wanted to give an opportunity to the real fans of the show to see it a week early, and as long as those Websites are clearly posting the spoiler warnings and you don't find out unless you really wanna find out, that's fine. Hopefully, even when people read the spoiler of what is in the hatch, they'll still wanna watch the episode. These decisions about early screenings aren't made, unfortunately, by us, the producers. They're made by the network and the studio, and they're all geared toward [not only] giving the fans an early look, but also generating publicity and heat around the show. And their belief was that the episode was gonna hook people in, so that's why they showed it. Personally, I don't wanna know what happens in the first episode! There just better not be another hatch in there! That'd be crappy!

    From Jennifer Nguyen: Who gets to take the credit (or blame) for what's in the hatch?

    [Laughs.] I'd like to wait to see if everybody loves it before I go on record answering that! Deciding what was in the hatch is something that did generate out of the writer's room. I don't wanna specifically say who's idea it was or wasn't. I will say this: Carlton [Cuse] and I take full responsibility for what is in the hatch, but again, it takes a couple episodes to kind of fully reveal itself. You immediately find out what's in there in the first episode, but then that creates a lot of questions, a significant amount of which are answered a couple episodes later.

    From D: Congratulations on the Emmy last night--much deserved. Do you have any other shows in the works, or are you focusing on Lost for now?

    I'm keeping it all about Lost right now. We're doing 23 this year. We did 25 last year. Right now, it's Monday. A week from this Wednesday, there will be a script for an episode that we haven't even talked about yet. That is the pace of episodic television. I wish I could do what a lot of other show runners do, sort of multitasking and setting up other shows and all that, but this show is just too consuming, so my one pet project this year is I'm gonna write a comic book for Marvel, which'll be fun, but I would not have time to invest myself in an entirely different TV show. And also, I love this show. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it. We're talking about doing a Saturday-morning spinoff, though, called Locke and the Monster. [It would be] an animated show, and Locke rides around on the monster's shoulders, and they solve crimes and that sort of stuff.

    From abfabi: How did you guys celebrate last night? Did anyone Donald Duck it?

    There was a whole lotta Donald Ducking going on! Let me tell ya. And some Mickey Mousing, too, which is when you put on the red short pants and you take your shirt off and you talk in a high-pitched voice, but that happened much later. Yah, one of the downsides of having 25 people in the celebration party is we all sort of got split up after the awards. Packs of them went to different parties. I went to the TV Guide party where Missy Elliott performed. She was awesome. Jorge was there, and I ran into Ian. Maggie was there. Foxy and Josh were there. Everybody was rolling between that party and a couple other parties. I would like to say that I have a vivid recollection of the events, but I think that I had a couple cocktails. It still hasn't entirely sunk in what happened. I was in a daze. And I wanna say for all you fans, thank you. I'm such a fan of you guys, on the boards, and I am preparing myself for what you think of what's in the hatch.

    From newfgirls: Any other Lost scoops that D.L. didn't spill?

    From Kristin: Just heard they changed the second episode from Sawyer-centric to Michael-centric at the last minute, and I'll be chatting with Harold Perrineau about that tomorrow. (Q's?) Also, on the island, there are others (and Others) and they might not get along. Shocking stuff going on there!

  19. #59
    KasiHasi (+TubeMaster) Avatar von Kasi
    Dabei seit

    Standard LOST | S2 - US-Ausstrahlung

    Erstmal die erfreuliche Nachricht vorneweg. LOST ist weiterhin ein Top-Programm mit einem neuen Zuschauerrekord:

    Der Start der zweiten Staffel von «Lost» auf ABC ließ den neuen Produktionen der konkurrierenden Networks nicht den Hauch einer Chance.

    Mit über 23 Mio. Zuschauern konnte das Network sogar eine noch höhere Einschaltquote erzielen, als in der gesamten letzten Season (Höchstwert 2004/05: 21,6 Mio.). Im Vergleich zum Seasonstart des letzten Jahres konnte man sogar noch einmal rund 4,5 Mio. Zuschauer hinzugewinnen (2004/05: 18,65 Mi.).

    Das im Vorhinein ausgestrahlte Special «Destination Lost» trug insgesamt sicherlich zu dem guten Abschneiden des Nachfolgeprogramms bei. Die Quote lag hier bei ca. 14,5 Mio. Zuschauern.

    Im Gegenprogramm hatten NBC mit den Premieren von «The Apprentice: Martha Stewart» (7,65 Mio.) und «E-Ring» (9,39 Mio.) nur wenig entgegenzusetzen. Auch beim Branchenprimus CBS konnten die Staffelpremieren von «Still Standing» (7 Mio.) und «Yes, Dear» (7,37 Mio.) nicht mithalten.

    Im Anschluss an «Lost» hatte die neue Mysteryserie «Invasion» auf ABC Premiere. Begünstigt durch die starken Werte im Vorprogramm verfolgten 16,88 Mio. Zuseher die Invasion der Erde.
    Zur gleichen Zeit erreichte NBC mit dem Start der 16. Staffel von «Law & Order» 13 Mio. Bürger. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr (18,8 Mio.) bedeutet dies jedoch einen starken Rückgang der Quote. Auf CBS zudem das Staffelfinale der letzten Season von «CSI», welches weitere 10,46 Mio. Zuschauer verfolgten.


    Los gings mit einem blinkenden Eingabe-Promt. Und dann turnt ein Mann in seiner Wohnung durch den Tag. Sah aus wie ein Flashback von Jack, denn dieser ist ja in dieser Folge wieder an der Reihe. Mich konnten sie damit aber nicht foppen, ich dachte mir gleich dass das nur im Hatch sein kann. Die Einrichtung und auch dieser altertümliche Computer erinnerten mich eher an nen Atombunker aus den 70ern als an was anderes. So wurde nun in Flashbacks die Geschichte vom Zusammentreffen von Jack und seiner Angebeteten gezeigt. Am wichtigstens waren dabei der Flashback gleich zu Anfang (Unfallverursacher: Mr. Rutherford, klingelts? ) und der Flashback im Stadion als Jack den fremden Mann traf und mit ihm über Wunder plauderte bis dieser sich mit den Worten "Wir sehen uns im nächsten Leben" verabschiedete. Die Handlung auf der Insel ging dagegen nur langsam voran. Shannon suchte den Hund um dann allein im Dschungel zu stehen unringt von flüsternden Stimmen und einem etwas ertrunken aussehenden Walt. Am Hatch ging es auch hoch her. Kate steigt zuerst rein und kreischt dann auch gleich panisch rum weil sich unten im Schacht was bewegt. Ein gleisender Lichtstrahl und schwupp war sie weg. Jack, der später dazukommt und niemand vorfindet, fasst sich ein Herz und klettert hinterdrein vorbei an seltsam bemalten Wänden und sehr starken Magneten bis hin zu einer Art Kommandoraum wo ihn auch schon Locke erwarten, leider mit ner Waffe am Kopf. Und wer gibt sich zu erkennen? Natürlich der gute Mann aus dem Stadion, Desmond. Hände hoch, wer hat an dieser Stelle nicht mit ihm gerechnet? Ein sehr guter Einstieg in die neue Staffel und ich kanns kaum erwarten die nächste Folge zu sehen.

  20. #60
    Flinker Finger Avatar von Swiss
    Dabei seit

    Standard AW: LOST | S2 - US-Ausstrahlung

    Wow, Season 2 gibt ja echt Gas! Die Seasonpremiere war echt der Hammer. Gut, die 2. Epi hat vor allem die Geschehnisse der ersten Folge erläutert.

    Achtung Spoiler!

    Den Namen "The Others" gabs doch schon mal in einer anderen TV Show oder nicht?

    Achtung Spoiler!

    Ne, tut es nicht. Aber du darfst mich gerne aufklären!

    Carter: "I feel compelled to warn you, most of the guys I’ve dated recently have died." - ("Chimera" S7)

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